
Origami, the traditional Japanese art of making for a flat in volume, embodied in another national needlework technique Japan - tsumami kanzashi. Its fruit, silk flowers, were originally designed to decorate all sorts of devices in hairstyles geisha: combs, sticks pins. Fabric flowers became the main decoration for the hair in addition to silk kimonos, painted fans and bizarre makeup. So it geishas we owe this unusual art of making fine jewelry tsumami kanzashi.

A bit of history and symbolism

Art tsumami-kanzashi about four years. Around the 16th century, the Japanese fashion beauties appeared as elaborate hairstyles that they needed to somehow capture. To do this they have used primarily studs. It is this hair accessory, and gave its name to the ancient art of "kanzashi" in Japanese - stud. The national women's hairstyles have used several types of studs. It hira-uchi (flat pin with a round ornament), Tama-kanzashi (decoration balls), forked bolt Ješić and tsumami-kanzashi (Khan-kanzashi) - hairpin decorated with a silk flower.

Such decorations remain valid until the middle of the twentieth century. They were not just fashionable decoration, but also had a symbolic meaning. For example, hairstyles and jewelry in it can be judged on the social status of Japanese women. Hairstyle talked about social class to which it belongs to the owner, married a Japanese or not, whether she has children and how many. For each season of the year it was made special seasonal decorations. For spring - flowers plum, peach and cherry, for summer - Hydrangea and cloves for fall - chrysanthemum and maple leaves in the winter - decorations in the form of bamboo, pine, rice shoots. Selected activities or events (such as weddings) also implies the presence of female hairstyles special kanzashi Khan.

Generally, this jewelery was and remains an indispensable attribute of the Japanese national women's costume. Even in modern Japanese woman, wear a kimono, be sure to wear the classic kanzashi. And the Japanese outfit bride even in the European version is bound to have such a refined and luxurious decoration. Due to its uniqueness revived the art tsumami kanzashi becomes very popular among fashionistas and craft from different countries and continents. It explains its growing popularity is also uncomplicated amazing combination of technology and luxury amazing result.

Technique Silk Origami

 kanzashi master class

If traditional origami paper is used, then tsumami kanzashi - cloth (in the classic version - silk). At the heart of technology - folding rectangular pieces of cloth in the form of elongated, rounded or pointed petals.

It is from these petals are made so exquisite and varied decoration which surprised the Japanese masters. It may be a little simpler Five-flowers, may be more complex stacked dozens of flowers petals (like chrysanthemum) can be cascaded entire decoration of flower compositions and suspensions. The most surprising, that the basis of all this beauty is only one method - folding (tsumami).

Tools and materials, this technique also requires the bare minimum. Beginners need only skilled workers:

  • fabric for the petals and leaves;
  • scissors to cut pieces;
  • Lighter for singeing the fabric edge and connection details;
  • tweezers for easy retention of fine details;
  • needle and thread to connect the petals;
  • adhesive for securing pins and ornaments on the heels.

It is worth noting that in the classical technique kanzashi used only silk and rice glue.   Given the high cost of these materials and the value of manual work, you can guess how many are real Japanese kanzashi. However, this technique is very democratic. Modern decoration made of various types of tissue and using any synthetic adhesives. The main thing - to approach this creatively engage and then an excellent result will not take long!

The principle of the manufacture of silk flowers

 kanzashi own hands

It features a Japanese handcraft incredible ease performing products. For the manufacture of silk flowers do not need any special equipment - just a sleight of hand and fantasy craftswomen. Here, for example, a small master class performance kanzashi flower with round petals. A square piece of tissue fold in half (on a diagonal, fold up, angle down). Then the two extreme angles of a triangle add up to the underside of the top so as to obtain a diamond. Turn the diamond face (smooth side) up and fold the right and left corner of the peaks to the center of the diamond. Not turning over, fold in half (vertically) into the little corner. Flatten the petal, holding the place where the bent corners. Corners from the inside seal it with glue or stitch and trim the excess fabric. Six ready to collect petals in a flower with a thread or glue plant. The middle of a flower garnish with a bead (or more beads).

Acute petals are made of and easier. Square - the two, as in the first case. Then half again (right). And half again sharp peaks to each other. These vertices seal, cut the excess fabric. All - Petal ready. Minimum effort, maximum pleasure from the result.

See for yourself how easy it is to master this technique, especially if you use a visual guide (in their network - in excess). With a little practice - and you'll be able to do not only kanzashi own hands, but also brooches, pins, ornaments rims, elements of wall panels ... But you never know what you tell a fantasy! Use graceful technique tsumami kanzashi to touch the mysteries of the East and realize the harmony of silk origami.

 Tsumami kanzashi - silk origami

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 Doll tilde

Tilda Doll - imagination and skill of the needlewoman Norwegian Tone Finanger. Probably when Norwegian sewed his first doll, she could not imagine that this put the beginning of the so-called "tildomanii." Tilda dolls, sewn in this technique (or in this particular style) rapidly gained fans around the world a paste after the book Tone Finanger "Tilda Christmas" and "Easter Tilda." And then the term Tilda became known not just dolls, but also all the other toys angels, rabbits, dancers, seals, bears, flowers and others like them.

What is so special about this primitive doll? Why did she become so popular and fashionable? Is it easy to sew doll Tilda their own hands? Let's try to find answers to all these questions.

Secret birth of Tilda

 Doll tilde

The creator of this primitive ocharovashka still a young girl. She says that the inspiration for it was the work of a shop that sold handmade goods. The first impulse Tone Finanger was the desire to write books for children and create cartoons. However, the world of needlework artist captured so that she came up with Tilda.

The inspiration for the Tone (according to her) served as the Scandinavian folklore and childhood memories. Shortly thereafter (in 1999) Tonya has written a book about his hobby, he signed a contract for its publication, and opened its first store. The following year the company Panduro Hobby has already started to produce products under the brand name «Tilda». Resounding success of books and products for needlework and made famous Finanger Tonya and her doll Tilda.

The incredible popularity of Tilda poured into this design concept, according to which the interiors combine several styles and very unpretentious from Tilda doll toy doll turned into an interior.

The secret charm of Tilda

Finanger Tonya says she loves herself for her extraordinary Tilda femininity and deliberate perfection. In its submission Tilda easily come out of the house, dressed in a ball gown and rubber boots. Tilda put roses in an old cracked jug, and in a crystal vase - a bunch of weeds. Tilda particular idea of ​​beauty, in her world can not be a serious outlook on life. All dolls are individually Tone. Each individual has Tilda wayward character. Tilda - an ornament of life and an escape from the monotony of everyday life.

What is the secret charm dolls Tilda? Apparently in the deliberate primitiveness of execution, shy blush and eye of beady. The appearance of these dolls is a feeling of warmth, tenderness and comfort. Therefore, these unique dolls become homemakers and trendy interior elements.

Secrets of Tilda

 Doll tilde

Tilda is very easy to manufacture. And it is - one of the reasons for its resounding success. Sew Dolls manually or use a sewing machine - does not matter. Although handmade, oddly enough, looks neater. When creating tildikov (as they dubbed in Russian) using natural cotton, linen or wool fabrics. For ladies dolls, as well as dolls and animals, suitable flannel, fleece, calico, linen, cotton. These tissues taken for the manufacture of body doll that is dressed in clothes already out of any fabric (cotton, silk, jersey - someone like that). Figure fabrics for garments can be anything, but certainly fine.

Stuffed toys mainly synthetic padding or hollofayber. Some individual parts of the body can be filled with scraps of fabric or very finely chopped kapron stockings (golf). For weighting figures can be used calcined buckwheat. Feet dolls ladies sometimes pierced through the knees - those legs are bent and their owner will be able to stay even with her legs crossed. But it is important to remember that the legs in the hips do not need to fill tightly, otherwise they will not bend at the knees! After packing nezashitye part sew a hidden seam.

Tilda dolls hair made from yarn. For typical tildovskoy hairstyles suit plush yarn. But from any other yarn to get the perfect hairstyle hairstyles Tilda (especially if it is pigtails). Mustache lions, dogs and bunnies made of fine wire, winding her thread floss.

Eyes tildikov embroidered French knots, or sew small dark beads, paint or acrylic paints. Required for these dolls blush and apply paint or conventional dry blush, powder or slate colored pencils.

Another feature Tilda - the color of the "skin". This Tilda should look tanned girl. For this purpose, a suitable fabric color, or custom-painted. Paint the body tissue can usually Tilda tea brewing or instant coffee. A piece of cloth that will go to the doll's body for ten minutes in the dye boiled and dried. Sometimes paint a ready-made toy. Then a solution of tea (coffee) make more densely and to consolidate adds a bit of white glue. But in this case all details of Sew eyes, jewelry, need to sew the doll after staining. Another solution is to color Tilda: 1 liter of water, 50 g. instant coffee, 1 tbsp. spoon of salt. In this solution, the fabric must be constantly stirring, then lightly rinse in cool water. Dry colored fabric carefully, without bending, pulling a single edge.

The secret of the diversity Tilda

Since its birth until today Tilda varied greatly. Her appearance was influenced by artists from different countries. Today, Tilda is not only an elegant lady. The technique Tilda dolls are made and plump charming and funny kids, and all sorts of little animals (up to kangaroos and dragons). There tildiki a gingerbread flowers, Christmas candy, snowmen ... In short, you can give the appearance of Tilda absolutely any souvenir or toy.

They are all very different. But at the same time they can not be confused with any other textile toy. Special proportion and combination of fabrics give the appearance of a typical tildovsky absolutely all products made in the technique devised by Tonya Finanger. Very cute, with extremely positive energy, dolls enliven our house (and our lives), fresh colors and good feelings.

Pattern Tilda Santa Claus

 how to sew the doll tilde

You can make a lot of original, beautiful and cute toys Tilda. But we have prepared for you a pattern toys for the New Year. Santa Claus with reindeer, which you can make for yourself and as a gift to their loved ones. To transfer the pattern on the fabric, photo paper pattern doll is necessary to increase and print. Do not forget to lay a small allowance - 4-5 mm.

 Pattern doll tilde

Beard hair can be made of fur, white synthetic yarn or twine disheveled. For clothes and boots felt better use. Spout deer embroidered with pink thread floss.

Legs for Santa Molds cut with shoes. The bottom of the legs cut out from brown fabric for boots, the upper part of the leg of a striped fabric. In the area of ​​the hips, then knee joint, the legs do not need to fill.

 Tilda doll. Secrets of the charm

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