transfusion of blood from a vein in the buttock

Modern humanity regularly faced with new and new various diseases. And no wonder - the body of modern man have a negative impact a variety of factors: chronic fatigue, typical for most people, unfavorable ecological environment, not very healthy food, and many others.

And the job of the immune system of modern man in recent years is poor. But health largely depends precisely on immunity. Therefore, before the doctors is the main task - enhance human immunity and improve its performance. Modern pharmacology offers a sufficiently large number of drugs that are designed to stimulate the immune system. They are called immunomodulators.

However, in no case can not be taken to these drugs, as a vitamin - mineral complexes. Their effect on the body is very strong, and therefore they should be used with great caution, and only on prescription. And doctors usually try to resort to the treatment of similar pharmacological rarely, only in extreme cases.

In addition to pharmaceutical products there are quite a number of other ways to strengthen the immune system. And one of these methods is autohemotherapy - the transfusion of blood from a vein in the buttock. Simply put, a person takes blood from a vein and injected him in the buttocks - either subcutaneously or intramuscularly. Transfusion of blood from a vein in yagoditsuschitaetsya procedure immunokorregirujushchej therapy.

Features autohemotherapy

This type of therapy is used in various fields of medicine in oncology, hematology, internal medicine. In addition, autohaemotherapy very popular in cosmetology. There are also several different modifications autohemotherapy, but doctors, in most cases, preference is given to all the classical procedure.

To perform classical autohemotherapy health worker should be taken from the vein blood of a sick person. And it is this fresh blood is necessary immediately after sampling, by no means processing and without exposing any impact, intramuscularly, in verhnenaruzhnogo quadrant of the buttocks.

In order to correctly identify the place where you want to make an injection, you should visually separate the buttocks with two lines - horizontal and vertical. Get four square. That is the right or left upper outer square and you want to do a shot. This requirement is explained very simply - it is in these parts of the buttocks is the smallest number of nerve endings.

But the blood vessels, on the contrary, there is much more - thanks to the blood, and any drugs that absorbed much faster. And that means that the risk of infiltration much less. By the way - in order to reduce the risk of infiltration to a minimum, doctors recommend to the injection site to put a hot water bottle. And, of course, do not forget about the processing of the injection site.

This article will not be described schemes such treatment - they are highly individual. It all depends on the purpose for which used a transfusion of blood from a vein in the buttock, what is the general condition of the sick person and many other factors. The only thing that is true in all cases - is the length of the course autohemotherapy. It is an average of ten injections.

The dosage administered under the skin blood is also determined by the physician individually in each case. However, if during autohemotherapy human patient appear side effects such as increased body temperature, or the appearance of a strong swelling of tissues at the injection site, the dose administered of the next portion of blood is reduced at least twice.

In some cases, the physician decides whether subcutaneous, intramuscular and not venous blood. However, these injections must be a doctor very carefully - when injected subcutaneously often arise as a local inflammatory reactions that manifest themselves swelling, pain and redness in the area of ​​the injection, and general negative symptoms, such as:

  • A significant increase in body temperature.
  • The appearance of muscle pain and pain in the joints.
  • The emergence of a sense of chill.

At the first of these symptoms of subcutaneous blood should be immediately abandoned.

 blood transfusion

Indications for autohemotherapy

And now it was the turn to tell you more about that in any cases, doctors may resort to the treatment of the sick person using autohemotherapy, and in some cases, it is strictly forbidden. Thus, indications for autohemotherapy:

  • Skin diseases

Transfusion of blood from a vein in the buttock is very effective in all kinds of skin diseases, such as atopic dermatitis, various forms of eczema, abrasions. Autohemotherapy helped thousands of girls - teenagers to get rid of acne vulgaris and acne. Beauticians and dermatologists have long noticed and make extensive use of the property autohemotherapy.

  • Diseases of the female reproductive system

It is also often resorted to the use of autohemotherapy doctors - gynecologists. This procedure is the most favorable impact on the work of the reproductive system of women. Especially effective autohaemotherapy with genital diseases that have an inflammatory character, both acute and chronic. Significant simplification comes already on the fifth - the sixth day of treatment.

  • Vasoneurosis

Autohemotherapy not only very efficiently removes all the symptoms of the disease, but also eliminates the root cause of the disease itself.

Those doctors who specialize in the study and application in practice autohemotherapy in one voice say that the clinical effects of such treatment is very, very same type:

  • Rehabilitation and defense mechanisms of the human body is largely activated.
  • Intensifies the process of regeneration of soft tissues as after injury or after surgery.
  • Increasing both mental and physical performance.

Other types of blood transfusion

Autohemotherapy addition there are other types of blood transfusions. Thus, the transfusion may be needed if a person had been extensive loss of blood, for example as a result of surgery or some - or serious injury. This blood loss is a serious threat to human life, as it has greatly reduced the level of hemoglobin and blood pressure.

Transfusion expediently carried out only in the case when the bleeding stopped. Doing this is possible only in a hospital, and only using a suitable odnogruppnoy blood. Supplies blood to hospitals, as a rule, blood transfusion station. It, in turn, receives blood from the donor. Incidentally, it is blood transfusion station ensures that the blood was of good quality.

 Blood Transfusion

Features of Blood Transfusion

Transfusion is rather complex and serious procedure that requires special training and continuous medical supervision. The first thing that must be done before a blood transfusion - is to make check on the compatibility of the individual blood donor and the recipient.

If the results of this test will be satisfactory, and compatibility will be a fairly high level, the doctor will initiate a so-called biological sample. The essence of the biological sample is as follows: introducing a human patient of 25 ml. Blood intravenously, every three minutes for twenty minutes. All the while, the doctor should carefully monitor the vital signs of the patient man. And just in case, and this trial will bring satisfactory results, you can proceed directly to the transfusion itself.

During a blood transfusion as a sick person should be under constant medical supervision. Needless transfusion should be done very slowly, and the doctor should record the vital signs such as:

  • Blood pressure.
  • The heart rate.
  • Other subjective feelings of the sick person.

These precautions are essential - in the case of signs of deterioration of the transfusion must be stopped immediately.

There is another kind of the transfusion, which is also sometimes used in medicine - a retransfusion. Unlike the above-described straight Transfusion, wherein blood donor is used, in this case using their own blood, which is poured or chest or the abdomen. Such cases are typical for an ectopic pregnancy, injuries and other parenchymal organs.

In any case, in any case, we should not forget that any manipulation associated with blood transfusion should be carried out only medical professionals. Self-medication in this case is unacceptable.

 Blood transfusion. Indications

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 contraindications hirudotherapy

Recently, a very wide popularity gets hirudotherapy - treatment with leeches. Although, strictly speaking, in this case, holds the popular wisdom that all new - it has long forgotten past, because this method of treatment has been used for more than one or two centuries. However, many people are wondering what contraindications hirudotherapy has, and under what diseases it is most effective. This is what will be discussed below.

For the treatment of certain diseases is not for every leech caught in the nearest pond. For girudoterapii uses special medical leeches, grown on specialized medical farms. The greatest advantage of such medicinal leeches - is their complete sterility, eliminating the possibility of infection of the sick person. Any leech is used only once and then disposed of.

Incidentally, leeches have another amazing ability - they are able to feel any disease. And because of this, it is working with the sick organ or tissue that can make treatment for - truly effective - results from girudoterapii will be seen very quickly.

Indications for treatment with leeches

Today, leech therapy is used in a lot of variety of diseases. In some cases, the leech can even help eliminate the need for surgical intervention. And for many people it is the only girudoterapiya chance and hope for recovery. Though, alas, in the case of the most severe diseases of leech therapy is a psychological help. But who knows - perhaps it is this hope will allow a person to defeat his illness? Even conventional medicine recognizes that sometimes the desire and hope for the best patient they do real miracles - the most terrible and incurable diseases the most mysterious way back down.

In addition, an important advantage of this treatment is a complete absence of side effects and the extremely small number of contraindications. Hirudotherapy successfully used to treat even small children. So the testimony:

  1. Stagnation. Treatment hirudotherapy very effectively relieves those people who suffer from diseases that are somehow connected with the phenomena of congestion: thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, breast.
  2. Gynecological diseases. No less effectively treated with leeches and gynecological diseases such as endometriosis, endometriosis, chronic and acute Andechs, uterine fibroids, cysts and polycystic ovaries. In addition, treatment with leeches can largely alleviate during menopause. And some women claim that girudoterapiya helped them get pregnant infertility.
  3. Cardio - vascular system. Well leeches to treat various diseases of the cardio - vascular system, such as the vegetative - vascular Distanov, cardiac arrhythmia, hypertension and hypotension, heart attack, stroke recovery and other.
  4. Diseases of the skin. Copes with leeches and various skin diseases, even with difficult-to-treat - acne, trophic ulcers, lupus erythematosus.
  5. Disorders of the central nervous system. Very good for the treatment of leeches speak those people who suffer from neurosis, headaches and dizziness, migraine and epilepsy.

 girudoterapiya indications and contraindications

Principle girudoterapii

It achieved a therapeutic effect in girudoterapii thanks to those components that are part of the leech saliva. These substances, the nature of their influence on the human body, can be divided into three groups.

The first group to effectively stimulate the immune system, has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. A second group of active substances has a positive effect on blood vessels, strengthening them and increasing strength. And the third group of compounds affects the lymph circulation and blood flow, prevents any stagnation.

Contraindications girudoterapii

As mentioned above, it has girudoterapiya indications and contraindications. About indications already described above, it is now time to talk about the cases in which treatment with leeches is contraindicated and could pose a threat to the sick person. Fortunately, such cases a little bit:

  1. Blood diseases. Treatment with leeches are strictly prohibited for those people who suffer from hemophilia - chronic incoagulability blood. A further girudoterapija not be used in people with severe anemia, as during treatment in the blood reduces the content of erythrocytes and platelets.
  2. Hypotension, pregnancy. Do not try to be treated with leeches to those people who are suffering from low blood pressure, as well as expectant mothers. In this case, it makes more sense to choose an alternative, safe treatment.
  3. Individual intolerance. In some cases, a person may experience idiosyncrasy any - any substances included in the saliva of leeches. However, reveal a similar contraindication is only possible after the first treatment session. In fairness it should be noted that a similar phenomenon is very rare.

A good doctor knows about all the features of this method of treatment as girudoterapiya: indications, contraindications. And he can paint treatment so that he brought the most benefit to the patient.

 Hirudotherapy, contra-indications and

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