a child hanging on his chest

The most dear, the warmest, the most fragrant, the most - the most! Depends on my chest.
So when the baby miraculously perched comfortably under the breasts and sucks pretty smacking. Usually, my mother also rests in these minutes.

That's just sometimes it happens that a child hanging on his chest practically most of the day, taking breaks between meals just 20-30 minutes. Of course, this somewhat limits my mother's actions - not so easy to walk with a toddler is not easy to have time to do housework, it is impossible to fully relax. Typically, such a problem faced by moms kids from one to three months.

Unfortunately, often mothers get nervous in such cases: he may not have enough milk, and he was hungry all the time? Upset woman in this case is absolutely not worth it, but to understand what is happening and whether it is normal that a child is constantly hanging in the chest, you just need.

First we need to eliminate the most unpleasant for every mom reason - lack of milk. After all, the first thing to think about my mother, whose child the clock hanging on the chest - this is something that it can not fill feed the baby.

Checking it's pretty easy - just count the number of voiding the baby during the day. If you practice the use of diapers, then replace them one day experiment conventional gauze diapers - so it will be easier to count how many times a day the child pees. If your score - from 10 to 12 wet diapers, then absolutely do not worry, your baby enough milk.

If you counted at least ten wet diapers - would not be upset! Important believe that in your breast milk sufficiency and, sure, contact a consultant on breastfeeding - perhaps it is simply a poor latch, which entails a lack of milk and constant hovering on the chest.

 the child is constantly hanging on the chest

Another common cause that the child is constantly hanging on your chest can be unstable, and sometimes even stressful situation at home, where his mother lives. If you have any any reason to constantly check their nerves on the fortress, the child, feeling your condition, intuitively wants to protect - and is there for the crumbs to a more secure and comfortable than my mother under the breast? So try to protect yourself and your baby from the problems that make you worried and nervous. Remember mom should be calm and balanced.

Often mothers complain of night "hovering" the baby on the breast that does not help them sleep. In such a case, you should immediately be noted that it is absolutely normal and even necessary phenomenon, because it is the number of the night to suck the milk forms a "requests" of the body for the whole day! The main thing to find a position that is comfortable for you and for your baby. Over time, you get used to and learn to sleep and feed at the same time.

If you are calm and balanced, if you have enough milk, but the baby is still literally living under your breast, it may well be his way - just like that! Yes, like sucking your breasts, the other kids suck a pacifier, finger, fist. After all, children are very well developed sucking reflex - they suck not only saturation, but also just for fun. And also remember that babies up to three months to eat little but often, sometimes several times an hour, because their digestive system is not yet fully matured. It will take quite some time to develop a more "free" mode.

Consultants advise those breastfeeding mums who have kids so love to hang on the chest, try not to be nervous and get the pleasure of communicating with your baby during feeding. It is desirable that most of the concerns of the house took the relatives. Lactating women is crucial to fully relax, because it is the most important job - to be a mom!

 Your child is always "hanging" on his chest?

We recommend to check out: The child is constantly suckles

 the child does not let the chest

Almost every mother seeks to organize breastfeeding and feed the baby as long as possible. However, sometimes these intentions suddenly breaking on the difficulties encountered. One of these difficulties lies in the fact that the child does not let the chest a very long time. Mom feels literally "tied" to the baby, tired. And if the baby suckles often at night, it finally exhausts mom since she prevented sleep.

Before looking for a solution, why a child does not let his mother's breast, it is necessary to find out its causes. Very often, when faced with such a situation, my mother decided that she had enough milk and just puts the child on artificial feeding. However, in most cases, breastfeeding can be successfully maintained, without resorting to such a radical measure as weaning.
In some periods of the baby that the baby often sucks the breast, for it is the physiological norm. The following describes the basic "critical" period of development in which the child often asks his chest.

Newborn baby often asks chest

The first month of the life of a newborn crumb usually most of the time in sleep, waking up only occasionally to meet its core at the moment of need - the need for food. But about the fourth - fifth week of life mom says amazing changes in the behavior of her child. The kid spends more time awake, consciously begins to respond to external stimuli, such as light and sound, learning to focus your eyes on a certain subject for a while. As a rule, this is the age gives the mother the baby its first such long-awaited, conscious smile.

The positive dynamics of development is connected with the fact that the senses crumbs "dormant" first month, beginning to develop. The kid clearly realizes that - in his usual, this cozy and familiar world has changed dramatically. Naturally, the child is confused and frightened, he seeks back to his familiar world. But at the same time, the baby realizes that his mother nearby. And in order for him to feel protected as much as possible, he needs physical contact with his mother. But how to achieve it? Attachment to the mother's breast. Such periods appear in each child - who - it is longer and more pronounced, someone runs almost imperceptibly. The time period of this crisis can be also different: from several days to several months.

In most cases mothers are not aware of this feature of growing your baby and can not find the cause of this behavior. Woman gets nervous, look for the causes of anxiety baby. Mom may feel confused and frightened, especially if a prolonged period of a few weeks. Most often, my mother turns to the pediatrician, but it turns out that the baby is healthy. All this leads to an erroneous opinion on the fact that my mother a little milk and baby are constantly hungry, and so crying.

What do you do in this situation? Baby crying from a sense of something new and unfamiliar, he desperately needs the reassurance that he can only give his mom. So calm your crumbs! Your smell, your body heat, physical contact with the child - that's exactly what it is now necessary. Do not also forget about the voice communication with the child - because your voice is as familiar to him, he heard his nine months in a row.

The fact that the child often asks his chest, absolutely normal and natural, do not deny your child and try to replace it as necessary to him mom pacifiers and bottles. They do not improve the situation, but it can aggravate. From bottle to drink milk is much easier than my mother's breast. As a result, the child may abandon breastfeeding, while its vital need in close contact with his mother and remains unsatisfied. Baby will continue to cry and worry, you'll still wear it at the hands of virtually all the time.

If you are still in doubt as to why the child requires constant chest and continue to assume that you have a little milk and baby are constantly hungry, you should do the following:

  • Avoid the use of disposable diapers at least for a day. Calculate how much in the end of the day get wet diapers. If you counted 10-12, you can be absolutely sure that your hunger pipsqueak is not exactly suffering.
  • If that is not enough, and doubts still remain, contact your pediatrician for weighing the baby. If your child is typing required at this age the body weight, so it grabs your milk.
  • For the most troubled mothers may be advisable to buy a children's electronic scales. The daily weight gain of the child up to 3 months should be about 40 grams. It is necessary to pay attention to mothers alone the so-called "test weighing". Modern research has long proved ineffective and extremely low efficiency of this method of checking the volume of food eaten by the child. The child eats at different absolute applying different amounts of milk.

In the same case, if a child there are clear signs the above shortage of milk, and do not panic and rush to the store for milk formula and bottle.

The baby suckles constantly because my mother did not have enough milk

 child requires constant chest

Not worth much upset in the event that the amount of milk is really not enough. As a general rule, to establish lactation and encourage increased milk production is not difficult. And the fact the baby suckles continuously, is the first step to increase lactation. Female body produces milk under the influence of hormones. For their generation requires that the pituitary gland has been informed of the need to produce milk. It is this signal and a latch of the child to her breast. Thus, if a child is almost always suckles, he thereby stimulates the production of milk.

Similarly, however, it has at least a weak effect of pumping milk. The most effective way to increase lactation is to accept the fact that the child is constantly requires her mother's breast. Moreover, numerous studies have proved an interesting fact. If the mother is feeding the baby "in between times", it does not make such a good result, like those mothers who at the time of feeding not just lay all the housework, but also discarded all anxious thoughts and concerns and enjoy yourself moments of intimacy with the crumbs. This fact is easily explained in terms of medicine, because of the condition of the nervous system depends directly on all the physiological processes in the body of any person.

Surely all the breastfeeding mother noticed that the most active children begin to be applied to the chest in the morning (4 am to 8 am) time. In these hours of lactation stimulation gives the best result. This explains why the baby suckles for a long time in the morning feeding. Thus, it provides a supply of milk on the following days. Generally, if you allow a child to breastfeed for a long time, and will be applying it as often as possible, lactation increases already on the second day.

Many nursing mothers rely on various supplements and teas to increase lactation. Be sure to take into account that without frequent and prolonged attachment to their application will not be any effect.

Where did the milk?

Almost every nursing mother once, but faced with a situation where the amount of milk is significantly reduced. More evening milk is in excess, and the next day a child asks his chest every hour, and decant, as before, nothing is impossible. But do not be afraid of this and wonder why the baby suckles for so long. During lactation, there are some specific steps, during which the decrease in the amount of milk produced is absolutely natural.

  • The onset of lactation crisis. This is absolutely normal physiological process, through which all lactating women without exception. The reasons for the onset of lactation crisis has not yet been clarified, and the time of its occurrence can also be completely different. Someone a crisis happens once, and someone every two - three months. The duration is about 2 - 4 days. The most important thing at this moment is not to panic, and in any case not replace breast milk an artificial mixture.
  • The sharp jump in the growth of the child. As a rule, as happens quite unexpectedly. The child not only increased the need for food, but also reduces the need to sucking milk while. A child 10 minutes drinks are available in the breast milk supply, but as their needs have increased, the baby is still hungry. This is what leads to the fact that a child asks his chest every hour. Of course, my mother is quite tiring. But, as mentioned above, it is frequent and prolonged feeding stimulates the production necessary for the amount of milk your crumbs.

The worst thing you can do in this situation is to start to finish feeding the baby formula. Do not be afraid for the health of the baby - his body is absolutely painless will transfer a few days of this "diet". Hunger leads to the fact that the baby will breastfeed for a long time and, accordingly, will increase lactation. If you feed the baby milk formula, pipsqueak will eat and will not solicit chest. Accordingly, the parent body decides that the milk produced child absolutely enough and will not produce it in really necessary quantities.
Another common misconception is that a mother's milk can "burn out" as a result of stress or illness mother. Indeed, the milk from the woman does not disappear. Just in the blood sharply reduced levels of oxytocin, which is responsible for the expiry of milk from the breast. In such situations, it is important to try as much as possible to reassure the breastfeeding mother is very useful for it to be a warm shower. And, of course, close physical contact with the crumbs. If you do not, breastfeeding may stop altogether.

There are plenty of so-called "folk" methods to increase the amount of milk. However, they are absolutely meaningless and will not bring visible benefits, but damage - very likely.

  • A nursing mother should eat "for two" and drinking a huge amount of liquid.
    In fact, the nursing mother should only 300 calories more than usual. Their surplus will not give anything other than being overweight.
  • To increase the amount of milk to drink tea with condensed milk.
    However, in fact, the use of condensed milk, a baby can cause allergic reactions or the symptoms of increased gassing.
  • Drinking a glass of beer a day increases lactation twice.
    This method of increasing the amount of milk is not worth mentioning. Surely every mother is negatively impacted by the effects on the crumbs of alcohol.
  • After each feeding women should carefully decant all traces of milk.
    It is fraught with the emergence giperlaktatsii when milk is produced much more than is required to saturate the baby. As a result, a high probability of mastitis.
  • In between feedings is necessary to give the child a pacifier.
    Nutritive sucking significantly reduces the need for child sucking, respectively, would be a reduction of lactation. In addition, non-nutritive sucking even anatomical shape may adversely affect the proper formation of the occlusion.
  • If a woman is pale, with blue tint, milk, so it has a low nutritional value.
    Actually nutritional breast milk is not high or low. It is precisely this, what is needed at this time is your baby.
  • If a nursing mother is no longer feeling the tides of milk, and the breast is not poured, so she is very ml of milk.
    On the contrary, if a woman has no data phenomenon, it says only that lactation was established and moved into a mature stage. Mammary gland produces as much milk as you need. If you're still worried, just watch out for the number of wet diapers and monthly weight gain.

Why year-old child is constantly asking the chest?

If the causes of such behavior in children up to a year more or less clear, the cases when a grown child is constantly asking the chest, many mothers causing confusion - like hungry baby is not experiencing, since the bulk of the food it receives in the form of solid food. In addition, it often happens that the baby suckles for a long time, hardly releases its mouth. This generally occurs during sleep or in the nighttime. In order to solve this problem, the mother should know the cause of its occurrence.

For breast-year-old child to a greater degree is the only way to complacency. That kid is looking at the breasts of my mother's support, protection, affection, comfort and attention. If your child has been constantly asking the chest, carefully analyze all the events happening with your baby recently. Perhaps in a child's life there were any - any stressful factors.

Remember that a small child may become a factor that you want. Toddler hurt your kids in the sandbox? Perhaps frightened any - any loud sound? Of course, he runs to his mother. A mother often does not link these events together. Even an excess of positive emotions can be strong for the child stress factor. That is why child psychologists recommend is strictly dosed positive emotions children.

Particularly acute children experiencing output mothers to work. The little man is not given to understand the words "must" and it is based only on their own feelings. The kid may feel lonely, abandoned, resentful. And if the crumb is still breastfed, he will try at a time when my mother nearby, try breastfeeding for the shortfall mother's attention and affection. That is why the child was often very long breastfeeds.

In order to maximize the smooth things over this situation, my mother would have, in spite of their fatigue, to make this effort. Very well, if the relatives take over part of the care of the farm, freeing them from the mother. In the evening, coming home from work, immediately turned all his attention to the baby. More talk to him, go with what - something interesting: play or read. At least twice a week, try to find a way together with the baby go for a walk.
In addition, it is important not to forget about the much-needed physical contact of mother and baby. Do not be afraid to spoil the baby, often take him in his arms, kiss, hug. Believe me, affection does not happen much. Her absence is much more destructive than the excess. A child will receive less affection in early childhood, usually grows diffident person with low self-esteem.

But what may be more important for the mother than the well-being of her loved one, her child? And it was from my mother depends largely on the way in which it will be, "Beautiful far." We all come from childhood.

 The baby suckles constantly be like?

We strongly recommend to read: a child all night suckles
