Permanent hair in different ways


  • The most dangerous ways of curling
  • Gentle way hairdressing
  • How to quickly get the curls after a hard day
  • The basic rules of curling hair at home

There are numerous ways in which to adorn themselves, to make their appearance more attractive and interesting to others. In addition to makeup and style of clothing it is very important that you have on your head. The point here is not about the hat, but about your hair, their color, cut and style. One of the most that neither is a nice quick ways to change your appearance is a perm hair at home. No wonder that at all times the women were spinning ringlets, mostly on holidays, as all kinds of curls and ringlets adorn girls and women.

The main thing - to choose a suitable for your kind of twisted curls and, of course, a way of curling.

Today there is a huge variety of them, so women have to choose from. A lover of big curls, tight small curls, soft waves or funny playful spirals can easily find a necessary means of curling which offer professional beauty salons, manufacturers of styling and perming hair as well as the women themselves, who do not cease to find new ways decorate their hair.

 Permanent hair curlers thermal
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The most dangerous ways of curling

The most dangerous and the most popular methods include curling perm hair with chemicals, or so-called biozavivka. Whatever the case may be called, it brings harm to the hair the same: the combination of organic and inorganic substances that are used by craftsmen in a perm, killed instantly in your hair all living, resulting in the further appearance of hair in a terrible state.

The popularity of this method is because the curls in the hair will stay for a long time, but before the procedure, few realize that otraschennaya chemistry is not a sight for the faint hearted and a lot of time and emotional energy needed to endure such a painful process. Painful yet on what affects not only the hair, but their roots and scalp. Therefore, even after chemically curled hair grow back, and you have them cut off, there is no guarantee that the new hair will be healthy.

Some holders of "long ringlets" cease to rejoice in their hair, as women tend to impermanence and the desire to change. Then they put their hair even more dangerous procedure - straightening by heat or chemical treatments. What to say about the monthly staining or dyeing the hair.

No less popular method of curling hair at home is a thermal method, using the ironing or termoploek and nozzle dryer. Plus, this set is also called termobigudi. Methods of fast and convenient, but to use them as little as possible is recommended, again because of their negative impact on the health of the hair. As a rule, they are burned, although now the beauty industry offers a wide variety of protective measures to be applied to each lock individually before clamping hair between the curling red-hot pincers. Termozavivke should resort to only in exceptional cases, going to some special event, a gala evening.

 perm hair curlers flexible
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Gentle way hairdressing

Even keeping in mind the well-known Russian proverb "Beauty requires sacrifice," do not forget that hair is also better to choose fresh and as safely as possible or at least sparing them a way to waving instead of harmful. The most traditional, came to us from ancient times, even perm hair at home - a braid braid at night. After that, your hair will fall off in waves over her shoulders.

For lovers of small and frequent waves suitable variant splicing a plurality of braids all over the head. But to go out with not previously laid wavy hair is not recommended, because you will look like a poodle. This method of modern ladies prefer twisting curls finger or flagella with further strengthening of the studs or pins. But at night it is not safe to use them, so more easy and traditional way of harvesting haircuts "in the night" will be waving in curlers.

Curling hair curlers

The most convenient and professional tool, with which you can make beautiful and long to keep the curls of different shapes - curlers. Counters modern shops and beauty salons are literally bursting with the variety of shapes and sizes of curlers that any girl can quite successfully be used in the process of bringing their hairstyles in order. The main thing - to know what result you want: small or big curls African curls, vertical spiral curls or small sizes. Select in-store solutions for your project and start the process of curling.

Curling on curlers

The most convenient type called curlers curlers or rollers, boomerangs, which combine several very valuable qualities of the client. For example, they bend easily, whereby during winding Irons no need to use clamp elements, which are kept hooked to curl. Moreover, they are very soft and smooth surface, it prevents damage to the hair, such as in the case of plastic or rubber embodiments. Plus and that on curlers can sleep without feeling any pain or discomfort. And the democratic value of boomerang-papilotok adds one point to their popularity ratings.

That set of qualities may have even except a homemade version - curlers, cloth or paper. It is also painless, effective: the curls are rather beautiful and persistent hair is not damaged, and they are practically worthless. The only looks wound on the head with a piece of paper and patches of hair cloths extremely funny and even frightening. Therefore, if you do not sleep alone, then give preference curlers.

 curls using curling
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How to quickly get the curls after a hard day

We have considered the way in which the hair is curled over night, but it also happens that the curly locks are necessary for us at the end of the day, when the strength is not even the fact that the two o'clock to sit in a chair at the stylist. In this case the master of hairdressing invented a very useful thing, which is capable of performing just two equally important functions. Such a thing is a twister or a bagel - a device that, firstly, the quality collecting hairs of different volumes in a severe bun, with whom you can go to work, because it looks strict, businesslike and at the same time, stylish and elegant .

And secondly, because of it your hair is in a twisted position for quite a long time, it's the effect that, disheveled hair at the end of the day, you get a ready-made evening hairstyle, consisting of a soft, uniform curls. If you have no twister, it can be replaced by an ordinary rubber band hair, it is better if it is bulk. To hold this type of gum tail is not in vogue, but a bundle of it is perfect.
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The basic rules of curling hair at home

We have just covered all sorts of ways to perm hair at home. It only remains to give some advice on how to properly prepare the hair for the event, which support tools with the need, and more. So, to begin the process of curling hair should not prepare a toolkit and own hair. To do this, they need to be thoroughly cleaned and dried. Wet hair experts advise against frizz. Then you need to properly divide hair into zones that you will turn to wind. The most convenient way to start curling the hair from the crown, gradually moving to the sides, and in the end, wind the hair back of the head. Strands should not be too thick to effect curls evenly distributed, and not too thin, in order to avoid damaging them.

To quickly formed curls and finished hairstyle firmly held, recommend the use of styling products such as mousse. It must be uniformly applied to each strand of small balls. The treated mousse strand need to carefully comb and cheat. Spinning need at the root of hair curler is not to touch the scalp. However, much drag away strands is not necessary, as this can lead to headaches or fainting.

Time to leave the curlers are on the head, is calculated individually as the hair of each person differently amenable perms and other procedures. The average time that will need to be held in anticipation of curls, is approximately 5 hours. After this period, you can gently remove all the curlers. Try to do it in a way that locks do not change their shape, do not use a comb, as it can destroy all the work done over the hair work. Better to just beat his hands received curls, place them as you like and consolidate the beauty of lacquer medium or strong hold. It depends on the type, volume and length of your hair.

 Beautiful curly locks at home
