Feng Shui wealth area


  • Where there is a zone of wealth feng shui?
  • The zone of wealth: how to activate?
  • Items most activating zone of wealth feng shui

According to the ancient Chinese practice of Feng Shui, every living room can be divided into zones, each of which is responsible for some one sphere of human life. Such zones have their own color and the elements that help to activate it. Let's look at how to activate a zone of wealth in Feng Shui, because it is responsible for wealth and the necessary amount of money in your family.
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Where there is a zone of wealth feng shui?

By tradition, the teachings, the area of ​​wealth is located in the south-east side of your home. This part of the property is the subject of today's review.

An element of this sector is considered to be a tree, and flowers - purple and green. Besides them, for the activation zone is also used purple and gold. It is clear that to put the tree in the area of ​​wealth can not everyone, but it can use symbols - fresh flowers in pots or, in extreme cases, to use their images. If it is possible to use natural plants, give preference to a money tree, it is suitable for the role of the activator is just perfect.

 feng shui money area
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The zone of wealth: how to activate?

The very first thing to do after a defined area of ​​wealth is to make sure that it does not obstruct the positive chi energy. Make it easy: walk around the perimeter of the room and see if things preventing you take a detour. If you always run into the corners of furniture, or simply scattered things that need urgent cleaning and rearrangement. All the unnecessary things bring chaos in the field of vibration of your house, and it will not contribute to the production of wealth, even with proper subsequent activation.

Make sure that the area of ​​money is not contained such things as:

  • Broken or not functioning devices

Feng Shui considers its most important enemy of your success. Field of failure that surrounds them, can in no time negate all your efforts to improve your life. Any thing whose integrity is already compromised - it is simply a generator of negative energy. Broken things in their own dead and around them create a stable field with the appropriate information, because the flow of the death spread further and further. It forms a sort of black hole that pulls your luck and success.

  • Antiques and things b / y

Remember that the search is very similar luck fishing. And what do you offer his luck as a profit? The thing with the smell of second-hand? Do not expect that you will find a bait big catch. But it's not so bad, other people's things and antiques have their own specific energy field that does not always coincide with the field of your apartment. It will continue to intervene in the flow of qi energy and direct it in the opposite direction. Sometimes a situation where people are all carefully thought out, has mastered many effective techniques to succeed, but they refuse to work and it seems that the flow of "rake" for it will never end. But everything is much simpler: the energy that you drive, can not get to the track because items b / y or antiques greeted her with his vibratory field and turns to the side.

  • Dry or wilted plants, cacti

These symbols are not relevant to the tree, and their effect is similar to what have broken things.

  • Fireplace

It is directly connected with the element of wood, but this relationship does not bode well for the zone. Feng Shui is not recommended to install anything that can "burn" your wealth in the area of ​​money.

  • Bin

It is a dangerous thing for the zone of wealth. Around this attribute to create something like a vacuum where will flock all the positive energy. It threatens the fact that all wealth will not stay in your home and luxuries quickly go to the scrap. If you do not remove the bucket from the area of ​​money, there is a chance soon to part with what you already have. Want to succeed - do not make the zone of wealth in a landfill.

  • Fridge

Feng shui - the ancient science, unlike refrigerators, but the opinions of experts on the issue of whether the fridge to be in this area, unanimous - no. Fridge yin generates energy, and its presence in this area is not required. Speaking symbolically, the refrigerator will freeze your undertakings and does not give you the ability to follow through. But the fridge - it's not a trash can, and not so easily peredvinesh. If you create your apartment designers have not considered areas of feng shui and the area of ​​money came into the kitchen and try to make sure the fridge was clean, and avoid the formation of ice in the freezer. Let it always be fresh fruits and vegetables, while the negative effect this subject will be neutralized.

 Zone money for Feng Shui
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Items most activating zone of wealth feng shui

To activate a zone of wealth, sometimes quite simply make a general cleaning. In general, remember, Feng Shui and dirty room - simply incompatible. And that success and financial well-being simply collapsed on you, feng shui advises to place the money in the area of ​​the following items:

  • The vessel with water

Ideal if it is made of silver. Water and money - is a magnet that attract the energy of qi.

  • Various products with precious stones or precious metals

By placing such items in this area, you make it clear you of the universe that are ready to be successful and wealthy, and your goal is to not cause her any doubts.

  • A small aquarium with goldfish

Only you have to carefully watch him, the dirty water can bring financial problems. But if the fish suddenly die, do not panic. According to Feng Shui the deceased fish - a kind of ransom, which prevents bad luck with you. Bury the dead fish away from their homes and simply buy new ones. Choosing an aquarium, give preference to their small size, too much water can be detrimental affect state of health of the tree element.

  • Chinese coins and tubular bells

Recent attract the right energy and coins make your mind tuned to find new solutions for profit.

Area wealth must always be brightly illuminated. Your way to success in this case will be bright, and get into a deadlock situation, you will be hard.

Please note, if your does not meet the monetary area with a bathroom or toilet. If you are "lucky" and the toilet is right there, you have to make every effort to neutralize the effect of qi energy. But there are no unsolvable problems and get out of this situation can help a bunch of small bells and figures of guardian deities. You can hang on the door of the bathroom mirror, just make sure that it does not reflect the very front door and are not clipped the top of the highest member of the family.

But if your region is the wealth came right into the bedroom, it is not necessary to activate it. The bedroom should circulate yin energy, which help us to have a good rest. Mixing of different energies can even cause of stress, and there are already talking about the success and wealth is not exactly.

So we have a little shed light on the teachings of Feng Shui, and hope that these tips will help to significantly improve your well-being.

 Feng Shui in the house: activate a zone of wealth

 where to put the money tree


  • Definition of the zone of Wealth
  • Terms of placing money tree
  • Construction area of ​​Wealth

So you got a powerful and promising mascot of feng shui. Now, in your home now growing a money tree, and according to ancient Eastern teachings, the financial difficulties you are no longer afraid. However, not all so simple. Talisman is, and the money will no longer be! And you start to run around the house, put the pot with a flower in one place, then another, and to wait, when the mascot will begin to show its miraculous properties. But it is not enough just to have a mascot - you also need to make it work!

Yes, the main purpose of the money tree in terms of feng shui - the activation zone responsible for your well-being. It is therefore important to be able to find this zone in his house and put the money tree was there. But when talisman will take its place of honor, you must also properly equip this same area. Otherwise, no way. Otherwise the money tree will remain a beautiful and useful plants. So, we are looking for where to put the money tree and help him to show all his mystical talisman wealth opportunities.

Definition of the zone of Wealth

According to the teachings of feng shui your entire home and each room individually divided into sectors - the so-called zone of influence. Each sector is "responsible" for a certain area of ​​your life. And each area has its own charms, which it activates. So that's one of the strongest areas of Wealth talismans is a money tree.

Find the area of ​​wealth in your home to help the grid Bagua. This is a special instrument of feng shui, which determines the location of the zones of influence in accordance with the geographical areas. In a simplified version of Bagua grid is a square divided into nine equal parts:

  • The central square - the health sector;
  • To his right - a sector Family (East);
  • Left - Sector Creativity (west);
  • At the bottom - the sector of Fame (south);
  • Top - Career Sector (North);
  • The upper left corner - the sector Assistants (north-west);
  • Upper right corner - the sector of Wisdom (north-east);
  • The lower left corner - the sector Love (south-west);
  • Lower right corner - sector wealth (southeast).

Here in this last area, and should be a money tree. To find the area of ​​wealth in your home, you must first identify him cardinal. You can use a compass or simply decide where goes out the window in the room. When you understand where your home north, south, east and west, drawing a plan of the house and put on a grid Bagua, aligning the sides of the world on the grid and on the plane. Now you can find exactly where in your home sector is Wealth - the south-east.

It is noteworthy that the teachings of Feng Shui allows you to divide into zones not only the whole house as a whole, but each to his room alone. Therefore, if the room corresponding to the area of ​​wealth, it is impossible to put a live money tree, you can define this zone in a suitable indoor plants. And in the same room which you can put money tree to plant to feel comfortable?

 where to put the money tree

Terms of placing money tree

Of course, for a good growth of a money tree needs certain conditions. It is very important to your live mascot had always been healthy and fresh, otherwise it will turn into antitalisman and begin not to attract, but scare away the wealth from your home. Therefore, the plant should pick a room, responsible, primarily, comfortable conditions for the existence of green pet.

Money tree refers to the light-loving plants, and endures even in direct sunlight. However, being a long time in the hot sun, a tree can begin to drop leaves. It is therefore necessary for him to choose a well-lit room, but the crown pritenyat from sunlight. So, in this respect, a suitable location for the money tree will be a room filled with bright but diffused light.

Other conditions for a comfortable existence of this succulent - temperature. In fact, money tree is considered to be a potted plant unpretentious, but does not react to strong drafts and sudden changes in temperature. For him, you need to find a warm, but not hot room, as well as a place protected from too warm or cold air flows and drafts.

For the same reason you can not put a money tree away from heaters and radiators, and in winter it is necessary to remove a flower pot out of the cold window glass. A moisture regime is easy to maintain by periodic spraying and of the trees, and the air around it. In addition, the room should be well ventilated and empty is. But this is a requirement not only to conditions of detention money tree as to the arrangement of the zone of wealth.

 where there should be a money tree

Construction area of ​​Wealth

So, you have identified where your home is located in the sector corresponding to the financial well-being, and even found a place where there will be a money tree. Believe me, this is enough to make a talisman began to work. However, in full force to show their talents is a miracle tree will only be able to correct the equipped zone of wealth. This means that it is necessary to activate and mascot. How to do it?

You just need to enhance the magical properties of the zone and activate its mascot. This will help the relevant area rich colors and elements. Colors area of ​​Wealth - purple, green and all shades of blue. Green you already have - the color of the crown of your living mascot. Black is also present at least in the form of the earth in a flowerpot. So you need to add blue and purple. If the color does not fit into a stylistic decision room, you can do "a little blood." For example, choose a flower pot or a blue bed under a small purple cloth. If the blue, green and purple are in perfect harmony with the style of the room, then let these colors are present in the decoration of the walls, window curtains, furniture or flooring.

Elements of Wealth sectors - wood and water. The presence of the first element in this area you provided live mascot in the form of money tree. But to solve the problem with water is more difficult. If you have an aquarium, the question of where to put the mascot, there is no - they just need to be placed side by side. You can also put money tree near the bubbling fountain or hang on a wall painting or photo with a water scenery. It is important to minimize the presence in the area of ​​wealth metal element. In any case, all metal objects must be as far away from the money tree and a flower pot are not put on pallets of metal. The only exception - the Chinese coin, which just increase the power of the talisman. Therefore, they can be hung on the tree branches or buried in the ground beneath it.

Not welcome in this important sector and sharp geometric shapes, as well as clutter the room itself. So try to maintain cleanliness and order here. Often not only remove dust near the flowerpot, and wipe the leaves on the tree.

In short, knowing where to put the money tree on the rules of feng shui, you can get to work at full capacity this amazing talisman. And it needs to be found in his home area of ​​Wealth and make sure that the selected plant site was comfortable. If you are able to properly equip the zone, it is required to earn a talisman. The main thing - to believe! And all you get.

 Where to put the money tree on the rules of feng shui?
