myrtle tree


  • Historical reference
  • Botanical Reference
  • Care myrtle tree
  • Properties myrtle tree

People have long attributed the miraculous properties of plants, endowed their magical powers, and even deified. Today, it's quite understandable scientific confirmation of the really unusual properties of the flora, which is capable of, and to heal, and to kill. However, the floral symbolism is still a mystery. So deep it all goes back to antiquity, that modern researchers can only speculate, either unconditionally trust tradition.

For example, a myrtle tree. Why this evergreen shrub is a symbol of purity? Why it was chosen Adam, who brought him out of Paradise? What is this wonderful plant, which has become a popular potted flower? And how this native of Eden to keep in the home, providing him competent care and comfort? Let's try to understand.

Historical reference

As the one of the legends (Arabic), myrtle came to us straight from Heaven. Exiled Adam brought it with him to earth, as a kind of souvenir that would allow him to remember a carefree life and heavenly tabernacles. That is why the myrtle has become a symbol not only of heavenly happiness, and hope (to return to the blessed days?).

According to Jewish legend, who appeared in the myrtle bush Zachary announced the restoration of the kingdom of Israel. From the other symbols myrtle - the emblem of the world. The ancient Greeks considered the myrtle flower of Aphrodite and symbolized beauty and youth. In ancient Egypt, the myrtle was associated with the afterlife, or life after death, because according to one legend, he rose from the body of a young woman who was murdered. That is, it was revived in the myrtle tree. By the way, the ancient graves were decorated with myrtle branches, where tradition and led the laying of wreaths and garlands of mourning.

Do you remember the legend of the apple of discord? So Paris, who gave the apple to Venus ("crown" beauty queen), allegedly enticed not the beauty of the Venus and the beauty of the myrtle wreath adorning his head contestants. And in the same wreath was decorated with the head of the god of marriage, Hymen. Well, love, marriage, and myrtle, as a consequence, the new character (love and marriage). However, the symbolism of symbolism and myrtle trees are grown in houses more for aesthetic reasons than as talismans. This evergreen shrub is so beautiful, if indeed adorned the Garden of Eden. What it was really?

 myrtle tree how to care

Botanical Reference

Myrtle - it is a kind of evergreen woody plants of subtropical climate. Myrtle remarkable in that its leaves contain essential oils and the smell is not less than the flowers. And flowering myrtle - a phenomenon not only beautiful, but also fragrant. Perhaps that is why myrtle trees associated with paradise kuschami. Essential oils of myrtle tree has long been used for making incense. And buds allspice (a species of myrtle) is still used as the most famous spices - cloves.

Indoor myrtle tree or shrub - a common myrtle myrtle or compact. No other species of myrtle man "domesticate" failed. Indoor common myrtle is an evergreen shrub with woody stems, which can be formed and grow in the form of a small tree. Home myrtle tree never grows up to two meters and blooms and begins to bear fruit after the third year of life. The leaves of myrtle ordinary egg-shaped, dark green and shiny, the size of about five centimeters. The flowers are small, fluffy, white or pinkish. Compact miniature myrtle different sizes and narrower leaves and black decorative berries, appearing on a plant after flowering.

Myrtle tree - a plant-survivor among indoor plants, which are still not fully adapted to living in a confined space. Therefore, for indoor myrtle require special care. Although generally considered low-maintenance plant myrtle, the subtleties of its cultivation still need to know.

Care myrtle tree

So, you have a myrtle tree - how to care for him, so that he suffered not only easy relocation, but also continued to grow in your home to be spared disease and pests are not tortured? Special care explains the origin of this plant. Since myrtle comes from the subtropical forests of the Mediterranean, for its successful stay in the room you want to create a similar climate. The main thing that you need to Myrtle - high humidity. Therefore, you need not only the tree regularly and well watered, and periodically spray. Watering myrtle bush with a soft, well-defended water.

During warmer months, the myrtle for a comfortable existence need to ensure the temperature in the range 18-23 degrees. At this time, basic care is to maintain the temperature and light conditions, so the tree in this period needs bright lighting. If you can move the pot with a small tree in the fresh air, then put it up on the balcony or in general to move to the summer in the garden - but outdoors myrtle tree comes alive and feels great. Myrtle easy to tolerate direct sunlight, but needs pritenenii especially in hot weather.

Watering myrtle tree is necessary so that the land in the pot was always slightly damp. At the same time in any case should not be allowed stagnant water, which will cause root rot and death of the plant. In addition, the waterlogged soil can easily be fed and multiply pests (scale insects and whiteflies). Therefore myrtle tree watered regularly and often better, but not abundant. And even better to arrange in the pan pot drainage from porous stones.

In winter, it is desirable to move the plant in a cool place. If the room temperature is too high, the tree will begin to drop leaves. However, experienced growers say that with the coming of spring myrtle quickly comes to form, beating new buds and restoring the crown. So maintaining the desired temperature, regular watering and spraying make basic care for this plant. But this care can not be reduced.

As with any long-lived myrtle plants require periodic change. Do it best once a year in spring, choosing a tree into the soil with a neutral acidity. More frequent trains (two or three times a year) may be necessary only in the initial period of the trees. If you form a crown of the tree, then it is desirable to crop during this period. However, the additional haircut during the summer myrtle not hurt. Trimming will not only give the desired shape of the crown, but also make it thicker.

Reproduction of myrtle in the home - just an elementary process. It can be propagated from cuttings usual, using as seed green cuttings. It is particularly convenient to do so after pruning, choosing the most strong and healthy specimens. Cuttings put in a glass of water or placed in a wet sand. Rooted cuttings is easy enough, but for a long time - for two to three months.

Incorrect care myrtle - waterlogging or over-drying of the soil, as well as too frequent feeding. Fertilize the plant should be no more than twice a year. The first feeding is desirable to do in the spring with the beginning of active growth of the shoots, and the second time it is necessary to feed the myrtle during budding. But foliar feeding (spraying) myrtle not hurt. So use this for any complex fertilizer to spray about once every ten days.

 how to care myrtle tree

Properties myrtle tree

The leaves of myrtle essential oil release all the year round and therefore constantly keep their healing power. And what are the properties of myrtle tree?

  • Firstly, myrtle is able to decontaminate the air in the room, destroying harmful microorganisms. This is the main bactericidal properties of myrtle tree.
  • Second, the essential oil of myrtle have a rejuvenating effect and beneficial effect on the human nervous system and the heart.
  • Third, this plant is able to improve mood and stabilize the emotional background.
  • And myrtle considered a kind of indicator of family relations. It is said that in the house, where often quarrel, this plant does not take root.

From the leaves of the myrtle can prepare healing tincture and take it with infection and inflammation, and to use instead of green fodder and iodine. Flowers and leaves of the myrtle can be added to tea, and just breathe in the aroma of this wonderful indoor trees is very helpful and pleasant. Here is this extraordinary and legendary plants: myrtle - tree paradise Kusch.

 Myrtle tree, or tree of paradise Kusch

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 bedroom mint


  • Varieties room mint
  • Conditions of detention
  • Care and cultivation

Actually, Mint is unpretentious, and for many it grows on garden beds, someone to grow it on the windowsill at home, but somewhere it just rises like a weed. But all this - medical mint, one broth from which we drink a cold. But the fact that there is still room and mint, do not know everything. Meanwhile, it is a fragrant plant of the family Labiatae, also known by its botanical name Plektrantus quite popular among amateur gardeners. And if the healing properties of this instance is debatable, its ability to replace peppermint tea as an additive in undeniable. What kind of plant, and how easy it is to grow it at home? Let's face it.

Varieties room mint

Called the plant room or home mint. Like all Labiatae valuable plekrantus its aromatic leaves. And they smell because of special glands in the leaves of distinguishing the essential oils. In the indoor horticulture there are several varieties plekrantusa, and the most popular ones are three:

  • Plektrantus shrub or molar tree - an evergreen shrub that reaches a meter in height;
  • Plektrantus South, also known as the Scandinavian or Swedish ivy - herbaceous plant with stems lodge, reaching meter length;
  • Plektrantus Ertendalya (other names are not allowed) - an evergreen shrub, crown which forms clumps.

However, the most commonly in the form of indoor horticulture home mint - a molar tree. That's it mean when they talk about growing mint room. And on the vegetable garden mint it looks like more than other colleagues.

 home bedroom mint

Conditions of detention

As we have already said, the plant is unpretentious. However, the favorable growth and reproduction it requires certain conditions. Plekrantus shrub (homemade mint) grows well in fertile substrates and organo-mineral fertilizers. Exclusively mineral supplements he does not like. The plant is photophilous and requires year-round (evergreen all) bright but diffused light. The leaves of mint Home pubescent, like violets, so spraying it suffers badly, and if water gets on the leaves and stems on them spots appear, which then dry out or rot. But this plant requires watering abundant in the warm season and moderately abundant in winter.

In nature, the molar tree grows in temperate climates, so that at room content for a favorable average temperature of about 20-24 ° C. However, hot weather also brings home the mint, but it is detrimental to hypothermia. The minimum temperature that can withstand the plant - 10 degrees Celsius. By humidity homemade mint undemanding, but it does not tolerate the neighborhood with a radiator and the hot dry air. So the ideal conditions for this plant will be warm bright room, good watering and fertilizing without spraying flower fertilizer twice a month.

 bedroom mint or Plekrantus

Care and cultivation

Basic care for the mint room is timely watering, fertilizing, transplanting and topping. Repot it must be once in two or three years, the mound in flowerpots mixture of humus and garden compost. In the period of active growth (and the plant is actively all year round) room mint pinch and need to break out the flower stalks. These measures will make it possible to form a compact and bushy shrub. Woody shoots, losing leaves and decorative, should be cut. Rejuvenating formative pruning can be done in late winter or in the month of March, and topping - all year round. Pinching and pruning mint moves smoothly and responds to her many new shoots.

Possible problems:

  • if the plant suffers from a lack of illumination, it shoots much stretched and droop and the leaves turn yellow;
  • dry and blackened edges of the leaves of mint room if it is not enough to feed, or to fill,
  • hypothermia can cause damage to the roots, young leaves and the growth of kidney,
  • pest and disease homemade mint stable enough, but it is possible the defeat of plants by aphids, scale insects, whiteflies and spider mites.

Propagation is by cuttings mint room, cutting off the apical shoots or rooting of the woody stems. Of grafted mint possible throughout the year, and the cuttings take root in water or wet sand. Special conditions rooting cuttings do not require except for a constant temperature of about twenty degrees.

With good care home mint lives in a flower pot for about five years. However, experienced growers say that the constant rejuvenation and cuttings period of her life is not limited. So it's not just evergreen houseplant, but also virtually Undying.

So if you want to have in their home unpretentious fragrant and grateful plant, the home mint would be suitable for this purpose flower. In addition, it is believed that it is able to drive out of the house mole, and mosquitoes flies do not tolerate her presence. Do not believe me, then settled in his home room mint, and see for yourself. Good luck!

 Room mint, or Plekrantus in your home

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