Holiday hairstyles for long hair


  • Beyond fashion: timeless classics
  • Plaits are relevant in every season
  • Greek node in a modern way
  • Studs - girlfriends Evening
  • Green light installation

Medium length hair are considered to be universal. They were convenient to take care of, there is room for imagination when choosing hairstyles for every day and for special occasions.

Holiday hairstyles for medium hair can make the hair stylist in the salon, but having a handy hair dryer and tongs, able to cope with the problem on their own.

Go to a specialist or to try yourself in the art of hairdressing - every woman decides herself. The main thing is that the result does not disappoint, and the hair stood prolonged celebration: a wedding, a birthday or a party in honor of the anniversary - and an unforgettable holiday.
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Beyond fashion: timeless classics

Each season dictates the fashion for hair. Barrettes with rhinestones, bows in the shape of flowers, intricate braids, hair raised high - whenever stylists trying to impress women and puzzle difficult choice on the eve of an important event.

There is a universal recipe for date of all time - locks. With their help it is easy to create a light romantic image. If you pick up the hair and curl the loose ends, you get a truly classic version, discreet, elegant.

In this case, the hair can be supplemented with curls. Excessive strictness soften live or artificial flowers in her hair. The main advantage of this hairstyle is that it is timeless. Born in an elegant Baroque era, hairstyle stood the test of time and has become synonymous with romantic style.

In the modern version appropriate hair, combed in different directions - the image does not lose its romance, but will become increasingly important.

A more relaxed and appropriate untimely variation on the theme of curls - wrap loose hair strands using the following tools:

  • curlers;
  • curlers;
  • pliers;
  • Curling.

Each of the methods will allow to achieve a good result in compliance with simple rules:

  • uniform tension across the width of the strand;
  • maximum apportionment of hair strands;
  • Use styling for greater durability curls (mousse, spray);
  • fixation with hairspray.

These tips are suitable for high hairstyles. And flowers, hair clips or beads, of course, decorate the hair and give a special charm and tenderness of the image.

 Simple hairstyles for medium hair
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Plaits are relevant in every season

In Russian culture Spit has long been considered a source of pride. It is no accident fabulous heroine endowed with magnificent braids incredible length.

Hairstyle by braided hair gives the image of femininity, elegance, but at the same time looks modern. First of all, thanks to the fact that among the fair sex is firmly entrenched French braid.

Its great advantage is that the area of ​​weaving can be any part of the head:

  • parietal;
  • temporal;
  • occipital.

Whatever focus is chosen, the braid will always look appropriate, emphasize individuality and commitment to national traditions. You can braid the bulk or individual strands of hair. Originally will look to connect several braids. In some cases, appropriate to weave colored ribbons or flowers - it all depends on the image and type of festive event.

In any case, a girl or a woman with a hairstyle will not go unnoticed. Romantic image will provide easy negligence and deliberate rastrepannost - this effect is easy to achieve with the help of styling.

 Greek hairstyle for medium hair
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Greek node in a modern way

Most modern stylistic delights from kuaferov based on classical traditions. Almost all the tricks, perhaps with the exception of the radical female hedgehogs, have already been presented in the art of hairdressing today acquired new upgraded features. There was an exception famous Greek knot.

Hairstyle goddesses have not changed in thousands of years and still attracts admiring glances. All brilliant - just. Hair pulled back into a tight or fairly loose ponytail, and laid the ends, which can be decorated simply and simply, either with small studs can be converted to node clever interweaving strands.

Perfection and elegant evening hairstyle will give a view of a bouquet of flowers, or a spectacular bow barrette.
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Studs - girlfriends Evening

Medium length hair are remarkable in that they allow to experiment with hairstyles that can not do without studs. The traditional "snail" - hair, tightly rolled to one side in the occipital area, fixed pins. Simple and elegant. Smart and fast. However, it is the easiest option.

If you spend a little more time and show imagination, studs help create miracles. It is necessary to immediately determine that they are used for fastening elements hairstyles. In some cases, used as a decorative accessory, for example, if the base is decorated with flower pins or pearl.

But more often they are securely hidden from prying eyes, and looks pin - a sign of negligence in creating hairstyles that can be very different.

For example, always looks original weaving strands staggered: the strands are placed perpendicular to the overlapping and fixed pins. Or are located in a chaotic manner, creating the illusion of artistic confusion - it all depends on the imagination of the creator.

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Green light installation

If you do not have time to build an elaborate hairstyle before the soiree, do not despair. The usual festive styling with an emphasis would be appropriate in almost any event. Carefully parted, neatly arranged hair ends, stylish accessory, and the image is ready for the evening.

To most postpone hair from everyday option is appropriate pokorpet of zigzag parting, to experiment with a bang: the rootstock tips not inside, but outside, beat flirty cook.

The special charm attached to harnesses. They do not as difficult as it seems. The main thing - to roll the strand most tightly and securely attach a pin or barrette.

Always come to the rescue of the good old fleece. It will give a greater volume. Strands should tease the roots, and make better use of the stud material, does not create static electricity.

But perhaps the most important rule - do not be afraid to experiment. Bold images in honor and bright personality admired. The important role played by the general condition of the hair. Healthy, shiny, they themselves create the preconditions for a successful hair. With faded locks, split ends and indecent regrown roots harder to cope. However, to achieve harmonious image is not so difficult. The main thing - a desire, a little imagination and the realization that hairstyle - an integral part of the style, and must comply with the general orientation of the image.

 Beautiful hair - Holiday Hair

 beautiful thick hair


  • Masks for oily hair
  • Masks for dry hair
  • Masks for normal hair

Masks for hair density is very important for anyone to do, because the state of hair has a huge impact on a person's appearance.

Thin, brittle, split hair look bad, because not decorate the person.

Most often the condition is getting worse haircuts autumn-winter period. This is due to the seasonal weakening of the immune system, in addition, central heating and temperature changes that occur when moving from the street to the room, which adversely affect the condition of hair.

To improve this situation, you can use an intensive treatment using the masks for hair density. Depending on the type of hair, there are a variety of masks, their actions aimed at solving specific problems with the hair. However, most often masks solve several problems at once. It should be understood that the amount of hair in humans is caused genetically. However, by using the masks can be made thick hair, because use of masks helps reduce the loss of hair, as well as making them more dense, whereby they appear thicker.

It can be divided into three categories of masks: For oily, dry, normal hair.

 Bread Hair Mask
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Masks for oily hair

Typically, the means for greasy hair contain podsushivayuschee components, such as a broth of herbs sage, oak bark and pomegranate peel.

From oat mixture of citric

To prepare it, you need:

  • half a cup of oatmeal
  • one large lemon
  • hot water

Oat flour can be cooked, chopped in a coffee grinder oat flakes. The flour must be brewed with hot water, adding roughly the amount of water to the consistency of the resulting mass resembles a very thick cream. Then, the resulting slurry is necessary to add grated on a fine grater lemon. Mix thoroughly, and then applied to the wet clean hair for 15 minutes, then wash with water.

Out of the blue clay to a decoction of oak bark

For this mask need these ingredients:

  • decoction of oak bark
  • blue clay
  • warm water
  • tablespoon yogurt or sour

First you need to prepare a decoction of oak bark. To do this, a tablespoon of shredded bark pour a glass of water, bring to a boil and boil for five minutes. After this quarter of an hour to insist and strain into a separate bowl. Then you need to add broth or kefir yogurt, stir. Then add small portions of blue clay for pasty consistency. Get the funds to put on damp, pre-washed hair. Wait for 15-20 minutes, then rinse the head with water.

 kefir mask for hair growth
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Masks for dry hair

  • Linen

To prepare the need to prepare the following components:

  • decoction of flaxseed
  • tablespoon of sesame oil
  • colorless henna
  • water

To prepare a decoction of flaxseed to pour a tablespoon of seeds a glass of water, then simmer for 10 minutes. The resulting broth strain and need to add water to the liquid volume was equal to one glass. The resulting broth to add sesame oil, henna and stir thoroughly. The consistency should resemble a mass of liquid sour cream. The weight is applied for half an hour to dry hair. After this time you need to wash your hair with shampoo.

  • Honey

It will need:

  • two tablespoons of honey
  • tablespoon of sour cream
  • teaspoon of starch

All the ingredients are thoroughly stir until smooth, put on the pre-moistened hair for 20 minutes, then wash your hair with shampoo.

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Masks for normal hair

  • Bread

To make a mask, it needs just any bread, preferably black, and hot water. Bread is necessary to add water. When he razmoknet, the resulting slurry must be applied to clean damp hair, rub into the scalp. To sustain 10 minutes, and then rinse thoroughly with water.

  • From white clay

This procedure is necessary white clay and warm cream. The clay should be mixed with cream to the consistency of liquid sour cream. The resulting mixture is applied to dry hair for 15 minutes. Then wash your hair.

The technology of applying the same mask. First, the means applied to the hair, and then put on a head cap and wrap head with a towel. The only difference is that some of the mask is applied to dry hair, some - in the wet. In addition, it may be different by the fact that after some masks to wash his head, and after the other - just rinse. Accordingly, the weight applied to the nutritional or clean on dirty hair. Frequency of applying masks typically 2-3 times a week, unless otherwise specified.

When applying the mask should focus on their own feelings. If it fits, then after a few weeks you will notice that the hair condition has improved. If this does not happen, you need to try a different recipe, since performance is primarily dependent on the individual reactions to the components that make up the mask.

Hair masks from natural ingredients will help to significantly improve their condition and appearance. Since these masks contain available components and their preparation takes very little time to do them in the cellar.

 To improve the condition of hair mask will help!
