Hair Extensions consequences


  • Hot Hair Extensions
  • Cold hair extensions
  • Tape hair extensions
  • General contraindications and warnings
  • Hair repair
  • A few ways to strengthen

More and more popularity begins to enjoy rapid elongation and increase in hair. It is not always want to wait months, and sometimes years, to implement the intended target. From time to time there is an irresistible desire to change something in yourself. Most often the object changes become hair. If initially they are long, the possibilities are virtually unlimited, but if they are short, the idea is unlikely to appear cropped haircut, most will want to wake up with a long and thick head of hair. And not in a year or two, but now, well, or, in extreme cases, right tomorrow ...

Modern technologies provide the opportunity impatient fashionista. However, not everything is perfect as it seems at first glance. After Naroscheny hair can bring not only satisfaction, but also to have irreparable consequences after removal. So, is hair extensions - a fashion trend or fashion danger? In order to understand this issue, it is necessary first of all to consider the views of the building and the possible outcome of each of them.

Hot Hair Extensions

English Technology

The process of building this technology is carried out by using a heated resin adhesive or special glue, which is applied to a gun in the alleged place of the native hair and increase the beam. At the junction formed capsule. Over time, as their hair grow, a correction of extension, that is, moving closer to the roots strands, strands or removing attachments. Correction is recommended every three months.

On the downside, there is a possibility bonding capsules, native hair with the port, and removal of extension you will need a lot of effort. In the worst case, be able to save only a pair of scissors that will remove not only to attached strands. ... Also, the hair removal procedure is not always so pleasant, as promised master salons, sometimes even painful.

Italian technology

It is considered more progressive than the English technology. From the manufacturer originally come ready-made strands with the already pre-attached to them capsules, which is a master lock. At the same time, unlike the English version, the hair does not need to allocate on their own bundles. Also in this building capsules are then much smaller, and make the correction once every six months.

When building using thermal effects, which adversely affect the condition of hair, it degrades their structure. The process of removal does not bode well, because the use of the chemical liquid can be extremely dangerous for the already weakened hair.

French technology

Features of the French building techniques are as follows: the strands are attached with special glue, which is selected depending on the original color of the hair, while hardening the glue becomes flat and unobtrusive, making it easy to comb and of extension, and their hair. Again, the effect of temperature and chemical mixtures for removal can damage the structure of the hair shaft. As a result, the hair falls out, and even deteriorate.

Thus, the main disadvantage is the capacity-term use for a long period of time, chemicals that are able to withstand not every hair. Damaged scalp, structure and condition of the hair, and in the process of removal of extension strands consequences could be even worse than their attachment. If the scalp is very sensitive, Naroscheny hair can cause insomnia and other ailments.

 the effects of hair extensions

Cold hair extensions

South Korean technology

New strands are attached with metal rings, which are clamped with forceps. However, their hair with this method of building should be thick, that the joints are invisible. Often this capacity brings a sense of discomfort due to metal clips, which is difficult to confuse with your own hair can be scratched his head. These foreign objects strongly injure hair, as the last of the hard edges fray clips. For removal of extension strands using forceps that straightened compressed rings are often "under the hand" and get natural hair.

Spanish capacity

The Spanish technology used glue and hardener, and capsule forms the master hands. This method lacks many of the disadvantages of the methods described above capacity. However, this option is also not ideal. Experts say that the composition of the adhesive adversely affects the scalp.

Tape hair extensions

The most secure method is now considered tape capacity at which the strands are attached to the natural hair with a special tape. To remove the used solution, which corrodes the adhesive on the tape. Among the obvious minuses can be called only from the personal discomfort of Scotch in her hair, especially if (as sometimes happens) corners are bent, snarling natural strands.

 Naroscheny hair implications

General contraindications and warnings

With hair extensions, there are contraindications. You can not be subjected to this procedure for people suffering from or prone to baldness, and people with vascular dystonia. When taking certain antibiotics and hormones, too, the procedure is not carried out - here is necessary to consult with your doctor. In addition to these negative consequences of specialists and doctors speak out about the impact of the procedures and the overall state of health.

One of the main factors that have an immediate and direct relevance to the result - it is a human. Not only the quality of the material depends on the degree of damage, but also on the professional level of masters, whose duties include a thorough diagnosis of hair, the selection of the optimal material and technology capacity, the most appropriate individual. To avoid unfortunate consequences, you should carefully follow recommendations for the care of newly acquired hair.

If capacity is not done efficiently, the skin may be due to burning or irritation, perhaps even a feeling of heaviness and pain. The worst thing that can happen if improper maintenance or improper maintenance - loss of extension hair with family. In such extreme cases, be sure to consult a doctor, and then to the salon demanding reimbursement as per the procedure itself, and treatment.

However, even if the build-up of high quality and produced with quality materials - hair injury is inevitable. After all, there is an additional burden on the native hair, resulting in damaged follicles. Over time, the hair weakens, becomes brittle, thin, split and begin to thin out. In any case, if you decide to build your hair, you should first consult your doctor whether you can be subjected to this procedure.

It is also worth noting that Naroscheny hair will bring you a lot of hassle. They require special care - and this special combs, shampoos and conditioners, special paint system ...

 hair after building

Hair repair

How to restore your hair after the building - a very topical issue. Proper hair at escalating significantly deteriorate and become brittle and lifeless, heavily fall. After removal of extension strands definitely need restoration, and in some cases, and intensive treatment. As never before, your hair will need care and respect after all gone. And this process takes a long time, because, in fact, to bring back the hair its former strength is necessary instead of lost hair to grow new healthy tresses.

So, the first thing - a campaign to the doctor, no harm will drink and vitamins that will not only strengthen your hair and nails. Yes, and have a positive impact on the state of the organism as a whole. It is also impossible to imagine the treatment and recovery without a variety of beauty treatments and masks. They not only help to restore the beauty and health of the hair, but the process will bring positive emotions, because every girl like all sorts of spa treatments.

Homemade masks for recovery

Burdock mask

After removal of the increased shag recommended burdock mask. To this oil is heated, applied to the hair and provide thermal effect (wrapped head). An hour later wash your hair with shampoo and conditioner.

Mask with castor oil

Among the most effective masks is considered nourishing mask of pepper vodka and castor oil are mixed in equal proportions. In the ready-mix, add a small amount of balm and apply on hair roots. This mask does not rub. In order to prevent the mask is recommended to do once a week, and the treatment of hair - three times a week. This mask nourishes the hair, strengthens the structure, recovering after various injuries, including after removal of hair extensions.

Kefir Mask

You can make a mask based on any vegetable oil (1 tablespoon), egg yolks, yogurt preheated (half a cup) and dry mustard (1 tablespoon). The mixture apply on hair partings, wrap cellophane head, a towel and hold for 20 minutes. Wash as usual.

The mask of essential oils

Another recipe: peach oil, "Dimexidum" and any essential oil (olive, almond, burdock, coconut). Everything is taken to 1 teaspoon. Mask promotes hair growth, gives a natural shine. The resulting mixture should be well absorbed by the roots and then spread to the entire length of hair. Shook his head with plastic and hold for an hour. The mask is washed several times, you can also rinse the head with water with lemon juice. If your hair is severely weakened, it is recommended a day peach oil to rub into the roots and leave for the night.

A few ways to strengthen

  • Rinsing the yeast will be very useful after the removal of extension strands. Even an alcohol-free beer;
  • Saline compresses (salt is poured a glass of water and mixed) will help to make your hair healthy and beautiful, not only after the removal of the increased locks, but also for other damages;
  • Infusions based on apple cider vinegar is very well help in the reconstruction of damaged hair;
  • A decoction of nettle and burdock - is used for rinsing. You can use every day.

Whatever it was, everyone decides for himself what he really wants and how to achieve the desired. Of course, it does not make rash decisions, initially to consider the problem from different angles, weigh the pros and cons to be disappointed later.

Think about whether or not to resort to artificial means "growing" hair, and then spend the money and effort to the treatment and recovery after the removal of all that was "implanted" in the cabin. Yes, there is a good chance that all will pass without any major consequences. In this case, ask yourself a question: are you prepared to risk?

 Hair: consequences and recovery methods

We advise to check: Which way better hair extensions
