how to get rid of pigmentation on the face


  • Eliminate spots in the cabin: Peeling
  • How can I see spots, do not hurt yourself

In the twenty-first century to get rid of age spots on the skin of the fair sex in the cellar, it is enough to appeal to the good expert who not only bring freckles on the face or white markings on the body, but also tells you what to do to avoid further re- the emergence of this problem.

Eliminate spots in the cabin: Peeling

Unfortunately, traditional methods and lay bleaching cream that can be freely purchased at the pharmacy or store is not always cope with the task. At best, the dark spots on the face will brighten slightly, at worst - will manifest allergic reactions and skin irritation appears, it turns red, or you'll get burned. Therefore, if you want to quickly get rid of chloasma, go to a beauty salon and make peeling. By this method and should be used for those who have problems with acne, acne scars, etc.

Today, there are several types of peeling: chemical, glycol, laser, enzyme, ultrasonic - each one has its advantages and disadvantages, so before you decide on a particular option, learn basic information about them.

Chemical peeling

There are three types of chemical peels: superficial, middle and deep. To remove age spots and freckles, you will need to go through a very simple procedure, in which the active substances act only in the upper layers of the epidermis. If you stop for a last option - deep peeling, your skin is completely ceases to produce the dark pigment, but in this case you will have all the time to hide his face from the sun.

For eight to twelve hours after the peeling face may look like after a burn: it will appear red spots, which can be a little ache. A week may start easy peeling, which is eliminated by using a tonic and moisturizer.

Please note that for three or four weeks before the procedure to get rid of pigmentation on the face, you will need to prepare for it seriously, or even after the application of high-quality products the result may be either zero or negative. Therefore, it is recommended to consult a pre-master who will make peeling. Acquire tools that you have applied to the skin, it is better as it has.

Sometimes, the fair sex prefer to conduct such procedures at home, but in this case there is a risk of serious damage to the upper layers of the epidermis. It is unlikely that you will be able to understand that, for example, a cream or an corrupted negative reaction to one of the components.

  • Retinoic peels

On average, the procedure itself you will have to spend up to twenty minutes, not counting the training. During peeling the patient may feel a slight discomfort, itching, burning. There is nothing wrong if these symptoms are not amplified, otherwise should immediately rinse agent with a person with plenty of water.

A positive result you will be able to evaluate on the seventh day after a visit to the beautician, but the first four days, if you can, it is better to refrain from walking under the hot sun, otherwise you may get burned. As in any case, it also has its contraindications, so pre-advised to consult a doctor.

  • Peeling fruit acids

The procedure is virtually painless and completely safe, unless, of course, it holds experienced. Depending on the type and structure of the skin, you have to go from five to ten courses peeling. In the coming months after the end of the session you will have a daily morning and evening, apply on face nourishing and moisturizing cream, and avoid serious physical activity, walk in baths, saunas, swimming pools, solarium or on the beach.

In some cases, peeling fruit acids may cause a severe allergic reaction, therefore, the means used initially recommended to test on a small area of ​​the skin. Totally, this procedure is contraindicated in the position of girls, nursing mothers, as well as being ill or suffered a virus, skin, cancer.

  • Glycolic peels

If you are wondering how to get rid of pigmentation, while not harming the skin, the answer is quite simple - give preference glycolic peel. It is more gentle, but its performance is not affected. With regard to the positive effect, then you will notice it immediately after the procedure. As in the previous case, during the day can be shown on the face reddening, so after the session you will hardly be able to walk freely down the street.

Visit the specialist in this case can be ladies who have reached the age of majority. However, by this method is not recommended to resort to those who have problems with herpes who does not carry the components that make up the cream to lighten who had undergone chemotherapy, etc.

  • Enzyme Peeling

The advantage of enzyme peel is that it can be done not only in beauty salons, but also at home. However, if you decide on a similar experiment, pre-read the instructions carefully and test the vehicle on the skin. But remember that resort to such a procedure can be no more than twice a week. The structure of such funds for whitening typically include natural and safe for human health enzymes are extracted from conventional fruits: papaya, pineapple.

 pigmentation on the face how to get rid

Hardware peeling

  • Ultrasonic peeling

As in previous cases, the ultrasonic waves are used to remove the top layers of the skin. Of the advantages can be noted that you do not have to spend long preparation - on the appointed day the master will cause a special cream to the face in order to improve the impact of the machine, then immediately start working showerheads.

Also, after the procedure, your face will not be maroon-red as it can happen after a chemical peel. In the worst case it will be light pink blush, which does not fundamentally affect your appearance. Thus, immediately after the salon can go to work, or a date for a meeting with friends.

In order to achieve a positive effect on average you have to visit the office beautician about ten times. The only thing that can scare a potential customer - a rather high cost of specialist services. But in this case, the result will last much longer than when using the conventional lightening cosmetics. In addition, due to the lack of aggressive effect on the skin, it mene injured and recovering faster.

  • Laser peels

Today, laser peel is considered one of the most effective ways to remove age spots on the face, and at the same time, it is still referred to the category of dangerous and unpredictable. In this case, the fair sex have to choose between really high positive effect and completely healthy skin.

Typically, rehabilitation and reducing the period after the procedure takes more than one to two weeks, while patients have to spend a lot of effort, time to treatment, to buy and to use a lot of additional funds for the care of the treated area of ​​the body.

 how to get rid of pigmentation

How can I see spots, do not hurt yourself

Having decided to remove these defects on the face, do not throw into the first institution to provide its services. Ask the opinion of the previous customer, please read positive and negative reviews. Of course, all the procedures will not be satisfied, but the presence of a large number of evil, aggressive or resentful memories of visiting this beauty makes you wonder. Find the right information can be easily in the vastness of the Internet, usually - in the women's forums.

Secondly, for a start, visit the beauty parlor, check prices, surroundings, and do not forget to assess the cleanliness of the institution. Remember that in all self-respecting stores or hardware cost of chemical peels should be almost the same. The difference can be about a hundred to two hundred rubles, no more.

If you are offered to take advantage of thirty percent discount, so the cabin is not popular and is trying to attract customers. Generally low demand evidence of low quality service. Such privileges successful and popular institutions provide only regular customers.

The important role played by the ratio of staff to visitors. First of all you need to explore, assess the condition of the skin, after which the specialist should tell you how the procedure will take place, how much it will cost you everything, and what can be negative consequences. Some institutions offer customers before the procedure to sign a contract, which clearly states that, when and by whom it was made. In this case, if something happens wrong, you will be able to prove his innocence and to demand compensation.

Go to the lounge for peeling (laser, chemical, or mechanical) is best from October to March, when the sun is not so active as, for example, in the summer. Note that in the next three months you will have to avoid exposure to direct sunlight, otherwise the face will reappear dark spots. To protect yourself, use a cream with UV protection.

 How to get rid of pigmentation on the face using a peeling

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