patchwork for beginners


  • How to learn patchwork?
  • Tools for patchwork
  • Where to start?
  • Tissue Preparation
  • Terms cutting

To catch an interesting idea - a piece of cake. Especially if the idea is not just in the air, and has mastered many, many minds. And if around full of "sick", the quick and healthy (and willing to) pick up the virus. For example, the fashion for a particular kind of needlework (knitting, beading, quilling) immediately spreads easily across borders of countries and cultures. The Anglo-American quilt - proof. A patchwork for beginners - not just a "disease", but a real obsession. After all, if you are new to this extremely exciting business, then seek as soon as possible to reach certain heights. However, to learn everything at once will not work, and to start to learn the basics of this technique

How to learn patchwork?

It is best to start attending special courses. Here you can not only learn interesting kind of needlework, but will find new friends and like-minded people. This, of course, great, but not always convenient. Therefore, many venture to independently Quilt Study. Incidentally, in the patchwork is not always used by sewing, but also the knitting. Therefore, if you are knitting for a customary form of "battering" it is possible to diversify their interests and master the technique of patchwork in which knitting is used instead of sewing.

In addition to attending the course, you can use the textbooks by buying the book or find the right guidance and the Internet. And, of course, impossible to ignore educational videos, which are available in abundance on the World Wide Web. Skilled workers are eager to share their own experiences filming the video tutorials on patchwork and by providing them for free use to your colleagues.

Apprenticeship do not depend on what kind of technology (knitting or sewing) you prefer, however, you can quickly learn how to patchwork only having a certain experience. Therefore, if you are well familiar with knitting, then stop for a knitted patchwork, and if you are good at sewing, start with the traditional technology (stitching patches Tacna). For those who still does not know how to knit or sew, preferred to work with cloth. Ready to sew patches easier than preparing for patchwork knitted blanks (knitting as needlework, too, need to learn). So, in patchwork for beginners - a traditional patchwork, on the basis of which we'll talk.

 patchwork for beginners knitting

Tools for patchwork

In fact, master patchwork quite simple: extensive knowledge of sewing is not required for him, for that matter, and any special adaptations. All you will need to comprehend the basics of patchwork, is:

  • pieces of cloth;
  • thread;
  • sewing needles;
  • Sewing (round head) or safety pins;
  • scissors;
  • tape measure, ruler and line-delta;
  • chalk or pencil;
  • thimble.

In addition to quilting it is such a thing as a "template". This tool is made of heavy paper or cardboard, whereby certain individual parts Molds cut shape. Templates are made in the form of frames, the inner side of which is equal to the size of the items in the finished product, and it defines the outer boundary of a seam allowance.

Naturally, for sewing patchwork technique you may need and a sewing machine. Working with her comfortable, and products are made much faster than when sewing by hand. However, without a sewing machine can do, especially in the early development of a patchwork technique. Therefore, the absence of cars should not stop you in the desire to learn patchwork.

Where to start?

Surprisingly, but to begin to master the technique of patchwork, it is desirable to manufacture larger products. And even if some of the benefits patchwork recommend starting with some potholders kitchen, better grasp the traditional quilt (blanket).

Firstly, the result is quite impressive (as opposed to a modest tack) to surprise your loved ones. Secondly, to develop this technique is more convenient to large products, working with large pieces of fabric. And, third, the time to produce a large blanket you will need no more than a patchwork collection of mosaic for potholders. So it is no small matter! Prepare tissue vberite pattern and start to its first (trial) creation. By the way, to begin work also best with a simple cotton fabric, such as calico.

 beautiful patchwork for beginners

Tissue Preparation

Just choose the fabric is not enough. Even if you intend to cut the scraps of calico completely new, it needs to be washed and ironed, and to do that, oddly enough, is not so simple. Wash (or wet) cloth it is necessary, because after washing it may shrink, but the finished product is fraught with unpleasant consequences in the form of distortions, wrinkles and ties. In addition, many fabrics can fade in the first wash. By the way, such training has the professional title of "dekatirovka."

Then the fabric is desirable podkrahmalit - so it is more convenient to work. The material to dry (to light humidity) is not pressing, but just hanged him on the rope or on the crossbar. And the next step will be the preparation otutyuzhivanie. Ironing the fabric you need for shared thread from the wrong side, but it is best to use for this purpose the steam iron.

Terms cutting

Before you reveal necessarily draw a sketch of the finished product and count the number of parts. Just when cutting note two important points:

  • You can not draw on the fabric ballpoint or gel pens. Use of this chalk, soap or pencil. Otherwise, ink stood out from the front side of the fabric and spoil the look of the finished product.
  • Kroite cloth only common thread (guided by the edge). Otherwise, cut the flaps may become distorted and lose shape.

Also, do not forget about the use of templates. Outlining a pattern on the fabric make just two lines - line cutting and sewing line (line). Another option - to cut out parts, and then to put them on the seam line (strictly on the line, following the exact dimensions). And then you will just have to sort rags, spreading them on boxes and packages.

Naturally, to work and to choose another pattern, as well as to determine the sewing technique. But that's a different story.

 Patchwork for beginners or start from the beginning

We recommend that read: Sewing for Beginners

 patchwork quilt


  • The history of the art of patchwork
  • What can be done using the technique of patchwork
  • What is needed for needlework in the art of patchwork
  • Basic techniques of patchwork
  • Art quilt patterns

Hand made now in vogue. The mere phrase "handmade" makes any little thing exclusive, desirable and fashionable. And because many of us are beginning to urgently develop a variety of crafts to be "in the know" and have the opportunity on occasion to show off your hand-made masterpiece. Let's talk about the art of patchwork, which called on foreign manners tricky word "patchwork." What is it, where patchwork came and it difficult to master the technique of fashion?

The history of the art of patchwork

In a literal translation the name of the art of patchwork sounds like "sewing patchwork." This technique has no homeland and can be considered an international crafts, known for over three thousand years ago. In all countries and among all peoples, there patchwork, textile mosaic or something similar to it. And just patchwork - a patchwork of England and America. It was there that patchwork of household need to become a kind of arts and crafts.

How, in general, you can guess, patchwork came not from the craving for beauty, but rather because the necessary savings. Although craving for beauty, and played a role here. When, in the sixteenth century in England were unusually bright and colorful Indian fabrics, they were available only to wealthy Englishmen, and products made from these tissues, considered a sign of prosperity. However, after a government ban on the sale of Indian cotton goods deficit and he became extremely expensive, even for wealthy citizens.

Therefore, economical housewife found a way to use waste-free cotton goods, making up pieces of cloth sewn in the whole colorful fabric and cut fabric patterns used as decorative applications. However, immigrants from England patchwork got to the New World, which gradually evolved into an art form. And even today, quilts or blankets, in the technique of patchwork - a mandatory attribute of the traditional American interior.

We must pay tribute to American needle women. They not only kept the tradition of sewing patches of fabric, but it turned utilitarian activity (the result of forced frugality) is now arts and crafts, developed a variety of manufacturing techniques of quilt patterns and come up with a lot. So patchwork can be easily considered a national kind of needlework England and America, and also one of the most unusual and the most difficult types of arts and crafts.

 patchwork sewing

What can be done using the technique of patchwork

All that can be decorated with the help of textiles, can be arranged in the technique of patchwork. Initially, and most traditionally used for patchwork bed textiles: quilts, blankets, pillows, blankets and other bedding were made first, and then decorated by using scraps of fabric. Table linens also not without the use of this technique: towels, tablecloths, napkins, pot holders of the flaps were no less popular than the traditional blankets.

Further more. When the quilt went beyond the utilitarian applications, its use has become almost universal. The interior decoration patchwork (and even his imitation) became applicable for the manufacture of furniture covers, window curtains, rugs, wall panels. The patchwork technique has become fashionable to produce clothing (vests, skirts) and accessories (bags, for example). And today is a patchwork of areas of the art design. Patterns patchwork used for interior decoration of public spaces, in the publishing industry, the furniture industry, and as a method of decorating art objects, ranging from shell mobile phones to a list of urban transport.

So the Anglo-American patchwork, has become a real art, it is becoming more and more fans. And if men are mainly engaged in imitation patchwork, bringing traditional patterns on the canvas, plaster, metal and wood, the women remain faithful to the traditions. Therefore, it is women who fill the ranks of the masters of this patchwork, working with fabric, thread and needle.

What is needed for needlework in the art of patchwork

On the one hand, everything is very simple: patchwork necessary patches and then using what these flaps can be connected. On the other hand - it depends. For the present (a high-quality and high artistic) which anyhow patchwork rags not fit. For products made in the technique of patchwork, first draws a sketch, and then selected fabrics, suitable for color, texture and pattern.

However, it is believed that this technique is suitable for absolutely any tissue, new and old, natural and synthetic. Moreover, before any work is recommended to wash cloth, starched and ironed. The old fabric of these procedures to update, and the new will save by shrinkage and molting patches in the finished product. As for the quality of fabrics, the most suitable for patchwork cotton fabrics are considered, as well as natural wool, linen and silk. However, synthetic or semi-synthetic fabric and prized for a variety of colors and the ability to pick up scraps "tone on tone" or "color in color".

Cotton is the most simple work: it is easy to wash, easy to cut, easy to sew. And of cotton not only get excellent napkins, towels, pot holders and pillowcases, but also exquisite light quilts. Dense tissue (drape jeans or suit fabrics) are the ideal material for patchwork plaid, rug, curtain panels and traditional quilts. But more suitable for silk garments, made in the technique of patchwork, for the crazy-for patchwork and artistic panels.

By the way, masters often successfully combine not only different in the colors of the fabric, but also patches of different textures, but one species (cotton and calico, corduroy and denim) and different types of fabric (silk, cotton, linen and wool). If the product requires a basis on which is mounted a patchwork fabric, in its capacity as the most commonly used all heavy fabrics, padding polyester or batting.

Apart from the tissue needed for needlework and such additional materials like thread, decorative ribbons and cords, tapes, inlay. And as tools you have to prepare a good sharp scissors, pins, needles and handmade sewing machine for sostrachivaniya details.

 patchwork technique

Basic techniques of patchwork

It is surprising, but highly artistic patchwork, and completely unpretentious products are performed in the same technique. And the thing only in the beautiful patterns in harmonious combination of fabrics. For this technique, patterns, generally constitute from same shape (squares, diamonds, triangles, and so on.), And the size of the elements, that is flaps. Elements Molds cut using templates made of cardboard or heavy paper.

Experienced seamstresses made templates with two loops: the outer loop is the boundary for the cutting line, and the inner - to the seam line when connecting flaps. That is the distance between the outer and inner contours of the mold is not nothing like the usual seam allowance. You can certainly do without such ingenious patterns, but their use ensures the finished product without warps, blisters and bumps. By the way, these deficiencies are the most common for beginners to learn the basics of this technique.

So patchwork algorithm is as follows:

  1. Create a sketch of the future products (mats, blankets, pillow cases, bags) with the selected pattern and colors.
  2. Selected tissues.
  3. In pattern (dual-circuit) Molds cut elements of the product.
  4. Individual elements stitched into whole cloth:
  • Patches of soft tissues are put together and sewn on the inner contour;
  • Dense patches are placed on the lining and stitched "butt". In this case, the details Molds cut without seam allowance.

  Art quilt patterns

For patchwork patchwork technique uses different patterns, folding of geometric shapes (patches). Traditional quilt patterns allows the creation of exactly the same shape and size of elements or different shapes of the same size or the same elements of different sizes. However, all elements must be specified in order and prepare pattern (symmetrical design).

Asymmetric patterns are used to the crazy, patchwork, rags sewn when in any order, without complying with certain sequence and geometric sequence. The truth is, this kind of patchwork is not well suited for the manufacture of traditional blankets, rather - for fashion accessories or abstract panels. The most common technique used for more crazy and more jewelry: fringe, beads, ribbons, ribbons, sequins and so on and so forth. In short, it's just a crazy patchwork, completely free-form.

However, traditional patchwork techniques tend to use simple geometric shapes. Such figures as square, triangle, pentagon six- or can be folded in an unusually beautiful patterns, especially if combined intelligently coloring and texture of fabrics. In addition to the traditional patchwork sewing a reception of patchwork blocks, when a square flap sewn first semblance of a great spotted element, and then to such large parts develops a chic pattern. For example, you can create squares of large rectangles or diamonds, but you can also make one long strip.

Options patterns for patchwork technique so much that every pattern, every meal and every motif require a separate discussion. And on occasion we will talk about this in more detail. But first you just need to feel the atmosphere of Old England, imagine your future creation, made in the technique of patchwork, and draw his sketch. And then just need to choose the fabric and bring their ideas to life! It does not matter whether you will take immediately after the production of the quilt or at least stop the dimensional product. It is important to your desire and your mood. Because the main thing - to want.

 Patchwork quilt - old fashion

We strongly recommend to read: How to sew a patchwork quilt
