rules of business communication


  • Etiquette Business Communication
  • Phases of business communication
  • Manipulations in business communication

Would not it be great if we could communicate with others freely and without straining! At least so it seems at first glance. But in fact, the rules and regulations exist for a reason - they are designed to make communication as comfortable as possible for all participants. Imagine what would happen if aggressive person allowed to behave as it wishes? All around it would be bad. Particularly stringent in this matter is different professional sphere: the rules of business communication are the most extensive section of general human etiquette. And if you want to be successful, you must learn to respect them.

 stages of business communication

Etiquette Business Communication

What do you think, what qualities are in first place in the etiquette of business communication? For effective cooperation in any field must first be friendly. That is why if you're a misanthrope, who hates all living things, you do not need a lot of spin in the business community. Respect and tolerance towards others are also necessary for the reason that in the business sector in particular often have all sorts of conflicts, without these qualities to overcome such obstacles would be impossible.

Personal charm also plays an important role in the effectiveness of communication. It consists of pleasant manners, tact, common human culture, compassionate attitude towards others and pleasing appearance. Evaluate whether you have gaps in any of these aspects. Of course, it is difficult to attribute to the rules and skills of business communication, but because it works, and not to mention the fact it is impossible.

If we talk not about quality but about the rules of business communication, in the first place there is the rule of respect. Earlier we wrote that it is important to be friendly. Unfortunately, this turns out not to show to all the people, because in the way sometimes come across rare bastards. But even they have something for which they can be respected (not to love!). Your task - to see this very something and show respect. It is in any case will be felt in contact, and its efficiency increases.

Role behavior in business communication also plays an important role. Agree, it's silly and strange behavior with the head as if he's your guy. However, there are women who do just that. Not to be trapped, you should very clearly understand for themselves what roles you and your colleagues do at work and what they include. And this concerns not only the formal positions, but functions and informal "working bee", "critic", "generator of ideas", etc. ... This will help you be more effective in communicating. Judge for yourself, it is meaningless and ineffective to require the generator of ideas of rigor and precision in the design of reports, as its main feature - creativity.

Be restrained in personal assessments. This house can be called an idiot colleague Masha and meticulous customer - nasty bore. At work, it's not allowed. You never know who or who do not like - you need to be able to live with it and work. But even if your emotions are ready to splash out, you should keep them in the discharge and a more adequate environment.

In his speech to the max, be concise, of course, if the situation does not require otherwise. No one wants to waste time listening to how you came to some conclusions, so pity partners and articulate only the most important and necessary. By the way, it is important and in business negotiations: if you are describing in detail each of its argument, the other party is easier for him, "the trailer."

Learn to ignore the violation of business etiquette partner. For example, we wrote about how important it is to be kept in the estimates. Suddenly your companion cursed or insulted you hurl. Maybe he just broke, and tactful will miss it by ear. However, if the person continues to stick to the same line, and you important outcome of the negotiations can go for minor concessions - is calm, "the beast", and the likelihood that you will achieve your increase. If you noticed that the intensity of emotions was too great, then it makes sense to reschedule for another day.

Finally, think of the other person seriously. This may come in handy technique of active listening, when you repeat a word or perefraziruete partner (only natural, not like a parrot!). So you show him their seriousness. Even if you are talking about some small and insignificant for your firm contract, be polite and attentive. Who knows what will develop these business relationships in the future?

 art business communication

Phases of business communication

It would seem that what the common man to know the phase of the business on your own? Analyzing the efficiency of negotiations, one can conclude that their results is directly dependent on the organization of the process. Simply put, if the participants do not know what is happening and what to do, dealings can be called strained and ineffective. And because business is entirely based on the negotiation process, to know the stages of business communication and be able to act on each of them is necessary.

Preparation for the meeting

In fact, this stage is a "zero" or preparatory. Still, the art of business communication is inherent in every human being is not, accordingly, be a natural and effective negotiations "from scratch" is almost impossible. You will need to make a plan, based on the specific objectives of the meeting and includes a number of ways to solve the problem, the analysis of the position of a negotiating partner, the choice of the optimal strategy of communication and the overall prediction of the outcome of the conversation. At that point you need to decide on the organizational aspects - set the time and place of the meeting.

Establishing contact

This is the beginning, any communication, including business. The outcome of negotiations largely depends on how well established contact between partners, and if at this stage, there was a hitch, it is most likely, will not be productive meeting. First of all, your task concerns the demonstration of goodwill and motivation to communicate. Its implementation contributes to a soft smile, a friendly greeting and a pause, giving the other party the opportunity to engage in conversation. Do not start the communication, if the person is busy, for example, a telephone conversation.

Orientation in a situation

Orientation in a situation is necessary in order to determine the tactics of negotiations and to strengthen the interests of the partners to them. By the way, this can contribute pertinent joke - it is a pity that they are not always just come to mind. It is also necessary to allocate the roles that you "play" in the negotiation process. For example, some of you may be "timid disciple," and others - "wise teacher", or both of you will be "in the shoes" of the two experts. To expedite the process, match with the source, a mirror reflecting its position, the plastic, tone of voice, facial expressions and gestures. Five to seven minutes, you can have the most "dictate" conditions - remain in position "on a par" or all neverbalika show a higher or lower position.

Discussion of problems

During this phase should be prepared to exercise a very important rule: we tend to mentally drift away from a partner from the opposite point of view and approach with a man like us. That is why the discussion is necessary to emphasize the similarities rather than the differences - unless of course you want to achieve a positive result. If the disagreement can not be smooth, try to talk about them in an impersonal and non-judgmental position. And do not forget to develop criteria for the optimal solution, that is to make a complete description of how it should be. Now, a little more detail on what phase of business communication can be identified in this phase:

  • Validity of its position. Speaking about the problem, be firm - not inferior in merits, but by the interlocutor behave gently and kindly. Are the most convincing arguments in favor of his view of the situation, trying to talk about what is interesting to your partner.
  • Kontrargumentirovanie. Of course you will argue - otherwise no negotiations were not necessary. Your task - to convince a partner to right. Do not use categorical judgments, because they work against you. It is better to try to understand the interlocutor - what would you like and how you would react, being in his place. On this basis, it will be easier to choose the counter.
  • Search for optimal solutions. When the understanding is achieved, move on becomes much easier. Now you have only to find mutual benefit. Give the other party the opportunity to bet on the outcome - will feel that they have reached their. And you, in turn, easily control their participation in the process of achieving results. If your version of the more obvious solutions partner, give him the opportunity to save face - consider his offer politely and explain why the idea needs to be expanded and take your best.

Decision-making and fixing arrangements

Remember, you have formulated criteria for the optimal solution? Now it is time to impose them on the final version. If he meets all or most of the criteria, then you can proceed to an agreement. A detailed explanation of what actions should be taken by each party.

Out of contact

Few realize that the completion of communication is almost as important as the beginning. Last impressed greatly affects the image of the interlocutor in general and with it the future of your business relationships in particular. Therefore, be as friendly as in the beginning of the negotiations.

 Manipulation in business communication

Manipulations in business communication

Unfortunately, not all parties to respect the etiquette of business communication - some rude behavior psychologically. Manipulations in business communication is used quite often. How do they differ from other ways of interaction? It is always a latent effect on humans, resulting in the "aggressor" gets a one-way benefit, causing substantial harm to his "victim". It is always "playing" on the weaknesses of the other person and leads to some action profitable manipulator.

Agree, our communication is full of such communications. What are their options are most commonly used in business partners? For example, the technique "guess myself." This is a situation when the manager gives a subordinate job, without disclosing the information about it. Naturally, the latter begins to act "from the lantern", admitting mistakes for which subsequently was responsible. The manager can say that he wanted to give the subordinate the freedom of action, but in fact he just does not know all the details and does not want to be responsible for it.

Sometimes leaders are not willing to think about the selection of artists on an assignment and make choices as follows: Head out into the corridor, catching the first available personnel and assigns to him "the implementation of an exciting project." Well, or dull and boring, but always work. It may seem that way, he wants to show his subordinate trust and loyalty, but in reality it is the result of the unwillingness to spend psychological and physical resources in the selection process. Which, incidentally, is quite common in our culture.

The other option of how to persuade the employee to perform complicated, boring or hopeless task - is to show what the chief of "white and fluffy". The slave called to the head of that right off the bat invites him to do a great job, including a bunch of aspects. Naturally, the fact that it causes shock and utter unwillingness to do something similar. Then the head, demonstrating its ability to enter and accommodating position, said: "Well, the last two points can not do." And joyful officer runs into his office, trying to quickly take a new job. It seems to him that he very skillfully got out. Interestingly, this method is often used unconsciously leaders - that is, they really believe in their own goodness.

It happens that the manipulation of the slides almost to outright humiliation. You have successfully completed the project, made a brilliant report on it, and handed over all the boss. It would seem that he should do? Rejoice and praise you. But there it was! He finds in your work a few minor bugs and starts "chehvostit" you in full. There are several hidden motives. Firstly, so you do not have to pay extra financially or psychologically - praise. Secondly, perhaps you still can "put the squeeze" and get to improve their work. And thirdly, it can be a manifestation of the usual banal irritation.

Feelings of guilt and duty as often exploited colleagues. No person who never made a mistake. And in that moment, when he wants to get to do what he do not want these flaws begin to "float". For example, a colleague asks you to replace it, recalling how recently you were late for work. Or the head of seeking to "hang" on you some thankless task, says your "numerous" errors.

But not only the bosses like "muddy the waters". Subordinates also often perform miracles cunning manipulator and behavior. For example, the technique "yes, but ...". Head is subordinate to the desire to give him any task. Last it carefully listens and says, "All well and good, and I could do it, but ..." and then voiced any excuse. Head can parry it, but then will be replaced by another excuse. And so on to infinity.

Among the parties to the conflict is very common technique "courtroom." Have you ever seen how people quarrel? Often, they are drawn into the conflict all around with the promise of "well, judge between us is finally! ". Naturally, this is not possible, since not everyone is a born peacemaker, a solution that supports one side, the other is always rejected. So in such actions is the desire to free himself from liability, although demonstrated a profound interest in a speedy end to the quarrel.

Protects against manipulation is much easier than to use them. It is enough to demonstrate to the aggressor that he is caught red-handed. It will also be useful to the realization of those moments, which presses the manipulator, and clarification of its true motives: "What do you really want from me? Why me? ". As a rule, then the aggressor is eliminated by itself. If it is not so bad, you can offer him any compromise that would satisfy him and, and you would not greatly strained.

The art of business communication, there is not just. Still, in these circles is very important reputation of the person, and if he behaves rude and unethical, then what can we do? Therefore, if possible, try to observe the etiquette of business communication and treat people the way you would like them to treat you.

 Terms of business communication in action

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