Prague classic cake recipe


  • Sponge cake "Prague"
  • Prague cream
  • Chocolate Lipstick
  • Cooking Cake

When you are assured that the famous cake "Prague" is easy to bake at home, you do not cheat. It's really simple. Only here will you as a result of the same cake that was served in the restaurant "Prague", and then became a product of the Soviet short supply confectioneries? Most likely no. The home version you can easily get a cake Prague, Old Prague, Prague, chiffon, but it is a classic Prague cake bake house is quite difficult.

The main hitch - syrup, which is added to the chocolate lipstick for this cake. In addition, the original recipe of the cake "Prague" and includes a French liqueur "Benedictine" (monastery drink, based on a large number of herbs and honey), which is also still have to search in our stores. Already four kinds of cream! Are you a overpower? However, four cream "Prague" contained only the very beginning of its existence, and then it started to prepare only one cream. And also from the oil biscuit cakes prepared by special technology in classical Prague impregnated with rum (also then removed from the recipe) and coated with apricot marmalade.

You have not given up the intention to bake their own cake classic Prague? Then we offer you a recipe for this cake for guests (or almost GOST). Anyway, we tried as much as possible to adapt this recipe to modern realities.

Sponge cake "Prague"

Number of products per the GOST recipe. Oh, how you will be able to weigh, for example, 151 grams of sugar - your concern (hint: use electronic scales). But you want a classic cake recipe "Prague", and in this case the classic looks that way.


  • Wheat flour (highest grade) - 116 g;
  • Butter (butter, and not spread or margarine) - 38 g;
  • Sugar - 151 g;
  • Cocoa powder (in an ideal - "gold label") - 23 g;
  • Egg chicken - 335 g (hint: the average weight of an egg without the shell - 45g);

Because of the amount of food you should have polukilogrammovy sponge cake (GOST - 472 g).


Separate the whites from the yolks, sugar, divide into two equal parts, mix the flour with the cocoa powder and sieved to give a little melted butter (be gentle). Next, beat the egg yolks with one part sugar. Beat long and hard until until you dissolve all the sugar crystals and the yolk mixture becomes light and fluffy. Then whisk the egg whites until as long as they do not appear clear trace of the corolla or blade mixer. Then for two steps introduce into proteins remaining sugar and continue to whisk until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Now both whipped the masses need to mix: gently add the egg yolks into the whites. Please enter a third protein, stir, add the remaining mix again. After that, put the egg mixture butter, warmed up to 30 degrees, and the flour and cocoa powder. Doing all this carefully and even gently but quickly to our efforts proteins are not settled. Next, pour the dough into a round shape, the laid paper baking (bedplate) and bake in a preheated oven at 200-220 degrees. For the full readiness of the biscuit will need half an hour to forty five minutes. Ready biscuit is first cooled directly in the mold for twenty minutes and then removed and allowed to stand for eight hours.

Only remove the paper held out biscuit and we clean it with a knife (scrape the top of a glossy crust). By guest should get round sponge cake mix with brown porous, but elastic crumb.

 cake Prague classic recipe

Prague cream

The classic Prague put oil cake chocolate cream, which should look (for guests) as a fluffy brown mass (uniform consistency, with a glossy sheen and good to keep shape). By the way, this cream recipe differs from the known oil cream with condensed milk, and he has received the appropriate name of the cake "Prague."


  • Butter - 199 g;
  • Cocoa powder - 9, 3 g;
  • Egg yolk - 21 g;
  • Sweetened condensed milk (whole sugar) - 120 g;
  • Water - 21 g;
  • Vanilla - 0, 1 g


Mix egg yolk with water (in equal amounts), add them to the condensed milk and put in a water bath. If you do not know how to organize a "bath" cream, it is done as follows. In the bowl of a larger volume is filled with water, and the water put a bowl of cream with a smaller volume. When the water boils, it heats up and that is in a small bowl: it turns the water bath.

So, boiled cream to the consistency of sour cream, and then cool it. Then lightly whisk the butter and gradually (in stages) is inserted into a chilled brew mass. At the end of whipping cream is put in cocoa powder. In the process of beating it will take about twenty minutes, and the result is a 359 gram (GOST) Prague cream.

Chocolate Lipstick

Perhaps the most difficult stage of preparing the classic cake "Prague". But the original recipe involves the use of just such a chocolate fondant.


  • Sugar - 91 g;
  • Water - 30 g;
  • Starch syrup - 14 g
  • Cocoa powder - 6 g;
  • Vanilla powder - 0, 3 g;
  • Fruit Essence - 0, 3 years

Because of the amount of food you should have 116 grams of lipstick. But because such a small amount of lipstick is hard to shake up, we can take double the rate of the specified in the recipe. Thus, mix with sugar syrup with water and heated to a temperature of one hundred and eight degrees. In a separate saucepan, heat the syrup to fifty degrees, and add it to the syrup. Further, over medium heat until the syrup is boiled hundred and fifteen degrees, and add to it the essence.

Then cool the syrup to forty degrees and stir it with a wooden ruler or at beaters for twenty minutes. Cocoa and vanilla add to the lipstick just before application on the cake.


The classic recipe is replete with instructions about the exact temperature of the products during the preparation of lipstick. For convenience, use the cooking thermometer.

 Prague cake classic recipe

Cooking Cake

Gostovskaya recipe, of course, difficult for the homemade cake Prague. But if you have everything worked out, it is only right to assemble and decorate the cake. Ingredients:

  • Sponge cake mix;
  • Prague cream;
  • Chocolate lipstick;
  • Apricot marmalade (jam or marmalade)


To start cut sponge cake mix cake into three. The first (lower) and second (middle) smear cream cake. On the layer we will take almost all cooked cream, and a couple of tablespoons can be left for decoration. The top and sides of cake cake coated with a thick apricot jam (jam, marmalade). And poured heated to fifty degrees chocolate lipstick. If desired, decorate with the remaining cream and chocolate shavings.

Here's a he, a classic cake recipe "Prague". The legend of the Soviet cooking continues to live in the classic version, and home cooking, where almost every woman tries to try another recipe for this famous cake. Perhaps it is you'll have to revive culinary classics, adopt Gostovskaya cake recipe. Be of good cheer! And cook with pleasure.

Post Scriptum:

The source of this article used the handwritten notes of the Soviet culinary school student, dated eighties of the last century.

 Cake Prague classic recipe, according to GOST

We recommend that read: Cake Prague recipes

 cake Prague at home


  • "Prague" on the oil biscuit
  • Almost classic "Prague"

Cake "Prague" is known in many variants. Where did they come from? Oddly enough, they took from the recent past when the cake is so came to taste the Soviet citizens that the government (and other time and it was not!), Cooking and pastry were not able to meet the demand for this wonderful cake. As a result, the cake "Prague" has become a scarce commodity, and enterprising housewives, each in his own way, trying to reproduce the recipe for "Prague" at home.

Someone found himself close to the original, and someone looks similar, but slightly different, but no less delicious cakes. And no matter how it was, but we got so much as a legacy of cake recipes that choose the most "real" is almost impossible. But every such prescription can safely claim to be the "Prague cake at home."

What tricks did not go the Soviet housewives to make a cake with the same taste as that of the purchase "of Prague." They are baked in cream or cake with almonds, whipped cream with condensed cocoa, trying to make this cake sour cream. In general, our predecessors succeeded in the culinary field and left us their recipes cake "Prague". Here are some of them.

"Prague" on the oil biscuit

This recipe probably born at any hostess on a whim. I tried it once the cake "Prague" and decided that the home confectioner cope with this cake is also in force, but at home it is also possible to prepare, for example, the case.


  • Eggs - 6 pcs .;
  • Cream margarine - 70 g .;
  • Sugar - part glass;
  • Flour - 1 cup;
  • Cocoa - 3 tablespoons;
  • Baking powder for the dough - 1 teaspoon;
  • Jam for impregnation.

For the cream:

  • Butter - 250 g;
  • Condensed milk - 1 bank;
  • Cocoa powder - 2 tablespoons.

For the glaze:

  • Sugar - 1 cup;
  • Water - 8 tablespoons;
  • cocoa powder - 1 tablespoon.


Carefully separate the egg whites from the yolks. Rub the yolks with sugar, add them to the melted (liquid) with margarine and flour mixed with cocoa vice. All we mix thoroughly and set aside aside. Next of all proteins. These we whisk in a solid foam, and then gradually, in small portions spread the dough. In the prepared, greased baking dish and pour the dough put in the oven. Bake until the cake tests on a dry match. Ready cake removed from the mold and allowed to cool.

While cools biscuit cream may be prepared. To this end, beat the softened butter with condensed milk and cocoa. First lightly whisk the oil, then add the condensed milk in it (a tablespoon). At the end of cooking to put cream cocoa powder.

The cooled cake cut into three identical cakes. Lower and middle portions impregnate any jam (currant, apricot, raspberry) and grease cream. Putting the cake, cakes laying on each other and pour on top of chocolate. To prepare the glaze in a saucepan pour the water, pour to the same sugar and cook over low heat until sugar is dissolved. Then add the cocoa and cook until until our glaze starts to get thick.

 Prague cake at home

Almost classic "Prague"

Well, this is the recipe rightly claims to be the closest to the original cake "Prague" in home design. For him, you need the following ingredients:

  • Fresh eggs - 6 pieces;
  • Sugar - 1 part glass (150 g);
  • Flour - half cup (115 g);
  • Cocoa powder - 2 tablespoons;
  • Butter - 4 tablespoons (40 grams);
  • Jam or marmalade.

For the cream:

  • Butter - 200 g;
  • Condensed milk - 120 g;
  • Egg - 1 pc .;
  • Cocoa powder - 1 tablespoon;
  • Vanilla.

For impregnation cakes:

  • Sugar syrup;
  • Orange juice;
  • Fruit liqueur.

For the chocolate glaze:

  • Milk chocolate - 1 bar;
  • Butter - 100 g


First, prepare the dough for biscuits. Separate the egg yolks from the whites and rub the yolks with the sugar. And then to the mixer will turn into a lush and white eggnog. In a separate saucepan vzobem into foam proteins and mix them with beaten egg yolk. Then mix the flour with cocoa powder, proseem it, add the egg mass and gently mix everything. Butter kindle the fire, a little cool and Spill in the biscuit dough (on the edge of the pan). Again, all mixed up and put the dough in a baking dish that advance smazhem prisyplem butter and flour. Put the form in the preheated oven for half an hour and begin to cook the cream and cakes for impregnation.

From raw egg yolks in a saucepan Spill (protein we do not need) and mix it with water (one tablespoon), then added to the evaporated milk. Put a saucepan on a very slow fire and boiled until thick. Ready egg-milk syrup Let cool and stir it with the cream, gradually adding the syrup to the butter. At the end put the cocoa powder. For impregnation shall weld a sugar syrup (150 g of sugar per 100 g of water) and a little cool it. Then squeeze fresh orange juice, add it to the syrup and boil everything again. The chilled impregnation volem some liquor.

While we were preparing the cream and impregnation, biscuit had time to cool. We cut it three identical cakes and impregnate them with syrup (top cake impregnate below). The two lower cake coat with cream and stacked on top of each other. The top and sides of cake cake coated with jelly or jam and pour chocolate glaze. To melt the glaze in a water bath bar of chocolate with butter.


If the finished hot biscuit first short (five minutes) to cool in the form, and then give it to stand for six hours, then cut it will be very easy. And in order not to soak the cooling biscuit bottom, to shift its lattice. Custard base for oil cream can be cooked in a water bath. So it you are guaranteed not to foothills. For the impregnation can also be used alcoholic balms additives. For example, a balm "Belarusian" or "Riga".

You can prepare for this home cake "Prague" a normal cake, sour cream cake, biscuit on soda or oil. Can you knock down the oil with condensed milk cream or custard basis on eggs or flour. You can soak the cake with liquid syrup or jam cook impregnation and add to it the liquor or brandy. And call your cake, you can arbitrarily Prague, Prague Old Town, Chiffon Prague, Prague cake. If you make a chocolate biscuit cake (three cakes) with chocolate butter cream and chocolate glaze, you can safely classify themselves to those who know how to cook the cake "Prague" at home. Prepare yourself for the joy of others and of sweetness. And cook with pleasure!

 Cake Prague at home, or almost classical "Prague"

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