

  • Symptoms of claustrophobia
  • Causes of claustrophobia
  • Treatment of claustrophobia

Yet just two hundred years ago, humanity knew practically nothing about mental illness. About the people who suffer them, they said, if they were not of this world, and isolated. But the percentage was much lower than their current one. What's the deal here?

The modern pace of life is associated with information overload so wild that the nervous system simply can not withstand this pressure. And a person begins to observe strange things and border, for example, fear of people or claustrophobia. In general, all kinds of obsessive fears - a scourge of modern man, almost the same as depression. The thing is the complexity of the surrounding space and its multidimensionality. In this article we will discuss one of the varieties of these states: causes, symptoms and treatment of claustrophobia - about all this, read on.

Symptoms of claustrophobia

In general, what is claustrophobia? In everyday terms this term is called claustrophobia. But, unfortunately, it is not so simple. Claustrophobia is manifested not only in the inability to stay in small rooms, and a large gathering of people. It says that a person who suffers from it pathologically kind to the violation of the borders of personal space. What symptoms indicate to us about this phobia?

  • Vegetative sensations. Like any other phobia, claustrophobia has very specific physical symptoms, manifested in the form of attacks. At this point a man quickens the pulse and breathing, increased sweating, nausea may occur and dizziness.
  • Fear. All of the above symptoms are manifestations of this particular emotion. At the core of any phobia key is the fear and claustrophobia - is no exception. In some cases, people clearly aware of what exactly he was afraid - for example, suffocation, fainting, or get out of the room - and in some it's just a general feeling of anxiety that prevents a person live.
  • Avoid enclosed space. This is evident in everything unwillingness to be in narrow rooms, elevators, hallways, where so many people that the human body turn into pushing from all sides of the wall. Suffering from this disease in every way a person will avoid such situations: walking up the stairs, leaving the door open, and rarely appear on the crowded areas. Some people believe that only this can be the answer to the question how to get rid of claustrophobia.

 What is claustrophobia

Causes of claustrophobia

Like all pathological fear, claustrophobia has its reasons. However, scientists are still arguing about them, which does not make a qualitative breakthrough in the treatment of claustrophobia. Everything depends on the initial position of the researcher. For example, doctors and psycho-physiologists believe that the basis of disorders, as always, lies in the violation of the nervous system. In particular, we are talking about a reduced amygdala - part of the brain that is responsible for the fear response and follow-up.

Psychogenetics have a slightly different view on this issue. They think that a man initially bears all phobias - it is inherent in the genetic code and promotes survival instinct of self-realization. Now most of them are not necessary for the person, because many objects of fear just disappeared from our lives. However, the evolution - a very slow process, and atavism not disappear as quickly as we would like.

And, of course, is the Lord of psychologists who have their own theory on this subject, but rather several. In particular, it is believed that all the fault of personal space. We all have it, but have different sizes, and the greater the distance, the higher the probability of an attack of claustrophobia. In addition, the psychologists from Emory University found that people who experience a similar problem, give your personal space is much larger than the other, meaning. However, it is unclear what came first - the chicken or the egg.

A major role in this process is removed psychological trauma. Judge for yourself if the child for a long time been in a public place without parents and was afraid of being abandoned, it is not surprising that in the future he will try to avoid a repeat of a similar situation. Also, if the kid does not know how to swim, and suddenly finds himself in a deep pool is choking, it leaves its mark on the psyche of a lifetime. Not to mention the cases of violence or aggression in confined spaces where there is a direct transfer of the old circumstances to any other.

 claustrophobia treatment

Treatment of claustrophobia

Any person suffering from this disease, I want to understand how to get rid of all claustrophobic. Because otherwise it's not a life when you are forced to prostraivat every step, taking into account their own pathology. Lack of normal capacity for self-realization, to meet their needs, the feeling of inferiority - all these things make people think about the treatment of claustrophobia.

If it is - it's you, then you absolutely need to address to the psychotherapist. This doctor will help you choose an adequate treatment regimen, and combining medications and psychological help. The only way you can achieve more or less the level of quality of life. We invite you to complement psychotherapy compliance with our modest recommendations:

  1. Find the source of fear. Of course, this is a task for your co-operation with the therapist, but no mention of it is impossible. Not just to know about what the situation has started the painful process - still need to complete it, that is, to reduce stress, which she left in your soul.
  2. Create a chart to help you deal with bouts. They most exhausting claustrophobia. Psychologists advise at this time to replace the dark and negative image that "covers" you aware pleasant memory or imagination. Also, get at eye level an object to focus on it and watch - it creates stability. Can you remember any poem or lyrics favorite song.
  3. Meet more people. Claustrophobia - is a disorder that contributes to isolation. Do not allow it! Meet friends and friends - let your communication gives you positive emotions. By the way, you can use the phone and during an attack by dialing a loved one and talk to him at least a short time.
  4. Begin to associate a closed space with something good. During the attack it is very difficult to do, but you can prepare in advance. For example, for most people, it can be associated with security - in a closed room does not penetrate enemy or evil spirits.

Well, it is not necessary to test themselves and to create situations that trigger the emergence of a new attack. Even if for some reason you can not get rid of this disease, you will be able to find a balance and so "agree" with the disease, so that it does not prevent you to live and enjoy life.

 What is claustrophobia? Symptoms, causes, treatment

We recommend that read: Persecution: Causes and Symptoms

 why people are talking in his sleep


  • Why do people talk when they sleep
  • What is the treatment of such disorders

Your husband told you that you were whispering to him in a dream of tenderness, and you about that - a dream spirit? Or maybe your child a lot and talking loudly at night, and you do not know what could it mean? Or maybe you listen to what your sleep muttering husband, hoping to find out some of his secrets? You can even go further: try to ask a sleeping man who says something, and do not be surprised - you may even get an answer, even monosyllabic. But make no mistake: this answer was not aware, and he is unlikely to contain a drop of truth. And the one on whom you conducted an experiment, then do not remember what he told you.

Chatter in a dream can be quite amusing. Maybe you say in the midnight hour with nonexistent interlocutors. Or a member of your family is unknowingly night conversations. What is it - innocent feature or symptom of a serious disorder? Why do people speak in a dream, and that this should be (and should I?) To do? Here you will find answers to their questions, and learn how the reasons for this phenomenon, and how you can get rid of this disorder.

 why people dream talk

Why do people talk when they sleep?

No one can say exactly why from time to time someone starts talking at night. And though there are discrepancies in the statistics, but it is known that about sixty percent of people at least once in his life said, without waking up. So what happens to us when we sleep and talk?

Is this normal?

The phenomenon when someone is talking in his sleep, called somnilokviya. You can find other terms - snogovorenie. What, in fact, one and the same. Somnilokviya falls into the category of sleep disorders, which are also parasomnia, sleepwalking, night terrors and bedwetting. Discussions in a dream - a phenomenon harmless to most people, and it is usually not considered a medical problem. As a rule, he "chatterbox" does not feel any discomfort; rather, the inconvenience experienced man who sleeps with him in the same room.

Firstly, sometimes lying next to someone who says, have to listen to anything that sounds vulgar or foul language. You agree that you will not be too pleased when you suddenly hear from her husband, even sleeping, such expressions, which he never used in your presence, leaving them for purely male environment. And secondly, do not too nice to wake up in the night by someone's conversation, even if it will most innocent words.

Generally "talkers" usually say no more than thirty seconds in one episode. But some people interrupt their conversation quiet sleep many times during the night. Such talk can be very eloquent, and may be inarticulate and unintelligible mutterings that it is impossible to decipher. It may not even be a word, but just individual sounds. Generally it is believed that the sleeping man talking to himself; but sometimes by it seems as if he is with someone Dialogue. He can whisper, and maybe cry. And when you sleep with such a hectic "neighbor", then you risk not to sleep more than when he was snoring!

Who often speaks in a dream?

As we have said, talking in his sleep many. Half of all children between the ages of three to ten years of something spoken in a dream; but the adult only about five percent of "love" to talk after will fall into bed and sleep. These conversations can occur from time to time and every night. For example, a survey of more than two thousand families showed that every tenth child is talking in his sleep more than once or twice a week.

Yet it is known that girls talk as often as boys, and women are no less nocturnal conversations of men. Experts also believe that snogovorenie can be passed "inherited".

When, how and why people are talking in your sleep?

Somnilokviya usually can occur during two different stages of a night's rest: during the second stage of non-REM sleep, when it - it's just a stream of thoughts are not accompanied by dreams, and during the stage, accompanied by rapid eye movement (this stage is characterized by active dreams ). During slow sleep stage, you can easily wake up (sometimes even saying he wakes up from the sound of his own voice), while at the stage of rapid wake him pretty hard.

When this yet achieved the awakened will not remember what he had just said. And even during the rapid stage, accompanied by dreams, the conversation often has nothing to do with the plot of his nocturnal visions. Of course, talking in his sleep may be associated with the very dream. We can talk about what we dream, and we can carry on a dialogue with the person who came up with our dormant imagination. On the other hand, experts are confident that we could dream about one thing, and talk at the same time a different story.

Discussions during sleep may vary in frequency and intensity to that influenced by many factors. For example, drinking alcohol before going to bed. There may be more complex factors - such as high fever, emotional stress, taking certain medications and some basic sleep problems, such as sleep apnea. Well, as we mentioned, a genetic predisposition. All of this can to some extent cause you or your loved snogovorenie.

How to treat the talk in your sleep?

You should not attach much importance to what you hear from the sleeping man. It's just a sweet nothings! Word of sleep - not a reflection of what was happening to him in life. And you can not believe the myths that say that you can find out all the secrets from her sleeping husband, overhearing him unconscious revelation. Like, imagine a person sleeps, loosening control over himself, and does not even know that at this moment gives himself away. On deceived! What does your husband sleep (if he speaks, of course), has nothing to do with reality.

And even in his dreams he does not have what he was talking at night! He did not even remember what he's talking about. Moreover, when any offender to tell the rest of the night, he was talking in his sleep, it will be much surprised - something he has no idea that there is such a habit!

Needless to worry about what your loved one is chatting at night, even if he does it in a loud voice. If it's a child, just look at it and make sure it is safe. Now, you already know that there is nothing wrong with such conversations there.

And when the talk in a dream can become a cause for concern? Only when you feel too broken and rested during the day (when the night talking to you), or when talking during sleep accompanied by other disorders, such as sleepwalking. If you are feeling sleepy every day, then you need to see a specialist who will help you choose the best sequence of actions to remedy the situation.

 why a man talking in his sleep

How is such a disorder?

Before you go to the doctor, talk to the family, which sleep in the same bed, or in the same room. It will help you prepare for certain issues specialist. For example, the doctor will be interested in how often do you talk in his sleep and how long have you been doing it. Do not be surprised if their parents do you know that talking at night as a child! And do not forget to tell the specialist.

It is now believed that there is no need to conduct any testing, through which it would be possible to investigate the people talking in his sleep. However, the doctor may prescribe an appropriate examination, such as polysomnography, when you have the symptoms of the disorder combined. Snogovorenie itself rarely requires treatment; Nevertheless, it may be a sign of a more serious disorders or diseases that are actually to be treated.

If your family has a person who is often concerned about the rest of the night sounds or display of other sleep disorders, you should know that there are some things that can help reduce the frequency and intensity of unpleasant episodes:

  • First of all, make sure that the speaker on the night a family member gets enough rest. It is not excluded that sometimes interferes with sleep, and he himself, or maybe he did too little sleep, and the body does not manage to restore its resources.
  • Minimize all the factors that can cause stress and increase the level of anxiety in your loved one. Stress may increase the likelihood and severity of carotid disorders.
  • Keep a permanent regime of rest, go to sleep and wake up in the morning is always one and the same time.
  • Do not eat a heavy meal just before bedtime.
  • When talking in his sleep, or close the child shows signs of severe anxiety or fear, if necessary, try to calm him down gently.

Some specific drugs or ways in which to get rid of somnilokvii does not exist, and the special need are not available. But when you consider that a few lines listed above (most importantly - to avoid stressors, and reduce the deficit night's sleep), you can significantly reduce the likelihood of a restless sleep and talk in the middle of the night.

In addition, you could be a great help to maintain a special diary. This would allow to the person suffering snogovoreniem, or doctor to identify the problems that cause the violation of sleep. If you are going to go to a specialist pre-start to make regular entries in two weeks. Write to as detailed as possible when you go to sleep, as you took the time to go to sleep when I woke up in the morning and if you remember their night awakenings.

Be sure to fix any medications you are taking these days and at what time they drank. What else should be written? Do you drank caffeinated drinks, how much and when? And you took alcohol? Have you nervous? Do you play sports, walking in the street? The more recorded information, the easier it is to find one irritant that prevents you sleep peacefully and without problems.

On the other hand ... Well, you're talking at night - and talk to your health! Tirado says in the dream of your loved one? Well, let him speak out, I'm sorry, what? If only you did not interfere with sleep. After all the talk in his sleep - is not a disease, is no threat to life and health, they do not carry. So do not worry - will sleep tight!

 Why do people talk in his sleep and how to get rid of it?

We advise to check: If a person talking to himself
