spring lawn care

Here and waited. Spring! Blissfully squinting in the warm (already warm!) The sun, we meticulously inspect their "lands" and looking forward to the start of the new season and market gardeners. Well, let overwhelmed with work, and even though not all the snow come down, let him with relish sucking spring puddles underfoot ... The main thing that woke up the garden. And we, as a favorite child, ready to wash, comb, and feed items. It is clear that everything in the garden longs for our care and custody. So let's begin, for example, with a green carpet of our garden - lawn. After all, in fact, spring lawn care is very similar to caring for a child just awakened. But even if (from your point of view) and very similar, all the same effort to "bring in the sense" vynyrnuvshego from under snow cover will have to make a lot of lawn.

What we need to do? Here is a brief list of all resuscitative treatment, components spring lawn care:

  • remove the entire last year's withered grass, remove the "winter" comb debris and lawn;
  • if our lawn has reached one year of age, then it rolled down;
  • Feeding the fertilizers (better integrated, but it is possible and special);
  • if our green carpet covers the clay soil, then perform sanding;
  • fighting weeds (yes, in the spring!);
  • We perform minor cosmetic repairs "darn" carpet, overseeding seed or laying sod ready.

It would seem not too many procedures. But they need to carry out faithfully and accurately. Let's look at how.

Preparatory work

Lawn Care at the beginning of the season was to start preparatory work. To start the lawn is fully exempt from the remnants of snow if it is unsold in the nooks. The ice crust gently break a shovel and snow scatter in a sunny place. Cleans and deepen the drainage grooves for fast drainage of melt water. And patiently wait for the complete drying of the lawn.

Do not forget that it must be accompanied by the expectation of control over the process of melting snow. It follows that it melted evenly to the lawn from appearing puddles, and if there were, it does not stagnate. At this time, minimizes any movement on the wet lawn to tracks, potholes and ruts are not damaged turf.

At the same time we carry out the first top dressing fertilizer complex enriched with nitrogen. At the rate of thirty to fifty grams per square meter scatter fertilizer over the lawn (with the remnants of the melting of snow and drying soil fertilizer granules dissolve). After waiting for drying lawn, proceed to comb.

 lawn care

Carding lawn

Generally at this procedure is a completely scientific names "scarifying" and "scarification". What is needed at all spring hairstyle lawn? The fact is that during the autumn and winter sleep on the lawn of a so-called felt. First of all, caked and compacted remains of grass, winter debris, fallen leaves, twigs, traces of life birds and insects. Also felt on the basis of tonnes produced dry hard crust. Here is the most felt and we need to comb out and loosen the crust. If you leave everything as it is, it is not enough that we will provide oxygen deprivation to his lawn, so also posposobstvuem emergence grass diseases and insects move.

So lawn care in the form of a vertical cutting and scarification is vital (for the lawn, of course). To conduct this procedure is best ordinary rake. But if you have vertikulyator, you can use and it is configured so that it only slightly "scratched" the soil.

Please take a twisted rakes and passes them along and across the lawn (maybe more than once). After twisted rake arm with fan-and again - up and down, but with a little less effort. As a result, we will collect all the garbage and crop residues, and slightly loosen the soil. That is not going to try to rake to clean using a garden vacuum, and if that is not available, then collect arms.

If, during the melting snow could not hold the first spring fertilizing, then we do it immediately after the procedure scratching. And then proceed with the next step - breathing exercises.

Breathing exercises for the lawn

It's just part and parcel of the overall lawn care. This procedure is called aeration. Its essence is in the artificial soil is saturated air, which helps the oxidation of organic matter and nitrogen assimilation (if you do not know, then learn his aerobic bacteria). In addition turf aeration allows rid of the accumulated during the winter of carbon dioxide, which slows down or even stops the growth of grass.

For this procedure, we invented a special device called aerators. Various models of such equipment have different teeth: korneformiruyuschie, cutting, solid or hollow. But the absence of a special device in any way should not be placed conduct aeration. Make it possible with ordinary garden fork.

Take the forks with simple or hollow teeth and methodically goes around the lawn, piercing the ground to a depth of ten centimeters or fifteen (but not less than eight). It's clear that in the entire area of ​​energy and patience, we are unlikely to be enough, so more frequent punctures select only areas with the strongest seal turf. All the rest of the territory of the lawn aerating selectively.

Well, half the job done. You're a little more and we can assume that the basic procedures of spring lawn care are made. Getting weed!

 Turf care after winter

Weed control

Oh, those ubiquitous weeds! And the lawn for them is not an obstacle: grow themselves, as if nothing had happened and even systematic haircut fits. Of course, if the kind of "clogged" unnecessary grass and flowers of the lawn you are not very embarrassed, then you can skip this procedure. But keep in mind that it will soon turn into the lawn from the cultural to the natural. Although this version of the lawn is not too bad, just less aesthetic.

If the weeds in your lawn completely unwanted guests, you have these guests "spending." Yes, yes it is also lawn care, and to get rid of weeds can be mechanically or chemically.

Mechanical method - is not nothing but a common weeding. If weeds quite a bit (or you just love weed), then proceed with the procedure immediately after aerating the lawn. By the way, in small and large lawns weed weeding can be very effective, especially if you use a shovel or special korneizvlekatelem. But if this method does not appeal to you to fight, you have no choice but to resort to the help of chemicals.

The weed control will help us to herbicides - chemicals to kill weeds. To choose a lawn selective herbicides, which are not harmful to grass. Instructions for use are looking directly at the preparation. In extreme (and very heavy) use cases and herbicides continuous action, for example, the well-known "Roundup." But it must be used very, very carefully, accurately lubricating fluid leaves of certain weeds and not be discharged into the grass on the lawn.

And best of all (for effect) and fighting weeds mechanically and chemically - complex! And along with weed control spend and repair our "carpet": equate the region, sow seeds in bare patches or "darn" finished their turf, for example, pieces of turf.

By the way, taking care of turf after the winter is almost no different from the usual care of the lawn. It is also necessary to comb, feed, aerate and remove weeds. And in May, it is already possible to carry out the first haircut. And then, with a sense of accomplishment enjoy the silky green carpet in your garden. And getting is not only physical pleasure (some bare feet on the grass yeah!), But aesthetic.

 Lawn Care in the spring. Wake up!

 Plants in the interior

It does not matter who you are - an avid collector of rare plants, which ever is not enough space, or simply you want to decorate the room and put on a nice shelf something nice and green, can be fuzzy, and even better - flowering. In any case, you can not do without having to pick up something from the green spaces upstairs.

Often the space in the house is so small that the idea to relocate the plants in the interior of the top it seems more than reasonable. It can be anything: and a shelf on the wall and shelf, hanging near the window-type swing. It should be borne in mind that the higher the plant will be put, the longer they have to be hanging whip, otherwise flowers just will not be seen.

By providing such shelves, hanging pots and boxes, you safely decide to issue the correct placement of cascading indoor plants in the interior. Namely, they are best decorate the interior. In the hands of a good designer as they are generally converted into the whole composition or green panels.

You can show your taste and imagination, if you can combine a variety of beautiful plants with whole and dissected leaves, round and linear, solid and colorful, somewhere to put them thicker and somewhere to rest your eyes.

Preparing for the interchange of plants

If you decide to spend at his house a large-scale resettlement of flowers to new places, decide first what conditions - temperature, light, humidity - is, in the corner of the apartment where you are going to expand its activities, and what are their possible adjustment. After all the questions get the right answer, you have to watch any of your plants there will normally feel. It will be very very good, if you can find not only robust plants, but also those who will come to your interior color, style and texture. Then, over time, your idea will work for you, and you will experience the joy of living among all this beauty.

Everyone knows that the best place for flowers - at the window about a well-lit by the sun or a fluorescent lamp wall. Natural lighting at the top of the room is always worse than the outside of the window. So here it is necessary to place the least light-loving plants. Care should be taken to extremes of temperature and air flow arising during ventilation or air conditioning is turned on. Plants do not like extreme conditions.

Adjusts to lighting

We have said that at the top of a better place hanging plants. To this we must add, that if you put the plant up, the pots should ensure maximum stability. This can be done by weighting vases counterweights. First of all, the measure refers to a rather weighty Araceae, which, incidentally, are great room conditions.

If you want to decorate a sunny, brightly lit room, the better candidate than cacti and succulents with long shoots, you will not find. Never mind that they are not hanging, because they can do so. For example, the original basket plant milkweed leaves the Mile. Many candidates and there among the plants with naturally drooping shoots, for example, sansevera small, stonecrop Morgan tseropegii, selenitsereusy, ragwort, peperomiya, aporokaktusy. A little less light is needed beautifully blooming cactus forest, Hoya, asparagus, ivy, plektrantusy, tsissus, komelinovye. In light partial shade or under fluorescent lamps feel good begonias, ferns, Gesneriaceae, and Araceae marantaceae.

 Potted plants in the interior

You can start with asparagus

Asparagus - one of the most beautiful ample plants. Shoots up to two meters in length beautifully decorate any room light. There are compact varieties, which shoots two times shorter. For the most popular varieties of asparagus and asparagus bristly gustotsvetkovy species Meier and Sprenger. They are undemanding in care and very beautiful, however, require a well-lit room. In winter, the plant should be rearranged in a cool place with a temperature of 10-16 ° C +, and if the temperature is higher, then cover it further.

Hoya and tseropegii interior

The name "waxy ivy", under which this plant was known to the people, now almost not mentioned. Indeed, many cultivars have very different leaves and flowers, among which are slightly velvety and strongly pubescent, shiny and pretty and thin. They are nothing like Hoya fleshy, with its "wax" leaves.

Of all types of the most common tseropegiya tseropegy Wood, which is considered decorative. This graceful climber with small flowers and leaves on the thickened whisker thin shoots. The length of the lashes up to 2, 5 m. Particularly spectacular pestrolistaya varieties that have depending on the light pink and white or bright pink spots. Less common tseropegiya linear. It is no different from the previous one, except for a narrow leaf shapes. Tseropegii like well-lit place with a diffused bright light.

These include houseplants and episcia. These plants must be placed so as to enjoy the play of light and shadow on a cascade of leaves and flowers.

ORIGINALS - cactus

Best Flowering and unusual ampelnye can find it among the cacti. They need a lot of light, but they carry great dry air. They can even be in the summer to make the balcony, providing only a slight pritenenie from direct sunlight. They can easily tolerate drafts, temperature changes, do not require frequent watering. But if you want them to have blossomed, then they need a winter rest period with reduced watering and temperature With + 8-15 °. Along with the widespread rhipsalidopsis, Epiphyllum, Schlumbergera, aporokaktusom increasingly popular Rhipsalis. Like all cacti, they do not have leaves, but the stems are very diverse - faceted, cylindrical, winged, flat, until the swirling into a tailspin. The length of the shoots in different species varies greatly, sometimes reaching one and a half meters.

Ferns in the interior

Luxury branched ferns with carved, delicate leaves are very popular as a houseplant. The most common ferns - all species of Nephrolepis. Among them are small, within half a meter, and large, and not very capricious. For the cultivation of indoor plants in the interior it is necessary to choose those who have beautiful arches leaves hang down. One of the most beautiful Sit them - sort of Verona with drooping leaves dissected, and the most unpretentious - nefrolepsis sublime. Large specimens Nephrolepis is not necessary to raise the floor of more than a half to two meters. So for them it will be easier to maintain.

Exotic ferns platycerium first grown on loose substrates in pots and then transplanted into blocks of branches or driftwood, enclosing under roots or peat moss. Plants are attached to the unit mesh or scaffold. Watering is carried out by immersing the plant in a container of water. You can "bathe" in his bath by pouring him a few liters of water. After such a bath it is necessary to leave the plant in the bathroom to glass excess water and then ferns return to his seat. These epiphytic ferns as davallia, ligodium and polipodium, also good as ample plants in the interior. Especially beautiful it looks in the basket. They are not capricious, but good care feel much better. Do not forget that the epiphytic baskets substrate dries quickly, so you need to monitor its humidity. The desired humidity is provided by spraying.

For collectors as interesting

On the shelves at the top can grow some species of the family Gesneriaceae. The most popular of them - Saintpaulia. But for the top growing suitable than the usual standard outlet with a short stem, and those that hang from the pot a quarter of a meter or more. If we talk about the flowering basket plant, the episcia - the most elegant of them. These indoor plants in the interior of the apartment looked great. Beautifully painted, sometimes with a folded surface, velvety leaves shine brightly in the sun or shimmer and twinkle in diffused light. Gorgeous and alsobiya gvozdikotsvetnaya. Small dark-green rosette of small velvety leaves and large white flowers tubular shape with fringe on the petals immediately attract attention.

Even some representatives of this kind - and Columna aeschynanthus. But it is heavy and large plants, requiring properly secured. They are light-requiring. On the eastern and western windows, these plants normally suffer sun's rays, but on the southern exposed to direct sunlight they can get burns. Aeschynanthus Kolumna different from smoother and larger leaves, and by the fact that the flowers are fastened only at the tip to escape, rather than the entire length of the lash. Distinguished and flower shape. In kollumnei flower petals as if grown together in the "hood". In addition, aeschynanthus not capricious: for flowering they do not need cool winter. These potted plants in the interior does not need special care.

 Potted plants in the interior of the apartment

For non-standard conditions - ginura

Crawling and stolonifera ginury have unusually colored leaves for her and bred in the home. But sometimes ginura not in harmony with the environment and against the backdrop of flowery wallpaper and brown furniture looks like an ink blot. Fortunately these indoor plants in the interior of the apartment look just on a light background. It can coexist in the compositions with a yellow-green, and light green foliage, and plants of the same panel. Plants with large, fleshy leaves and bright flowers perfect shades Mühlenbeck matted. Like a vignette in the text it introduces in the composition ease and grace.

Ginury very fond of light and easy to carry, even in direct sunlight, provided good ventilation. Therefore, with the onset of summer and until the autumn, they can decorate the balcony of the composition. But on the south windowsill summer it is too hot - do not keep them at this time right next to the glass. Pot with a plant can be put on an overhead shelf, hanging from the ceiling near the window. With such a successful placement of the plants do not overheat and will not interfere with the curtains closed. Ginura, in principle, normally feels in the penumbra, but then it stops flowering and greatly stretched.

The needles in the house

Among ampelnye there are plants that have all the beneficial properties of coniferous trees. For example, nogoplodniki emit oxygen ions fitonitsidy, purify the air and thus less demanding than junipers, cypress and cryptomeria, the conditions of detention. At home, it is grown only a few species. Nogoplodnik macrophylla that its shoots hanging down, it is necessary to form a special stage. And here at nogoplodnika fine or, as it is called, ampelnye branch and Barrel without support themselves hang down.

Other methods of content ample plants

In the winter, many potted plants are moved from the balcony on the window sills, but there they often sorely lacking space. Instead put them close to each other, place the houseplants on beautiful shelves and stand or simply hang on the wall. On the windowsill, located above the radiator, from which rises a stream of dry hot air, feel uncomfortable plants such as kolumneya, Hoya and tsissus. From dry air turn brown edges and tips of the leaves. These plants are better placed next to a window, for example, columnar flower boxes on a shelf or in a ring-holder is attached to the wall. Always make sure to it that the pots were set firmly. If the wall or shelf falls through heavy plant with pot, it will disappear by itself, and may damage the interior.

Ways to content ample plants already invented a lot. One ofthem - maintenance on stands - is very effective, although eating place. Since the account will not help to stay on the stand, it should be irreproachable. These stands can be placed wherever you feel comfortable and where they do not disturb the harmony of style and interior space. If you have to put the stand in a very illuminated place, there can be placed Gerreyna and ragwort Rowley - charming green beads on thin stalks.

In a free-standing metal flower boxes aeschynanthus will not suffer from a flow of dry, hot air rising from the radiators, but because it will delight you with lush flowering. Buying flower stands in the form of columns, so that they had a wide stable base.

Woven from twigs of willow or made from ceramic pots can help very well attach your ampelnye favorites on the wall in any place, and the traditional metal wall basket in antique style is useful not only for ampelnye. It is possible to place a composition of dried flowers. In order not to dirty the walls, put in the basket liner made of waterproof material or place it directly in the plant pots.

Wooden shelves with beautiful carvings - a great option for accommodation in the house of ample plants that do not require bright light, such as ivy. A stationary metal construction shelter several plants in small pots. Beautiful forged shelves can be mounted not only on a wall but also on the window or on the ceiling.

Among the ample plants Chlorophytum, perhaps the most unpretentious. Even in dimly lit rooms chlorophytum manages to feel great and acquires many charming children. Subsidiaries sockets funny hang down on long mustache. If children prikopat cooked in a stand with Chlorophytum pots, then you will create a great composition, reminiscent of green waterfall. And after three to four weeks, the umbilical cord linking the "kids" with the mother plant can be cut, and then you get a few new plants to decorate your own home.

 Basket plant in the interior of the apartment: Up!
