the best varieties of roses

Roses have been known since ancient times. Carved in stone, they are preserved in the monuments of Babylon and Assyria. The earliest image of a rose that was found in Europe in the frescoes of the palace of Knossos on Crete, dating to XVI century BC. In ancient Greece, this flower came from the East after the conquest of Alexander the Great, the Persian empire. He sang of the great poets of antiquity - Homer and Sappho. Herodotus described the sixty-petal rose from the garden of the Phrygian king Medas. In ancient Rome rose imported from Egypt. Once Nero paid for the flowers from Alexandria tonne gold. They littered the path of winning generals, and garlands decorated triumphal arches. In the houses of the patrician members peers showered rose petals on the tables laid out a lot of flowers, their fragrance to inhibit the action of the wine vapors. And for pools and fountains used rosewater.

In our climate zone without frosted winter shelter is not only dog-roses and garden roses. Many well-known varieties of roses, even under a winter shelter may freeze not only the upper part of the shoot, but the stems to the base, and pruning techniques recommended by experts, often remain only on paper. Therefore, experts suggest florist rose lovers, the best varieties are tested in practice. They overwinter relatively well and therefore most preferred for decorative landscaping gardens.

Roses come from the southern latitudes, so, despite the meticulous care in the autumn and winter, they freeze slightly in most cases. To avoid damage to roses for growing in our climate zone, special attention should be paid to the selection of rose varieties for planting, giving priority to those that are damaged during the winter, to a lesser extent.

Portland Rose

Modern enthusiasts roses - is not pioneers, but only followers interrupted waves. In Russia, once too rose flowers. For example, in 1912 in the Moscow region, near the station Tuchkovo was planted avenue of eight thousand rose bushes. History has not preserved the memory of what the roses were planted there, but certainly not without the group Portland roses. Compact growth, remontant flowering, beautiful winter hardiness, good health and a strong flavor - this is an incomplete list of advantages that characterizes these roses.

In France, these roses were put in the middle of the XIX century. The name they received not from Portland, although it is known today as the "city of roses", and in honor of the Countess de Portland - a passionate admirer of roses. If you have a little space in the garden and you want to be sure to plant a rose, then choose the sort of Jacques Cartier. This is a healthy free-flowering hardy rose incredibly beautiful. The flowers are deep pink color with a large abundance of small petals surrounding the core.

It's an old rose varieties, and unlike many of these varieties, Jacques Cartier is resistant to rain, because the petals are placed on it so that the water simply runs off with them. Rose blooms in dense racemes of five pieces, and good for cutting. Jacques Cartier bloom in waves, until the winter, abundantly repeated every six weeks. A crop wilted flowers accelerate the next wave of flowering. The bush is compact, tall and narrow. The plant has a dense dark green foliage.

Pink Panter

Rose Pink Panther will not leave anyone indifferent. This beautiful hybrid tea rose would be more correct to call grandiflora because of its large flowers bloom is usually in the hands. They have a beautiful salmon-pink color, which is a bit of orange blossom in the beginning turns into a pink later. But the tone is always very nice. Flowers do not fade from the sun and a well-kept rain. Vigorous shrub is very hardy and has a gray-green foliage color.

Variety is well stable in the conditions of northern Europe, and its moisture content to a black spot. The warm color of flowers in Europe of this sort varies slightly, but in the cold countries, the contrast becomes very significant. Large beautiful flowers are cup-shaped form, and buds in them consist of more than forty petals. Rose has a slight fruity aroma and blooms all summer until late autumn. Flowers do not fade for a long time and at the end of flowering, before the petals fall off, resemble peonies. Rose Pink Panther looks better in dry climates because of the rain on the petals appear brown markings. Whip vigorous shrub reaching a height of one to one and a half meters, the brilliant foliage of bronze.

Madame Meiland

Madame Rose Meiland know everything, but in Germany it is called Gloria Deià, Italy - Goya, and in English-speaking countries of Peace (Peace). This is perhaps the most famous in the world rose, probably still the most common. Rose hybridizer named it in honor of his mother, who died young. Flowers have this huge roses. They are very beautiful at all stages of flowering - from elegant buds to flower fully disclosed.

Usually the flowers are pale yellow with crimson edge that fade to pink and cream. In practice, the color changes depending on the location and growing season. From these same conditions and dependent odor. Variety has a strong-bush, dark green foliage and large resistant to disease. Bush looks good even when a rose does not bloom. It is very easy to grow frost rose. Terry large flowers of pale yellow with a pink edge look very luxurious.

 Best cold-resistant varieties of roses

Rose Cordes

Rose Cordes rightly called the Queen among the flower world. Their beauty, elegance, variety of colors and shapes is truly inexhaustible and conquer the hearts of gardeners. Among them, they are known for the beauty of the flower bud and, unusual aroma and amazing vitality. These wonderful roses delight rosarian its lush flowering. Today, a host of varieties of roses of foreign selection, the flowers which have a variety of coloring and shape, but the best varieties of roses Kordes - those that are time-tested and proven in our climate.

Rose Cordes include best frost-resistant varieties of roses. Generally most hardy roses Cordes, which is an important prerequisite for our climate. Rose Cordes does not require special care. Here, everything is traditional - watering, fertilizing, weeding, pruning and spring mulching indispensable.

Pierre de Ronsard

At Pierre de Ronsard flowers present the charm of old roses. Cupped large flowers with long petals bloom slowly. In the wet and cool climate, they rarely blossom until the end. Themselves flowers are cream or ivory color with pink saturated edges. The outer petals are greenish Conception.

Pierre de Ronsard The bush is compact and not very strong-growing, leaves it tough, dark green, shiny, small spikes. The first is the most abundant blooms - then a bush covered with flowers from top to bottom. Then the flowers appear constantly, but they are much smaller.


This variety has pure white flowers with a diameter of seven to eight centimeters. Terry buds are up to thirty petals and contains three to eight flowers in inflorescences. This variety has a light fragrance. The leaves are shiny, thick, light green. Durable dense shrub has a height of 0, 8-1, 0 m. This variety starts to bloom in mid-June with short breaks in bloom until frost.

The variety is sufficiently frost-resistant. In our climatic zone more often freeze slightly only the upper part of the shoot, so the bushes in the winter is enough to hill ground to a height of 0, 3-0, 4 m, and the spring shoots are cut above the fourth-fifth eye from the ground. After that quickly grow new shoots that will bloom in the current year.

Three years and older shoots must be cut at the base of the spring - a plant of this rejuvenated and much more abundant bloom. Grade fairly resistant to fungal diseases. This magnificent, richly flowering varieties of group floribunda looks great on rabatkah, in group plantings and very effectively looks at the trunk.

In recent years, it gained notoriety bud mutation of the above varieties, which, no doubt, deserves the attention of amateur growers. This winding iceberg. Its height from the bushes 2, 5m thick rich leafy green. This variety is also beginning to bloom from the middle of June until the frosts.

The variety is winter-hardy, and it is only in the winter with prolonged zero temperatures freeze slightly only the tops of the shoots. The bushes in the winter is enough to hill land. In addition, runners can bend gently to the ground and secure in this position with wooden pegs, wooden boards covered with leaves or fallen asleep. Shelter will provide an opportunity to save on shoots maximum number of flower buds to achieve in the next year an abundant flowering.

In the spring need to cut off the damaged fungal diseases and frost tops of the shoots. And shoots from three years old and older to bush rejuvenated timely manner, cut off at the base. This kind of Berg is also resistant to fungal diseases. Curly Iceberg is perfect not only for vertical gardening, but also for cutting flowers.

New Dawn

In this class double pale pink flowers with a diameter of six or seven centimeters. The buds are up to thirty petals and exude a pleasant apple flavor. Flowers only occasionally are single, most of them collected in the inflorescence of five to seven flowers. The leaves are leathery, small, dark green, and consist of five to seven rounded leaves. The variety is vigorous and and bushes have arcuate strong shoots up to two meters or more. Roses bloom of this variety are starting from mid-June and bloom until frost.

New Dawn is very frost-resistant varieties, and from a group of climbing roses is the best autumn variety. In severe winters with prolonged zero temperatures had freeze slightly only the tops of the shoots. Roses for the winter is enough to hill to a height of 0, 35-0, 4 m, and in the spring to cut the tops of the shoots damaged by frost. To promptly rejuvenated bush, shoots from three years old and older should be cut off at the base. The variety is resistant to fungal diseases and is recommended for landing on the lawn of a single instance, in small groups, as well as for vertical gardening.

Paul's Scarlet Clymer

Rose Pauls Scarlet Clymer varieties have double flowers of bright red spherical diameter of seven centimeters. Slightly fragrant buds with up to forty petals gathered in clusters of ten flowers. Petals are well preserved color and do not fade in the sun. Large shiny dark green leaves composed of three to seven leaflets. Bushes have a thick strong shoots up to one and a half meters and above. Roses bloom in June and the second decade of abundant bloom for 28-35 days. Further, re-bloom is already less abundant.

The variety is winter-hardy - it is only in the winter freeze slightly the upper part of the annual shoots. In winter, the bush is enough to okuchit ground to a height of 0, 35-0, 4 m. In areas with cold winters and long shoots should be bend gently to the ground, securing them with wooden pegs in this position, and then cover with wooden boards or sprinkle the leaves. This will save a maximum of flower buds on the shoots and ensure an abundant flowering the following year. The variety is resistant to fungal diseases. This rose belongs to the group polupletistyh roses and very good for the landing of a single instance or in small groups on the lawn background. Suitable for cutting and it colors.

 the best varieties of roses Kordes


Rose varieties Maygold has fragrant flowers slabomahrovye bronze-yellow, cup-shaped, with a diameter of up to ten centimeters. Buds that have to seventeen petals gathered in clusters of up to ten flowers. Large dark green shiny leaves are composed of five to seven leaflets. Bushes of this variety have a whip-like shoots up to two meters. This rose begins to bloom in mid-June and bloom until late autumn with a few interruptions.

The variety is frost-resistant. The bushes in the winter is enough to hill to a height of 0, 3-0, 4 meters of land, and the spring shoots should be cut above the fourth-fifth eye. Then, the powerful young shoots they grow fast and bloom in the current year. Shoots aged three years and above must be cut off at the base of the spring, allowing the plant to rejuvenate. And it is much more abundant blooms. The variety is resistant to fungal diseases. Maygold - it polupletisty variety that looks great planted in small groups, as well as very effective in the trunk. The variety is suitable for cutting flowers.

Uncle Walter

Rose varieties are Uncle Walter Terry velvety crimson large flowers with a diameter of up to twelve centimeters. Slightly fragrant buds, which are up to thirty petals, bloom singly or gathered in clusters of up to eight flowers. Rose petals are well preserved color and do not fade in the sun. Leathery, large, dark green leaves are composed of five to seven leaflets. Bushes with straight strong thick stems have a height of one meter. Uncle Walter Rose Blossoms with a few interruptions from mid-June to late autumn.

Variety winter hardy. The bushes in the winter is possible to hill ground to a height of 40 cm, and with the onset of spring shoots are cut above the fourth-fifth eye from the ground. This procedure contributes to powerful regrowth of young shoots that bloom in the current year. Shoots from the age of three years in the spring is cut at the base, which helps rejuvenate the plant and contributes significantly more abundant flowering. Uncle Walter variety is resistant to fungal diseases. It belongs to a group of hybrid tea roses and great for cutting flowers, and in group plantings.

Dame de Coeur

Rosa Dame de Coeur has a large gustomahrovye cherry-red flowers are cup-shaped, with a sharp center to twelve centimeters in diameter. Slightly fragrant buds have to sixty petals and often growing singly. Flowers remain good color and not fade in the sun. Large glossy leaves are dark green in color. The compact bushes up to one meter are thick, sturdy shoots straight. Sort Dame de Coeur blooms with small breaks, by the middle of June to late autumn.

The variety is winter-hardy. The bushes in the winter is necessary to till the ground to a height of 0, 3-0, 4 m, then you need to cut the sprouts in the spring on the fourth-fifth eye from the ground. After this procedure, the roses grow powerful new shoots that bloom in the current year. Shoots from the age of three years must be cut off at the base of the spring that helps the plant to rejuvenate and bloom more profusely. Sort Dame de Coeur is resistant to fungal diseases. This variety is a hybrid tea roses group. It is recommended to grow for cutting flowers and used in group plantings.

Queen Elizabeth

Rosa Queen Elizabeth large double pale pink flowers are cup-shaped with a diameter of up to twelve centimeters. Fragrant buds are up to thirty petals, grow singly or collected in inflorescence. Sturdy shoots straight up to a half meter rise bush. Queen Elizabeth Rose in bloom with a few interruptions, from mid-June to late autumn.

Variety winter hardy. The bushes in the winter need to hill to a height of 0, 4 meters of land, and in the spring cut above the fourth-sixth eye from the ground sprouts. After that, this rose quickly grow strong shoots, flowering in the current year. The variety is resistant to fungal diseases. Queen Elizabeth - a flowering cultivar from the group grandiflora, which is grown for cutting flowers or planted in group plantings.


Sort Ravel - one of the varieties of hybrid tea group. Terry large pale pink flowers goblet-shaped, with a high center, have a diameter of up to twelve centimeters. The bud of up to thirty petals. Buds grow singly or rarely two or three flowers per stem. Bushes shoots straight up to a meter thick rich leafy green. This variety blooms with a few interruptions, from mid-June until the autumn.

The variety is winter-hardy and shrubs for the winter simply to hill to a height of 40 cm above the ground. In the spring, the shoots should be cut above the fourth-fifth eye from the ground. After that, shrubs quickly grow strong shoots. Shoots up to three years of age should be cut off at the base, to rejuvenate the plant and ensure abundant flowering. The variety is resistant to fungal diseases. Experts recommend use a variety of Ravel in group plantings and grow flowers for cutting. Cut flowers are stored in the water up to three weeks.

 Queen of the flower world - Roses: the best grades
