silk painting

Painting on silk - this ancient and beautiful art exciting. Huge selection of different paints, pigments and contours help to create magnificent works in a variety of styles. Softness flowing fabric, amazing play of colors - this kind of handiwork can not capture. It allows you to create unique with their own hands and unique fabrics. They can be used not only for decorative purposes but also for authoring product. It can be an elegant card, artistic panels and even a delightful exclusive scarf. All of these things bring joy and to their creator and the person for whom they were intended.

This technique, as a kind of applied art, a textile style. It is an excellent example of a traditional Azerbaijan scarf handmade, which is manufactured according to old technologies. Products, mainly created by applying the reserve line on the fabric that are limiters for dyes. Painting on silk fabrics - batik, it is the direction that allows you to create wide patterned line, leaving part of the fabric is not dyed.

For modern and traditional techniques of silk painting characterized by a combination of color spots, lines, ornaments and decorative painting. The most common textile planar graph has character, and it lacks both the front and the back. In general, there are a number of decorative techniques of painting on silk, each of which has its own traditions.

Equipment and materials

Usually, seeing the magnificent works of the masters, many light up the desire to try his hand in this matter and to do painting on silk. Such enthusiasts are interested in what you need for painting on silk. For this technique, there are many devices, but it is possible to begin to engage in, even with only the most necessary equipment.

  • Silk

Easy pongee - excellent material for emerging artists. This fabric is suitable for training exercises and probes, as well as for making holiday cards, scarves and paintings. In operation, as you gain experience, you can try to work with other types of silk fabrics.

  • Dyes and paints for silk
  • Outlined mixture and gutta

Drawing lines servants painting on silk barrier by spreading paint on fabric, is an indispensable element of this technology. Barrier line applied with Gutta contour and other compositions.

  •   Thin metal nozzle

There are special metal packings which can be attached to the spout applicator thickness control circuit. Issued nozzle diameter 0, 3-1, 0 mm.

  • Thickener dyes

To change the method of spreading the paint to dye for silk add special thickeners.

  • Primer

He applied to the fabric in order to change the ability to absorb dye silk.

  • Effektarnye salt

They are used for producing showy patterns based on the change of texture pattern.

  • Rama

For convenience, silk painting pull on the frame, which contributes to the correct and uniform distribution of the dye. More effective are special slide frames of different designs.

  • Instruments

These include cat and hooks for tension silk on the frame, forms for callers, flat and round brushes of different sizes, the tube for drawing reserve and others.

 that is necessary for silk painting

The basic techniques of painting

Almost all kinds of silk painting executed on fabric stretched over a frame. The first and one of the key steps is to create a contour line. She applied reserving composition that creates a barrier and prevents the paint spread. For accurate contour line requires a certain skill that comes with experience. Figure can be applied using a template or directly by hand. It is certainly more difficult, but it gives you a certain freedom of imagination, because you will be able in this way to express their individuality.

To create a very interesting paintings can be phased application circuit colorless reserve. To do this, use the line reserve, which is needed to control the distribution of dyes and delineate the outline drawing. When working in this way lines less visible, resulting in a less generic and softer images.

When phased application outlines the role of decorative line is minimized. But you can create unique patterns using an invisible line reserve. With Hutten, a water-soluble wax or reserve, you can apply the desired pattern, and then, after staining, remove completely with the contours of the finished product. For precise geometric patterns or borders should learn to apply the straight lines. They are after a bit of practice you can draw by hand. To begin the exercise, you can, putting a long line of two cubes.

Using thickeners for paints, image on a fabric can be applied by stamps and seals. Novice master these aids can be purchased at a special store, where there is a fairly wide range of finished products with a variety of impressions. Skilled craftsmen create unique patterns, make your own stamps, or to order.

  • The painting "wet on wet" to create a watercolor effect

When using this technique takes the free flow of color. At a time when spreading paint on fabric stops the decorative layer is formed, which is called "streaks". If you place the water streaks in certain places, they can be made part of the picture. Especially beautiful it looks in the landscapes where portrayed trees, mountains. The plant motifs with decorative streaks can create outlines of flower petals and leaves streaks. This is a fairly difficult technique, because it is necessary to be able to control the movement of dye.

  • Work with effektarnyh salts

Dry salt has the ability to absorb a liquid paint or dye, allowing you to create amazing "frosty" patterns. Size patterned color spots can be adjusted using the salt crystals and granules of different size. With the help of table salt can be made quite small points, and the use of economic and special batik effektarnoy salt helps to get a bigger picture.

Sol when using this technique on silk crumbles while the paint is still wet. Salt can not absorb the dye and form a pattern, if the fabric has dried up. In this case, instead of spectacular flowing pattern of divorces turn out smaller stars. Unusual image is formed when around each crystal salt is its coverage.

 painting on silk batik fabric

  • Using primer compositions

Zagustitelnye compounds alter the ability of the dye to flow freely on the fabric. But you can change and absorbency of the tissue. After processing, silk special compound that prevents the absorption of liquid paint is easily applied to the material, even without the use of reserves.

Priming compositions are transparent or white. They are applied on the entire fabric as a whole, and at any particular site. When the primer dries, silk behaves like a dense, dry paper, hold dyes in places where they are applied. At work, you can stick to the contours under the padded fabric sample or effectively create, following their own imagination. The application of primer mixes silk gives a certain stiffness, so these products are used where softness and drpiruemost not very important, for example, panels, postcards, covers for pillows.

  • Creating patterns of water divorces

To create the most impressive streaks using a consistent application of the dry areas of painting layers parozakreplyaemyh dyes, alcohol, water or solvents. Each subsequent application of dye or other fluid pushes the previous layers of paint, creating a so-called "wrinkled edge." If the subsequent coat is applied, when the fabric is still wet, the effect produced by streaks, softens. In this case, the pattern of the fabric appears lighter lines or elegant ring.

Here, briefly listed the basic techniques of painting on silk, with which you can create gorgeous highly artistic products for interior decoration of his house, and exclusive fashion accessories for your own wardrobe. If you decide to seriously engage in this fascinating business, you will learn additional techniques and others where you can not only work with a smooth silk and velvet with silk. In the meantime, you should learn the basics of skill. And believe me, painting on silk bring you real creative pleasure!

 The magic of beauty: silk painting

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 how to make Roman shades yourself

"Sails and caravels, at the stern of the track-and-white foam ..."

And where does the Roman blinds - you ask. And despite the fact that this element of window decorations, we got as much from the Roman sailors. The very same shade for all his grace is quite simple (not to say "roughly") performed. It made it on the basis of the ship's sails: a mast mounted on canvas that can be raised or lowered with the help of a special device. Koli so simple - you say - how to make Roman shades? It's very easy - we will answer and offer you several options for the Roman curtains sewn without much difficulty (but with a certain degree of effort!).

What we need to do?

Keep in mind that the fabric you will need much less than traditional curtains, but the accessories and additional materials - more:

  • tkkani straight cut on the window size or a little more;
  • lining fabric (for one of the models);
  • Velcro tape (tape-zip across the width of curtains);
  • adhesive sealant on the basis of Kant (interlining, crinoline);
  • seven or eight pins of wood or metal with a length of three centimeters less than the width of the future curtains (for the frame);
  • plastic or wooden ring (which prodenetsya cord for lifting the curtains);
  • three segments of the cord (the length of each - twice the length of the curtains plus its width;
  • weighting strap;
  • wooden lath, which is hung a curtain;
  • a special holder for the stop-cord;
  • nails, screws and hooks.

Choose otrez, stock up with everything you need and start making curtains. Yes, by the way, Roman blinds - the most affordable way to expensive textile design. Because with a minimum of tissue (and it is here is that) you can afford to buy expensive fabric.

Well, what kind of fabric to choose, decide. If you want to make your Roman blinds protect you from the sun, choose a dense fabric or treated in a special way from the inside out (the fabric «black out»). Translucent fabrics on the windows will hide your life from prying eyes, but missed the room light. Notice the pattern: in Roman blinds it will look particularly striking. And the fabric with an interesting or complex weave can also be very effective option.

And now, to determine the tissue and acquiring the necessary materials and proceed to the selection and production of the model.

Model first. The simplest and easiest option

This model without pins, but with weighting, which will keep the horizontal line of the lower edge of the curtains. Its advantages - ease of execution, a soft folds and laid-back look.

  1. To start dekatiruem base fabric and lining: soaked in hot water for fifteen minutes, dry them, stroking.
  2. Then do the pattern: draw a rectangle by adding a ten centimeters in height and three centimeters at the seams.
  3. Cut, folding base and lining the front side, baste, otstrachivaem wrenching (cutting the corners).
  4. Make a Drawstring weighting: wrap the bottom two and a half centimeters of fabric (wrong side), press out, sew over the edge.
  5. At the height of ready-made curtains are held on the upper edge of the horizontal line, and above it on the front side sew the Velcro tape (soft part of it with one hand).
  6. Velcro is folded inside out, sew it on the second edge, cut off excess fabric.
  7. Divide (marking) all the curtain on the same strip-section and sew rings in places where they pass through a cord.
  8. In kuliske insert weighting and get ready-made curtains!

Model Two. Option with tucks for rods

Such a model is most suitable for curtains of a monochromatic fabric with a loose structure. The main condition for its accurate species - precision cutting and stitching free (not astringent).

  1. Dekatiruem tissue (for this it curtains need only one layer).
  2. Cut out, making the three-centimeter seam allowance on each side.
  3. Boca future curtains treat seam double hems and a half to one and a half centimeters.
  4. Bottom do kuliske weighting agent for about two and a half centimeters in width.
  5. Mark up the entire curtain into equal sections wide and twenty (twenty five) centimeters: in the first of kuliske markup to lay off half a centimeter tucks (on the side curtains), the breadth of the second section, do tucks, and so on until the end. Note that tucks you should have exactly one less than the sections.
  6. Likewise, mark up and the other side edge of the curtains.
  7. Otstrachivaem tucks, finding each of them middle and connecting straight stitches parallel to the bottom of the curtains.
  8. Bend the fabric of this line, and shear pins do stitching along the fold, departing from the edges of approximately seven millimeters.
  9. Tucks smoothing and draw a horizontal line at the top of the striper curtains.
  10. Sew Velcro as well as for the first model of the Roman blinds.
  11. Through tucks from the wrong side and sew the top kuliske ring cords.
  12. Insert the weighting in kuliske and bars in tucks - curtains ready.

 how to make Roman shades yourself

The third model. The most popular option

This option is very popular, because it sew roman blinds himself in this way is quite simple, but the result will be more effective than the first model. For it used absolutely any tissue under the foundation, but the lining must be combined with the base tone.

  1. Soaked, dry them and cut both the ironing cloth.
  2. Cut out a rectangle the size of the window with a half centimeter margins on three sides and an allowance of ten centimeters in height.
  3. Cut, folding foundation from the inside front side, baste.
  4. On three sides of the future curtains do stitching, gut-wrenching (cutting the corners), proutyuzhivaem.
  5. Making kuliske by weighting the same as in the first model.
  6. By analogy with the previous models of the Roman sew curtains on top with Velcro.
  7. Divide all the curtains on the section width of about twenty centimeters, and mark up their (section) straight lines.
  8. According to the planned lines smoothly and neatly pinned down braid or tape (one and a half centimeters in width), which will be kuliske for rods.
  9. Nastrachivaem tape-kuliske (on line at each end), leaving the sides of the hole for threading bars.
  10. Vdevaem in kuliske bars and weighting, and then sew the ring cord - curtains ready.

Model fourth. Option with shaped bottom

It does not need special instructions. Run a Roman blinds can be based on any model. The only difference is shaped bottom, carved scalloped or patterned line. For this model, instead of the instructions only need some guidance.

If you want to have figured bottom peeking from under the folds of the curtains during the assembly, then proceed as follows. When cutting into sections divide the total height of the curtains to the first section is measured from the bottom edge of figure. The lowest ring cord sew not to weighting, and the lower kuliske with a rod. If curtains peeking edging you sew the pattern of the first model (without bars), then Kant himself do more - not ten, and twenty-five centimeters.

How to strengthen the Roman blinds?

Secure Roman blinds can be either inside the window opening, or on its edge. In accordance with this embodiment, and the count of fabric and make a pattern.

The first option is appropriate in that case, if your window is too wide window sills or the Roman shade is used together with conventional curtains. In this case, it is located very close to the window sills and free reserves.

The second embodiment is preferable if your window is opened and the flaps folded down over its entire height. In this case, the blind cuts out so that it covers the wall (slopes) for five to ten centimeters on either side of the window.

The process of fixing the curtains at the window looks like this:

  • the underside of the wooden planks (timber), which will be mounted blind, nail in upholstery nails (or with the help of the furniture stapler) with Velcro;
  • Velcro on the bottom of the screw on the bar at regular distance screws (they should be instead of hats rings);
  • attach to the bar ready-made curtains (remember her top we also stitched Velcro);
  • on one of the side portions of the curtains, from the bottom of the ring, thread the cord through all the rings and tie it at the bottom of the bundle (for strength, you can seal the knot with glue);
  • Pass just all the other cables;
  • Attach the cord to strap rings;
  • output cords on one side of the curtain, gather them together and push through the special holder, the stopper;
  • Fix the holder to the edge of the plank;
  • align the ends of the cords, tie them node;
  • at the middle of the window, attach the hook to fix the grabs;
  • blind folded in "accordion", wind the cords hooked.

Now, when you remove the cords with hooks, curtain fall. That, indeed, is all. Knowing how to make Roman shades with their hands, how to fasten them to the window, you can stylishly and effectively arrange the windows in any room of their home. And to say "thank you" Roman mariners, through which the art of ship sails magically helps transform our house.

 How to sew roman shades with his hands?

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