Phalaenopsis orchid care at home


  • General information about the domestic orchids
  • How to transplant
  • Proper watering
  • Phalaenopsis does not bloom, what to do
  • Care after flowering
  • Reproduction of domestic orchids

Few can resist the exquisite beauty of orchids. And the most frequent guest of city apartments becomes Phalaenopsis mix (phalaenopsis) - epiphytic plants of the genus. Despite the fact that many are beginning to flower growers are afraid to buy this flower, it is not as fussy as it may seem at first glance. Let's look at how caring for orchids that grow in the home, is considered to be correct. And we try to understand all the intricacies of their cultivation.

General information about the domestic orchids

Buying phalaenopsis in stores, you become the owner of the hybrid plants are fully adapted to life and bloom in the home. This orchid can be any color from deep purple to white, with a variety of spots and streaks. Depending on the general condition, orchid has a different number of stems and flowers on them - typically 3 to 40 buds. Most often sold specimens that bloom odorless.

Phalaenopsis - orchids, loving strong humidity and high temperature conditions. Therefore, caring for orchids such in the first place is properly selected indoors and watering. Ideally, daytime temperature should be 24 degrees, and at night to 18. The scattered sunlight and high humidity - in these conditions, you will achieve bloom very soon.

How to repot?

Phalaenopsis should be repotted every 2-3 years. During this time, the substrate has time to completely use up all its useful properties. From frequent watering it violated the pH, the bark starts to decompose and is not breathable. And if you are regularly fertilized phalaenopsis, the soil is very salty, which is bad for the growth of plants.

For the transplant is best to choose a time when the plant is entering a period of new growth. It then begins to build a new orchid roots. It is not recommended to repot Phalaenopsis during flowering or immediately in front of him. These plants are best suited ordinary plastic pots. Clay capacity to absorb water, so in the future it will be difficult to take care of orchids (namely - the right to carry out watering).

First of all, we take out the old soil of phalaenopsis. Now you need to clean the roots from the old bark and earth to make a thorough inspection for rot and dead areas. To do this, place the container phalaenopsis with warm water and keep for 30-40 minutes. Before planting you need to untangle the roots, wiggling their fingers directly into the water. Periodically drain the dirty water and rinse the roots with the help of the soul. Do not try to wash the substrate from the roots completely, some pieces of bark, which grew into the roots, it is better to leave so as not to damage the entire root system.

After that you need to remove all the dry or rotten roots. Note, if the root is partially damaged - delete only the desired area up to the healthy tissue. It will be a different color and texture. The remaining roots should be disinfected using iodine or green fodder. When thoroughly dry the plant and start planting. The soil can be done by yourself or buy. By the way, the finished mixture contains everything necessary for the successful growth and flowering.

Pot is selected based on the size of the root system, if the orchid enters into the pot with all the roots and is still a couple of centimeters of space around, can be safely transplanted it into a container. Beginners are recommended to transplant phalaenopsis in a clear pot. So it will be easier to take care of orchids in future to monitor the condition of the roots and prevent them from drying out or rotting.

Given that phalaenopsis orchid - monopodial and plant growth point had only one, place it in the pot should be strictly in the middle. However, if you notice that your beauty is striving to become "couch potatoes", it is not necessary to align the artificial methods. Rather, it is a feature of its structure, and eventually it will still be located as it is convenient.

What care is needed aerial roots of orchids? This question baffled any novice grower. The answer is quite simple - do not need to do anything. Of course, you can bury them for the transplant into the ground. But the nature of this flower is that over time, he again grow aerial roots. Sooner or later, phalaenopsis losing all the leaves and roots are at the bottom. In this case, a transplant, after which prikopat aerial roots with soil. And do not worry, soon you will again wait for flowering.

 phalaenopsis orchid how to care

Proper watering

It is believed that the Phalaenopsis orchid is sick due to improper watering. This is true, but only partly. Proper care of orchids - it is true matched the ratio between watering, lighting and ambient temperature. Remember, the higher the temperature and lighting, the more abundant and should be watered!

Water is involved in the formation of new plant cells. The lighter becomes orchid, the faster the process of photosynthesis and therefore growth. In the conditions of sufficient irrigation, but low-light orchids will "eat" the lower leaves and roots, taking the old tissue water for new growth. Result - wilted, yellowed leaves and no flowering.

It may seem that water the orchid Phalaenopsis do not necessarily, because she and so vicious cycle of growth. But this is totally wrong. Part of the water during the life will evaporate into the environment. Once the plant will use up all the water reserves, it just die from exhaustion.

If your goal - to achieve flowering phalaenopsis learn how to water properly. There is no need to produce any particular algorithm for irrigation. Water procedures necessary to arrange on the basis of conditions of detention. Let's look at a few guidelines to help you decide on watering:

  • Plug in pots with orchids wooden sticks. As soon as you have a desire to pour phalaenopsis, get them and look at the degree of humidity. If the stick is completely dry - it's time to water, as if somewhere in the middle of even traces of moisture - hence it is too early;
  • Take the pot in hand immediately after irrigation, and try to remember its severity. So in the future, and be guided by the weight of the pot;
  • If you have an orchid appeared recently, and you do not know when it was last watered, try a little finger to pick open the ground and see how it is wet in the middle.

If you find that the roots of orchids have begun to rot, but are sure that the plant is watered only by the rules, then - it is not enough light. And indeed it is correctly chosen lighting will give you almost a hundred percent guarantee that the phalaenopsis will grow successfully - before flowering and after.

Long-term experience shows that one of the best options for watering plants and cleaning the dust is a hot shower (the water temperature is about 32-40 degrees). This way of caring for orchids allows you to completely remove dust from the plant stomata and normalize gas exchange. Phalaenopsis thanks for this great swimming buildup of green mass and abundant flowering. Caring for this plant - a pleasure!

Phalaenopsis does not bloom, what to do?

Proper care of phalaenopsis orchid accompanied by a steady release of buds. If after flowering has already passed more than a year, and the orchid does not even hint that it is ready again to please you, so - we have one of the problems described below.

  • Perhaps Phalaenopsis is ill or is in a state of high stress;
  • Perhaps sick roots or not suitable substrate;
  • No optimal conditions: in the first place is not suitable lighting. To flowered Phalaenopsis, enough to handle the relationship between light and watering.

Do not expect flowers in the near future, if the plant is severely damaged root system. Now all the power of the flower will be spent on its restoration. The same rule applies in case of damage the growing point. In this case, you just have to take care of orchids and wait until it returns to normal. In general, healthy plant blooms almost all year round, of course, provided a sufficient lighting.

 Phalaenopsis orchid care

Care after flowering

How to care for an orchid after flowering? Before thinking about this question, we must understand that is really a plant withered. Each spike in the plant does not end buds and growing a small tip. While it is green, it is likely that the bloom will last. Buds may appear as flowering or a month of its completion. To say exactly when this happens (and will happen whether in general), it is difficult. Remove stems can be in the event that the tip of yellowed, withered away or disappeared. That's when it's safe to say that phalaenopsis orchid bloomed.

Stems removed or fully (under the same base), or in part - only where there were flowers. The fact that there are a lot of points sleepers, which over time can go to the growth and give one side or spike or baby. What should I do in this case is up to you, because no one can guarantee that the stored stems will sprout. But slow down the development of new buds he can.

Reproduction of domestic orchids

At home, phalaenopsis orchid propagated vegetatively, that is, by separating children - side branches. They appear on their dormant buds and stalks are ready for transplanting after they develop their own roots (about 5 pieces). Caring for the young orchids is the same as for adults.

You can divide a large plant, if it is in excellent condition and has lots of aerial roots. But to do it makes sense if you are sure that at the bottom of an old trunk were still alive kidneys. Check out this simple: if out of the sinuses between the leaves have grown up flower stalks, then give this orchid kids simply can not. After this division you will be suffering from a plant, unable to rise. And, most likely, no care here will not help.

Phalaenopsis not for nothing is the most unpretentious flower. As mentioned above, he gets along well at home and happy hosts abundant flowering. Therefore, if you are just starting to deal with orchids, it is recommended that you acquire this type. And after you can safely settled in his house, and other tropical beauties. The main thing is to provide the right care to plants, and this, believe me, you will quickly learn!

 Orchid Phalaenopsis: Care at home

We strongly recommend to read: How to transplant an orchid
