Cosmetics own hands


  • Terms of manufacturing of cosmetics with their own hands
  • Cosmetics for skin care: simple recipes
  • Body cosmetics with their hands: useful recipes
  • Cosmetics for the care for hands
  • Hair Cosmetics own hands

Every woman aspires to be attractive. However, to maintain the beauty of many years - not an easy task. Skin and hair need to moisturize, nourish and strengthen. To help in this difficult case come different cosmetics. They are represented on the market in a huge variety.

A woman with any material prosperity can acquire for yourself a suitable makeup. But can we be confident in the quality of products offered? Of course, it is possible to acquire the means to maintain the beauty of the elite firms, but it will be very cheap. And is there any guarantee that this product is a fake?

It should also be noted that even in the most expensive and high-quality cosmetics in one way or another add preservatives and various chemical components. For most women, they are harmless, but some can cause allergic reactions. It is no wonder that more and more often have to resort to the experience of our grandmothers.

In the old days, when there were no stores or factories for the production of cosmetics, women managed to maintain its beauty by elementary means made their own hands. For skin care and hair, they were simple recipes that use natural ingredients. And now more and more popular it becomes the home cosmetics. After all, the only way to be sure of its safety and quality.

At first glance it may seem that the cosmetics with their own hands - it is extremely difficult. In this there is only truth. First we have to make some effort, but eventually acquired experience, and this activity will start even fun. For many women, domestic cosmetics becomes as a hobby, such as crafts or cooking. Many people collect old recipes homemade cosmetics and based on them have set up their own.

Recipes for self-cosmetics are very different. For some special equipment is required. We describe these recipes home cosmetics to maintain youth and beauty, which can easily be made from simple ingredients. It is important to know a few rules.

 Cosmetics own hands

Terms of manufacturing of cosmetics with their own hands

  1. Prepare a separate bowl, you will only use for the manufacture of cosmetics. It must be enamelled bowls of different sizes and a pan with a double bottom. Many components will need to be reheated in a water and steam.
  2. Raw materials for the manufacture of cosmetics with their own hands is better to buy in a pharmacy, and not to collect themselves. All components must be of good quality and fresh. Water is used as much as possible a mineral or distilled.
  3. Obtain electronic scales. Raw materials for manufacture of some types of cosmetics is desirable to measure as accurately as possible.
  4. Home Cosmetics prepares small portions. Remember that even in the refrigerator it is stored for a few days. On capacity stick paper on which write the date when it was made, or other means. This will prevent the use of tainted cosmetics.
  5. Cosmetics with natural ingredients do not contain preservatives. Therefore, the capacity in which it is packaged, can not be firmly clogging. It is enough to cover the jar with a piece of waxed paper or foil.
  6. Remember that in the manufacture of cosmetics with their own hands is very important accuracy. Utensils, hands and all components must be clean. A container in which to store a ready means, it is better to sterilize. This prevents harmful microorganisms in it and contribute to a longer shelf life.

The hands can cook any cosmetic product: a cream, tonic, mask, scrub, lip balm and even toothpaste. Well, we now present recipes for beginners to master this interesting and necessary work.

 Household cosmetics

Cosmetics for skin care: simple recipes

  1. Tonic for all skin types can be easily prepared from cucumber and water

    To do this, rub on a small grater fresh vegetables, peeled. Then, mix 3 tablespoons of puree of cucumber with 1 cup boiling water. Refrigerate and allow to lotion during the day. It is an excellent tool, tightens pores and reduces inflammation.

  2. Cleansing lotion milk and violet colors

    300 milliliters of milk 3 tablespoons sleep inflorescences. Place container on fire and warm on low heat until until you feel a pleasant aroma. Make sure that the liquid does not boil. Ready lotion cool and store in the refrigerator for three days. He was not only well improve skin color, but also give it freshness. Not for nothing that more famous ancient beauties washed with milk and bathed in it.

  3. Tonic for Problem Skin

    To make it, be diluted in a quarter cup of water a few drops of tea tree oil. The resulting liquid, wipe the face 2 times a day.

  4. Lotion Aloe choice for older women

    It helps moisturize dry aging skin. To make it, cut leaves of the plant should be kept in the refrigerator for two weeks. Then 50 grams of aloe pour 500 ml of cold water and insist for about 2 hours under the hood. The liquid is heated on a slow fire to boil and filter.

  5. Cream for all skin types

    Beat the egg yolk 1 juice of half a lemon, adding dropwise ¼ cup of olive or sunflower oil. The resulting composition is mixed with 4 teaspoons lanolin and 2 tablespoons of alcohol pharmacy, add 1 teaspoon of vitamin A and E, which can be bought at any drugstore. The resulting mixture cover and shaken for an hour. Ready cream consistency should resemble a watery and cosmetic creams.

  6. Cream with rejuvenating effect

    Beat yolk with 1 tablespoon of any vegetable oil and 1 teaspoon of honey. Separately, combine 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and 1 teaspoon of glycerin. Then, all mix and whisk thoroughly using a mixer, gradually adding 7 - 10 drops of camphor alcohol.

  7. Easy Scrub

    Mix equal parts of oatmeal and wheat germ, add warm water to the mass acquired a pasty consistency. Scrub stored in tightly closed containers, apply 2 times a week.

  8. Sugar peeling

    1 teaspoon of sugar mixed with 1 heaped tablespoon of any vegetable oil. For oily skin - with lemon juice. The resulting mixture for 1-2 minutes to massage the face, then wash with warm water.

  9. Fruit mask for dry skin

    Grind equal parts flesh of plums and melon in a meat grinder, add 2 tablespoons of sunflower or olive oil. Likewise the mask may be manufactured from any of vegetables and fruits by selecting them in accordance with the skin type and what effect would like to receive. Lemon, cucumber and potatoes, for example, freshen and whiten skin. A banana, onion and pumpkin have a rejuvenating effect.

Body cosmetics with their hands: useful recipes

  1. Natural Deodorant

    Take 60 grams of cornstarch and mix in equal proportions with the baking soda. Add 20 drops of tea tree essential oil and 3 tablespoons of coconut oil. The mixture may be used after it thickens. Store natural deodorant better refrigerated.

  2. Shower gel

    To make it, you need 200 grams of soap base or crushed children's soap mixed with 300 milliliters of water. For thickness add 1 tablespoon of table or sea salt, and 6 drops of any essential oil. Receipt of funds will take longer to be kept in containers with darkened glasses.

  3. Scrub

    Mix in equal parts sugar and sea salt, add a few drops of essential oils. Natural exfoliating ready. To achieve the effect of anti-cellulite, here you can add ground coffee insoluble.

  4. Means for bathing

    A glass of oatmeal pour 1, 5 liters of water and put to languish at very low heat for 4 hours. Cooked weight grind through a sieve. A mixture similar to a jelly. Add it in the water while taking a bath.

  5. Mask for breast enhancement

    1 tablespoon yogurt without filler mixed with 1 teaspoon oil solution of vitamin E and a raw egg. Apply massaged on the chest for 10-15 minutes.

 home Cosmetics own hands

Cosmetics for the care for hands

  1. Cream

    To make it, take the 1, 5 tablespoons soap base or baby soaps and dilute 4 tablespoons of water. Warm over a fire until smooth. Cool, add 1 teaspoon of glycerin, 4 tablespoons of olive oil and a few drops of any essential oil at its discretion.

  2. Rejuvenating Hand Mask

    1 tablespoon of honey mixed with the same amount of sour cream and beaten egg yolk. Keep the mask on hands for 15-20 minutes.

  3. Mask for nail growth

    Mix vegetable oil with crushed red pepper. The resulting slurry to keep the nails for 5-10 minutes. This mask enhances blood flow to the nails and promotes their growth.

Hair Cosmetics own hands

  1. Herbal Shampoo

    Boil for 3 bags of chamomile and mint tea in 250 milliliters of water, cool. Mix the solution with the soap base and 1 teaspoon of refined vegetable oil. This shampoo is well kept, even without refrigeration.

  2. Mask

    To begin preparing the foundation. Mix equal parts of castor, burdock and olive oil, add a few drops of vitamins A and E. The composition of a good stir. Then stir the mixture 1 egg yolk and a few drops of lemon juice. Apply the mask on your hair, put on top warming cap, hold about 40 minutes.

  3. Hair dye

    Absolutely harmless alternative to chemical agents of the shops are vegetable henna. Adding to her more natural ingredients, you can get the desired shade. For chestnut color, for example, henna mixed with cocoa powder and cinnamon. And to get a reddish tint to it added beet or cranberry juice. Blondes for beauty hair is recommended to use a colorless henna and rinse decoction of chamomile or nettle. Natural cosmetics will not only give beautiful shade of hair, but also make them strong and healthy.

The above recipes - just a drop in the bucket of the cosmetics that you can make yourself. Having acquired the necessary experience, you will be able to master more complex recipes. Indeed, in the home, you can make your own hands, even toothpaste, lipstick and mascara. And believe me, even the most expensive cosmetics from elite producers can not be compared in quality to that made by yourself. And after a while you are able to create their own recipes for beauty and health.

Do not spare to spend on taking care of their beauty some time, positive results will not take long to wait. Believe me, Cosmetics own hands - it is not only just, but also useful. See for yourself: Use our recipes and be beautiful!

 His hands cosmetics made easy and simple
