cabbage salad with cucumber


  • Fresh salad with cucumbers
  • Salad vitamin
  • Salad "freshness"

Cabbage salad with cucumber - one of the simplest and most popular salads. That, however, is not surprising: the cabbage in our markets and in supermarkets is sold all year round, cucumbers, too, are not deficient even in winter. The only thing that they are not as tasty and fragrant as seasonal. Nevertheless, cabbage salad with cucumbers and still get a great tasty.

I must say that many housewives believe cucumber vegetable useless. Say, there is almost no vitamin no one water. But it is not so simple. Vitamins and true enough, water 95%, but it contains a lot of cucumber mineral salts (phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iron), as well as important trace elements such as copper, cobalt, zinc, and iodine. As for iron, then there is a cucumber can give odds to many fruits and vegetables.

Moreover, cucumbers indispensable product in the diet. If you use it without salt, he copes with edema, displays the body of excess fluid.

Cucumber is more or less sorted out, let's talk now the cabbage. Its main value - a large amount of vitamin C and mineral salts. And when properly stored all useful qualities are preserved. Do not get lost when they are salted, and the amount of vitamin C also increases.

Varieties of cabbage are so many and they are all good in their own way. Now all year on the market a lot of Chinese cabbage, which can also be used for salads and soups, and for fire, and stuffed cabbage.

It is more juicy and tender than white, and largely combines the beneficial properties of ordinary cabbage and iceberg lettuce. And vitamins and minerals in Chinese cabbage more than other types of vegetables. So Chinese cabbage salad with cucumbers, fresh herbs, with the addition of, for example, green peas, a great alternative to traditional salad - cabbage and cucumber.

As always, we want to share with you the recipes of salads available.

Fresh salad with cucumbers


  • 500 grams of cabbage (you can Beijing)
  • 2-3 fresh cucumber
  • bunch green onions
  • bunch of dill
  • hot pepper chili
  • 3 tablespoons vegetable oil (you can mix)
  • salt, sugar, vinegar taste

Cooking method:

Cabbage release from the upper leaves, wash and finely chop. Fold in a deep salad bowl, sprinkle with salt, sugar, sprinkle with vinegar and a little trample.

Wash and dry cucumbers, onions, parsley and chili pepper. All the chop and add to the cabbage. Drizzle with oil and mix well. Fresh salad with cucumbers ready.

As noted in the recipe, cabbage can be replaced Peking. You can also add a bit of canned green peas, which is very well with Chinese cabbage. Generally, cabbage salad with cucumbers can be safely diluted with other vegetables. They are perfectly combined with bell peppers, apples, carrots.

 Salad with cabbage and cucumbers

Salad vitamin


  • 300 grams of cabbage
  • 2 cucumbers
  • an Apple
  • carrot
  • small white onion
  • 3-4 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • teaspoon hot chili peppers
  • salt, sugar, vinegar taste
  • dill and parsley

Cooking method:

All vegetables are cleaned and dry. Shred the cabbage finely, add to salad bowl, sprinkle with salt and sugar, sprinkle with vinegar and a little trample.

Apple and carrot peel and grate the cucumbers and onions cut into small cubes. Add these ingredients to the cabbage.

Pour vegetable oil, mixed with spicy sauce, and sprinkle with finely chopped greens. Vitamin cabbage salad with cucumber and apple ready.

Salad "freshness"


  • 500 grams of cabbage
  • 2-3 fresh cucumber
  • 2 bell peppers (red and yellow)
  • bunch green onions
  • 4 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • salt, sugar, vinegar taste
  • dill

Cooking method:

Cabbage release from the upper leaves. All vegetables are cleaned and dry. Cabbage chop and put in a salad bowl. Sprinkle with salt and sugar, sprinkle with vinegar and a little trample. Slice the cucumbers, green onions, peppers, herbs and add to the cabbage. Season with vegetable oil and mix. Salad get a very elegant and delicious.

Cook with pleasure. Bon Appetit!

 Vitamin cabbage salad with cucumber

We recommend that read: Salad with cucumber

 light vegetable salads


  • Fresh salad with cucumbers
  • Salad vitamin
  • Salad "freshness"

Cabbage salad with cucumber - one of the simplest and most popular salads. That, however, is not surprising: the cabbage in our markets and in supermarkets is sold all year round, cucumbers, too, are not deficient even in winter. The only thing that they are not as tasty and fragrant as seasonal. Nevertheless, cabbage salad with cucumbers and still get a great tasty.

I must say that many housewives believe cucumber vegetable useless. Say, there is almost no vitamin no one water. But it is not so simple. Vitamins and true enough, water 95%, but it contains a lot of cucumber mineral salts (phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iron), as well as important trace elements such as copper, cobalt, zinc, and iodine. As for iron, then there is a cucumber can give odds to many fruits and vegetables. And with all this they are low-calorie.

Moreover, cucumbers indispensable product in the diet. If you use it without salt, he copes with edema, displays the body of excess fluid. And do not look for any miracle recipes for weight loss. The recipe is very simple - more cucumbers.

Cucumber is more or less sorted out, let's talk now the cabbage. Its main value - a large amount of vitamin C and mineral salts. And when properly stored all useful qualities are preserved. Do not get lost when they are salted, and the amount of vitamin C also increases.

Varieties of cabbage are so many and they are all good in their own way. And by the way, all kinds of low-calorie. Now all year on the market a lot of Chinese cabbage, which can also be used for salads and soups, and for fire, and stuffed cabbage.

It is more juicy and tender than white, and largely combines the beneficial properties of ordinary cabbage and iceberg lettuce. And vitamins and minerals in Chinese cabbage more than other types of vegetables. So Chinese cabbage salad with cucumbers, fresh herbs, with the addition of, for example, green peas, a great alternative to traditional salad - cabbage and cucumber.

As always, we want to share with you the recipes of salads available.

Fresh salad with cucumbers

Thus, light vegetable salad - recipe.


  • 500 grams of cabbage (you can Beijing)
  • 2-3 fresh cucumber
  • bunch green onions
  • bunch of dill
  • hot pepper chili
  • 3 tablespoons vegetable oil (you can mix)
  • salt, sugar, vinegar taste

Cooking method:

Cabbage release from the upper leaves, wash and finely chop. Fold in a deep salad bowl, sprinkle with salt, sugar, sprinkle with vinegar and a little trample.

Wash and dry cucumbers, onions, parsley and chili pepper. All the chop and add to the cabbage. Drizzle with oil and mix well. Fresh salad with cucumbers ready.

As noted in the recipe, cabbage can be replaced Peking. You can also add a bit of canned green peas, which is very well with Chinese cabbage. In general, low-calorie cabbage salad with cucumbers can be safely diluted with other vegetables. They are perfectly combined with bell peppers, apples, carrots. The recipe can vary at your discretion.

 Light vegetable salads

Salad vitamin


  • 300 grams of cabbage
  • 2 cucumbers
  • an Apple
  • carrot
  • small white onion
  • 3-4 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • teaspoon hot chili peppers
  • salt, sugar, vinegar taste
  • dill and parsley

Cooking method:

All vegetables are cleaned and dry. Shred the cabbage finely, add to salad bowl, sprinkle with salt and sugar, sprinkle with vinegar and a little trample.

Apple and carrot peel and grate the cucumbers and onions cut into small cubes. Add these ingredients to the cabbage.

Pour vegetable oil, mixed with spicy sauce, and sprinkle with finely chopped greens. Vitamin cabbage salad with cucumber and apple ready. If you prefer a low-calorie dishes, this salad is for you.

Salad "freshness"


  • 500 grams of cabbage
  • 2-3 fresh cucumber
  • 2 bell peppers (red and yellow)
  • bunch green onions
  • 4 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • salt, sugar, vinegar taste
  • dill

Cooking method:

Cabbage release from the upper leaves. All vegetables are cleaned and dry. Cabbage chop and put in a salad bowl. Sprinkle with salt and sugar, sprinkle with vinegar and a little trample. Slice the cucumbers, green onions, peppers, herbs and add to the cabbage. Season with vegetable oil and mix. Salad get a very elegant and delicious.

Cook with pleasure these delicious and low-calorie salads. As you can see, the recipes are prostye.Priyatnogo appetite!

 Light vegetable salads

We recommend that read: Delicious salad
