after childbirth painful sex


  • Causes of pain
  • Psychological causes
  • The decision of psychological problems

Very often, childbirth leave an indelible mark on the lives of women. And not always as positive as the birth of a charming crumbs. Very often, postpartum women problems begin in the intimate life - sometimes quite serious. And the most common complaint of women that during sex they hurt. However, in practice, all such problems can be overcome completely. Of course, if "know the enemy in the face." That's about what will be discussed below.

We'll tell you about what challenges young mothers face more often, as well as how to cope with them. So you after childbirth hurt to have sex? With such a familiar nuisance around two-thirds of women who have recently become a happy mother. And, as a rule, they are completely unprepared for this. It is no coincidence - the first weeks after birth crumbs woman is in a real euphoria - she finally waited for the meeting with her baby! And she does not notice anything or anyone around. But after a month and a half this euphoria evaporates slowly, and the husband insistently reminds himself.

And the woman willy - nilly recalls that it is not only the mother but also loved and loving wife. And it is time to return to normal intimate relations. Very well, if everything goes smoothly. However, the disappointing statistics show that in most cases, instead of pleasure a woman feels pain. It is not necessary to panic and give in to despair. Too many women are frightened that a normal sex life is over forever.

Because now she has a lot of other concerns - feeding crumbs, washing, cooking, and even taking care of other family members. And the woman resigns himself to this state of affairs. However, it is not necessary to do so. In no case can not tolerate the discomfort in silence - you need as quickly as possible to find out what caused the pain in each case. And take steps to resolve this problem.

 painful sex after childbirth

Causes of pain

As mentioned above, the first thing to do - is to identify with certainty the cause of the pain. Independently make it is not always possible, so it is much wiser to consult a physician-gynecologist. And note - it is best to do this before the start of sexual activity.

Of course, the midwives at discharge from hospital will give you some guidance. They are, as a rule, in most cases, are the following: you can not start to engage in sex earlier than 6 - 8 weeks after birth. The recommendation, of course, good. But it is very general in nature, with no amendments to the individuality in each case. Therefore, the trek to the gynecologist will not be superfluous. The doctor will examine the internal and external sexual organs of women, evaluate the state of the uterus, the degree of healing of joints and gaps, if any.

If necessary, may be appointed to study the blood levels of certain hormones, ultrasound, surgical consultation. And if the doctor considers that the state of women's health allows, he will allow her to have sex. In the same case, if sex is accompanied by pain, visit your doctor is worth repeating.

The doctor will try to find the cause of pain and to take steps to address it. Although, in fairness, it should be noted that serious problems, because of which hurt to have sex, are extremely rare. More often than not with them it is quite possible to cope on their own. But nevertheless it is necessary to be safe - do not rely on "maybe". So, what gives rise to pain after childbirth? Most often it is:

  • Poor joints and cracks healed perineum

Very often during intercourse injured joints and micro cracks, the appearance of crumbs left after the light. This usually occurs in two ways - either couple hurried and resumed sexual relations before the damage had completely scar. Or in case a man chur rude and harsh - after local tissue damage of the skin and mucous first few months are extremely sensitive.

And as a result - a woman hurt. In this situation, the problem is solved simply enough. In that case, if the reason is not yet healed become damaged crotch necessary to wait some time. Exactly how much - will tell you gynecologist. But in the event that excessive haste husband still easier. Talk to him explain. Try a more peaceful and gentle sex - believe me, it also has its charms. But the chances that you will be hurt much less.

  • Improper application of the seams on the perineum

In more rare cases, pain in the perineum during sex can persist for a very long time - sometimes up to a year or longer. And the reason for this may be the wrong suture. In this situation, the only way out - surgery. Of course, the procedure is unpleasant. But you do not want the rest of your life to associate intimacy with pain and discomfort? And the operation is very simple, does not pose any threat to women's health.

  • Slightly suturing of the vaginal opening

Often gynecologists face the consequences of "diligence" of their colleagues working in hospitals. Stitches in the perineum tears and cuts imposed correctly. But too tight, so to speak. And the entrance of the vagina becomes very narrow. The extent of this pathology is different - in some cases it appears only a slight discomfort, and sometimes makes itself felt a sharp pain intolerable. In this situation, a lot of men will require tact, patience and perseverance. And do not forget the grease - without it will be very problematic. As a rule, the decision of this problem goes from one to six months.

  • Suture after cesarean

Too many women believe that if the baby was born by Caesarean section, they are immune to the problems in the intimate sphere after childbirth. However, this is not so. By the way, and a ban on sexual relations within two months, in this case it is also very relevant. After all this time, it is necessary to ensure that the size of the uterus back to the old, and the place of attachment of the placenta healed. Otherwise, pain during sex guaranteed. Yes, and the seam remaining after cesarean section, also may be very disturbed woman. The solution in this case is only one - the correct selection of poses. Avoid those positions, which in the incision is any impact - for example, friction or pressure.

  • Vaginal dryness

In some cases, the cause of pain during sex is not nothing but a lack of sufficient lubrication. It is only natural that the dryness of the vaginal mucosa to talk about the comfort is not necessary. What's more - you may experience sharp pain. Moreover, this problem can be observed over a very long period of time - sometimes up to a year or even longer. There are several reasons that could lead to the development of this problem.

The first and most common reason - a state of hormonal young mother. Like it or not, but the people were, are and will be children of nature. This means that all laws of nature apply to humans. In the light of the newly emerged small man. This means that all a woman's attention should be focused on it. And about procreation and it is not. And accordingly, the female body does not see any need to develop soon after birth lubricant that facilitates sexual intercourse. It is not surprising that a woman can be painful.

By the way, something like a woman can be observed in the second half of the menstrual cycle when conception becomes impossible. The body "knows" that this month of new life can not wait, so reduces the production of lubricant. In this case, the only correct solution would be to visit a doctor. Only a doctor can decide whether to wait for a while, or it is necessary to begin the appropriate hormone therapy. If the doctor decides that you need to give your body some time, he must advise couples to use a lubricant.

In the postpartum period is better to use water-based lubricant. Grease is an oil-based may cause irritation is still very sensitive vaginal mucosa. And, moreover, in that case, if the pair Condom use, it must be remembered that the oil-based lubricants often lead to destruction of the latex. So, there is the risk of unplanned pregnancy.

  • Full bladder

Sometimes after childbirth cause of pain during sex is very simple - full bladder. And the urge to urinate woman can not feel, but the pain during sex can be very sharp. Therefore, if you are faced with such a situation, try to go to the toilet.

  • Various infections

In some cases, the cause of pain may be the presence of infection - like the vagina, and the bladder. This pathology can be diagnosed only by a doctor, so be sure to seek medical help. The doctor will select the necessary treatment and make recommendations that will help as quickly as possible to cope with the problem.

  • Bartholinitis

Most women, even familiar with anatomy, do not know that in the area of ​​the external genitalia is a sufficiently large number of different glands. And at the entrance to the vagina located the largest of them. They are paired and are called Bartholin. These glands function is very important - they produce a secret that ensures a stable level of moisture in the vagina. It is simply necessary for normal sexual intercourse.

But sometimes Bartholin gland can become inflamed. Wherein inflammation occurs in several stages. First clogged ducts of these glands. Because of this disrupted the normal flow of secretions. As a result, it begins to accumulate within the gland. As soon as this process of evolving, first pain during intercourse, and then the tumor can be felt - its diameter varies from a few millimeters to several centimeters. And during this period begins to develop inflammation directly. Of course, at this stage in the inflammatory process involved and the surrounding tissues of the genitals.

Self-treatment in this case is unacceptable because it will only worsen the disease. Therefore, the young mother should as soon as possible to seek help from a doctor. Doctors cope with this problem quickly and easily.

 pain during sex after childbirth

Psychological causes

In no case can not be overlooked and a possible cause of pain during sex the first time after giving birth as psychological problems. The human psyche today is still for the scientists of the biggest mystery, despite the high level of medicine. But significantly aware of the fact that the mind in a very strong degree of influence on the physical condition of the person. There are many psychological reasons that can cause pain during intercourse:

  • Fear of pain

This problem is most acute. Woman implicitly expect pain during sex soon after childbirth. And thus she herself "programs" to ensure that the pain really appeared. And sometimes the reasons for its occurrence is quite tangible. For example, a woman afraid of the pain, vaginal muscles firmly compressed. Voila, get - the pain right there. Moreover, in some cases, it can happen both before the first intercourse after delivery and before subsequent.

Especially when the first sexual intercourse was indeed painful. In this situation, the main role of savior of the intimate life given to her husband - is how he will behave, whether he has enough tact, tenderness and shutter speed depends on how fast everything returns to normal. In an extreme case cope with the problem does not work, it is necessary to consult a psychologist. The specialist will probably find a way out of this difficult situation.

  • The dissatisfaction with their appearance

Too many young mothers believe that the birth of a baby affected their looks the most unfavorable way. And highly complex about it, believing that lost her husband after giving birth to their attraction. As a result, on a subconscious level, these women are very much "clamped" - they are embarrassed to undress, can not relax properly. But the result is still the same notorious pain during sex after childbirth.

  • Cultivation of motherhood

Sometimes she forgets everything except his baby. And all attempts to persuade her husband to the perceived intimacy literally "hostility." And often it happens all at a subconscious level - the woman herself does not realize what is happening. And once again triggered the classical scheme - tension, muscle spasm, pain. The result - the subsequent expectation of pain - a kind of vicious circle. And you can break it only by her husband and / or professional. Typically, psychologists are well aware of how to help a woman after childbirth.

 pain during sex after childbirth

The decision of psychological problems

In order to reduce the risk of psychological problems, you must follow a few simple rules. Only in this way will bring tribute to sex pleasure - both physical and moral. So:

  • Do not try to be super woman

In no case do not shouldered on their shoulders everything worries and troubles - are you a living person and is entitled to a complete rest. As can be increasingly involved in the care of her husband - it does not allow him to feel estranged from the family, and you begin to understand it much better. And if you can, do not hesitate to ask for help from other family members - for example, my mother-in-law. They know firsthand how hard it is soon after birth.

  • Learn to step back from the problems

As corny as it sounds, but you just need to learn how to dramatically suspended from reality and relax. And learn it is necessary not only during sex, but also in everyday life. This skill will come in handy more than once. Start with a very simple exercise. Sit in a chair, close your eyes and try to relax. "Disconnect" from the outside world.

In order for it to be easier to do, the first time it is possible to provide any pleasant moments - for example, rest on a beach. Even during sex, this method can also be adopted. While the visual image during sex, of course, should be with an erotic bias. Do not rush skeptical smile - a lot of women this little trick really great help. It is enough to relax before sex, to sexual intercourse was not as painful.

  • Get enough sleep

Of course, for the newly-minted mom this advice may seem very real mockery. And it is quite clear - the majority of women in this period of the dream remains a dream. But you still have to try to find an opportunity to get some sleep. At least during the day, at least in snatches. Then the general psychological condition of the woman will be much more stable.

Concluding the discussion, I would like once again to reassure young mothers. What is happening to you - a temporary phenomenon. In that case, if you and your spouse to show the necessary restraint and patience, all very quickly returns to normal. Moreover - most of the women shortly after childbirth noted that their sex life has become even more intense! So we wish you good luck in this difficult matter - the struggle with temporary difficulties. You definitely do it!

 After the birth hurt to have sex? There is an exit!

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