what to do to your hair grow faster

Unsuccessful hairstyle, acute nostalgia at the sight of his old photo, a meeting with a friend, whose chic curls - but who knows what makes a woman ask the question: "What to do to your hair grow faster? ". The main thing is that this idea is already densely populated in the head and does not sleep. Since science is difficult to argue ... And she argues that the rate at which hair grows, laid genetically. And this, of course. But the fact that the maximum speed laid down and our hair, for various reasons, are growing much slower than it. That this is what we will fight.

The first thing you need to pay attention to those who want to know what to do to your hair grow fast - is the choice of care products. Perhaps there is no single woman who does not know that they should be chosen according to the type of hair. But, unfortunately, even this is no guarantee that the shampoo or balm you fit. Not all cosmetic products work the same way - a little bit of structure, but different.

Every manufacturer is trying to find some kind of a "highlight" ... And where is the guarantee that the "dried fruit" have hair "taste"? Which can be determined only by "trial and error". What to do to grow hair fast, it does not hurt? It is necessary to observe the result of at least a couple of weeks. If, after washing your hair shine, well combed, and they have no static electricity - you can be congratulated. Your hair happy!

The next step for those who are wondering about what to do to your hair grow faster - head massage. This procedure improves blood circulation. Massage is quite possible to do it yourself. And the result will be worse than in the cabin - well, perhaps, a little less fun. There are several ways of self-massage.

  • The first way. Place thumbs on the temples, and the rest - on the forehead. Presses head massage in a circular motion with fingertips, moving them from the forehead to the nape. Take your time - massage should take 10-15 minutes. Tilt your head forward and move the thumbs on the back of the head. The palms should cover her head on both sides. Firmly press the tips of his fingers to his head and make 20 circular movements with your fingers. Move your thumbs just above and repeat the process - and so on until you reach the hairline.
  • The second way. Grab a small section of hair right at the roots and gently pull it to the side. Just do not overdo it - you will not be hurt. "Walk" in a similar way across the head. The third way. This is a "classic of the genre," for those who are looking for an answer to the question of what to do to grow hair fast. You will need a brush made of natural materials - such as wood or bristle. Tilt your head down and comb hair against their growth. Then repeat the procedure, holding the brush from the temples and forehead to the nape. Daily - at least 200 strokes!

 what to do to your hair grow faster

"Strengthened food"

"Eat more, and did not grow up! "- I remember my mother's words? Mom is always right. Well, almost always. What to do to your hair grow fast? That's right, to feed them! What? Special healing and nourishing masks. There are two options. You can go to the store and buy everything there - the good, is now no problem with that. Or, if you - a fan of natural resources to make it all by yourself. Believe me, it is a way no worse. There are many simple and very effective recipes.

Castor oil

Perhaps most people who want to learn what to do to your hair grow faster, sooner or later, "stumble" on this recipe. This is no accident - it is really very effective. Pour a little oil into a glass and put it in hot water. Warm oil rub into the scalp. Put on a shower cap and wrap on top of the head with a thick towel. Keep this mask should be 25-35 minutes. If you do it regularly, you will notice that your hair become stronger and grow faster.

"Banana beer"

That does not sound very appetizing ... However, this recipe is also quite popular with girls and women who want to understand what to do to your hair grow faster and what they - the hair - in fact, is not enough. The fact that the composition of all ingredients mask contains active substance, very useful for strengthening and rapid hair growth. However, abuse of the procedure should not be - a mask made no more than once in 10 days. So you need to take:

  • one egg
  • one banana
  • a spoonful of honey
  • half a glass of dark beer

Then just - everything in a blender, mix and apply on hair. Keep track of 15-20 minutes. Then rinse thoroughly with water.

Mask "Yeast"

You know that expression "is growing by leaps and bounds?" Well, what do you think, what to do to your hair grow fast? That's right, yeast mask! You will need:

  • Brewer's yeast
  • egg yolks
  • Burr oil
  • cognac
  • honey
  • Castor oil

Take a little yeast - piece should be the size of about a grape and add two egg yolks. Pour one large spoon of castor and two - burdock oil. Put two tablespoons of honey. And finally, cognac. It will be quite a small spoon. All the mix, but the hair, apply the heat to cover the head. Keep this mask should be about two hours. Repeat - twice a week.


Hot pepper enhances circulation and thereby stimulate hair growth. So for those girls and women who want to learn what to do to your hair grow faster, this mask - just a godsend! Only it is necessary to treat it gently - if accidentally gets in your eyes, it will be very, very painful. It is this mask twice a week. Take the four large spoons of honey and mix them with one tablespoon of fiery red pepper. Apply to damp hair and cover first with plastic wrap, then a warm scarf. Hold it should be 40 minutes, but if there is too much to burn - rinse before. The main thing, after all, do no harm.

Responding to a question, what to do to your hair grow fast, it can not be said about some more important points. In the first place - food. If the hair do not grow or fall, maybe they lack some important trace elements and vitamins. Try to review and balance your diet. If necessary, get a vitamin complex. Secondly, try to treat your hair gently.

Forget - at least for some time - about a hair dryer, curling irons, curlers and thermo-ironing. Do not use gels, foams and varnishes for packing. Do not do complicated hairstyles, hair pulling together. By following these simple recommendations, you will soon notice that your hair has become stronger and stronger and - most importantly -zametno grown. So, the goal is reached and the question of what to do to your hair grow faster - solved!

 What to do to your hair grow faster - simple solutions

We recommend that read: Mask of gelatin for quick hair growth

 gelatin hair


  • About gelatin
  • Shampoo with gelatin
  • Recipes gelatin shampoo for different hair types
  • Hair masks
  • Cautions

It is well known for the miraculous effect of the procedure lamination .  One session in the beauty salon helps restore hair shine and volume, turning the problem, dull hair into luxurious curls .  Unfortunately, this procedure is not available to all women .  And it is not always the problem is the lack of money (though lamination - not cheap) .  The fact that many modern the fair sex have no time to sign up for this or that hair restoration procedures .  And we always want to look beautiful .  Will, oddly enough, gelatin hair .  It is considered a natural reducing dry, dull and weakened strands .  And there is not one, and the weight of gelatin recipes, that can be used to restore the structure of hair and home laminating .  Incidentally, manufacturers are actively using this feature when creating shampoos .  What is his secret? The gelatin is useful for hair and how to use it at home?

About gelatin

Gelatin is plant and animal origin. More recently, it was mined exclusively from animal tissues. Today gelatin learned isolated from certain algae and vegetables. What is nice that the nondescript granular powder in sachets? It's all in the normal protein, B vitamins and collagen. It is this creative trio will be able to revive even the weakened hair.

Moreover, doctors are advised not only to use masks and shampoos for the hair, which contain gelatin, but also to take this component inside. To do this, dissolve half a teaspoon of gelatin in a glass of lukewarm water and drink the resulting mixture. I do not like to choke tasteless liquid? Make a traditional jelly every day and try to eat at least one serving. So you combine business with pleasure.

Many women believe that the jelly - a treat for the children, and strengthen the hair with the help of tablets and tinctures. But you love chocolate? Yes, and do not refuse from sweets. So why not supplement their diet with sour cream jelly? Sure, your hair will thank you. After gelatin hair - a real panatseya.Deystvuya inside, it strengthens the hair roots.

As a mask or shampoo gently envelops every hairs, creating a protective layer, it gives volume, healthy glow, and promotes increased growth of hair. And this is not fiction, but a reality.

In addition, gelatin strengthens nails and improves skin condition. You agree that it's more than a good result! Now that we know all its benefits, it's time to learn to use the gelatin in practice. And we're not talking about all kinds of recipes jelly for dessert, but about strengthening the skillful hair.

Shampoo with gelatin

The fact that many of the shampoos include gelatin, we already know. But so it wants to make a good means exceptional, right? So let me introduce you to a gelatine shampoo recipe created at home. To make it, you do not need to be a chemist or buy expensive components. You will need a bag of gelatin, your favorite shampoo and plain boiled water. As you can see, the ingredients are simple. Now about the proportions:

  • Gelatin - 2 tablespoons;
  • Boiled water - 1 tablespoon;
  • Shampoo - 2 tablespoons.

Preparation: mix all ingredients and put in a water bath to completely dissolve the gelatin. Thereafter, the resultant shampoo is necessary to cool; Now it can be used.

 How useful gelatin hair

Recipes gelatin shampoo for different hair types

For normal and inclined to fat content of hair:

  • Gelatin - 1 tablespoon;
  • Boiled water - 70 milligrams;
  • Egg yolk - 1 piece.

Method of preparation: mix gelatine with water, leave for 40 minutes. Thereafter, the mixture was heated on a water bath. If you see that there were lumps, strain through a sieve gelatin solution. Let cool and add the yolks. Shampoo for normal to oily hair is ready.

Shampoo for dry, brittle and damaged hair:

  • Gelatin - 1 tablespoon;
  • Boiled water - 70 milligrams;
  • Apple cider vinegar - 1 teaspoon;
  • Jasmine essential oils - 1 drop;
  • Clary sage essential oil - 2 drops.

Method: Gelatin soak in water for 40 minutes. Heat in a water bath, decant. Add essential oils, mix thoroughly.

In order to enhance the firming effect, leave your hair soapy 5-10 minutes, then rinse hair with shampoo. Do not use the whole mixture? Do not worry. Remains of any gelatin shampoo can be stored in the refrigerator until the next application. By the way, the excess gelatin from a bag to throw too not worth it. From it you can make the perfect restorative hair mask. Not heard of it? Who will tell.

Hair masks

Masks of gelatin hair have not only a strengthening effect, but also stimulate their growth. Probably every woman faced with a situation where, after a visit to the barber shop hair like stopped growing. Someone sinned on the full moon at the time of shearing, someone on the heavy hand of the master, but to strengthen the hair growth would be all. To do this, we buy expensive balms and masks, hoping that they will help in the healing power of the existing problem. Put colorful bottles and tubes to the side! Today we will learn to enhance the growth of hair folk ways. With gelatin, not only it.

The simplest mask with gelatin:

Here, two tablespoons of gelatin mixed with four tablespoons of warm water, heated in a water bath to completely dissolve the pellet. Thereafter, the mixture is applied to the hair for 15 minutes. Do not forget to roll up his head with a plastic bag that the effect was better.

Mask with gelatin, which in addition to shine and makes hair soft power:

  • Gelatin - 1 teaspoon;
  • Dry mustard - 1 tsp;
  • Colorless henna - 1 teaspoon;
  • Egg yolk - 1 piece.

Preparation: Pour the gelatin need water and leave for a few minutes. Then bring the gelatin granules until dissolved on a water bath to cool. Add the mustard and henna. The mask is ready. Apply a mixture of gelatin should be to clean hair. Hold - at least 15 minutes.

The beauty of gelatin masks is that they can be set up with everything: eggs, mustard, fruits, olive oil, parsley juice. It all depends on your imagination and hair type. Therefore, you can safely experiment with reinforcing components of mixtures. Just do not forget that their main component - gelatin. In addition, you can warm up the hair, covered with a mask, hot hair dryer. This activates components and enhance the effect. Repeat once or twice a week, then your hair will be shiny and silky.

 mask gelatin hair


Perhaps readers have caught their breath in relief, not found in the text of the coveted "but." And early! All contraindications we decided to leave for the final part of the text. Although in fairness it should be noted that there are very few:

  1. Do not rub gelatinous mixture into the hair roots so as gelatin may form a crust on the skin and cause itching and flaking.
  2. When heat the gelatin in a water bath, see that the mixture does not boil. If that had happened, we recommend you to repeat the procedure with new components.
  3. Keep in gelatin shampoos and masks, avoid lumps, otherwise they relentlessly gripping in your hair, and the process of lamination hair home turn into a long session combing gelatinous residue from hair.
  4. Observe moderation. Excess gelatin in the body can lead to an increase in blood clotting.
  5. When kidney stones and violation of water-salt metabolism take gelatin in food is undesirable. Limit shampoos and masks.
  6. If gelatin hair did not bring the long-awaited shine and strength, we suggest you contact a doctor. It is possible that your thinning and loose curls - the cause of the progression of some diseases, and it should not be treated mask for hair and serious medicines.
 The volume is set: the gelatin is useful for hair

We strongly recommend to read: How to give volume to the hair at the roots
