how to quickly grow hair

On the TV screen, in the pages of fashion magazines and then flashed beauty with an incredibly well-groomed hair, eye-catching. It seems that self-grow hair, make them the same thick and healthy is simply unrealistic, because it is either given by nature or it is not.

But do not rush disappointed ahead of time and assume that you have a lifetime to settle for dry and brittle hair short, that under no circumstances did not want to grow up even a centimeter. It is not right. Hair should be cared for, and they will be beautiful and will grow well. Just stick tips contained in this article.

A brief excursion into biology

You can not begin to tell the secrets of how to quickly grow and strengthen the hair without mentioning how they grow and how fast that affect their growth.

A key part of each hair is a special bag - the follicle. The follicle is experiencing very important for the life of the hair and chemical processes that result in just grow hair, becoming more dense. On average, a person's head about a million of these follicles operable ones are relatively few - only 100-150 thousand pieces.

Today is divided into three main phases of hair growth:

  • the active phase of hair growth, which lasts from two to five years;
  • transitional phase, the duration of which is not more than 100 days;
  • resting phase, when hair falls out, and in their place begins to grow new ones.

Hair growth continues without interruption, and with each new phase of the hair root starts to climb higher and higher to the upper layer of the skin. Accordingly, with each phase of the root becoming weaker.

The rate of hair growth

In young children hair per month on average grow by 13 millimeters, adults - 15 millimeters, the elderly - by 11 millimeters.

Every day, our hair grow at 0, 3-0, 35 mm, a day falls of the order of 100-150 hairs.

Using special means, it is possible to increase the rate of hair growth. Thus, a month, they may grow to 2 cm per year - 24 centimeters. There are cases when a person's hair grew back a month to 3-5 centimeters, but this is not a pattern.

As you know, today is the type of hair is divided into dry, normal and oily. Typically, dry hair is sufficiently thin and brittle, fatty vice versa - the thick and dense. It is also believed that the total amount of hair on our heads depends on their natural color. So, the last thing a blonde hair, and most of all - from the owners of the hair a bright red color.

It is important to keep in mind that every type of hair need to exercise special care. Unable to care for oily hair, using means for dry hair. So you give them reasons, only serious damage to almost irreparable. Only you yourself can give life to your hair, make them beautiful and thick. And to help you do this can only be the right care for your hair.

So, the very first, it should revive follicles (after all, one million is only just 100-150 thousand), thus accelerating the growth of hair.


Even if you use the highest quality and most expensive means of hair care products, but will not eat, do not expect a visible effect on ongoing procedures.

If you want your hair strong, healthy, long and thick, include in your daily diet of foods containing calcium, magnesium, zinc, chromium, silicon and potassium, manganese, iodine, biotin and beta-carotene. These useful minerals contained in cottage cheese and nuts in cereals and vegetables, green vegetables.

In order to give your body the normal life for its portion of calcium, eat 100-150 grams of cheese daily.

How to choose the right hair products?

Choosing the means of hair care products, be sure to take into account their type. It is recommended to use shampoos and conditioners, produced in a single series. Desirably, in their composition they were natural ingredients.

Do not chase the high price. Do not forget the golden rule of "expensive - it does not mean good." Even the most expensive means sometimes contain in their composition chemically cooked "nutrients" substances for the hair, which is quite a bit of good. It is better to pick up a cheap and effective natural remedy, which included are natural ingredients.

To grow hair fast, you should give up their coloring. If you still do not dye your hair is not possible, do not use resistant paint.

Also discard perm, do not use a curling iron, do not dry the hair dryer. All of these procedures greatly affect the hair, destroying the structure, make them lifeless and dry hair begins to wither away. Besides, due to chemical action such clogging often occurs hair follicle, and new hair simply cease to grow.

 how to grow hair fast

By choosing a comb and should be treated seriously

Use only the brushes that will not be confused or tear your hair. So, prefer a wooden comb, massage brushes, made from very coarse bristles.

It is important to comb your hair. When combing the following rules:

  • comb hair, starting from the tips;
  • gradually unraveling the hair, combing it, climb on their length higher and higher to the roots;
  • the roots should be brushed at least a hundred times.

This way you will stimulate hair growth, massage exercising their bulbs.

Art properly wash your hair

Wash your hair with warm water only at a temperature of from 37 to 39 degrees Celsius. To achieve maximum effect, use boiled water, and in any case - the normal flow, which flows through the pipes.

Be sure to follow these important rules:

  • in any case, not overcool hair washing hair;
  • wear a hat in cold weather, which will cover the whole head;
  • choosing a hat, give preference to the usual plain knitted hat, as huge and heavy fur caps only harm the hair. They are strongly pressed to the head hair, thus creating the greenhouse effect;
  • be sure to regularly trim the ends of her hair for a couple of millimeters. So you can remove split ends, protects the hair from further destruction. Remember that hair begins to break down from the tips.

How to grow hair fast, using the popular recipes?

It's simple enough. Since the select chemical products for hair care, you can own, we should focus on the folk remedies that will help you transform your hair and stimulate their growth.

Of particular note is the fact that traditional recipes, as practice shows, are the most effective. After all, in their composition, we only use fresh ingredients which have an immediate effect on their structure.

Traditional recipes for hair growth:

  1. It stimulates the growth of hair onion juice. Very finely chop one onion, then rub the scalp of gruel. Carefully wrap the hair; it is important to put them into heat. With such a mask must walk a couple of hours, and can be longer. As a rule, the hair after such a mask does not smell like onions. But if all of a sudden then acrid smell of you still feel, rinse your hair with lemon juice.
  2. Try to use castor and burdock. They can be used not only to strengthen and nourish the hair but also to get rid of dandruff. These oils are almost universally used in antiquity. Why do not we resume this fine tradition?
  3. You can stimulate hair growth using birch tar soap or soap juniper tar.
  4. Rub into the scalp essential oil of birch buds. It is believed that the way to stimulate hair growth is one of the most effective.
  5. Twice a week during shampooing, use a decoction of hops and calendula. To prepare it, mix a tablespoon of hop cones, a teaspoon of calendula flowers. This mixture fill one liter of boiling water, then let it cool a little brew. Then apply the proceeds to the hair. It is believed that a decoction of hops and calendula helps people to forget about the problem of baldness.

Keep in mind a very important rule: everything is fine in moderation. Do not round the clock is applied to the hair remedies. Let them rest.

Do not forget to adhere to the correct routine. Engage favorite things and try to rest as much as possible. Sitting in front of TV prefer a walk in the fresh air. If you smoke, it is important to think about how to give up this addiction to healthy appearance of the hair.

If you create hair, and for a good and pleasant conditions, you will not only notice how much hair will be transformed, but also feel like change your attitude to everything, as your mood every day is getting better.

Adhering to the rather simple rules, you will be able to permanently close for himself the question of how to quickly grow hair.

Your hair may be long and healthy!

 How to quickly grow hair

We recommend to check out how to make hair thicker

 How to put curly hair


  • What is the hair styling?
  • Hair styling products
  • Secrets styling curly hair

Unfortunately, the time has come when the majority of the females prefer the artificial beauty of the natural. Artificial nails, hair and tons of makeup hides the pretty girls who, under the influence of advertising and advice pseudo-professional beauticians decided to "improve" their appearance. But a few decades ago, the fashion was a natural, not plastic beauty. Perhaps, yet we should not forget that Barbie - still doll? And it is intended for children, not for adults.

However, even now, many men prefer young ladies that are applied to your face for at least cosmetics and self-care for their home, but do not create a miracle hairdresser hair. After all, it's nice to touch curls that radiate strength and health! That certainly can not be said about hair extensions .... Become the owner of a luxurious mane easy enough just to learn how to properly take care of it and be able to put your hair beautifully. Everywhere there are little tricks. For example, you know how to put curly hair? But this is not difficult.

I do not think that quality hair styling can be performed only by specialists. You do not need years of training to learn how to create a suitable hairstyle. One need only follow a few tips that will help not only to maintain the health of curls, but also save on a visit to the beauty salon.

 styling curly hair

What is the hair styling?

For starters, let's see what is a blow. This procedure is a must to those women who have strands of hair are not willing to go the way it should be their mistresses. The most difficult to account for owners of curly hair. They constantly have to buy a variety of tools and devices for laying, which help "pacify" unruly, sticking out in different directions curls. However, it is - it does not matter. The main thing that all these tricks worked.

Luckily the female, today there is a large variety of products to create beautiful hairstyles. Yes, and to replace harmful "chemistry" that has been used a few years ago, we came harmless cosmetics. Now, in addition to its main task - modeling hairstyles - they also gently care for your hair.

The use of modern cosmetic styling will be shiny, beautifully curled, healthy and soft hair. In addition, the styling help protect hair from the harmful effects of various external factors. And most importantly, that the fixing agents can be used in the home, which will create a hairstyle is not worse than Hollywood stars. Now beautifully arranged curls may be the subject of your legitimate pride.

Hair styling products

Foams, varnishes, gels, mousses. ... These funds "to the eyeballs" filled cosmetics stores. It's hard not to get lost, in spite of all our products, carefully released the famous (and not) companies. Let's look at the properties and benefits of each tool.

Styling using the gel - the most popular and the method of installation. The gel is ideal for all types of hair, does not dry them, it can be removed in the usual combing. It is used to create a strict form of hair, when they want to emphasize some separately taken curl. Also within easy reach and the wax - slight movements of fingers, he applied to the ends of her hair and shows all the nuances of hairstyles - oblique bangs, elongated curl carelessly. Wax is also suitable to give hair the effect of "wet hair", but the foam is useful to add volume to hair weakened. With the development of the cosmetics industry, in the varnish does not include harmful substances sticking together - hair will look natural.

However, do not forget about the means for hair care. The cream should be applied to the hair when you need to restore damaged and weakened hair. Serum will help make thin and unruly hair soft and shiny. As you can see, all good in their own way. The main thing - to choose the one that will suit you personally. But without them, the health of hair is simply impossible. So, and beautiful styling you will not get.

 styling curly hair

Secrets styling curly hair

For unruly curls, there are many ways of styling. One of these - the use of a hair dryer with a diffuser. Very convenient for home use, easy to use, and its "fingers" turn locks in any style - elegant, cheerful, "creative chaos." There is only one immutable rule - to direct a jet of air must be strictly from the roots to the tips of the hair, lifting them a little bit. Stack unruly curls can be with the help of ironing - it will help straighten out some strands and drastically change the image.

In order to look good you need to care for their hair regularly. It is enough to correctly apply the locking means, and you will succeed! On damp hair applied lock and evenly distributed along the entire length of hair. Now the work has to start a hairdryer. Be careful - too much hot air acts detrimental to the hair, and the wrong direction during drying can ruin the whole look. Directs air is necessary only in the direction you want to put curls. If you want to straighten your hair a little bit, give them a view of the sea waves, it should be from a spray to moisturize the hair and use a round brush to delay them down, and the stream of air from the dryer be strictly from the top down. Pretty nice get this hairstyle, then if we apply gel - simply apply it to the ends of the hair strands and lie only way you will create.

Styling Curly Hair - it's quite a long period of occupation and requires attention. If you want to look beautiful? Then be careful with the free time and, having put on the hair a little fixing agent, the hands, specify the direction of the strands. During the creation of "masterpiece" should be aware of natural, so do not be carried away by the excessive use of styling products.

Make sure that you have turned out a hairstyle that will emphasize the dignity of the person and to hide his shortcomings. With these tips you will be able to create a beautiful styling at home. And it will be no worse than the hairstyle, created by professionals. And let Barbie green with envy!

 How to put curly hair? Do not be afraid to be yourself!

We recommend that read: how to use wax hair
