Spathiphyllum dry leaf tips


  • General Characteristics of Spathiphyllum
  • Proper care Spathiphyllum
  • To trouble not catch you by surprise

Spathiphyllum - a plant of the family Araceae, native to South America, Polynesia and Asia. And if you pick Spathiphyllum the most suitable place in the house or apartment, the plant will bloom magnificently throughout the year. Blooming Spathiphyllum begins at an early age a green pet, within six months after its landing.

In general, the genus Spathiphyllum today has about forty-five plant species stemless type having short rhizomes. Some of the subspecies are very decorative and fit perfectly into the urban interior. However, growers are often faced with such a problem, as the drying of the leaves. Why is this happening and how to solve the problem, we will discuss today.

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General Characteristics of Spathiphyllum

Where did such a plant name? Translated from the Greek "sleep" it is covered, and the "phylum" - list. Indeed, the plant covers, which in its form can be either oval or lanceolate, the leaves resemble; similarity enhances still passing through the middle of the curtain prominent veins, which departs from the thin side. Spathiphyllum petiole expanded at the base.

The inflorescence is an ear of Spathiphyllum, located on an elongated stem. On average, the plant can bloom for several weeks, and sometimes year-round. In general, flowering, usually begins in the spring. After it was over, the veil must be removed and the stems cut as low as possible. Spathiphyllum appreciate the incredibly beautiful leaves and impressive flower. In addition, this plant is not too demanding to care, but needs frequent and regular watering spraying.

The most popular version - Spathiphyllum floriferous, has an underground stem and leaves up to twenty centimeters long and five or six centimeters wide. Color bright green plants, and the shape of its leaves are pointed at the ends. Profusely Spathiphyllum flower stalks are up to twenty-five centimeters and white, slightly concave veil.

Another variety - Spathiphyllum pleasant, which in appearance is similar to the previous version. Here, however, larger leaves (leaf width - ten centimeters, and the length - five and twenty centimeters). In addition, the cover has a light green color. The plant, smaller in size (sheet width - five centimeters, length - fifteen centimeters) - Spathiphyllum Wallis. Initially covering his white, but over time it becomes saturated with green. Flowering period - spring and autumn.

 Spathiphyllum dry leaves
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Proper care Spathiphyllum

Spathiphyllum is well developed only in warm, when the temperature ranges from twenty-two to twenty-six degrees; However, in order to bloom was lush, the plants need a period of rest. It will be only two to three weeks and the temperature in the range of ten to fourteen degrees, and the need to limit watering. Remember that the plant does not tolerate drafts.

Spathiphyllum prefers scattered but fairly bright light. In summer, be sure to provide a flower pritenenie from direct rays. Ideal light place and a small penumbra. In winter, the lighting should be good - Spathiphyllum must not suffer from its lack.

Observe the rules and some watering. The plant must be abundantly watered during the period from spring to autumn, winter is slightly reduce the amount of liquid. Note that the ground should not be overdried, but near the root system must not be excess liquid. Spathiphyllum love a good, moist air. To do this, it is important to periodically wash and spray the leaves and flowers, using warm water.

Do not forget about feeding the plant. During the time from March until the end of September weekly fertilize Spathiphyllum specially designed for this purpose fertilizer. In such a dressing composition should be known. If you actively Spathiphyllum blooms in winter, then fertilize it such fertilizer every four weeks.

Spathiphyllum require periodic transplantations. Every year in the spring plants transplanted into larger pots. However, too large to pick up pots as not necessary. Use a soil for transplant: turf ground (two parts), ground sheet (one part), peat land (one part), humus (one part) and sand (one part). The soil does not hurt to add a little perlite and coal. At the bottom of the pot, add a good drainage.

As multiplies Spathiphyllum? This is due to the division of the bush during the spring transplanting. Try once again not to injure the roots. The fission process is not necessary to tear the roots of his hands - neatly, using scissors, cut them. Once the division is complete, do not water the plant a couple of days, just spray the leaves, so it does not experience a "thirst."

 Why dry leaves of Spathiphyllum
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To trouble not catch you by surprise

As with any plant, at Spathiphyllum have their problems in cultivation. The first and most important of them - the dried tips of the leaves. Why do the leaves wither? Probably, the reason is excessively dry air or low temperature. In the same manner may be affected and excessive watering.

To increase the humidity in the room, most plants are sprayed. If it has suffered from cold, move the pot in a warm place. In case you have filled in the plant, remove it from the pot and carefully dry earthen room. After the adoption of all necessary measures leaf tips should gradually return to its former state.

Why else would there may be problems with foliage and flowering? Maybe it's in the weak growth, which may be inhibited due to the defeat of scale insects and spider mites. In addition, Spathiphyllum exposed aphids and mealybugs. Mealybugs you can see with the naked eye on the sugary secretions on the plant, which is called honeydew. Usually this pest affects the roots of Spathiphyllum.

How to prevent manifestations mealybug? Regularly inspect the plant, especially in the off-season. Follow all care described above. If mealybug still infect a plant, it will have time to cut off all the affected parts and gather pests. Use special insecticides that are absorbed by the root system, and then smash the tissues of the plant. These drugs kill the parasites that suck the cell sap Spathiphyllum.

Along with the fact that the tips of dry, can greatly duck and leaves themselves. This occurs because of dried air, which often occurs in urban homes. Do not forget that this plant is native to the tropics, where the humidity is optimal. But in our plant houses more than uncomfortable, so your task - to ensure Spathiphyllum comfort and good conditions.

Regular spraying and watering - that need this plant. As soon as you notice that Spathiphyllum dries, begin reinforced comprehensive care for him. Many growers recommend hold Spathiphyllum shower, which allows the plant to look amazing. However, if the room is cool, that such procedures should not be abused. Otherwise, suffer not only the leaves but also roots.

Sometimes the plant dries due to defective or improper feeding. For some reason, many tend to think that if they put the plant in a special stage, the additional nutrients are not necessary. Unfortunately, this is a common misconception. Soil "gives" plant vitamins and minerals, only the first time. Then, when the reserves run out, Spathiphyllum needs additional power. If it does not ensure that the ends are dry, and flowers - will wither.

However, a surplus of food can also have a negative impact on growth and flowering plants. If Spathiphyllum overfed, that in this situation - to stabilize feeding. Fertilize the plant not so voluminous portions, while its appearance soon normalize.

Sometimes Spathiphyllum leaves are dry because excess watering. Often, watering plants with all the concern, growers are addicted and cause more harm than good. Even if you think that the flower is dried and thoroughly watered, you need to stop, because the cause of the drying of the leaves can be in the decay of the root system, which provoked excessive watering. If the soil is too moistened better to transplant the flower. In this case, you can still save him. If you do not hold a transplant in time, Spathiphyllum soon perish.

As you can see, there are many reasons that can trigger dry leaves. It is important to observe the plant every day and make sure that it is not exposed to disease-causing parasites and harmful external sources. If Spathiphyllum still ill, it is necessary to calculate precisely the reason as soon as possible to begin to save the affected plant. Spathiphyllum providing adequate care, you will grow delightful ornamental plant that will decorate your home!

 Spathiphyllum: what if the dry leaves?
