recipe for chicken soup with homemade noodles


  • Use chicken broth
  • How to make homemade noodles?
  • Useful tips for preparing home-made noodles
  • Preparation of chicken soup with noodles

One easy-to-prepare soups is chicken soup with homemade noodles. Chicken broth is superior to any other meat broth contents of vitamins and minerals. Since ancient times, it is used as a reducing agent after illness. Research confirmed that the chicken broth helps to cope with viral and colds.

The composition of chicken broth includes the amino acid cysteine, which is able to liquefy sputum best conventional drugs. Fatty substances contained in the broth, a positive effect on the respiratory tract, helping to cope with nasal congestion. Besides the use of chicken broth it makes absolutely no adverse reactions, in contrast to the same drug.
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Use chicken broth

The benefits of chicken soup is also significant in diseases of the stomach. People suffering from gastritis must be 2-3 times a week to eat chicken soup and meat, as chicken is able to take away the excess gastric acid. Chicken soup helps to lower cholesterol and normalize the heartbeat, so the broth is shown and in diseases of the cardiovascular system. From such a useful broth can easily prepare delicious and nutritious chicken soup with homemade noodles.

 Chicken soup with mushroom broth
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How to make homemade noodles?

Tasty noodles need to buy in the store, it is possible to prepare itself.

It is not very complex and quite the inexpensive process. For its preparation need only flour and eggs. If you use only the yolks, noodles get a nice yellow color, and the broth during cooking noodles remain transparent.

In a deep dish to whip 3 eggs. If you take just the egg yolks, they will need 2 times more. Eggs can be mixed with a teaspoon of salt and salt-free noodles is not fresh, it prosolitsya when will boil in salted broth. The eggs should be gradually add flour, stirring all the time, until the dough is such that it will be difficult to interfere with a spoon. Now you need to knead the dough hands pre-sprinkled surface on which you do it, the flour. This is the most physically difficult stage in the preparation of home-made noodles, as knead dough have not less than 15 minutes, applying for this considerable effort. If you're doing it right, by the end of mixing must be tired. When the dough becomes very dense, you must leave it "rest" for 30 minutes, covered with a towel.

The next stage of noodle - rolling dough. Since the dough turned tight, rolled it hard. To facilitate this process a little bit, all the dough should be divided into 3-4 pieces and roll them separately. Periodically sprinkle the table with flour, the dough is not stuck. You need rolling as thin as possible to a transparent state when the thickness of the dough will not exceed 1 mm. Then roll the dough should be dry and hang it for 20 minutes in the dryer or the chair.

Next - sliced ​​noodles. It can make short and long, more suitable for soup short. To facilitate this process will help lapsherezka, but you can do without it. Roll out the dough must be cut into 2 cm wide stripes, fold the stack of strips and thinly with a sharp knife cut noodles. Periodically, you need to shake and turn the cut pieces so they do not stick together.

In the last step of preparation is necessary to dry the resulting noodles. To do this, a large board or table, sprinkle with flour and spread a thin layer of noodles, leave to dry for 40-50 minutes. If you cook the noodles in the stock, you need to dry it longer, to the point where it starts to break down. Keep her best in a rag bag.

 different recipes of chicken soup with homemade noodles
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Useful tips for preparing home-made noodles

  1. To homemade noodles turned gentle and soft at the beginning of the preparation of the test, you must add 1 tablespoon of sour cream, but to prepare for the future can not be a noodle.
  2. The dough can be kneaded without eggs, instead you need to add a little water.
  3. Kids are happy to eat colorful noodles. It can be prepared as follows: at the beginning of dough balls to add a little beet juice - pink noodles get more beet juice - will be maroon, the juice of parsley or dill will give green to orange pour carrot juice.
  4. If you do not have time to wait until dries rolled dough, screw it on the rolling pin and hold it over the included gas burner for 1 minute.
  5. The dough can add dried herbs, then turn right to the noodle seasoning.
  6. Cut noodles necessary due to the fact that during cooking it increased 3-fold. For the noodle soup is a good width - 3-4 mm.
  7. If you cut into strips, and they stick together, it is better to spend a little more time and alter the dough, kneading it abruptly, than to eat soup with sticky, unappetizing, sprawling noodles.
  8. Before you remove the noodles or use it for cooking, you must put it in a sieve and shake well to remove the remaining flour.

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Preparation of chicken soup with noodles

Cook chicken soup with homemade noodles can even novice mistress.   At the same time it is very tasty and nutritious dish that can feed the whole family, including children from 1 year. To prepare this soup you need the following products: Bird little chicken or half a large (the bird is better to take home), 4 medium potatoes, 2 carrots, 2 onions, a large handful of noodles, you've done yourself, dill or parsley, 5 tablespoons vegetable oil , black pepper and salt to taste. Because so many ingredients obtained 13-15 servings of soup.

First we need to prepare the soup: 1 for 5 hours to cook the chicken on low heat. In the finished soup should be dipped sliced ​​julienne vegetables: potatoes, carrots, onions, as well as boned meat chicken. To give a beautiful color broth, carrots and onions, you can pre-fry in a little vegetable oil. For vegetables you can add thinly sliced ​​peppers, it will give the dish a spicy flavor. When the potatoes are cooked until done, you can add the noodles. It needs to cook for 7-10 minutes. At the same time it is necessary to the soup with salt and pepper, add the greens. A delicious dish is ready!

 Preparation of chicken soup: the use of broth and noodles cutting tips

 different recipes of pumpkin puree soup


  • The benefits of pumpkin to the human body
  • The classic recipe for pumpkin soup
  • Recipe for creamy pumpkin fun
  • Spicy soup with pumpkin
  • The combination of cheese and pumpkin pulp
  • Spicy pumpkin soup

Modern people become preoccupied with their health, beauty and weight, so that they avoid people trying to pass on a healthy lifestyle and proper, nutritious food. That food is often a problem, because the habit of eating fast food, snacking on sandwiches and pasta to absorb the fixed night long. So, food for the whole family should follow the woman, because she was only able to find good recipes, beautifully prepare and submit such products, which previously no one thought, how about delicious food. It is believed that those things that are good for our bodies, must be unpleasant to the taste, they simply can not eat without tears and persuasion.

All of these statements are incorrect. There are wonderful recipes that will not only bring huge benefits to the body, but will be pleased with all the taste and olfactory receptors. For example, very popular in nutrition is the use beans from which the good second and first courses. Cream of pumpkin will be enjoyed by both adults and even kids, who are often picky. Vegetable stew can be cooked so that from it will be impossible to break away.

Now I want to talk specifically about the pumpkin, because it is such a bright, sunny, positive and large. And many do not even know which one it turns out great first course, namely, pumpkin soup.

 delicious pumpkin soup puree

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The benefits of pumpkin to the human body

Golden vegetable incredibly useful to the human body, adults and children should eat it regularly. Pumpkin is useful in the raw, steamed, boiled, food can be consumed and its seeds. Orange fruit gives carotene, which helps protect the body from free radicals, stimulates the immune system. Iron - another component of pumpkin, this substance stimulates the formation of hemoglobin and is included in its composition, particularly a property important for young children and pregnant women. Increasing the resilience of the human body microbes, strengthening his forces, involved in many reactions taking place inside - this is not all the qualities of the mineral substance.

Besides the above compounds, pumpkin is rich in magnesium, which is involved in a variety of reactions, thus entering into the composition of the enzymes. For the full formation of the protein component is also important optimal intake of magnesium in the body. Further its functions are to maintain the functioning of the nervous system, prevention of calcium deposits in the wrong places, preventing the formation of stones in the gall bladder and.

Potassium contained in the fruit flesh and to promote a better conduction of the heart muscle to strengthen the vascular wall and reduce the swelling. For detoxification and improve liver function should eat this vegetable regularly, it needs to eat or raw pumpkin or pumpkin soup.

Extraordinary benefit to the organism have pumpkin seeds, about which few people remember. their main components - a zinc salt, which is an excellent protective agent against viral infections. Zinc promotes virility, prevents the emergence of many diseases in men, increases mental alertness, and in adolescence copes with the appearance of acne. Well, many people know that the seeds of the fruit are able to expel from the body of various helminths, so they are in a dried form can safely be given to children for the permanent prevention of such diseases.
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The classic recipe for pumpkin soup

Many love all sorts of bells and whistles, but you need to know the classic recipe, because that's what it is suitable for children and dietary and due to minimum component is fully revealed taste of pumpkin.   To prepare the soup you need to take a pound of pumpkin, onion, carrot, 2 tomatoes, red pepper, 2-3 pieces. garlic cloves, curry, salt and pepper. When all the ingredients are ready, you are ready to cook.

Cream of pumpkin to cook very quickly and easily. Previously all the vegetables are washed and cleaned from the skin and seeds. Onion, pumpkin, carrots, peppers and tomatoes cut into cubes and put into the pot. Cook cuts is up to full readiness of all components, the water should be slightly. Crushed garlic is added to the end of cooking, and the dish is transferred to the quenching within 5 minutes. To obtain the tender puree will need a blender. The resulting mass is added to a small amount of water or low-fat milk, it is as you like. To add salt, pepper and curry is the final stage of cooking. This soup is best served with fresh herbs and garlic croutons. Very gentle consistency dish gets going with a bang, and then a prescription will be asking a lot.

 Classic pumpkin soup puree
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Recipe for creamy pumpkin fun

Of course, pumpkin soup with cream diet is not considered, but the soft creamy taste combined with Pumpkin affects everyone. You need to bring 1 kg pumpkin pulp 1 onion, a couple of cloves of garlic, 40 g butter, sex ch. L. sugar, salt and pepper to taste.

Pumpkin should be thoroughly washed, dried, and the flesh cut into pieces, peel and seeds should be removed. Finely chopped onions slightly brown in vegetable oil, add the crushed garlic and a few sprigs of thyme for flavor spicy. The mass obtained is added pumpkin, sugar, whole roasted several minutes, then poured liter of water.

When the pumpkin will be very soft, it will need to turn into a puree using a blender. To taste add the cream, ground pepper and salt. Cream of pumpkin before serving, you can decorate with thinly sliced ​​fried bacon, fresh herbs, and pumpkin seeds, which must be pre-fry. Creamy soup recipe is very simple to prepare, then he does not take a lot, and the result will amaze everyone.
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Spicy soup with pumpkin

When classic and creamy recipes have been tested, it is necessary to prepare it spicy soup. The main ingredient of dishes is pumpkin, which need 1 kg. Then you need to cook 1 onion, a clove of garlic, l chicken broth. The recipe for a spicy soup called, so it ideal fresh ginger - 1 ch. L., Ground cumin, cumin, salt and pepper. When all the ingredients are ready, you are ready to cook. Purified pumpkin flesh cut into cubes, and onion, crushed garlic and ginger.

In olive oil fried onion, garlic clove and ginger. They added pumpkin and spices, in 5 minutes, all filled with broth and boil for about 30 minutes until soft pumpkin. All components are ground blender, when applying for a table in each plate to taste is added to yogurt or cream. In a separate bowl, you can put the croutons, roasted pumpkin seeds and roasted strips until golden brown bekonchika, each will add itself as much as he wants. Spicy recipe suited to the festive table, especially if you are visiting vegetarian dish they really surprise.

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The combination of cheese and pumpkin pulp

The combination of delicate golden pumpkin pulp and tasty cheese is connected to one excellent recipe. 1 kg pumpkin cut into small cubes, put them in a bowl and add water. Pumpkin should be cooked until tender. The finished product is to stretch to a pulp and then boil in a saucepan. If soup pumpkin turned out too thick, it can be diluted with cream. Before serving in the dish, you must add the chopped chili pepper and cubes of fat cheese. In the hot cheese sauce dissolve itself. If the soup is served to children, the chili should be excluded from the application.
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Spicy pumpkin soup

For variety, you can cook the soup with hot spices, which is very like the men. It is worth sometimes treat them in such a splendid soup, so you should write down the following recipe. For the preparation you will need a pumpkin weighing 1 kg, 2 tomatoes, 2 onions, 2 garlic cloves, a couple of stalks of celery. Pumpkin in the beginning is to wash, peel and seeds should be only the pulp, which must be finely chopped. Mince the onion, minced garlic, and celery, and now the most interesting ingredient - hot pepper. Cut off from the pod have to just 3 cm, or be quite serious.

All sauté in olive oil until golden brown. Tomatoes need to peel and cut, too. All products are placed in a deep pan, pour the boiling water on top. Extinguish all you need about 20 minutes, it was during this time the mixture becomes soft. Blender pumpkin and other vegetables are ground to a state of puree, add salt and pepper. For dilution, you can use the cream, milk or water, then as you like.

Before serving soups, purees can be nice to lay the table. You can put the bowls with fresh herbs, garlic croutons, natural yogurt and cream. Every optional will be able to add any ingredients in the dish.

Pumpkin soup is gaining popularity among residents of Russia. They are shiny, charged with positive energy and good mood. This is particularly important in autumn and winter, when there is no heat and vitamins. And the above recipes are the most popular and proven for cooking. So feel free to start cooking, you can now.

 How to cook a sunny pumpkin soup
