transplanting roses room

Rose Room - not only a very beautiful plant that can create a festive atmosphere in any room, but also a perfect gift for any woman. However, in order to flower long to please you with its beautiful appearance for him to properly care. Plant health depends primarily on timely transplants performed by all the rules. How to transplant the rose room? Let's try to figure out how to transplant the rose room.

Immediately, we note that to make it absolutely necessary. The fact that the store roses grown in pots with a light disintegrant or pure peat, and they are practically devoid nutrients. In addition, the flower to give it a presentation is often treated with special solutions. If you leave the rose store fitting ground, it can quickly be lost because of the instantaneous propagation of pathogens. This is facilitated by infected plants through the soil acidic. That's why almost immediately after buying her roses need a transplant, but before that flower you need to prepare for such a process, as the transplant room rose.

Preparing for the Transplant

Grafting roses is possible only after securing her a good primary care. Be sure to survive the period of adaptation to the new conditions of the flower. The plant will take some time to settle, after which it must be washed in soapy water. It will be very useful to leave a rose half an hour in a basin with water, and then give her a douche of hot and warm water. The temperature of the hot water does not exceed forty degrees.

After closure, spray flower water treatment solution prepared from water and ehpina (per liter of water 5 drops). Then you need to do from a plastic bag and put on a kind of greenhouse resulting bag on a rose, securing it sticks stuck in the ground. It is important to ensure that the package does not touch the foliage. Every day, we must do for the airing of a flower by increasing his time in the air. We must start with five minutes and gradually bring the period before noon, waiting for the moment when the flowers begin to fade. Then you need to remove your rose blossoms and absolutely ready for transplant.

 how to transplant the rose room

Transplanting Roses

Now let's talk about how to transplant the rose room. First you need to carefully remove one or more rose from the pot, in which case you need to get them in turn. Then dip the roots of the roses in boiled water at room temperature so that the whole being on earth washed off the roots. Upon detection of the roots between the nonwoven fabric, it must be carefully removed. These procedures will help relieve water rose from the chemicals that may be on it, and allow the flower for a long time to stay healthy and beautiful.

Pot size should be selected so that it was in diameter to several centimeters larger container where you purchased the rose, and at the same rate greater than its height. To the choice of crockery to be serious, because if you buy too large a pot, a rose may stop blooming. Land for transplantation is better to buy in a flower shop, it is preferable to get a special blend for the roses. If such a structure in the shops you will not find it better to choose a loose, moisture capacity of the ground with neutral or slightly acid reaction. Ceramic pot before transplanting should be soaked for several hours in the water.

On the bottom of the pot to put drainage, better use for this purpose in the form of expanded clay granules. In this case, the bottom should put the largest of them, and on top of a small layer thickness of about 1 to 2 cm. If the pot is no drain hole, then a layer of drainage must be at least 3, 5 cm. Drainage from above poured harvested land, mixed with fertilizers. Then you need to plant a flower and sprinkle with the usual ground (without fertilizer).

Replant the rose should be gradually tamping the ground, but do not mound it to the edge of the pot. From the edges of the ground level should remain at least 2 cm of free space. After the procedure, the plant should not immediately watered. It is better to put it on the north window, or simply a shady place for about a day. Then the flower can be put to a permanent place, preferably oriented to the southeast. With a very strong heat should be watered a rose in the morning and evening at the root. After a month of the transplant can begin to feed flower fertilizers.

Thus, if you carefully follow our advice to transplant this beautiful plants that can be grown at home present a rosebush. And it will delight you with their blooms and striking beauty of more than one year. Hard to imagine that even the harsh winter nights this beautiful flower can "warm up" you with their charm. For such a pleasant "neighbor" on your windowsill should try!

 Transplanting roses room

We recommend that read: Potted roses: varieties

 how to care for a rose room


  • The first days in a new environment
  • Create optimal conditions
  • Care for calendar
  • Reproduction at home
  • How to protect the flowers from pests?

How beautiful these bright mini-roses, and they smell just great! And how do you want to buy a miracle and settled on his windowsill! So I think almost everyone who has ever seen the rose room with friends or on the counter of the flower shop. However, buying a plant, many of us quickly disappointed because they do not know how to take care of the room rose. Not a month passes, and the rosette turning into a blackened "stump." No change, no feeding is not helping. What's the catch? How to save the plants in the home? Care rose room - is an art that needs to learn. That is what we are going to do in this article.

Not just to visit the shop and buy a flower. Then it would be correct to draw attention to some of the factors that influence the future development and growth of plants. Basically we choose on principle - more buds better. But this is not entirely correct. Flowers - will come with time. Pay more attention to the plant itself - chosen must have a copy of the young shoots. This means that it is in the growth phase. And adaptation to the new site is easier to pass. The result is that a rose to grow in the home will be much easier. But first you should learn in detail how to properly care for potted roses.

The first days in a new environment

Thus, the plant purchased. Now, before you raise the question, how to transplant the rose room. Coming home, I do not rush it immediately settles in the new pot. Let the flower will get used to the climate in your apartment. A couple of days is necessary to prevent pests. In the fight against them can help ordinary lather. We carry the plant to the bathroom, wash with soap and water each leaf - especially inside. Then the foam is washed off with running water. You can arrange the flower douche. Pour hot water for five minutes, then cool the same time.

Here we take out the rose from the pot and check the roots. Finding rotten areas, neatly clipped. Healthy roots should be strong and light. After water treatment is finished, give roses to dry a couple of hours, and it can be transplanted into a fresh substrate. Be sure to put on the bottom of the drainage: comfortable "accommodation" - this is where you need to begin proper care for roses.

If you purchased the plant, planted in the turf, then before transplanting a rose, it is necessary to completely clean from it roots. This is to ensure that in future, make it easier to care for the flower. After all, if you just transplant rosettes of peat land in the ordinary, the pot will be two types of soil. And it is fraught with several problems at once:

  • Firstly, during normal watering the earth will be a good moisturizer, but roots in dry peat coma and did not receive the necessary moisture.
  • Secondly, you can not keep track of the time when the plant should be watered. After all, the top soil is moist and the roots at this time will require water.
  • And thirdly, if the plant is transplanted wrong - it is fraught with its drying of which negatively affects the room rose.

If you purchased the plant there are flowers and buds - tear off them. On their purchased copies are always a lot. And if a young rose, flowers are an obstacle to proper development. All in good time. First let get stronger branches and roots, and then, and flowers appear. After the transplant, it is desirable to water the flower fertilizer, such as "Appin", it will help him better acclimate. Transplant Rose room is an important step in its further development. Therefore, this procedure should be handled with special care.

 Rose bedroom care

Create optimal conditions

Further cultivation of roses and care consists of several equally important things. And the first of them - will never overheat the plant, even in the winter! Rose can transfer even small frozen, but not heat. The temperature for the proper development must be no more than 25 degrees. Placing the plant is best on a light box, and to maintain an optimal temperature, especially in hot weather, you need to regularly ventilate the room and cover the pot with a flower from direct sunlight.

The best option would be to the west or east window. On the south side of the heat will not save any good watering, no ventilation. The leaves wither and fall off the buds do not dissolve. South window will only fit in the cold season - late fall and winter.

Rose should be watered regularly and abundantly. It is necessary to her as the air people. If you care for a rose and carefully enough to dry up the earth, the flowers will quickly die. This is especially true flowering period. However, do not overdo it. The water in the pan should not stagnate, so about thirty minutes the water that flower did not drink, must be drained. In hot weather, watering is done every day. Many growers mistakenly think that the rose needs daily spraying of leaves. This is not true. It is enough to arrange a shower once a week to get rid of dust. But excessive humidity of indoor pests like roses. Frequent spraying can lead to fungal diseases - so careful, but improper care can lead to death even plants.

Potted roses are very demanding and whimsical, so they definitely need fertilizer. The plant blooms almost all the time that he takes a lot of effort and dressing helps them recover. Starting from early spring until the frost, roses need to be fed with organic and mineral substances, periodically replacing them. It is best for this purpose use a liquid fertilizer, which is sold in flower shops.

Care for calendar

With the onset of warm days rose room you need to move to an open balcony or courtyard. It feels a lot better in the open air. It is beneficial to flowering and overall development. When will the first buds of the plant, it is desirable to cut. This will positively affect the future of their appearance. Rose will bloom profusely and longer up to the frost. Flowers that are already fading, too, need time to remove. And this is best done when the plant has not yet begun to drop onto itself. Periodic pruning potted roses need. All withered leaves, dried twigs and other debris should be immediately clean to prevent the appearance of diseases.

When the summer comes to an end, be sure to ensure that fertilizer that you use for feeding, do not contain nitrogen. During this period, rose to prepare for peace, and the substance now she does not need. Now best to put flowers on a cool loggia, the air temperature must not exceed 10 degrees. In the rest period, which lasts for the fall and winter (October to February), at room leaves turn yellow roses. Do not be afraid that the plant loses its leaves, it is provided by nature, and to replace the rot spring leaflets will be new.

In February rosettes must be prepared to wake up and move to a warmer room, planted in the new land. If the cold weathered successfully, in March, she will give you the first flowers. To expedite this process, you need to know how to prune roses room. This procedure should be carried out as soon as the first buds. It is enough to shorten each branch by one third, and if there is no escaping the kidneys, it is cut completely. Now, the plant should be well watered and fed and do not forget to ventilate the room. And with the onset of heat - pass back into the fresh air.

 room rose care

Reproduction at home

Potted roses perfectly reproduce by cuttings. Let's look at how to do it. The best time to propagate the plant - this summer. Slice the stalks already faded branches, leaving each of them two or three buds. It is necessary to remember that the lower the cut must be oblique, and kidney - look up. The upper section is doing right, just above the first bud. Root cuttings in water or in a mixture of peat and sand. It must be done as quickly as possible, because even a slight drying can lead to the proliferation of negative results.

Incidentally, the cuttings in water is one feature - the water in which you originally placed the cuttings may not be allowed, even if it turned green. Just as it is necessary to add fresh evaporation. As soon as the roots are about 1-2 centimeters, you can start planting. Planting should be very careful - the roots of delicate and fragile, easily damaged. Next, put "children" in a bright room, but not on the windowsill, as direct sun can harm them.

Cuttings should be watered regularly, as the drying of the soil. If the reproduction goes well, then two weeks later the young flowers begin to develop. Cuttings - a great way to grow a rose, it is adapted to your home, making it easier to care for plants in the future. It rose, in essence, flower street, and seedlings for the "home production" adaptation is not required.

How to protect the flowers from pests?

Unfortunately, diseases and pests do not bypass room roses round. This is especially true spider mites, aphids and various fungal parasites. The first two are dangerous in the summer, when the plant is on the street. We need to constantly check the twigs, flowers and leaves in time to take action. So, how to save room a rose when it overpowered pests?

  • Aphids. These insects are not so terrible. Especially if you notice them immediately. In this case, we can simply gather pest hands. If the situation deteriorates - use one of the special agents, for example, "Intavir."
  • Spider mite. He was very partial to roses and can destroy the plant for several days. Tick ​​the finest cobweb entangled branches and the space between them, so that the leaves wither and fall off the flower. Buds are also susceptible to the attack of this pest, which is why no time to blossom. To get rid of the mite need to spray the plant "Fitofermom."
  • Rust, powdery mildew, gray mold and other fungal diseases arise because of excessive humidity. These infections will prevent correct as cure them pretty hard. Avoid stagnation of water in the pan, ventilate the room in which they live rosette not spray the leaves frequently. If there was trouble - use the "fundazol."

Handle room rose by any of these drugs should be on the street or in a non-residential premises. After spraying, the plant is left in the same place for a day, and only then are entered into the room.

Proper care and maintenance, care and love - that's all you need your fragrant pet. And get it all, Queen Rose flowers will grant you a truly regal!

 Lessons floriculture: how to care for a rose room

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