mask for the face cream


  • Rules applying masks
  • Masks of sour cream
  • Recipes masks sour cream directional

Needless to say that at all times the woman tried to be beautiful, attractive and, quite naturally, as long as possible is not old. In the arsenal of modern ladies offers a huge selection of cosmetic services. And one of the most effective procedures, favorably affecting the skin - facials. But ... not in a hurry to attend the expensive salons, homemade masks are as effective and beneficial for your skin. With regular procedures once or twice a week, the skin, the color is much improved. It becomes more elastic. You feel like your skin with every session becomes soft, soft and velvety.

And, of course, there is no doubt that the fresh natural products much more attractive and more useful than beautifully packaged factory jars. One of the most accessible, popular and effective is the face mask of sour cream, cooked their own hands. This dairy product is incredibly refreshing and brightens the skin, reduces large pores; it successfully will smooth your first wrinkles. Furthermore, cream is effective in combination with other natural components, for example, herbs, fruits and vegetables; and, of course, it is very well combined with sour cream honey.

Did you know that the sour cream, except for vitamins A, PP, group B, C, D, E, H, and contains a number of elements: magnesium, calcium, iron, sodium, selenium, iodine? All of these vitamins and minerals beneficial to the skin of the face and allow you to keep youth. However, due to the high fat content of certain types of skin cream should use different fat levels. That is fatter sour cream should be used for dry skin and for combination, problem or oily skin, by contrast, use low-fat diet product.

 face mask of sour cream

Rules applying masks

To mask has proved the most effective, apply it on the face is necessary, observing certain rules:

  • It is important that the facial skin has been pre-cleared. Use your usual means: tonic, lotion, foam cleanser, soap and water. In no case do not put the mask on cosmetics. The face should be neither powder audio tone, or even daily lotions, which will be in this case a barrier to penetration of useful components in skin mask.
  • The mask will be much more effective if the person will be a little steamed; no harm would be done pre-peeling (one of the easiest ways to prepare Scrub - Mix the honey and salt to one teaspoon).
  • Apply the mask to the direction of massage lines: from the chin to the ear lobes, from the corner of his mouth to the middle ear from the wings of the nose to the upper tips of the ears, on the forehead from the middle and to the temples.
  • For the distribution of the mask on your face, you can use a brush, a cotton swab with his fingertips.
  • Try not to talk, and most importantly, relax, when the mask is applied to the face. Turn on soft music, allow yourself a little relaxation.
  • For the desired result should repeat the procedure at least twice a week.
  • Unmask rekomenduetsyaslegka cool, in some cases, hot water. Gently, without stretching the skin.
  • After the procedure, apply your usual face cream.

Sour cream - a product so popular and productive, that there is an uncountable number of masks from it. To achieve the desired result, you simply add the sour cream in a variety of products.

Masks of sour cream

For normal skin

If you have a normal skin type face, the abuse of sour cream masks, you should not. They are necessary only as supplementary feeding of vitamins and minerals contained in this product. For example, you can make a mask: Mix one large spoonful of sour cream and chopped cucumber. Apply weight to the face 15 minutes This mask nourishes, moisturizes and whitens the skin.

You will like another recipe, which includes 2 tbsp sour cream, 10-15 pre pounded grapes peeled and small spoon of honey. Sour cream softens, grapes - tones and honey - nourishes your skin. By the way, the grapes can be seen on the apple.

For oily skin

For the preparation of the next mask, use low-fat sour cream, combined with potato starch - Take 2 large spoons of one and another product. The mask is applied for 20 minutes. For a good result dries important not to use the cream and makeup for three hours after the wash away the mask.

Visible Drying result is obtained after repeated application of the following mask: Mix 1 tbsp low-fat sour cream, half a spoon powder (common child) and a small pinch of boric acid powder. The resulting composition spread on the face and leave it for 15 minutes.

For dry skin

One of the most simple and effective mask: a thick layer of fat to lubricate the face cream, leave for 20 minutes, rinse with lukewarm water. To see the results, you must repeat the procedure at least twice a week.

The next part is also intensely nourishes dry skin: slightly warmed honey you must add the sour cream in equal parts. After applying a layer wait until the mass is dry on your face, and apply the next layer. Thus impose 3-4 layers. For thorough effect it is recommended to supplement mix 1 teaspoon radish rubbed.

 Facial Mask with sour cream

Recipes masks sour cream directional

  • From strawberries and cream

The most popular high-performance facial mask. Take the necessary fat sour cream for your skin type. Mix both ingredients until a homogeneous mixture and apply on face for half an hour. Quick and you are guaranteed a great result!

  • Toning Mask

It is proposed to be used for different skin types. Preparation: Mix egg yolk, 1 large spoonful of sour cream, aloe juice - half a spoon (suitable infusion and pharmacy). Apply the resulting consistency of 20-25 min., Then rinse and immediately wipe the face is very warm brew. After this process the face with ice. Recommended add a mask to your skin firmness and lasting tonic effect.

  • Whitening

It consists of cream and green clay (available at pharmacies). All stir until thick cream, lubricate the face for 20 minutes., Rinse with lukewarm water. Do not often 1 time per week.

  • From freckles and age spots

To solve this problem suitable mask with the addition of sour cream horseradish juice in a ratio of 1: 1 tsp. You can also replace horseradish juice on the lemon. Effective whitening results you like it!

  • Against skin aging

Raw egg - a great product with a lifting effect. We need to take a spoon of sour cream and one egg yolk. Do not be amiss to add a large spoonful of agave juice. Mix well and lubricate the face and neck. Yes, yes, do not forget to handle and neck, her age so easy to read!

  • To lighten and nourish the skin

Adding cream oatmeal, pre-brewed in milk, you get to the lightening effect and more intense skin nutrition. It should be half a spoon of cereal soak in half a glass of hot milk for 40 minutes and mix with 1 tablespoon sour cream. Adding to the resulting cream honey, you make more efficient mask (honey all work well in conjunction with sour cream). To cover the face of the abundant layer of the mix for 20-30 minutes.

  • Moisturizing Mask

Honey - a universal nutritious food. Fresh complexion and healthy - this is the result of applying this mask. To prepare the mixture you need to take honey and sour cream in equal proportions - for example, one tablespoon. Further, according to the scheme: the mask stand for half an hour, rinse your face with water.

  • Purifying Mask

Another important in the care of the skin becomes its cleansing, which is easy to do with the home scrubs based cream. For oily skin, use as an additive salt, and dry - sugar. Two tablespoons of each ingredient is sufficient. This composition should be applied rubbing massage movements.

For sensitive skin suit following mask: mix in equal proportions to a uniform pulp sour cream, cottage cheese and sea salt. After scraping for a minute do not wash the mask for another ten minutes.

  • The mask of sour cream for inflamed areas

You will need: 1 tbsp. spoon pharmacy chamomile (calendula, celandine), 1 tbsp. l. sour cream. Chamomile flowers grind, mix with sour cream. The resulting concentrate insist 10 minutes, after which the grease-damaged skin. After waiting 20 minutes, remove the mask with warm water.

  • Sour cream mask for eyelid edema

Parsley grind in a blender until smooth porridge. Mix in equal proportions with cream. Apply to the area under the eyes of not more than 15 minutes. Rinse off mass should be careful not to stretch the skin. This mask will remove puffiness and brighten the skin.

Superior quality masks, prepared on the basis of sour cream - penetrating into the deepest layers of the epidermis. But do not forget - to achieve stable results should be regularly treatments. Otherwise, the effect is only temporary.

Masks of sour cream, no doubt, can be called popular. They do not take up much of your time, is easy to prepare and affordable. By combining the various components, you can get a variety of masks on the basis of sour cream. Not to mention the fact that the cream itself - the finished product of natural beauty!

 Prolongs youth: the mask of sour cream for the face
