laryngitis in children

Probably all heard the expression "Little kids - little bedki." However, as long as these kids grow up, parents have to go through a lot - and after a sleepless night, and after a lot of variety of diseases. It is very important not to get lost as soon as possible to provide the necessary assistance to the child. That is why the mother has become, if not a doctor, then, at least, almost a nurse.

And we can help you with this. In particular, today we will focus on such diseases as laryngitis. Laryngitis in children, treatment is simple, quite common - one can hardly find a child who at least once has not had the disease. Most often this disease occurs in the autumn - spring - at the junction of the cold seasons. Children affected by this disease at times more often than adults.

And it is absolutely no coincidence - because of their age nasopharynx child can not properly hold the virus has penetrated inside. And these viruses very quickly fall even lower - right in the throat. By the way, for an adult human is fraught with inflammation of the larynx only discomfort, but for the kid because his throat is too narrow, its inflammation can result in serious problems.

  What could be laryngitis?

Today, doctors have identified a number of varieties of laryngitis. It is about them and will be discussed below:

  • Catarrhal laryngitis

Catarrhal laryngitis - this is the easiest of all the existing forms of the disease. It is manifested mild hoarseness, sore throat feeling. In some cases, coughing may occur, but as a single episode.

  • Hypertrophic Laryngitis

Outwardly, it appears just as catarrhal - hoarseness, sometimes stronger, sore throat, occasional cough. However, its name, this form of laryngitis is not accidental. Differences do exist - in the throat of the child there are small nodules. By size, they are about the same as a match head.

And if the baby like laryngitis repeated often, it is easy hoarseness may be present all the time, even when the baby is perfectly healthy. But in most cases the hoarseness disappears during puberty. Doctors believe that this is due to the hormonal changes of the body.

  • Atrophic laryngitis

Atrophic laryngitis - this is a more serious form of the disease that requires special attention. In this form of the disease is a significant thinning of the mucosa of the larynx of the sick child. Scarce due to hoarseness almost can not talk, much coughing. Fortunately, this type of laryngitis in children occurs only in one out of ten cases.

  • Professional laryngitis

Speaking of laryngitis, not to mention about this form of the disease. In this case, the nodules formed due to the fact that man, by virtue of their professional activities, too much talking. However, the laryngitis in children does not occur, so focus on it we will not.

In addition, parents need to be sure to know that the laryngitis can be either chronic or acute. As mentioned above, the cause of laryngitis are most often different viruses, rarely - allergic factors. In some cases, laryngitis may be nothing but a concomitant symptom of diseases such as whooping cough, scarlet fever, SARS and influenza.

  How do you know that the baby was ill laryngitis?

How parents understand that their baby - it is laryngitis? With some knowledge, it is not so difficult. Let us know what symptoms laryngitis:

  1. Runny nose. No matter how strange it might seem no, the very first symptom of laryngitis is the emergence of the baby cold. Moreover, it can be barely noticeable and can be quite strong - it all depends on the individual characteristics of the child.
  2. Hoarseness. After about two - three hours after the onset of the common cold in a child begins to change the tone of voice - there is hoarseness, increasing incrementally. Voice crumbs may change beyond recognition.
  3. Heavy breathing. Baby's breath is largely deteriorated. The child becomes very hard to breathe - especially at night and the morning. This breathing difficulty is so obvious that it can be easily seen even parents who do not have medical training - tough kid breathes air. And each breath is accompanied by a characteristic sound, reminiscent of the whistle.
  4. Cough. In most cases, the child has laryngitis cough. Cough very rarely strong, but it is also very specific. Doctors call this cough "barking". Approximately one-third - the fourth day after the onset of the disease in a sick child begins to separate sputum.

 laryngitis in children treated

Treatment of laryngitis in children

In that case, if the parents of the child begin treatment promptly, the disease will last only a few days. In principle, nothing particularly complicated treatment laryngitis does not require - parents to easily cope with this task on their own, at home. However, it's worth to call a child a doctor - a pediatrician, who correctly diagnoses the disease and prescribe appropriate treatment.

One of the main conditions for a speedy recovery from laryngitis - this silence baby. To voicebox crumbs quickly bounced back, it should be at rest. If the child is old enough and able to realize that you want it to do and why they need it - no problems whatsoever. Well, in that case, if the crumb is too small, the parents have pretty try to get him to shut up. But parents at the parents to make the impossible possible.

In addition, it is important to ensure that the child is breathing nose, not your mouth. And that is why definitely bury drops crumbs from the cold. The air in the room should be thoroughly moisturize - otherwise hoarseness may increase even more. Of course, if you do not have a special humidifier, you can do and make-shifts - a basin with water and wet towels in the room of the child.

Do not forget that a sick child to drink as much as possible. Perfect fit for drinking any alkaline warm drink. This can be a non-carbonated mineral water, milk and chalk. Of course, with the proviso that no crumbs of your allergic reactions to honey. You can also give crumbs to drink hot tea, fruit drinks and fruit drinks. The child should drink often, but little by little, in small sips. In no case should not limit a child to drink - he should drink as much fluid as he wants.

It is impossible to overlook the inhalation - they are one of the main points of the treatment of laryngitis. In most families today have special inhalers for such cases. However, if you do not - it does not matter. You can do with improvised means, or more precisely - the pan.

Get enamel pot with a wide bottom, sprinkle in it three tablespoons herb eucalyptus. Fill it with one liter of water, put on fire and boil for about three minutes. In the case at hand eucalyptus grass would not, in the water can be added a couple of drops of oil of eucalyptus.

You can also replace the eucalyptus to the grass pharmacy chamomile, sage and St. John's wort. However, remember that they can be used only in case if you firmly believe that they will not cause allergic reactions. Otherwise, the effect may be the opposite. Before you turn off the water, add to the pan a few teaspoons of baking soda.

Close to the kitchen door and hold the crumbs near the pan. Child willy - nilly will breathe fumes. In the same case, if the child is old enough, you can spend the classical procedure of inhalation - ask the child to lean over the pot, of course, pre-cool it to the required temperature, and cover his head with a towel.

And you can spend the inhalation and at night - it just put next to the bed of a sleeping child a pot of hot water. But, in any case, do not forget about the need to strictly observe safety measures - child in any case should not reach out to her in a dream. Otherwise ordinary laryngitis may result in serious burns.

By the way, even our grandmothers used to treat such diseases using an ordinary potato broth. Just cook some raw potato tubers and allow the baby to breathe on this ferry. Please note - during inhalation, doctors recommend mouth breathing. All inhalation should be carried out every three hours.

In the first two - three days after the onset of the disease have a very good effect of hot foot bath. The water temperature should be about 42 - 45 degrees, and the length - not less than twenty minutes. After the bath is over, on the crumbs, wear warm socks and put to bed. That is why doctors recommend this procedure be carried out before bedtime.

Doctors at the time of laryngitis appoint the child a variety of drugs that widen blood vessels, relieve swelling of the throat and inflammation of mucous. In addition, a drug symptomatic treatment needed to remove a runny nose and cough, and sometimes heat. After all, you remember that the laryngitis in children most often develops due to a variety of viruses? And that means that they must be destroyed as soon as possible.

And if increased body temperature can try to reduce the usual child antipyretic syrup, all other drugs should be prescribed by a doctor. So be sure to call your child pediatrician at the first symptoms of the disease - treatment of laryngitis in children should be under medical supervision. But panic is still not worth as laryngitis almost all cases, your child does not bring much harm. Of course, if it is not about laryngospasm. However, laryngospasm - it is a symptom of other diseases about which we will tell you, but in other articles!

 Laryngitis in children

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