blood group diet negative 2


  • The basic ideas of the diet according to the blood group
  • Recommendations for "farmers"
  • Weight loss diet

The number of diets available today, is huge. Here and diet, based on cooking food, and diet, taking into account the intervals between meals; restrictive diets and diet permitting; Express diet designed for immediate effect, and diet longer. When choosing a diet is necessary to understand what is really needed for your body, and without which he can (or even should) do. One diet that takes into account how useful or harmful to you certain products - a system of power, depending on the blood group.

Here we will talk about what diet recommends a diet of blood group 2 (negative). It should be noted that the diet should still develop a specific person, appreciating not only his blood, but some indicators of endocrine and enzymatic activity of the organism. Therefore, the information you will find in this article, is a generalized nature; Its purpose - to give you an idea of ​​what is allowed to eat the second media negative blood group, but from what is better to abstain.

 Diet 2 negative blood
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The basic ideas of the diet according to the blood group

The author of this diet - scientist and naturopath Peter D'Adamo (USA). He believes that the carriers of different blood groups are different and needs a set of products. Most of the health problems there is, in his opinion, because of the diet that does not meet a particular blood group. If the power mode change, can lead to normal metabolism, lose weight, and even prevent diseases such as diabetes, stroke, and so on.

Each blood group P. D'Adamo gave its name according to the basic products which should form the basis of the diet of its carriers. For example, owners of the first group of blood he took to the type of "hunters" who eat mostly meat. Those who have a second group of blood, it is called the "farmers" and encouraged them to eliminate the consumption of meat products.

Blood third group flows in the veins of the "nomads" who can eat and meat, and vegetable, and dairy foods. The fourth group of blood, according to the classification P. D'Adamo, a "mystery" because it did not arise as a result of evolution, and due to intermarriage. For carriers of this blood group, he recommends a strict diet, since their most vulnerable point is just the digestive system.

Nutritionists, however, tend to refer to the ideas of P. D'Adamo with a healthy skepticism. In their opinion, the main points of his theory that nutrition and overweight correlated with blood group, can not be proved. However, adherents of the diet of American scientists claim that it really works. So views on this theory, we can see that radically diverge. Decide to follow this system or not, you have to yourself. And we just want to remind you that it will allow you to think about how and what you eat, and revise your diet.

 correct blood group diet negative 2
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Recommendations for "farmers"

According to the theory P. D'Adamo, the second group of blood (positive and negative) appeared when people engaged in agriculture. Compared to the hunting, it was more reliable and less dangerous way to get some food, people ate what he grew. Changing lifestyle and diet led to changes in the digestive system: the body of people in the second group of blood good digestible carbohydrates, which are rich in fruits and vegetables, but the fat and animal proteins, they should be used with caution.

For drawing up the diet for the "farmers" should take into account the weaknesses of the body. For example, they are very vulnerable to the cardiovascular system: because of too thick blood is great risk of venous and arterial clots. Due to the low acidity of the gastric juice have lowered immunity - they can easily be subjected to various infections. In addition, the second negative blood type is typical for people with sensitive digestive tract and a slow metabolism.

It is understood that completely exclude the protein from the diet "farmers" is impossible, so it is recommended to eat fish and legumes (such as carp, perch, sardines, mackerel, cod and trout). Carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins are people with a second negative blood group obtained from fruits and vegetables. They should give priority to apricots, pineapple, grapefruit, figs and plums.

Also, it is useful to include in your menu dishes cereals, especially buckwheat, barley, millet and rice. Such products have a positive effect on the immune system, speed up metabolism, removes toxins and improve the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. The body needs fats "farmers" is produced from vegetable oils, which improve digestion and are a valuable source of polyunsaturated acids.

Because of the vulnerability of the gastrointestinal tract carriers negative second group avoid hot sauces and condiments. You should always be administered in the diet, and dairy products (yogurt instead of milk to drink, eat yogurt or cottage cheese instead of butter). It is useful to drink, and apricot and pineapple juice. It is also recommended to eat nuts and seeds because they contain substances that strengthen the cardiovascular system.

 proper diet 2 negative blood
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Weight loss diet

Immediately we want to warn that a diet according to blood type is not suitable for those who decided to lose weight quickly "to fly." Rather, it is for those who are prepared gradually, without haste to get rid of excess weight and to pay special attention to their diet, adhering to the system P. D'Adamo. And if they add to the adjusted diet and exercise more, you can forget about counting calories and do not limit yourself to the quantity of food.

Lose weight, eating on this diet, it is realistic, because it involves the use of only natural ingredients - no fast food or ready-prepared food. In addition, it excludes from the diet, "empty" carbohydrates that are contained in the so loved us cakes and fizzy drinks. Finally, she, like many other diets, insists that food should be taken frequently, but in small portions.

We have already mentioned that the second group of blood, usually means slow metabolism, and people- "farmers" features a tendency to be overweight. Hence, to get rid of the extra kilos, they should exclude the consumption of food, contributes to the accumulation of fatty deposits. This is, firstly, dairy products, which inhibit the metabolism and practically not absorbed; Secondly, a dish of wheat, including wheat flour (good-bye, scones and cakes!), because they contain gluten, also slows down the metabolism; Thirdly, such fruits and vegetables as beans, potatoes, eggplants, olives, tomatoes, oranges, mangoes, bananas, tangerines, coconuts, melon and papaya.

In addition, people who have a second negative blood group, possess excitable nervous system and very painfully react to a variety of stressful situations. Therefore, it is recommended not to get too carried away coffee, which can only increase the feeling of anxiety, panic, or irritability and, as a consequence, lead to a desire to "seize" stress something tasty but not healthy.

For physical activity, it will be very effective exercises aimed at relaxation: breathing exercises, meditation, yoga. Three classes of thirty minutes per week in combination with diet will be enough to gradually get rid of excess weight and feel great. If there are no contraindications on health, you can add more active sports.

Are there any disadvantages from a diet based on blood type? Unfortunately, there is. Firstly, it provides a fairly monotonous diet, which can lead to a shortage of certain vitamins and minerals. Secondly, it may happen that the products that you are suitable for this system will be contraindicated for other reasons (e.g., because no hereditary diseases).

Third, for people with a family, it will be difficult to follow - very great chance to break, if the husband and children will not limit itself to the choice of food. Finally, if all the family members decide to eat at D'Adamo, but it will be the owners of the different blood groups, the system can become quite burdensome for the family budget, as the need to buy two or three different sets of products. However, all these disadvantages and have any other diet.

In general, the blood group diet - it's quite an attractive theory, but if you decide that it is right for you, we recommend you still consult with a specialist to rule out the risk of adverse effects. Do not forget that any system of power - this is not an axiom, but only a guideline, recommendations on how to achieve the desired goal. "I - what I eat" - this statement is known to everyone, and it's very true. Eat properly and stay healthy!

 To eat or not to eat how to eat right if you do the second negative blood type?
