

  • The relevance of this topic
  • Who can become a blood donor
  • The frequency of blood donation
  • Preparation for Blood Donation
  • The impact on the human body donation
  • Finally, conclusions, recommendations,

Today, throughout the world, including in our country die every day, and thousands of people ill. Very often the cause of death is acute blood loss. Almost any hospital currently lacks blood. In many cities there are special centers for transfusion and blood collection from donors, thus they make the blood bank (reserves). Blood supply must be available at any hospital. It is desirable that it was fresh and always with no expiration date.
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The relevance of this topic

Some people are regular blood donors. Before you study the frequency of delivery of this important component, you need to understand some concepts. Thus, the donor - a person who gives blood. It may be solid in the form of plasma, the leukocyte or erythrocyte mass. Scavenger - a person who takes the missing blood from a donor needs her.

Blood transfusions are often carried out in leukemia and other blood diseases, severe injuries with blood loss, shocks and other emergencies. Let us consider in more detail how often you can donate blood, health safety during this medical manipulation. But before that it is important to find out who can be a donor, because there are certain restrictions.

 Blood donation
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Who can become a blood donor

To this or that person was able to donate blood, he must fit certain criteria. Firstly, it should be age 18 to 60 years. This is very important because in this period the circulatory system becomes mature. Second, for the majority of the blood donation points will need to provide a local residence. This is necessary to ensure that, if necessary, to know where to find this person. Third, you need a passport or other identity document. Fourth, there are temporary restrictions that do not allow at present to donate blood. These include the presence of colds or the expiry of 1 month from the date of recovery from acute respiratory infections. It is not allowed to donate blood for 10 - 30 days after vaccination.

After removal of the teeth also need to have passed 10 days. After giving birth, a tattoo or piercing has to wait 1 year. Separate provisions exist for women. It is essential that during the delivery of the donor was not pregnant, the date of the last menstrual period should be at least 5 days. In addition there are temporary and permanent removal of the causes of the donation.

These include diseases of the blood, the available homosexuality transferred viral hepatitis in the past or currently available, the presence of promiscuity donor, myopia, mental disorders, high blood pressure, drug addiction, alcoholism, syphilis, HIV and others.
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The frequency of blood donation

Many will wonder: how often can I donate blood? The answer is quite simple.

Whole blood was officially allowed to take no more than 5 times a year for males and not more than 4 times for women.

It is essential that the intervals between the treatments were not less than 60 days, i.e. 2 months. All this is important since more frequent delivery of blood corpuscles (erythrocytes, leucocytes) does not ripen in full, which can lead to anemia and small deterioration of health. Separately it is necessary to allocate the change of the plasma. The fact that today more often rented out whole blood and its components. This facilitates the work.

With regard to the plasma, the amount allowed to take no more than 12 liters per year. Plasma is the liquid portion of blood, without the formed elements: erythrocytes, platelets and leukocytes. Letting the platelet is allowed no more than 1 time per month, even though the platelets in the blood recovered after a week. Perhaps this is due to the fact that very often the dose to climb with the help of special equipment platelet some more positions.

Very interesting and how much blood at a time in a volume ratio can be taken in a given facility. Full dose is 400 ml. If a person is doing this for the first time, it is only 200 ml. In some deviations in the state of health of the dose may be reduced to 350 ml.

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Preparation for Blood Donation

Before taking the necessary material from a man, he must undergo rapid testing. This includes the change in the blood, determination and rhesus group, the level of hemoglobin. In addition, the need to measure pressure and weight. Then a documentary prepared with a list of the donor agreement. Of great importance is the fact that a person can give blood a certain weight (not less than 50 kg), it is important to be borne in mind and appearance, the presence of malnutrition. Before a medical examination is recommended for several days to thoroughly prepare for the procedure. To blood was suitable for the patient, it is necessary to observe the following rules.

Do not drink alcohol to 2 days before manipulation, do not smoke for several hours before giving blood or plasma as the blood can enter a variety of harmful substances. For 3 - 5 days should be excluded from the use of some medications: aspirin, painkillers and so on. Before the procedure you need to eat breakfast and drink a glass of liquid. Great importance and diet. It eliminates the use of the eve of the blood collection products such as eggs, milk and milk products, cheese, butter, nuts, bananas, salty, spicy, fried and smoked food. Optimal use in this period fruit except bananas, vegetables, bread, cereals, fish, juices, sweet.
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The impact on the human body donation

It should be noted that the donation is very helpful. Apart from the financial aspect (payment of blood), thanks to this procedure can be consistently and most importantly, free to monitor their health. This is possible thanks to the analysis, which are taken before blood sampling. The second positive point - is to increase immunity. Each fence of a component of the blood is updated, and it provides better circulation and blood flow to all organs and tissues. In addition, it is a great way to adapt to the adverse factors, such as blood loss, injury.

According to experts, donors-men in 30% less likely a heart attack. Regular blood donation can prolong a person's life. It improves metabolism, increases the effectiveness of blood-forming organs, increases the body's mobilization. But, nevertheless, the donation to some extent is not safe. This procedure may be fainting, weakness. However, this is temporary. There is a risk of transmission of certain infections, including HIV, hepatitis B and C, syphilis, but this is possible only in case of violation of selection techniques. Payment blood - another powerful argument. Cost portions of blood in Russia ranges from 300 - 400 rubles and a half thousand. In addition to the donor output relies 2: 1 - the day of selection, and selecting the second person.

 Tips for blood donation
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Finally, conclusions, recommendations,

It can be concluded that donate blood or its individual components - this is not only profitable, but also beneficial to the body. Frequency of delivery of whole blood depends on sex: for men, it is not more than 5 times a year for women - 4. It is important that the interval between treatments was not less than 60 days. This time is necessary to restore and replenish components bloodstream. Donating blood can be as a whole and its components, such as plasma. It is allowed to pass the plasma of no more than 12 liters per year. As platelets, despite their rapid recovery, it is expedient to take no more than 1 time per month. The volume of blood portions can range from 200 to 400 ml.

Of great importance to donate blood has inspection and preparation for this manipulation. It is strictly forbidden to carry out the procedure on a patient with a history of HIV, hepatitis B and C, syphilis and some other infectious diseases. When properly conducted blood sampling and careful examination is practically no risk of complications for both the donor and to the recipient.

 The frequency of blood donation: the value and limitations
