temperature during pregnancy


  • Reasons for increasing temperature
  • Shoot down the temperature or not?
  • The use of preventive measures
  • Low temperature during pregnancy

Everyone knows that if the body temperature is raised, the body that something is wrong. But the pregnancy - an exception to the rules. Predict the body's reaction to the birth of new life is very difficult. It depends on many factors. So fever in early pregnancy is not a reason to be upset. We'll talk more about that.
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Reasons for increasing temperature

Fever during pregnancy often is not considered a disease.

Indeed, in this period in pregnant women is hormonal changes. As a result, the heat transfer process considerably slows down and temperature rises. In the first weeks of pregnancy may increase the temperature of a little more 37 degrees. Let it not frighten you, of course, if you do not notice at any other painful symptoms. The production of hormones (progesterone) also causes a slight increase in temperature. This is a normal reaction to the pregnancy, but if you are in doubt, consult a doctor and take them to the necessary tests.

Another reason for the increase in temperature can be overheating of the body. If the room in which you are more than one hour, poorly ventilated, your body may react to such climate mild fever. But it's easy to fix. Timely airing save you from discomfort.

Low-grade temperature does not rise above 38 degrees. You can write off such an increase in pregnancy. But better to trust the doctors. Apart from the fact that this temperature is causing your fatigue and broken state, it may indicate the presence of inflammation in the body. This may be an ectopic pregnancy, which is very dangerous for any woman. Your first step in such a state must be a visit to the gynecologist, in which you are registered or are about to embark. If the inspection does not reveal any abnormalities, put your next visit to the therapist. Most likely, you will have to take "a bunch" analysis, but it is necessary, because now you have to take care not only for their health but also the health of the baby.

There are a number of reasons that affect temperature. As for asymptomatic disease, it may be tuberculosis, and pyelonephritis, herpes, cytomegalovirus, and a number of other dangerous disease for the unborn child.

Of course, any disease affecting the health of the fetus .  But much depends on the length of your pregnancy .  In the early stages (1 to 3 weeks), severe disease can cause miscarriage or termination of .  And if that did not happen, it is likely nothing wrong with the child is no longer threatened .  But if the infection got into your body a little later (for 1 trimester), when there is formation of the main organs of the child, it can lead to the pathology of the fetus .  Possible defects such as pathology of the eyeball, upper lip and palate, jaw .  If the temperature is above 38, 5 degrees holds more than a day, it can affect the development of the brain and the facial skeleton .  The high temperature in pregnant women leads to disruption of protein synthesis, and poor blood supply to the placenta, at a later date - to premature delivery (as the increased risk of uterine contractions) .  After weighing all the "pros" and "cons", the decision on termination or continuation of the pregnancy .

Less dangerous infectious diseases on terms after 12 weeks, when the formation of the placenta has been completed.

What is more dangerous for pregnant women: high fever or factors causing its increase (viruses, bacteria)? On this question the science has not yet found a reasoned response.

 medical examination
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Shoot down the temperature or not?

Reasons temperature, as mentioned above, different means and actions to reduce it, too, can not be the same for all.

There are various methods to reduce the temperature. This can be done with medication or folk remedies.

If, during the first trimester of pregnancy have kept the temperature above 37.5 degrees, you do not need tips to reduce the temperature.   Not to worry, better to go for a walk, enjoy a favorite activity, eating more fruit and do not think about the bad.

Even if the temperature rises in the disease, but not above 37.5 C, it does not bring down. Give your body a chance to fight viruses and acquire immunity. It is a defensive reaction of the body, prevents the development of infection.

But if your thermometer crossed the line at 38 degrees, it's time to act. To start ventilate the room, the room should not be hot (optimum temperature - 22-25 degrees). Do not wrap up in warm clothes. Clothing should be light and natural fabrics. A large quantity of liquid will only benefit. It can be various fruit drinks, tea or just water. And do not forget to call the doctor!
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The use of preventive measures

In order not to get sick, there is one sure means. It is prevention. Moms just need to strengthen the immune system. As part of the concept of prevention?

  • quality and proper diet (fruits, vegetables);
  • hardening (preferably before the start of pregnancy);
  • not to visit crowded places (especially during epidemics of influenza and SARS);
  • clothing for the weather (do not freeze or overheat);
  • in autumn-winter period is necessary vitamin complexes;
  • airing of the premises;
  • personal hygiene.

If a family who is ill with influenza or other viral disease, ask your loved ones to wear gauze bandages and as a preventive use garlic and onions. It is not necessary to eat them, you can easily sort through the rooms in a purified form. These crops emit volatile, which protect us from the many bacteria and viruses. Another means of preventing colds - a decoction of lemon balm. It contains large amounts of vitamin C. As an alternative to Melissa, you can use more citrus, but if possible allergy. Be careful.

If you are not able to protect themselves from the cold and fever, do not load themselves with work, give up walking and other loads. Do not waste the body's anything but to fight with the disease. Keep an eye on the temperature increase, and to take timely measures to reduce it.

 low temperature during pregnancy
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Low temperature during pregnancy

There are cases where pregnancy is not an increase in temperature, while decreasing. The reason may be a particular organism. And such a state will not harm future baby. But, along with the individual characteristics of the organism, low temperature could be evidence of fatigue or toxemia. Even low temperature can be a symptom of a malfunction of the endocrine system. The consequence of prolonged decrease in temperature may be weakness, dizziness, and even fainting. Low temperatures for an extended period - a reason to go to the doctor for every pregnant woman. Temperature control during pregnancy is necessary not only in the early stages, but also the whole period of gestation of the child. Temperature every day and give your body time to know about all the changes taking place with you.

Again, that pregnancy carries significant changes to your body. Early pregnancy involves the formation of a child, and at most health depends on you. Pay attention to your health, and the result will not take long. Reacts to any change in temperature hike to the doctor, do not self-medicate. Let your children grow up strong and healthy!

 The body temperature during pregnancy

 preparation for pregnancy


  • Evaluation of the immune and interferon status
  • The presence of common diseases
  • Proper nutrition - the key to successful conception
  • What else is included in the preparation for conception
  • What kind of staff are encouraged to visit before conception

Almost every family wants to have a child, and often more than one. To pregnancy was easy, and the baby was born healthy, doctors recommend to prepare themselves for the forthcoming pregnancy. This raises the question: how to prepare to conceive a child?

Naturally, the woman in this case at risk to a greater extent than men, respectively, to her care of their health should be more careful. Already from birth the woman has the egg, which is constantly acting negatively-affecting factors. Men are simple. The new generation of sperm on average matures in 72 days. However, they are subjected to negative influences.

So what factors affect reproductive functions?

  • the level of overall health (smoking, alcohol, drugs, exercise, physical examination);
  • the presence or absence of infection (syphilis, HIV, hepatitis, urogenital infections).

Typically, only 20% of parents think about preparing for childbirth and only 10% - to conceive. It is worth noting that the vast majority think about preconception just because there is a risk of infertility.
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Evaluation of the immune and interferon status

Specialists have found that the interferon system is responsible for resistance to viral infections organism. Interferons are released by cells in response to infection, which are embedded in them. They selectively inhibit viral RNA thereby inhibit virus propagation and thus do not affect the cells. All this makes it possible to use interferons in preparation for conception.

An important factor of miscarriage is considered to change the body's immune response. In this case the development of autoimmune reactions, which are directed against its own tissues of the human body. After miscarriage autoantibodies may increase, as there is autoimmunization to the hormone that is produced by the placenta during pregnancy in chronic infection, HKCH (human chorionic gonadotropin), autoimmune ailments after endocrine diseases.

If there is a chronic bacterial viral infection, the preparation for the conception includes the following stages:

  • evaluation of the reproductive systems of both spouses, as well as the correction of the violations;
  • examination for the detection of the pathogen (infectious agent), which is carried out serodiagnosis, which reflects the activity of the process;
  • examination of the immune and interferon status and their correction;
  • verification and correction of the hemostatic (blood clotting system) is activated in chronic infection, which is directly involved in the killing and the subsequent rejection of the fetus;
  • adjustment of energy metabolism through the appointment of spouses courses of therapy, which is based on the correction of metabolism (metabolism).

 inspection at the gynecologist

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The presence of common diseases

When one of the prospective parents is sick in any common disease that is not related to the function of childbirth, you should consult a specialist and undergo appropriate examination. The purpose of this survey is to determine the extent of damage the patient's body, as well as the adaptive capacity of the organism, and the forecast for the development of the ovum. The survey helps determine the condition of the reproductive system of the future parents. The doctor, on the basis of the data, determines the level of health in general and, if necessary, requires some training to conceive, to eliminate risks of miscarriage.

The best preparation for pregnancy is considered a healthy lifestyle, which includes many factors: diet, physical activity, tempering, peace of mind, the fight against chronic infections, supportive work.
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Proper nutrition - the key to successful conception

Proper nutrition in the preconception period provides an opportunity to get into the fetus following nutrients from the beginning of pregnancy, at a time when the bodies are formed. It is worth noting that poor diet can also cause miscarriage.

Good nutrition involves the exclusion of any intermediates and preservatives, fatty foods. The diet must contain fresh fruits and vegetables. Food to take 4-5 times a day, no snacking. According to the researchers, pregnant women do not need to use synthetic vitamins and nutritional supplements, they do not need them.

One of the main substances which are discharged in the prevention of certain diseases inherent nature, is folic acid.

For 2-3 months before conception and the first trimester of pregnancy should consume foods that contain folic acid. This fresh greens, beets, cabbage, brown potatoes, carrots, beans, peas, bran, whole grains, nuts and seeds. In addition, doctors do not recommend to abuse the liver, because it contains a lot of vitamin A, which can damage the unborn child. When a woman spends enough time outdoors and getting the right amount of vegetable proteins, it only contributes to the successful conception and pregnancy.

 proper nutrition
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What else is included in the preparation for conception

The most common chronic infections in the family associated with nasopharynx, teeth and intestines and the vagina expectant mother. Therefore, before conceiving need to treat the teeth of both spouses, spend prevention of chronic diseases nasopharynx.

In preparation for the parents conceive should be screened for a variety of chronic infections: chlamydia and ureaplasmosis. They definitely need to be treated before pregnancy and then undergo a rehabilitation course and increase the body's immunity.

2-3 months before the alleged conception need to stop taking hormonal contraceptives, as they minimize the amount of residual absorption of magnesium in the body, vitamin C, folic acid and increase the absorption of vitamin A. In addition, after the abolition of hormonal contraceptives in the first months increases the likelihood of twins as from ovaries can not leave one and two eggs. As mentioned above, the sperm mature within 72 days and during this time before conception is not recommended for X-ray examinations, especially his father.

We should also pay attention to alcohol. It has long been known that it adversely affects on spermatogenesis. Alcohol in blood after being hit once exposure to toxic to spermatic fluid that is responsible for sperm viability. Women, too, it is not necessary to drink alcohol, because alcohol increases the risk of miscarriage or birth of a baby with any pathology. Therefore, experts recommend prospective parents for about 3 months before the alleged conception drink hard liquor in minimal amounts. Semen quality may deteriorate when wearing too tight jeans or underwear, work in a foundry or overheating of the testicles in the bath. Therefore, these factors should also be deleted.

If you perform the above conditions, the probability of successful conception and birth will be quite high.

 passage of experts
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What kind of staff are encouraged to visit before conception

All women who are going to conceive a baby should do:

  • CBC (you need to know the number of white blood cells, red blood cells, hemoglobin, etc.);
  • general urine analysis;
  • blood chemistry;
  • strokes;
  • research on sexual infections.

It is recommended that both spouses go through medical and genetic counseling. Visit therapist who has to check the presence of chronic diseases and the need to carry out treatment. Such illnesses can complicate pregnancy, so it is important to recognize and treat them before the moment of conception. It is necessary in advance to visit the dentist and the presence of dental disease to treat them.

Women still need to be examined by a gynecologist. Rate her condition will allow the general inspection, determination of hormonal, ultrasound and functional diagnostic tests, namely the measurement of basal body temperature. The future father should get advice urologist and andrologist, because a lot of diseases that adversely affect the reproductive health occur in a latent form. In addition to visiting professionals, prospective parents should be tested for the presence of infections, sexually transmitted infections, cytomegalovirus, herpes, syphilis, toxoplasmosis, hepatitis B and C and HIV.

Not identified in time to untreated chronic bacterial and viral infections - this is one of the main factors of miscarriage. Even if there is no direct effect on the fetus, the infection can lead to the development of endocrine and autoimmune disorders, chronic endometritis. This may cause abnormal fetal development and even lead to death.

Conception - this is the beginning of pregnancy, and this step is necessary to prepare in advance, that in the future no problems with the baby.

 Preparing for pregnancy
