Biolaminirovanie hair at home


  • Laminating Hair home
  • When it is desired to carry out the procedure of lamination hair?
  • What keeps laminating hair?
  • Contraindications Biolaminirovanie

Lamination of hair - a cosmetic procedure of modern times, which will give your hair a silky shine and beauty. Lamination protects hair from negative influence of external factors, strengthens their structure and making thick and heavy for three to five weeks. Spend Biolaminirovanie hair at home is not very difficult, but still requires certain skills.

With this procedure, the hair covered by a thin film of a natural, through which the air passes freely. This film strengthens hair and prevents the leaching of color. Biolaminirovanie - security procedures, but expensive, and not every woman can afford it. That is why you can try to hold Biolaminirovanie home.

Laminating Hair home

To perform the procedure lamination hair, you will need some special materials: shampoo balm, air conditioning, nourishing hair mask (natural or industrial), paint a painting (if you want to spend color Biolaminirovanie) and the solution itself lamination hair. Better course, that you've ever looked like lamination makes the master, and then, in consultation with them, we learned how to make Biolaminirovanie home.

To do this you will need about an hour of free time and materials for lamination. First, wash your hair with a special shampoo (if this is not - it does not matter, at least you can use a regular), rinse the hair. Next, apply a nourishing mask on hair for 20 minutes, wrapped her hair in a warm towel. Rinse and apply to damp hair has a special laminating a thin layer of cream smooth. Do not rinse and dry the hair dryer. It was at this time the hair absorb bio-laminate. When the hair will be almost dry, rinse with warm water, and then use the liquid crystals.

Basically self Biolaminirovanie hair using the same means as in the salons. Unfortunately, to produce means for laminating hair at home is not possible. Means for laminating contain cellulose, which covers every hair invisible film. It helps protect hair from the dust, the sun, the heat (hair dryer and curling effects). The composition of funds - proteins, vitamins and other biologically active substances.

 Biolaminirovanie hair at home

When it is desired to carry out the procedure of lamination hair?

Biolaminirovanie hair is advantageously carried out immediately after the hair dye, to preserve their color and luster. Tint remain deeply for a long time and the hair fade only when completely washed away biolaminat. Color after Biolaminirovanie impossible, otherwise the paint will destroy the effect of lamination. Biolaminirovanie home should be done after a course of treatment - mask, serum and so on. When applied to cellulose film all the nutrients "preserved" in your hair, prolonging their therapeutic action. Spend a procedure before a trip to the sea - it will protect your hair from harmful UV rays and aggressive salt water.

If your hair is thin and dry - Biolaminirovanie hair you just need. It would also be useful if you like to wash your hair every day - in fact, hard water and damage the structure of hair shampoos. If you like to often use tongs, irons and hair dryers, you should also be sure to learn how you can make the most Biolaminirovanie hair. Also remember: the darker your hair, the more noticeable the effect of Biolaminirovanie.

What keeps laminating hair?

With Home Biolaminirovanie you can save money on beauty salons, but skimp on special means is not necessary, it can affect their quality. But the effect is worth it: a protective and cosmetic effect after one bioprotsedury held for 3-6 weeks. You can not wait for the complete disappearance of the effect of means for laminating and repeat after 4 weeks. Hair that does not bring any harm. Do not worry if your first attempt to hold Biolaminirovanie hair fails. In case of failure, consult a professional hair care - it will fix all your flaws and may advise how to make hair more Biolaminirovanie properly and effectively.

Reviews of laminating procedure is not only good, sometimes the girls are disappointed effect of the procedure, including at home. Others are so happy with the result that the procedure is repeated many times over the years. Biolaminirovanie result of the procedure depends on the professionalism of the master and his experience, but at home you too can achieve good results. Do not buy cheap tools for lamination - this will save you from bad results.

 Useful Biolaminirovanie hair at home

Contraindications Biolaminirovanie

In general contraindications for the procedure lamination not. It can be done on hair of any length and structure. You can carry out the procedure on curly or wavy hair, but Biolaminirovanie hair at home do not straighten them, but to give a healthy and well-groomed appearance and gloss. Especially useful lamination exhausted and colored, thin, damaged permed hair.

Perhaps that will help your hair Biolaminirovanie find the beauty, strength and health. Be of good cheer! The effect of treatments you will see in either case.

 Salvation hairstyles: Biolaminirovanie hair at home

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 dry shampoo for hair

In the life of every woman at least once happened unpleasant situation, when suddenly cut off the hot water in the house, and on his nose - an important meeting. You can not hope for a positive impression opponent farewell friendly groomed hair? Nothing like this! There is a correct solution to the problem of hygiene of hair and scalp in an emergency - a dry shampoo.

This means not many at the hearing, however, it can not be considered a fundamentally new cosmetics. People use dry shampoo has long been using for cleaning the hair finely milled grain and flour. Of course, progress is not standing still, and modern dry shampoos are more convenient to use and aesthetic look of their predecessors. But the essence of shampoos and their main components remain the same: that extracts of various crops - oats, corn, rice, which effectively absorb fat excretion. Thanks to the dry shampoo you at any time can give your mane a fresh look, and for that you do not need water.

The use of dry shampoo for hair

The problem of dirty heads using a dry shampoo is solved quickly and easily. Before use, a bottle of shampoo should be a good shake, and then spray the product to dry hair, keeping a distance of about 40 cm. After applying means massaging fingers rubbed into the scalp, and then evenly distributed over the entire length of hair. Shampoo had to absorb dust and skin selection, you need to wait a few minutes before the "wash" composition. Next you need to comb or towel. Comb hair combed up as long as the hair will not stay dry shampoo particles to which dirt adheres. Some women are much easier to brush away the remains of shampoo a towel, wiping their hair the same way after normal washing with water.

The method used depends on the treatment of hair density and hair length. In addition to cleaning properties, dry shampoo has a disinfectant and perfuming action. Typically, dry hair shampoo available in powder form, which is packaged in special spray bottle . The structure of most dry shampoos include an absorbent that absorbs other substances with which it is in contact - this can be any particles of dust and dirt, as well as excess fat. In addition, dry shampoos often incorporate traditional natural extracts of which we have already mentioned - corn, oats and rice.

Efficiency of dry hair shampoo

Wash the hair dry shampoo allows to achieve the purity and volume of hair. But experts do not recommend replacing the usual procedure of washing the hair with water and liquid shampoo constant use dry shampoo. This tool is well in extreme situations: the unavailability of hot water in nature, for a long voyage, a trip, or for people who are in a hospital bed.

Of course, the use of dry shampoo for hair gives excellent results, but they are still inferior to those results that give ordinary shampoos. No matter how you try, the dirt would not get away with their heads completely. If you use only dry shampoo in the hair gradually accumulate fat, which can then lead to serious problems - excessive dryness of hair, hair loss and dandruff.

Infrequent use dry shampoo does not harm hair. Moreover, it can be an indispensable tool in many situations. In European countries, many business women holding in her purse a bottle of dry shampoo, which is successfully used in the case of an unplanned hike to the party or to the theater. This results in hair shampoo in order in the end of the day in just a few minutes.

The most beneficial effect of dry shampoos experiencing the greasy hair. Hair, which tends to increase the fat content during the day, periodically refreshed dry shampoo. It's enough to use the couple of times a week. Once again, we repeat, can not replace water cleaning dry shampoo hair! It should alternate between specific and traditional procedures.

Prepare a dry shampoo for hair with his hands

No difficulties in the preparation of a shampoo for dry hair at home is not. To make this magic bullet, you will need salt and meal. For 1 cup flour 1 tsp taken salt. This mixture can be placed for ease of use in a conventional salt shaker.

You can prepare a mixture of soda and sodium oatmeal: on half a cup of soda taken half a cup of ground oatmeal. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed, the means to apply massage on greasy patches of hair. Powders need time to absorb the fat. Remove the mix head may be shaking and combing hair. Shelf life is unlimited from the mixture.

Simply prepare a dry shampoo from flour and almonds. In half a cup of flour taken half a cup of ground almonds, is placed in a free jar and carefully shaken. The mixture is applied to the hair roots and carefully comb.

Dry shampoo from starch and almond prepared as follows. 1 tbsp crushed almonds mixed with 2 tbsp starch (potato, corn, or other) and 1 tablespoon grated iris root. Then takes 1 tbsp mixture and massage is applied to the roots of the hair, then combed the hair from the roots to the tips. If your hair look greasy, the procedure can be repeated. It is best used for this recipe corn starch, because it has the largest with respect to all other granules of powder foundations. Consequently, it will be easier to remove when combing. The root of the iris and almonds have a delicate flavor, thanks to which the long hair will smell sweet.

Owners blond hair was very lucky, because they dry shampoo is ideal. In addition to the above recipe, you can use talcum powder, baby powder, or a simple meal, as well as cookery soda, which is mixed with any suitable component or you as an independent agent. If you have an artificial light shade of hair, then use dry shampoo will help you mask a little blackened roots.

Dry Shampoo for dark hair

If you are among the owners of a dark-brown, brown or black hair, you should not worry that the dry shampoo you will not do. You can replace an elementary powder shampoo base on cocoa powder. In addition to the desired effect, you get an incredibly delicious and attractive aroma on the hair.

Dry shampoo for black hair can be cooked in another recipe. Initially, preparing the collection of nettles, mustard, succession, sage, clover, calendula and oak bark. For powder basis is rye flour. The finished mixture is taken in an amount of 1-2 tablespoons and diluted with water to the consistency of liquid sour cream. The composition is applied to wet hair, evenly distributed over the entire length of the massage. For the most pronounced effect of composition left on the hair for 5-10 minutes, then washed thoroughly with water.

It should be a time to the scalp and hair to adapt to natural remedies after the use of chemical shampoos. During the 2-3 weeks it will be necessary to wash your hair more often than usual, while the sebaceous glands do not adjust to the new way, and not normal microflora. This phenomenon is absolutely normal and physiological, but then you have to wash your hair less often.

The information contained in the dry shampoo for dark hair mustard can give poor transient burning sensation and redness of the scalp. This is what makes mustard increases blood flow. For the same reason, you should avoid getting shampoo in the sensitive areas of the skin and eyes. If the trouble still occurred, you need to thoroughly wash the affected area with water.

In the preparation of shampoo, you can use various useful herbs. It is useful to use their alternate courses because hair gets used to the effects of the same herb. Changing the shampoo courses you can take from it the maximum benefit to the health of the hair. Because of increased blood flow caused by the mustard, the active ingredients shampoo can get to all points of the body, their body healthy.

Let's find out what we can offer modern cosmetology?

 dry shampoo Oriflame

Dry shampoo from Oriflame

The company Oriflame is a means to cleanse the hair expert-balance. Dry shampoo for oily hair Oriflame is based on a unique complex Vitadry, which helps to quickly and effectively clean greasy hair and absorb sebum. With regular use of shampoo increase the intervals between washes. The unique composition of formula contains vitamin E, glycerin and menthol.

Shampoo is specially designed for oily hair, it should not be used in another type of hair. It should be noted that the dry shampoo Oriflame very pleasant smell, turns the freshness of menthol.

In various forums, women's shampoo Balance Expert received mixed reviews. Some women find it is perfect, and some on the contrary totally against its use due to the lack of any positive effect. Anyway, women say that when the shampoo only went on sale, its quality meets the stated requirements, but eventually changed shampoo manufacturer, and its quality has dropped significantly. Anyway, you can try your own vehicle and give it its own independent assessment.

Dry shampoo from Ojon Hair

Famous brand Ojon Hair decided to please his admirers appearance in the series products of dry shampoo Rub-Out Dry Cleanser. It is worth noting. What is the brand for many years it specializes in professional products for hair care.

Dry shampoo Ojon can be used as a tonic in the gaps between the traditional washing of the head. Especially effective means manifests itself in cases where not enough time to bring the hair in order or the abuse of food styling. Shampoo gives the hair a pleasant aroma unobtrusive.

As part of the dry shampoo for hair Ojon present Amazonian white clay, potato starch, rice and silk powder. These active ingredients helps the scalp and refresh the hair to absorb excess fat, eliminate pollution, as well as increase the amount of hair at the roots. The special ingredient - bark Kilaya - possesses natural cleansing properties. As a result of clinical studies have found that even a single application of shampoo Rub-Out Dry Cleanser helps to eliminate excess fat by 68%.

Dry shampoo by Klorane

The French company has released seboreguliruyuschy Klorane dry shampoo with nettle extract. This tool is designed for oily hair. Dry shampoo Kloran regulates the sebaceous glands. It is composed of polysaccharides, cyclodextrins and natural origin which have a high capacity to absorb dirt and grease.

Dry shampoo Klorane granules absorb its surplus sibiuma, allowing owners of oily hair use less liquid shampoo. Just a few minutes after application means the hair is lighter and more voluminous.

Before using the dry shampoo for hair Kloran necessary to sufficiently shake the vial, then evenly Spray the entire surface of the hair from a distance of 30 cm. The shampoo should be left on the hair for 2 minutes, then carefully comb through the strand by strand.

Because of the dry shampoo for hair Klorane includes strong enough components, it is necessary to avoid contact with eyes, rinse thoroughly, if necessary with water.
What could be more beautiful than a luxurious head of hair at any time of day or night. Dry shampoo helps make it simple desire a reality!

 Dry shampoo

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