Cocoa Facial Mask

Cocoa powder - available and versatile product. Firstly, it can be cooked in a tasty drink warming, secondly, its use in baking, third, save it assists withering skin. It includes a great number of various vitamins and mineral micronutrients, including it contains antioxidants, caffeine, and a very large number of different nutrients. Moreover, cocoa powder can be purchased in virtually any store and easily prepare useful "treat" for their skin.

Cocoa Facial Mask suitable for any skin type, depending on the complementary ingredients it can be moisturizes, nourishes, peeling and so on. But it is important to remember that in some cases it is better to be safe, if you have a suspicion that some of the components of the mask can cause allergies. Check it out before the cosmetic procedure, causing a small amount of a controversial ingredient to the inner surface of the elbow, wait a few minutes; If no redness, itching, irritation has not appeared on the site of the future mask contact with the skin, you can not be afraid of allergies. Otherwise, choose any other recipe.

Before you put a mask of cocoa, should be very careful to clean the surface of the skin with soap and water, or any designated for that purpose. During the procedure, it is best to relax and lie down, and not to engage in household chores, so the mask will be more effective. After removing the mixture from the face it makes sense to put a thin layer of any nutrient or moisturizer. If possible, remove the mask is filtered water, especially the exfoliating compositions.

Note: For cosmetic masks suitable only natural cocoa powder, instant no mixture can not be used in such procedures.

 Useful cocoa face mask

Recipes masks with cocoa

  1. Peeling maskaSostav: third cup of cocoa, a quarter cup of liquid honey, two tablespoons of white or cane (brown) sugar. Mix the ingredients, apply massaging in a circular motion. The mixture was left for ten minutes.
  2. Softening maskaSostav: third cup of cocoa, half a cup of liquid honey, two large spoons of cream and one and a half tablespoons of oatmeal. Apply on face and leave for at least fifteen minutes, contrasting wash (warm, then cold enough water, make sure that the first time, the contrast was too strong, increases with time).
  3. Purifying Mask

    Ingredients: a large spoon of cocoa and coffee powder, a little warm milk. Mix ingredients and bulk milk diluted to a state of pulp. Apply on the face and into ten or fifteen minutes. Remove the mixture with cold water too. Note that this structure is best combined skin. But can be used for any other.

  4. Rejuvenating Mask

    Composition: three large tablespoons of cocoa, two large spoons of warm liquid honey, a spoon of natural yogurt, a capsule of vitamin E. Mix and apply on skin for twenty to twenty-five minutes. Then rinse and put nourishing and soothing cream.

  5. Universal mask

    Composition: three large tablespoons of cocoa, two big spoons of any cosmetic clay and yogurt, a teaspoon of coconut oil and lemon juice. Mix the ingredients, apply for fifteen minutes. Very gently rinse, making sure the mixture does not get into your eyes.

  6. Rejuvenating Mask

    Ingredients: a large spoon of cocoa, as much freshly brewed green or white tea, a little honey. Mix and, if necessary, add water. Apply and leave for ten to twenty minutes. Carefully rinse. With regular use, this compound works wonders.

  7. Mask for oily skin

    Ingredients: a tablespoon of cocoa and oatmeal, a little fat-free yogurt or yogurt. Mix ingredients and bulk diluted to a state of clover. Apply on the face. After a while, rinse with chilled water.

  8. Simple Mask

    Ingredients: cocoa, water. Dilute with water to obtain a powder porridge. Apply and leave for ten minutes. Rinse off with warm water. This option is suitable for all skin types; If your skin is very dry, you can replace the water with milk.

  9. Mask for oily skin

    Composition: two teaspoons of green or white clay, cocoa and Herculean flakes, a little chilled white or green tea. Mix the dry ingredients and diluted to a state of clover. Apply weight to the face for ten to twenty minutes. Wash. This mask quickly and efficiently removes excess shine.

  10. Mask from irritation

    Composition: two spoonfuls of homogenized cheese, spoon of cocoa, two spoons of grated chocolate, a little cinnamon. Heat all ingredients in a water bath, do not forget to stir, until smooth. Remove from heat, cool, face applied with a brush. Seventeen to twenty minutes carefully rinse with warm water. Ideally use this mask once a week. (Homogenized cheese - is the maximum mass of shredded cheese).

  11. Toning Mask

    Ingredients: a tablespoon of cocoa and any fruit pulp, a little water. Dissolve the cocoa water, add the pulp. Apply half an hour, not quite wash with cold water. If you have oily skin, you better fit the mask from the pulp of cranberries or cherries.

  12. The caring mask

    Composition: two small spoon of cocoa, a small cup of well-brewed green tea or coffee, half a teaspoon of olive or avocado oil, a small spoon of honey, a handful of milled oat flakes. Cocoa dilute hot coffee or tea, stir thoroughly. Add the butter and honey, fill crushed flakes. Liberally applied to the skin of the neck and face and leave for ten to twenty minutes. Shoot with a cotton pad or tissue. Rinse face with warm water, process lotion or tonic.

  13. Mask for oily skin

    Ingredients: tablespoon Hercules flakes, the same low-fat cottage cheese, two small spoon of cocoa, a little yogurt. Mix the ingredients, add the yogurt, to get pap. Liberally apply on face and leave for ten to fifteen minutes. Wash is not too cool water.

  14. The mask for dry and normal skin

    Ingredients: a little water, two to three teaspoons of sour cream and cocoa, egg yolk. Dilute Cocoa warm water, add the remaining ingredients. Apply to face and neck and remove with lukewarm water after about twenty minutes.

It should be noted that cocoa is very useful for oral administration. Firstly, so necessary for the preservation of a youth anti-oxidants in it more than anything else. Secondly, it makes sense to prefer chocolate pieces cocoa cup as the beverage is much less saturated fat. Thirdly, the theobromine present in the cocoa, it has invigorating properties but acts much softer caffeine. Therefore, it can be recommended to people who, for some reason contraindicated coffee.

In addition, despite the high calorie, obesity cocoa is not threatened - mainly due to the fact that even a small cup of this drink successfully satisfies hunger; making it, by the way, an ideal breakfast for adults and children.

 Sweet life: cocoa face mask

 shugaring deep bikini


  • Contraindications shugaring
  • Recipe for pasta at home
  • Deep hair removal bikini

Undoubtedly, every woman wants to be beautiful, seductive and attractive. It so happened that for several thousand years (according to archaeologists), from the times of ancient Egypt, the concept of attraction include smooth skin without hair; Of course, we're not talking about the head. For the sake of smooth leather women are willing to endure a lot. Today we'll talk about what shugaring deep bikini how to do it at home, and even about what is good or bad, this, as it is sometimes called "Persian hair removal."

As you can guess, the concept of "shugaring" comes from the English word «sugar», meaning "sugar." The operating principle of this procedure is similar to waxing. Because sugar is boiled thick paste, applied to the skin and then removed together with the hairs. But there are differences:

  1. Availability and low cost ingredients: agree, in any house you can find water and sugar.
  2. Absence of allergic reactions. It's all about natural ingredients, without chemical additives, dyes and perfumes.
  3. Less trauma to the skin. Sugar paste just can not catch a layer of skin, as does a wax, it acts only on the hair, the hair should be very short (no more than 5mm) or very thin. That is why it is so well suited for hair removal in the bikini area where the skin is very delicate.
  4. No heating, the procedure does without him, so the likelihood of burns and vasodilatation extremely small.
  5. Practically not grow hair after shugaring. Knowledgeable people say that the skin will be smooth ten to twenty days, with inflammation and other problems will be absent.

Only the allergenic component - lemon juice or citric acid. Therefore, before making shugaring, check yourself for allergies. For this small amount of lemon juice, apply on the inner surface of the elbow hands and wait for a while. If irritation, itching or redness in the treated area will better play it safe. Please note that food allergies in the lemon and derivatives does not guarantee an allergic skin reaction. It is important to remember that after the procedure should not immediately go to the sauna or pool.

 shugaring deep bikini zone

Contraindications shugaring

First, run the same contraindications as for wax depilation - on the surface of the skin area to which you want to work, there should be no sores, wounds, redness, inflammation, irritation, and other skin diseases. Second, a very serious reason not to do shugaring is varicose veins - if present in the area of ​​skin that you are going to handle, tread on the surface veins and blood vessels even hair removal wax or sugar is not allowed.

Recipe for pasta at home

Ingredients: a kilogram of sugar, the juice of half a lemon, half a cup of water. All components of the mix and heat over high heat, carefully interfere with two or three minutes, and reduce the heat to stop, cover and cook for another ten minutes. Then remove the lid, to prevent two or three minutes, again, close the lid and continue to cook for ten minutes. If the mixture is too liquid, the end of cooking remove the lid to evaporate excess moisture. Pour the mixture into a plastic container and allowed to cool. The paste should not be hard, rough texture of her - like a frozen caramel.

Please note that you may not be able to do everything right the first time. In the preparation process has its tricks, and may have to do it two or three times before you get an acceptable result. Properly cooked pasta should be golden brown and smell like caramel. If the paste is dark and sharply odd smell, the cooking process, alas, have to start from the beginning.

There are variations of the above recipe for the production of a small amount of toothpaste, not to postpone it for future use. Ingredients: ten large spoons of sugar, lemon juice of one-third, one big spoon of water. Cover up all in a glass bowl, put on two and a half minutes on low mode in the microwave. The mixture should begin to bubble, then mix it and put on the most powerful mode for about a minute. Pasta cools down about seven or eight minutes, the crust on the surface to be plastic. When the paste cools so that it can not capture, you can put it back in the microwave for ten seconds literally. Be careful in the work, not to burn the fingertips. Balls of the resulting mass is necessary to stretch and fold until they acquire a white color.

This recipe is good speed of production, however, there are nuances - this pasta does not catch the hair shorter than 3 mm, but do not try to remove the hairs are too long - it is painful, and in the case of a conventional paste. Remove the mixture only after complete drying, otherwise it just does not make sense.

Hair removal in general is as follows: take the paste into small pieces, knead about the state of gum, this mass gently spread over the intended against the hair growth, then it is possible to cover these places for the convenience of strips of cloth. After complete solidification vibrant, smooth motion remove hairline.

 how to make deep bikini shugaring

Deep hair removal bikini

Not very clear why shugaring deep bikini area is not very popular, because, as was said above, it warrants burns and vasodilatation, besides actually available at home. Of course, you can go to the salon, but it turned out that not all our compatriots feel relaxed enough to do it regularly. In addition, stores are biting decent price, and so intimate hair removal salon in a poor hardly ever someone seems a good idea, it is better and easier to do it at home. But of course, before moving to independent Shugaring bikini, it is necessary to work out the arms and legs, even if you believe in your strength.

It's best home hair removal bikini is as follows:

  1. Before you begin, prepare a good pain reliever, this gentle epilation zones are not in vain considered to be the most painful; with the right approach shugaring reduces discomfort, but does not remove them altogether. So make sure that you have at hand is ice cubes, anesthetic ointment or conventional tablets - in the extreme case, they, too, will work.
  2. If the hairs in the treatment longer than 5 mm, it is best to cut them to the desired length. This is due to the fact that for too long hair, hair removal is very painful, and too short hairs sugar paste can not grab.
  3. Sit in the bath, it is the most comfortable position for self shugaring. If you do not trust your ability to do everything to the touch, prepare in advance a convenient mirror. If you use ice cubes as an analgesic, clean the area of ​​hair removal, clean towel (if you do not, the water will prevent the sugar weight normally grab) and immediately, while the effect lasts, apply a paste. Please note, you need to apply it against the hair growth, and shoot at him.
  4. After the procedure, take a shower and put on a normal skin cream after epilyatsii.Esli chance after the sugar hair removal on the skin, redness and / or irritation, do not worry, maybe it's individual reaction to your skin. Normally such effects disappear within a few hours. To accelerate this process can cause a healing cream.

If after shugaring you still appear ingrown hairs, to deal with them you can not only special creams and folk remedies - rubbing a small amount of salt on the surface of the skin moisturized works as peeling and disinfection. This procedure can be done as a regular exfoliation.

Generally, the skin has to get used to Shugaring, usually above the negative effects occur after the first procedure, the third or fourth sugar hair removal must already pass easily and less painfully. In addition, after several applications of this technique in the hair regularly cultivated areas are thinner and lighter, which is much easier to work with them.

 Available shugaring deep bikini Home
