affirmations for weight loss


  • Little-known facts about weight loss
  • When the subconscious mind comes into effect
  • How do affirmations for weight loss
  • How to achieve that affirmations work most efficiently

How many times have you said to yourself: "I want to lose weight. I want to look better and feel more confident. I want to have a beautiful, slender body! "Like most people who are trying to lose those extra volumes, you may run, at least one of the major obstacles to weight loss:

  1. You can not stick to the desired mode;
  2. You hate exercise;
  3. You are constantly experiencing debilitating hunger;
  4. You lose weight, and then it comes back.

In this article, we'll show you an effective method of weight loss - weight loss affirmations. This method uses a hidden subconscious techniques, to provide a guaranteed success. This method can be used alone or in combination with any diet or weight loss programs; you safely and quickly will get rid of their problems.

Little-known facts about weight loss

Even the best of the program, through which many can achieve your ideal weight, give a chance to less than one in twenty, that you hold this weight for a year. The key to success of the program for weight loss should be the search, discovery and calibration of all ulterior motives and resources in your subconscious. The reason that the majority of weight loss programs provide a temporary success, it is what they are trying to solve the problem of the weight on the outside (ie, acting on the body), rather than to deal with it from the inside (acting through the subconscious).

We will try to explain to you the statement. From birth, we develop an intense relationship between comfort, interaction with family and food. Eating becomes something much more meaningful than just a process of saturation - this acceptance, warmth and love. Thus, we take food for several reasons, not just because hungry. Often we eat in company with friends, or because bored or sad, or we worry and try to escape, or because we want to reward yourself with something tasty.

 affirmations for weight loss

When the subconscious mind comes into effect

Our desires, emotions and motivations are in our subconscious. It is the center of our "I". Moreover, the subconscious mind is so powerful that for us is practically impossible deliberately to do what our subconscious, we do not allow it! Try, for example, ask someone that he waved his hand right in front of your eyes, and make yourself at the same time not to blink. You are almost doomed to failure! Your subconscious tells you to protect delicate eyeball from the threat of the risk of injury and you're sure to cover up his eyes, and even recoil.

Likewise, the subconscious mind is constantly sabotaging all the efforts of our consciousness cause the body to lose weight. The question arises whether we can change the program my subconscious? Can we find a way to make it work for us, not against us in the struggle for harmony? Fortunately, yes. And one of the most powerful ways - to do so by resorting to affirmations for weight loss.

How do affirmations for weight loss

The basis of this method are specially selected statements that are able to penetrate the subconscious and thus adjust your motives and emotions. The more you repeat these statements, the more they become your inner "guidance system". They will change your self-esteem, your desires and behavior, and, fortunately, your relationship to food. You will no longer be willing to old number and kinds of food, which leads you to the fullness.

All your life you acted on the "scenario", written for you by your parents, relatives and friends. It is a value system that is embedded in you from the outside. These thoughts, habits, relationships and internal beliefs of others have formed you strong installation with which you are living. That they interfere with your impulses to control their weight, even though you do and really want. These settings will continue to limit you to continue if you do not take positive steps to change them.

Almost every day in our head spinning dozens of ideas about who we are in this world, or about what our life is like, or what we might like to have; and each time our subconscious mind reacts to these thoughts. You can, for example, to think: "I want to lose weight, but I do not seem able to achieve this. I think that I have does not work, because I, no matter how hard, can not control their weight. " At the beginning of the argument it is sent to our consciousness the idea, expressing our desire to lose weight. But then it comes from the subconscious limiting beliefs that we can not do that. And this subconscious comment strengthened every time we allow ourselves to pass it through the mind, if not pronouncing it aloud. That is why so many people do not believe in themselves and feel helpless, leaving all attempts to lose weight.

It is not enough to try to achieve weight control at a conscious level, forcing himself to some food there, and some - not, becoming almost an expert on diet. Not quite as fight with each other and show remarkable strength of will, deliberately saddling themselves physical training. Durable, permanent weight control must come from within, when you are resorting to weight loss affirmations to change beliefs and build up in your subconscious image of the new body.

 right affirmations for weight loss

How to achieve that affirmations work most efficiently

The greatest effect of the affirmation you get if you will be in a relaxed state. Relaxing your mind, you get direct access to the subconscious. We recommend doing this on a daily basis for a few weeks (or as much as you need to achieve and maintain an ideal weight).

The best time for affirmations - This morning, when you are awake, or in the evening before bedtime. At this time, you can get the easiest "login password" in your subconscious. If you repeat affirmations for weight loss on a regular basis, they will strengthen your determination and willpower, so you can free yourself from unnecessary kilograms. This method of mental reprogramming works directly with your habit to speak in the mind with itself (the so-called "internal dialogue"), blocking and eliminating your negative self-image.

Here are simple steps that will help you achieve the greatest effect on the affirmations:

  1. For the best effects of affirmations, select the place and time when you will not be distracted for at least fifteen minutes.
  2. Sit in bed or have a chair so that every part of your body was as comfortable as possible.
  3. Start with a slow deep breath through your nose, hold your breath for a few seconds, and then exhale slowly through your mouth. Feel the power of the body in the breath and then take care that, on the exhale it itself will begin to relax.
  4. Do not be distracted any more on that. Focus on their feelings and try to relax completely.
  5. Take another deep breath in through your nose, filling the lungs as you exhale, try to completely relax.
  6. Relax the muscles of the face and jaw, unclench your teeth.
  7. Continuing to, but not as deep breathing, feel the relaxation spreading throughout your body. Every muscle becomes relaxed, and you - completely quiet.
  8. Mentally start speaking affirmations:
  • I relaxed
  • I am very calm
  • I feel myself good
  • My body naturally burns unwanted fat
  • I have a full opportunity to control your weight
  • My hunger is easily assuaged small amount of food
  • My body gets all the nutrients it needs
  • My body dissolves excess fat tissue, which no longer needs
  • I am strong and healthy
  • I see myself slim, beautiful and very attractive
  • I'm easy to eat
  • I am calm and relaxed when I eat
  • I have great self-control to not break the diet
  • I have a strong desire to stick to a healthy diet
  • I'm pleased with myself
  • My body is strong and healthy
  • I'm good care of your body
  • I exercise regularly
  • I love me
  • I have control over my ideal weight
  • I renounce junk food
  • I eat only healthy food
  • I obtain and maintain your ideal weight

Affirmations for weight loss will help change your internal predictions about yourself, your body and diet. Most diets do not work because they make you do something that your subconscious mind does not want to do. Only by force of will, you should stay away from foods that you like and feel deprived, renouncing them. Your subconscious mind will interpret this as an attempt to starve the body hunger.

But with the affirmations you can gradually change your desires and tastes. Thus, moving to a proper diet, you will feel satisfied, and therefore easy to reach your goal. Your subconscious mind will now work in unison with the mind, and the more it does not cause you to overeat.

 How do affirmations for weight loss

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