language development in young children

In recent years, more and more parents have the goal to grow from its present child genius. And start to engage with her baby almost from birth. Language development in young children, the logical thinking, the simultaneous study of multiple languages, mathematics and the humanities. And the burden of a child depends on his parents' ambitions.

For some, the four-year kid reciting poems Agnes Barto - an occasion for genuinely proud parent, and someone is not happy with that three-crumb is sometimes confused in fractions. In the early development of children, there are many of both supporters and opponents.

Some parents and teachers say that all you need to invest in a child from a very early age - that it will serve as a guarantee that the child will grow up educated and talented individuals. But other parents say that this fascination with the various techniques of the early development of the child completely deprived childhood and a very negative impact on his mental state and the entire nervous system.

It is difficult to say with certainty who is right, but one thing is clear. The child - it's not a beautiful flower garden. Its development is not enough simply to provide the physiological needs of the body - eating, sleeping, clothing, health. In any case, for a successful and harmonious development of the child should be addressed to him.

And it must deal with parents. Believe me, none of developing a TV program or a computer program is not able to help your child reach their full potential. Of course, we do not encourage you to start learning the language with the six-month Uruguayan crumbs or explain what integrals, three-year child. However, some basic knowledge and skills to give the child the parents are obliged to.

In order to understand the validity of this claim, the parents just enough to remember myself as a child. Yes and. in principle, not only in childhood - because feelings do not depend on whether you are a large or small. Certainly, almost everyone at least once in his life got into a situation where he had to feel extremely uncomfortable due to the fact that it is something one knows. Confusion - it's one of the least negative emotions in this situation.

But in the event that for some reason or other similar situations occur regularly, is very high probability that the child in early childhood will begin to develop a complex of a loser and lost any confidence. And given the fact that the majority of today's parents began to study with her children very, very early, hardly a child in the children's matinee will be able to surprise anyone poem by Agnes Barto.

This article is designed to help understand the huge variety of different developing techniques for children to parents who want their child to be fully developed, and therefore felt confident in any situation. Also, do not forget, and that developed and confident children are much easier to adapt to society, learn clearly identify their goals and achieve them. These children and adult life will be much easier and more comfortable than their peers, while away the time as a child in front of TV.

Why three years?

Why is it so important to the early development of a child? Maybe it makes sense not to load the crumbs from the first year of life, and even earlier, and wait at least until the first class? However, numerous research scientists and child psychologists authentically proved that the best time for perception and assimilation of new information - this is the age of three. At this age, a child's brain is able to perceive and remember as much information with which an adult can not cope ever.

You still afraid of the prospect of depriving your child happy and cloudless childhood? You may be right in some ways. But try to answer the simplest question - what exactly is a happy childhood until about three - five years of age? It is in the knowledge of the natural world. And it is on the shoulders of the parents have the task to give a child the answers to his many "why", "why", "where", "what" and "how."

You can dismiss the child justifying permanent employment and fatigue, or else get rid of the baby's monosyllabic answers stingy. And you can spend quite a bit of time and not just give an answer, even if it is detailed and to teach the child to analyze and find their own answers to certain questions. But, of course, the child must remember that you are always there and always come to his aid. And that's it, in order to form crumbs from this way of thinking, and needed a technique of early development of children.

  Where to begin?

You have read this far? Obviously, you have decided that you and your child's early development is still needed. And gets completely logical question - where do you start? After all, the child's development - employment is very, very serious. This means that the approach to this issue must be with full responsibility, because the wrong actions of parents can only bring harm to - the child can even lose interest in the world around them. That is why the psychologists and teachers advise parents not to engage in independent action, and use one of the many professional techniques, tested and proven.

Sometimes, do it yourself inexperienced parents very, very difficult. Of course, we will describe below in more detail each of the techniques. But if you do something stays unclear, or you will not be able to give preference to one or another method of early child development, you should seek help from psychologists and educators.

Today, there are a huge number of different psychological tests and other highly credible ways that enable psychologists to reveal tendencies, abilities and mindset, even very young children, beginning around six months of age. With this information, parents together with a psychologist will be able to choose the most suitable method of optimal child development.

And one more important detail about which one not only speak, but also, as a rule, do not accept it into consideration - the state of health of the child. Of course, in the event that a child often gets cold, to abandon the early development of at least silly. But in that case, if the crumb is suffering one or another serious disease, it is not necessary to burden him too much.

In this case, it would be wise to consult with the attending physicians of the crumbs that are able to objectively assess the situation and the potential harm that can bring the kid excessive mental load. Of course, in this case, parents may be upset, but this is not worth. Whatever it was, but the health of the child above all else - that it should be at the head of everything.

And development is not going anywhere - in fact your child is in any case continues to evolve every moment of his life. And you're sure to catch up, albeit a little later. After all, the fact that the best information is acquired at the age of three years does not mean that after this age, the child has no chance to catch up with those kids who have started to engage in before. You just have to spend a little more time and effort, but nothing is impossible and unreal in this task no.

 early childhood development

Methods Glenn Doman

The very first system of early child development, which will be discussed below - is a technique of one of the founders of the Institute for Early Childhood Development, located in Philadelphia. And named it in his honor - Glenn Doman method. Like virtually any other method of early childhood development, it has both its ardent fans, and not less ardent adversaries. Already more than a year of this method argue educators, child psychologists, parents, write a variety of media.

However, despite the numerous disputes, and she and the other side is unanimously recognized that this technique is by far one of the most effective. And the first thing you need to know the parents - is the fact that this technique was originally developed as an effective system of education for children, somehow lagging behind in the emotional and mental development.

However, if the method itself is to your liking, this should not be afraid. For years, this system around the world with a stunning success for the early use of perfectly healthy children. So do not give up a really good method only because of some prejudices.

On what is based the principle of this method? It is the fact that young children are best developed - on visual perception. In order to enable you to begin to engage with a child, you need a special card. These cards can be bought ready-made - they are sold in many specialty stores that sell products for children's development and creativity.

And you can go on a difficult path and make their own. For this you need a white paper, or better yet, cardboard - it is much stronger, and therefore the cards are much more durable. For the first 15 months of training is enough - 20 pieces, then as a child mastering the material they need to gradually increase the number. How to increase, you'll see for your child.

To begin, select a theme sessions. On a rectangular sheet of cardboard must be glued to the image corresponding to the selected theme. After this, you will need ruler and red marker. Circle marker image by taking him into a kind of frame. And under the image of a red block letters write the name that is drawn - it is a prerequisite, virtually the basis of all techniques.

Why do they need? It's very simple - thanks to the frame, the child's attention is focused exactly on the picture. Although if the picture clear and sharp enough, you can omit the time frame and paint it. Why red? The answer is also very simple - Scientists have long been able to prove that the red color of the rest has more irritation to the receptors of the human eye. So, and the cerebral cortex impact of red and at times intense. Due to these factors, the information in the brain of a child is much easier to be postponed and, importantly, much faster than if it used a different color.

These cards depicting various objects necessary to show the child, allowing them to capture on sight no more than a few seconds. At this time an adult dealing with a child, should clearly call out loud the name of the object depicted on the card.

The picture may show anything - it all depends on the imagination and preferences of parents. You might want to introduce a child to the outside world? Then the pictures can be shown everything - dishes, furniture, clothes. Or maybe you dream about. To grow young biologist? Then on the cards may show different colors, mushrooms, animals. Young Chemist? Yes, in general, too, is quite real, but be careful that the name of certain chemical elements on the cards was written correctly.

But seriously, with the help of this technique, you can teach your child not only to recognize and name the different objects, but also to write, and even considered. You can buy or make cards with the alphabet, and it is possible simultaneously with different words, consist of four - five letters. The same applies to the numbers - you can draw on the cards just numbers, but small objects can, in varying amounts in different cards, a signed at the bottom of the figure.

Please note that to achieve the desired result it is necessary to follow a few simple conditions. First, engage with the child can begin as early as this want parents - is almost the end of the first week of life when the baby learns to focus the view on a specific subject. But the deadline is also no - you can start doing in three years and five years. A positive result will be visible in almost every case.

Second, pay attention to what kind of mood is the kid at the beginning of the next session. In no case do not start crying or activity with a naughty kid, that if he is tired, hungry or sleep. In this situation, any information the baby still will not learn in a state, but a negative association with the cards can be fixed in his mind, with very high probability - and as a result parents will effect completely opposite of what they seek.

B - Third, the duration of employment and should be strictly limited. And in each case, this duration can be very different - someone she would be two minutes, someone - five, and someone twenty can be small. Although, of course, the latter option is extremely rare - virtually none of the children are not able to keep the concentration for such a long time. And to finish classes should immediately, once the baby starts to show the first signs of fatigue or dissatisfaction.

Strictly speaking, the principle of this method is very, very simple - a child sees an inscription and a picture, then it should be sound. As a result, the child's memory is fixed and the name and visuals seen. Typically, these classes are very popular with children, regardless of their age - in fact interesting to look at the colorful pictures like every child, without exception.

 methods of early childhood development


The following procedure, which deserves to be said about it - a system of early development of Maria Montessori. This technique for - their own interest, since it is based on a very unusual approach to early child development. The main principle, and its motto - "Help me to learn all by yourself! ". Simply put, it razrabotchitsy argues that the best option for Child Development - self-development initiative, the designation of their needs and interests and, therefore, self-satisfaction.

But, of course, without the help of an adult to learn it almost impossible for a child. Therefore, the primary task of parents - not only to create the proper environment for the development of the child, in which he will be able to achieve the desired, but also to teach him a certain independence. This technique eliminates the situation where an adult does something instead of the child, thereby supposedly showing him an example.

From the point of view of the author of this technique, adults must build a relationship with the child so that the child can independently come to the solution of all its tasks. This will help your child quickly and fully realize that the child is totally independent person, able to solve certain problems independently.

It is very difficult to describe all those materials that are used for the development of the child by this method. However, they are focused only on what the child can identify himself standing in front of it a goal or to reach it, either on their own to understand what he is doing is wrong, and why he can not plan.

A striking example of such materials are toys series "Sorter". They certainly have every family with young children: the toy, having any - any form - cars, small animals, house. And they have a slot into which must be inserted into the slots small figures.

Strictly speaking, the system of early child development Montessori is more a way of life of the family, rather than learning a technique. Teachers and parents are using this system argue that every child is an absolutely unique personality, by requiring an adult not only respect, but the relationship on equal terms. And all the children develop in very different ways, and thus to each child attitude and approach must be individual.

Incidentally, in recent years more and more public pre-school institutions - kindergartens. Training aids are equipped with classrooms, teachers and the main task is to help the child to organize its activities in such a way that all natural inclinations and abilities of the child could open fully.
