Schwarzkopf hair dye natural easy palette


  • Blonde: quickly, efficiently and safely
  • Brown: natural beauty and healthy shine
  • Red: bright - not to mottled
  • Auburn: what colors are in fashion again
  • Natural red: how to become irresistible
  • Burning black for a lady
  • Collection "Spicy Cinnamon ': all brilliant - just
  • The benefits of this series
  • How to achieve maximum results

Purple, lilac, blue, pink, yellow - fashion poisonous bright colors and extravagant long gone, but now stylish and self-confident women prefer to dye hair in natural colors that are no worse than emphasize their individuality. And to help them in this schwarzkopf natural and easy - paint, which managed to conquer the many beauties. Now, to change the image and look at this course can each, enough to take advantage of a special catalog and choose the color.

Blonde: quickly, efficiently and safely

Clarifying the paint from Schwarzkopf - is the easiest, fastest and reliable way to turn from the burning brown-haired brunette or a vivid and captivating blonde beauty. This palette includes two series: Lily light blonde (520) silver and light brown (522). With their help you will be able to become lighter on 2-4 pitch, but partly to cope with gray strands can only the second hair dye (fills up twenty percent). Of course, the end result depends on your natural color, exposure time and condition hair.

The girls, who had previously conducted experiments on the head (painted in dark or bright shades, made highlighting or chemistry), previously should consult specialists. On the color can also be changed by the tone of shampoos and conditioners, coloring henna. Do not forget that after the procedure, your hair needs special care, so advance purchase special masks, conditioners, medicated shampoos.

Brown: natural beauty and healthy shine

Slavic women have long been famous for their beautiful long blond braids, which brought to mind more than a dozen fellows. No other color does not look so gentle, feminine and sexy at the same time. Champagne Dark Brown (530), Opal Ash Blonde (542) Satin Dark Brown (550), Mother of Pearl Light gray (532), Silk Light beige (534) - all of these colors can be found in the line schwarzkopf natural and easy. The first three series of problems without all the paint over gray hair (one hundred percent staining), the other two deal with this problem by only fifty percent.

If the natural color is darker than desired, pre-need to lighten up a few shades. Do it better in the beauty salon or barber shop, not to spoil the hair. Blond girl and a blonde can be painted in the home or a similar color to give your hair shine and richness. These beauties tricks resorted after a hot summer, when much hair fade in the sun ceases less bright and lively.

 Schwarzkopf hair dye natural easy palette

Red: bright - not to mottled

Most people, when talking about hair color, imagine a cartoon character with a fiery red hair, or Ron Uzli of all the famous Harry Potter film. In fact, there are quite a large number of different colors, more tender and less bright, you can easily find in schwarzkopf natural & easy. Brocade light golden brown (536) gives the saturated color, even if hair dye is applied to the dark brown locks. In this embodiment can also stop women who have just started to turn gray.

More resistant shades (Honey medium golden brown (545) Almond and light golden brown (565) from a palette of red / gold) suitable girls with dark skin and dark eyes. In this product category there is no redness in schwarzkopf natural & easy Terracotta medium copper-brown color (546), and they are not as bright as hair dye 536. Note that in the medium-brown and dark brown hair perfectly will form the last two series of colors, while you do not have to carry out additional procedures. If you want to get more bright and flashy colors, you still have to be clarified.

Auburn: what colors are in fashion again

Even some five to ten years ago, all the star ladies tried to be sexy blonde that led to the loss of their individuality. The TV constantly flashed Naroscheny or painted white curls actresses and singers that eventually began to cause irritation even in men. But recently, many celebrities have begun to radically change its image and repainting their hair in natural color, which emphasizes the dignity of all the beauties (cheekbones, lips and eyes), and hides the flaws (for example, a problem or too pale skin). But Red may also differ among themselves and paint schwarzkopf natural & easy is a perfect proof of that.

If you have an olive complexion, you will approach a more vivid and intense palette, such as Caramel Chocolate brown (564) Almond chocolate brown (574), mocha chocolate brown (584). The fair sex with fair skin fit less bright color (not the reddish, golden-yellow or reddish hue). This can be a light brown cashmere (560) Agate Ash Chestnut (562) or even medium brown Coffee (570). Velvet Dark brown (580) will suit all types. This palette of colors from Schwarzkopf uniformly even paints gray hair.

Natural red: how to become irresistible

Red hair color - it's not flashy or bloody crimson shades, which color adolescents and rich brown with a red tinge. A great option for those who want to be sexy and attractive, and not to be in this one big blazing spot. Painting chwarzkopf natural & easy Carnation Red Red (576) acts on the hair a special magical way: in a dark room hair looks normal, but in bright daylight - shimmers in red. In this embodiment, can stay as a long-haired of the fair sex, and cropped women.

 Schwarzkopf hair dye natural easy color champagne

Burning black for a lady

Every girl at least once in life wondered whether her go black hair, but such experiments are solved only one. And in vain! Painting schwarzkopf natural & easy Ebony (590) will make you a real fatal ladies, which it is impossible not to pay attention. However, after the staining procedure that does not regret his actions, it is recommended to use a coloring shampoos that are washed away in the third or fourth week after the application, or try on a wig, length of hair and splendor which should be leveled yours.

The only caveat, to which all should pay attention - this is the color of your skin. Swarthy tanned girls and black paint in any case-to-face, but pale pink or blush beauty will be like Snow White. But perhaps for you it will be an occasion to go to the solarium, or go to a spa. Pre is still recommended to consult a makeup artist, so he suggested how to apply makeup, what kind of powder, tonal foundation, eye shadow and eyebrows, lipstick can be used. Girls who can not be painted with makeup and overdoing look vulgar and provocative. Also unacceptable complete lack of makeup.

Collection "Spicy Cinnamon ': all brilliant - just

Schwarzkopf natural & easy offers you a new palette that will suit girls of any age, with any skin type, the type haircuts, etc. Jennifer Aniston, Angelina Jolie, Liv Tyler and other celebrities are increasingly favored brown tones. Cinnamon Red Light (566), unfortunately, paints only fifty percent of gray hair. Cinnamon Dark brown (586) - ideal for those who wish to be a natural brunette. It is also worth looking, dark-haired beauties, whose hair is not too bright and discreet, as well as those who began to turn gray. Almond light golden (565) - somewhere between the two previous colors, while it completely fills the gray hair.

The benefits of this series

Firstly, thanks to the particular ingredients and special technology multi-focus obtained after staining color looks natural and natural. When used properly, products are colored the hair evenly, without any defects. The structure includes Schwarzkopf Easy mango, rich in vitamins A, B, C, and jojoba oil, rich in vitamin E. Thus, your hair will not only change the color that is not washed for a long time, but do not spoil during the painting process. Besides, how would it sound strange, after the procedure your hair look much healthier than before. Even after the ends of the clarification will be alive, will not split, crack, does not appear dandruff.

However, we must remember that should be painted according to the instructions. Before you begin to change their image, test schwarzkopf skin. Apply a small amount of elbow bend mixture, wait ten minutes, then rinse. It is recommended to check the quality of each time before use. When buying paint, pay attention to the packaging and contents, so as not to buy a fake. So complete must go Glove (one pair), manual air conditioning, the emulsion (only in a special applicator bottle), a coloring cream. If something of the above is not enough, it is better to exchange for a new package. Also, do not forget to look at the expiration date.

 Palette Schwarzkopf hair dyes natural easy

How to achieve maximum results

If you want to look natural, that others did not even know that it is not your natural color, choose a paint that is lighter or darker than your head of hair for a maximum of two tones. If you have a gray hair, stop your choice on the products that it fills as much as possible and uniformly. Those who previously was clarified, to avoid reddish, yellowish, reddish hues, otherwise the result will be much different from what you want. In such cases it is better to give preference to silver, gray tones.

To saturated colors is maintained longer, it is recommended to additionally use special shampoos for colored hair. It contains special substances and components which do not give the paint quickly washed off from hair. The longer your hair is, the more effort you will have to care, because the ends of the first to begin to lose their brightness. It is preferable not to use masks, balms with more oils, as they contribute to the rapid washout.

The first procedure is best done in beauty salons, especially if you have decided to radically change the image. If you decide to dye your own, do not forget about safety precautions. Before the start should wear protective clothing (gown, an old shirt, throw a towel), so as not to get dirty. Cook the mixture and apply it on your hair, you can only wear gloves while using a special brush.

 Schwarzkopf hair dye Natural Easy: palette of shades

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