Equipment friform

The truth of the fact that all genius is simple, once again was confirmed in the work of the Australian designer, artist and needlewoman Prudence Mepstoun. She took Prudence and even came up with a new technique of knitting - friform. Frimorm - a new word in needlework. It's not just design refinements, it is absolute freedom, the absence of whatever rules and restrictions as well as the unpredictability and exclusivity.

Technique friform one of the most unusual kinds of knitting, which is based on principles of irregular knitting and manufacturing technique of Irish lace. From English «Freeform» translated as free form. Cloth associated with this technique is more like a painting than a hand-knitted. Due to unusual and unique friform literally conquered needlewomen around the world. And thanks to the Internet, his popularity with each passing day it becomes more and more high. What is the secret of such popularity?


Despite the absence of rules, the freedom of choice of materials and methods of knitting technique friform still has some distinctive features.

  1. Relief texture of the canvas. Effect of extraordinary relief provides a combination of convex knitting pattern with lace, beads, fur, ribbons and so on.
  2. The web is collected from skramblov (separately vyvyazannyh fragments). Skrambly, in turn, may also be assembled from separate smaller fragments.
  3. For web use yarn monochromatic or contrasting colors and different in texture (boucle, mold, grass).
  4. During the manufacturing process used various ways of knitting: crochet Knitting, on a fork, macrame and others.

Given the nature of the web, in the technique friform, it is mainly used for the manufacture of handbags, jewelry, coats, cardigans, vests and other products made from dense and heavy knitwear.


Friform - knitting machines on the principle of mosaic. From the scattered fragments of going the whole picture. Therefore, you need to start knitting from one of the small elements. First vyvyazyvayut circle, flower, shell or any spiral. Then it adds other elements or a small cloth (smooth, openwork, relief). These elements must be different and the color and texture. To underscore the contrasting elements applied seam "rachy step."

In this way, a separate skrambl. Ready skrambly are arranged on the pattern, the pins are bonded and connected to each other by means of a hook or a needle sewn (inside out). If the result is a void between skramblami their closed little extra motivation. When vyvyazyvanii skramblov important to make sure that they are flat and smooth reverse side. That is, the fabric should not shrink and bubble.

 friform knitting machines

Friform elements

To make the canvas relief and texture is most commonly used twisted or postal bar. This is the main element friforma. These columns crochet a variety of ways. They come with either a tape or a circle. For vyvyazyvaniya poyatovyh columns on the hook made from 5 to 10 turns, and then through them and through the loop of the chain is pulled thread work.

In addition, there are twisted columns and other basic friforma. These are the elements crocheted:

  • block column,
  • magnificent column,
  • Convex (Concave) column,
  • rachy step
  • kulechek (popcorn, corn kukruznoe)
  • bell
  • spiral
  • seashells,
  • bumps,
  • berries,
  • wings.

Technique crochet friform also implies the presence of elements associated with needles. It is usually more straight and flat pieces skramblov. They seem to balance the excess bulge canvas. But even entire skrambly may be associated exclusively spokes. These elements make it possible to see the texture of yarn.

Scheme crochet hook elements can be easily found in any literature, and the Internet. For spoke skramblov can use any traditional patterns and designs of colored yarn. In a word - all that is only capable of your imagination.

Technique crochet friform gives the creative freedom as any other kind of knitting. Perhaps that is why friform gaining more and more fans around the world. Each model is made in this technique, it turns out not only beautiful, but only design. Friform - is not only a particular technique, it is also close to the art of painting, where there are the laws of harmony, but there are no restrictions. But any right to act only as a tool to achieve the author's vision of the world.

 Technique friform - knitting without rules

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 cold porcelain

"Cold Porcelain" is very intriguing phrase. It causes the association with something majestic and at the same time fragile and delicate. In fact, cold porcelain called plastic mass for artistic modeling. Accurate information about the history of the invention, it is not. All sources reported only that invented the cold porcelain about 100 years in South America (or rather, in Argentina). One can only speculate why this mass for modeling called cold porcelain. Most likely, because the products from it in fact similar to the porcelain different things. A cold porcelain made of a lot of interesting things.

Lovers of art molding used for the manufacture of cold porcelain mini-sculptures, ceramics floral, wall murals, jewelry. It is used for decorating gifts and variety of dishes. It is believed that this mass is ideal for all kinds of artistic modeling. It is very plastic, has a number of advantages compared with other materials for modeling and has virtually no weaknesses. Cold porcelain can be used as young artists and experienced masters, both adults and children. It can be bought in the store, but you can prepare yourself.

The composition of the cold porcelain

The basic structure of cold porcelain includes corn starch, PVA glue and glycerin. By the way, Russian masters is sometimes used instead of corn starch potato. However, note here that porcelain based on corn starch are more graceful and shine in the sun like a porcelain.

In addition to the main components of different recipes suggest adding a cold porcelain citric acid, stearin, paraffin wax, baby oil, camphor, dry chalk, Vaseline and a lot more then the other. How many recipes, so many options additives. By the way, included in almost all recipes hand cream (or cream for children) used in the process of kneading porcelain.

Finished mass turns white. The stores of products for creativity, too, is sold only white cold porcelain. To make porcelain colored added thereto acrylic paints. Some paint ready products.

Methods for the preparation of cold porcelain

Skilled workers, making cold porcelain at home, talk about two methods of cooking - on the stove and in the microwave. These methods differ only at the stage of brewing mass. Any cold porcelain recipe is the same. First, all the ingredients are mixed in a pan with non-stick coating (for brewing on the stove) or in a glass bowl (for microwave oven).

Then, this mixture on the stove cook (stirring constantly) until then, until it starts to lag behind the walls of the pan and roll into a ball. The microwave cookware with weight placed for 30 seconds, then removed and mixed thoroughly. Again put into the oven for another half a minute and then taken out and mixed. This procedure is continued until, until the mixture meet in com.

After that you need a lot more hot knead thoroughly. Now the course is cream. They generously lubricate the working surface of the table, his hands and kneaded mass for several minutes until it is no longer stick to hands. The carefully kneading depends largely on the quality of finished products made of cold porcelain. Poor Mix porcelain in the finished product will crack.

The mass is then put into a plastic bag (plastic wrap) and harvested in a tightly sealed container in a day. A day plastic mass is suitable for use. Now you can try something from her fashion. However, for cold porcelain will need additional tools.

 cold porcelain recipe

Tools for use with cold porcelain

Of course, the sculptural modeling of the main working tool is a hand, or rather fingers. But in addition to the skillful hands, it is desirable to have aids. For the manufacture of cold porcelain will need:

  • set of stacks (special sticks) with different tips: sharp, jagged, with the ball at the end;
  • small rolling pin to roll out mass;
  • molds for cutting figurines;
  • acrylic adhesive (PVA glue) for bonding the individual parts;
  • toothpicks;
  • wire;
  • scissors;
  • varnish finished products.

All of these tools can be purchased at convenience stores for creativity. If desired, ingenuity and a certain percentage of special tools can be replaced by improvised means. For example, a rolling pin can be replaced by a small glass bottle or vial (for very small details), the stack with the ball in the end - the needle with a bead, and as shapers use cookie cutters or molds, carved out of plastic bottles.

In conclusion, a few recipes.

Recipes cold porcelain

  • The easiest recipe: mix in equal proportions (for example, a quarter cup) of baking soda, starch and water.
  • Improved recipe: half cup (350 ml volume of dishes) starch, the same amount of PVA glue, two dessert spoons of glycerin, baby hygiene oil, one teaspoon of lemon juice, 3 drops of formalin.
  • French recipe: one glass of starch and glue a glass of water, a half teaspoon of glycerin, the same fat cream (lanolin), ten drops of formalin.
  • Cold recipe (no need to brew): one cup of starch, one tea cup of dry chalk, two PVA vinyl-based, six teaspoons of liquid petroleum jelly, six drops of formalin.

Products made of cold porcelain produced unusually elegant, and the process of modeling a lot of fun not only for adults but also for children. Therefore, those who as a child loved to sculpt clay and age has not lost this ability is to "tame" the cold porcelain. This is an excellent opportunity to plunge into the world of beauty and feel like a sculptor.

 A cold porcelain miniature sculpture for

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