polyhydramnios in late pregnancy

And, parents are happy to madness - they will have a baby! There is nothing better than the feeling of joy from this good news! Now a newly-made mother left himself less upsetting all sorts of nonsense, to eat, to develop a healthy mode of the day and the time needed to visit offices beloved Hospital.

All is good, if it does not ...

Everything seems to be nothing, the fetus is developing steadily and without incident. The kid feels easy and comfortable space in the amniotic fluid of endometrial cavity feels protected and enjoys the first principles of his life.

But difficulties during gestation is not always bypass happy moms, presenting them all sorts of unpleasant surprises, and often called 'polyhydramnios during pregnancy. "

"Polyhydramnios in pregnancy" - a diagnosis of today can hear almost every fifth or a quarter of pregnant women, but only at different periods of gestation.

Initially, nature has created the most that neither eat ideal conditions for the development and growth of the embryo and then a fetus in the womb during the trimester. Often, after the end of this period, and begin to show all vulnerabilities maternal health, respectively, that is directly and affects the fetus. Among these health problems mothers of newborns can be found such as cardiovascular disease, Rhesus-conflict, diabetes, development of intrauterine infections and so on. Each of these health problems is precisely that the main reason why a pregnant woman hears an ominous diagnosis "polyhydramnios".

Polyhydramnios in pregnancy - is not a sentence!

Before embarking on emergency measures to prevent the harmful effects of polyhydramnios, we recommend to start with familiar varieties of diagnosis and the risk or safety of its implications for the life of the fetus in certain cases.

And so, the rules in the amniotic fluid volume of the cavity is considered:

  • in the first 10 weeks - 30 ml of liquid;
  • for 14 weeks - 100 ml;
  • period of the last month of pregnancy - from 1000 to 1500 ml.
  • moderate polyhydramnios during pregnancy - 1500 - 1800 ml.

If the volume of amniotic fluid in the last weeks of pregnancy exceeds the norm 1500 -2000 ml, then we are talking about the excessive accumulation of amniotic fluid.

In turn, are acute and chronic stage, which in turn are partitioned on the extent - from mild and moderate to severe.

  • The acute stage. Symptoms

Determined acute polyhydramnios at the beginning of gestation (at 16-24 weeks). At the same time, a sharp increase in the volume and size of the stomach, accompanied with severe pain in the waist and groin, marked swelling of the anterior abdominal wall and the wall voltage of the uterus. In acute polyhydramnios may have symptoms of severe shortness of breath mom at the slightest physical exertion and difficulty listening to the heartbeat of the fetus.

  • Chronic polyhydramnios. Symptoms

Chronic polyhydramnios, in turn, less saturated abnormal symptoms mommy and inherent end of the third trimester of pregnancy. Often chronic hydramnion evident in late pregnancy sverhnormirovannym gradual increase with increasing amniotic fluid of the uterus. The most common chronic polyhydramnios brings strong discomfort pregnant woman, and therefore it is determined at such a late stage (period). Chronic polyhydramnios, despite the lack of acute pain my mother, in turn, indicates the existence of any pathological processes that occur in a woman's body.

Among these pathologies that lead to the emergence of chronic polyhydramnios determine: pyelonephritis, mother transferred bacterial or viral infections (ARI ARI), diabetes, cardiovascular disease, inflammation of the appendages, urogenital and genital infections.

  How to determine polyhydramnios?

The simplest and most frequently in clinical practice to determine hydramnion possible using two methods - are symptoms and well-being of pregnant women, as well as through non-compliance volumes of the uterus on the background of the rules on the calendar gestational age. Check the degree of deviation from the norm can be easily and quickly - by using the indicator "amniotic index". "Amniotic index 'in turn is calculated on the basis of data obtained in an ultrasonic diagnosis.

In the case of the definition of the indicator "amniotic index" above the norm - have resorted to immediate measures to treat polyhydramnios, otherwise it threatens the baby and mum danger in the form of chronic fetal hypoxia, placental insufficiency, and preterm birth.

How is polyhydramnios?

Ways to treat polyhydramnios, there are many, for this reason, women who know about the existence of this disease during her pregnancy - do not worry. When diagnosing polyhydramnios and application of urgent action on his treatment, in turn, does not threaten the baby in the womb kind of deviation in its development.

And so, after a full diagnosis of the first case is assigned to drug therapy, in turn, improves metabolism, microcirculation and utero-placental blood flow. Such a method of treating a lightweight properties at the early stages of identifying pathology during gestation or in the case of mild polyhydramnios during pregnancy.

In more extreme cases, the detection of acute and severe tide the pregnant woman with a thin catheter is removed a part of the amniotic fluid. So, once again I repeat: polyhydramnios - it is not a sentence, and the time applied measures could save the health and lives of both the mother and the child! So, less excitement and good mood, in that no matter what, dear future moms!

 Polyhydramnios in pregnancy - an important detail

We recommend to check out: the tone of the uterus in the second trimester

 toxoplasmosis during pregnancy

Despite terrible name, toxoplasmosis is a relatively mild disease. If only we are not talking about a pregnant woman. The combination of toxoplasmosis and pregnancy is extremely dangerous, because there is a huge risk of infection of the fetus. And it can lead to irreversible consequences ...

What is toxoplasmosis?

Toxoplasmosis (lat. Toxoplasmosis) - a disease caused by a parasite (Toxoplasma). Toxoplasma live in the intestines of dogs and other animal species, as well as in the ground, where the animals make natural urinating. So we can get the infection by changing the litter box, doing gardening, when we take into the mouth something dirty hands, or not eating roasted meat and poorly washed vegetables

Most often, toxoplasmosis is mild and does not manifest itself. Sometimes the symptoms are similar to common SARS. And in general, this infection can not be cured. Therefore, almost half of our population have ever been ill with toxoplasmosis, without even knowing it. After initial infection, the person has a life-long immunity, because blood produces a specific antibody.

There are times when toxoplasmosis becomes chronic. And chronic toxoplasmosis can be either acquired or congenital, if the disease is caught up with the baby still in the womb. For both cases, is characterized by:

  • Low-grade fever
  • Increased fatigue
  • Decreased appetite
  • The internal organs - enlarged liver, spleen, lymph nodes
  • Also, in chronic toxoplasmosis may result in other organs and systems

In future moms toxoplasmosis is often overlooked, but can occur infection of the fetus. Although at an early stage of pregnancy the risk of transmission is rare, the consequences could be very serious (brain damage, severe eye damage, miscarriage). And in the middle and late pregnancy, the risk of fetal infection is higher but the effects are much less severe for the unborn child, because his immune system is more efficient.

Diagnosis of toxoplasmosis

Diagnosis of toxoplasmosis is needed in the case where the woman is in a "position" and, of course, when planning pregnancy. To do this, carry out serological screening of antibodies to Toxoplasma (immunoglobulins M and G).

And be seropositive in this case is much better than getting negative test results. After all, this means that the expectant mother and her child are protected from infection and its negative consequences. If the results are negative serology, a pregnant woman can recommend screened every month up to the birth.

The presence and amount of antibodies in the blood will tell the doctor how long ago was infected with toxoplasmosis (if it was). For example, the situation when the survey is not IgG, identified only as IgM, said during an acute illness. If on the contrary - it means, the disease is postponed for a long time and does not represent any danger for the woman. And if there are both types of immunoglobulins have to be tested again to investigate these credits over time. The more IgG in the blood, the smaller the time elapsed since the challenge.

High accuracy is also characterized by PCR (polymer chain reaction) with the study of the DNA molecule pregnant. But this kind of analysis only confirms or denies the presence of an infectious agent and does not give any idea of ​​how long ago was infected.

You have discovered toxoplasmosis?

If you have found toxoplasmosis and pregnancy is still in the plans, consider yourself lucky. Of course, motherhood will have to wait a little bit, but your unborn child will be safe. And here is the problem if the infection occurred during pregnancy, will have to decide with the doctor, and urgently.

Unfortunately, if diagnosed toxoplasmosis during pregnancy in the early stages, an obstetrician-gynecologist will strongly insist that the woman had an abortion. You have every right to refuse abortion and receive appropriate treatment. But, alas, likely to carry and give birth to a healthy baby is very, very small.

Toxoplasmosis and pregnancy in the late stages doctors have a more favorable prognosis. First, the baby begins to develop its own immune system, and it somehow can resist infection. Secondly, starting from the second trimester, a pregnant already, you can assign a full treatment, which significantly reduces the risk of possible complications.

Chronic toxoplasmosis and pregnancy do not cause particular concerns of doctors. In this case the pathogens (infectious agents) does not circulate in the maternal blood, and accordingly, no risk of penetration through the placenta.

 Toxoplasmosis and Pregnancy

How is toxoplasmosis?

First of all, doctors are treated with so-called etiotropic drugs (antibiotics): Rovamycinum (spiramycin), tindurin, sulfonamides. As a rule, it is necessary to conduct two courses of medication, 5 days a week break in between. Before reappointment drugs from toxoplasmosis, your doctor may prescribe preventive pregnant folic acid.

After the birth, the child of an infected mother is also necessary treatment is indicated. Throughout the first year of life the baby will prescribe pyrimethamine, spiramycin, sulfadiazine and folic acid.

The dangerous intrauterine infection toxoplasmosis?

Before making a tough decision about a possible abortion, the woman should remember that it may take more research on the subject of fetal infection with toxoplasmosis. These studies include: Ultrasound diagnosis, amniotsentoz and umbilical cord puncture.

Immediately after birth, the baby whose mother was infected at the time of pregnancy, should also be thoroughly examined. Particular attention should be paid to consulting neurologist and ophthalmologist. Studies show that about ¼ of all cases of intrauterine infection of the child occurs damage the retina. As a result, the child will not be able to have a complete vision. This is not necessarily that the disease will manifest itself immediately after the birth of the baby.

Eye involvement and relapses may occur at any time during the life of the new man. In addition, during the first year, babies have regularly serological screening.

How to protect yourself from toxoplasmosis?

If you during pregnancy handed over analyzes on toxoplasmosis, and it is negative, it is just right to reflect on how, and in the next 9 months to protect yourself from this infection. In fact, it is not so difficult. It is enough to observe some simple rules of hygiene. Wash hands thoroughly before eating, to eat meat and fish, passed a quality heat treatment. Wash fruits and vegetables with soap, and even a brush (or sponge), even if you plan to cut them to peel (this also applies to citrus, bananas, melons, and watermelons).

Get rid of the cats?

Many ladies (and their mothers, grandmothers and caring husbands) are trying to get rid of the pet soon after the news of the "interesting" position. The reasons for this are three: the risk of allergies in children, the fear of competition from a cat / cat with a baby and the risk of toxoplasmosis.

In fact, the part with the beloved Fluffy not necessarily. Especially if you live more than 5 years - studies show that almost all the owners of these pets are immune to toxoplasmosis. But to follow safety rules still need: the cat paw wash after going to the street and into the toilet, wash their hands after contact with a pet, do not allow the animal to jump on the bed baby.

It is believed that you can get infected with toxoplasmosis and through open wounds. For example, if you scratched sick cat. But most doctors say that the risk is minimal - you can pick up toxoplasmosis from cat feces only.

Toxoplasmosis and Pregnancy - not a reason to panic, because strong emotions are contraindicated expectant mothers. But to treat this disease lightly, too, not worth it. Try to find a "middle ground" and listen to your doctor.

 Toxoplasmosis in pregnancy

We recommend that read: causes of miscarriage in early pregnancy
