strabismus in children under one year

In recent years, more and more doctors - ophthalmologists have to diagnose a variety of disorders. Very often, doctors diagnose strabismus in children under one year. It affects a huge number of different factors, including environmental conditions, computers and televisions, is firmly included in the life of modern man, complications during pregnancy from mother and many others.

Another important factor is the genetic predisposition - vision problems often tend to be passed down from generation to generation, from children to parents. In that case, if the parents the baby there are any problems with vision, whether nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism or strabismus, there is a sufficiently serious risk that their child will be a tendency to the same diseases.

That is why parents who have vision problems, have to treat your vision crumbs as possible carefully. Once when the child reaches the age of three months, parents must go to the doctor - an ophthalmologist to get the first consultation in the life of the crumbs. The most common direction to the doctor - ophthalmologist gives the doctor - a pediatrician who is watching the baby. However, as in the case if you, for whatever reasons, a pediatrician referral to an optometrist did not give, do not hesitate and do remind him about it.

Doctor - Ophthalmologist carefully inspect your crumbs and conduct the necessary tests that will help the doctor identify possible impairment. In that case, if there are any crumbs - a problem, the doctor tells parents that needs to be done next. And if the child is in need of treatment, namely the doctor - ophthalmologist raspishet regimen, or direct admission to a specialized hospital.

If in your family, no one eye problems were observed wound baby's first visit to the optometrist to be six months. After that, if the doctor - ophthalmologist found no violations, the next visit will take place as planned, during routine inspections of the child. In no case, if the doctor said that the vision of the child is all right, do not ignore subsequent visits. As we know, not all vision problems are congenital - many eye diseases are acquired over time, under the influence of a huge number of adverse effects on the baby's eyes.

Also, parents should pay attention to the fact that in any case can not fully rely on the doctors. Firstly, you will not see a doctor - an ophthalmologist every week, is not it? And secondly, the individual symptoms of some diseases may notice only the parents who spend with your child all the time. So Mom and Dad have to be very careful and watch the crumbs.

Doctors - ophthalmologists usually tell parents that on which aspects of the children's need to pay particularly close attention. Below we describe the main ones - Read it carefully and try to remember this information. So:

  • The reaction of the baby is not light

Almost all young mothers repeatedly observed the following picture: a child is included in the room light, and the child immediately reacts to it - head turns away, zazhmurivaet eyes and show other signs of discontent. Such a reaction is a physiological norm. Zazhmurivayas child, so instinctively protects your eyes, helping them to adapt to bright light.

But in that case, if the baby does not respond to bright light, especially in the light included in the darkroom suddenly parents need to be guarded. In this case, there are two possible explanations acceptable: either you are lucky and you are a parent or impossible to quiet the child, which is more likely, your crumbs there are certain vision problems. To find out whether this is so, try the chance to send a beam of light directly into the eyes of the baby and hold it for 1 - 2 seconds.

In no case do not let the baby eyes "sunbeams" - it can damage the retina. If in this case, the baby does not react to bright light, parents should as soon as possible to seek help from a doctor - an ophthalmologist and show him the child. The doctor examines the child and accurately diagnose or, on the contrary, will dispel your fears and concerns.

  • Recognition of their toys

Notice whether your pipsqueak find their own eyes their toys - rattles, balls, dolls. In that case, if the vision of the child is all right, even at a distance, he will recognize his toys. Moreover, the child should see them equally well with both eyes - both right and left. If your child is big enough, you can try to test your own vision - show him any - any subject, asking him to call. After that, go to the smaller details - for example, ask to tell what color the wheel of the machine, or find out whether there is a pocket Kuklin skirt.

But even if the crumb is still not big enough, and can not long maintain a dialogue, attentive parents can observe that vision crumbs is not all right. For example, some parents whose kids suffer from eye diseases, they say that is very common is a situation when a child pulls the hard hand to the concerned his subject. But as soon as you apply it subject kid throws it and may even cry. This is because the crumb disappointing, as the object turned out to be not that wanted to get the baby. If this happens periodically and your crumbs, be sure to consult a doctor - ophthalmologist.

  • Squinting eye

Have you noticed that sometimes, looking at any - or objects that are far away from the baby, your baby starts to screw up eyes? Try to ask him a few leading questions that will allow you to see whether the child sees these things. If the child can not answer these questions, or complains about the fact that he sees the bad, take note of this as quickly as possible and show the child ophthalmologist.

  • Evaluation of the location of different objects

A very important factor is the ability of a good child's eyes follow a moving subject, without losing sight of. Even very small crumbs is the ability to detect, watching eyes of her mother, rattle or mobile. If your crumbs can not do it, show it to the doctors. And note that you need to consult not only an ophthalmologist, and neurologist, as the child's inability to follow look for items can also indicate the presence of a malfunction of the central nervous system.

  • Redness of the eye, tearing

If the child's eyes periodically look inflamed and red note - Do not overload the eyes of the child - maybe he spends too much time in front of TV or computer? Or maybe he had recently wept? If the eyes occasionally blush, and even without apparent reason, it is also a wake-up call for parents - always consult a doctor - an ophthalmologist, who will help determine the cause of regular eye inflammation.

 strabismus in children causes

Strabismus in Children

Another common diseases of the visual apparatus of the child is cross-eyed. However, in itself rarely squint is a separate violation. Most often, strabismus is a phenomenon accompanying diseases such as astigmatism and farsightedness. In severe cases, the flow of exotropia in children is the result of short-sightedness. Parents should remember that children strabismus is not just a cosmetic defect, and the strongest of all the disruption of the visual apparatus.

Normally, the human visual system has a construction in which two different images from the two eyes act of visual channels in certain parts of the brain, where they are reunited into a single unit. Only with proper, well-coordinated work of the whole visual apparatus picture becomes clear right shape, through which people see things in the right perspective, as well as the ability to adequately orient in space.

Scarce had just come into the world, even in principle, not able to look and see things clearly. The ability to see with both eyes (binocular vision), the child develops gradually, finally being formed only by 4 - 5 years. I would like to recall that, in this age, as all babies exposed to physiological myopia, which is directly connected with the development of strabismus. Therefore, treatment should be extremely complex - only in this case it is possible to achieve positive dynamics.

Most often, strabismus diagnosed in children aged three to five years, however, and strabismus in infants is very common. As a rule, the first to notice symptoms of ill children's parents, who spend with kids all my free time. Many parents ask - how to determine a child's squint. In fact, if the child has a squint still appears, you immediately notice the naked eye, even without special education.

And if you notice that your child squints a little hurry as quickly as possible to ask for help to the child's doctor - an ophthalmologist for consultation. You should not be afraid that you will worry the doctor in vain - in the case when it comes to a child's health is much better to be safe than to miss the beginning of some - any disease. No doctor refuses to help you, and will not blame you. After all, only a doctor - an ophthalmologist knows how to treat strabismus in children. Correction of strabismus in children - the process time-consuming and requires a lot of effort on the part of the doctor and of the parents.

Treatment of strabismus

Treatment of strabismus in children should be comprehensive and timely commenced. Firstly, it is important to begin treatment of the underlying disease - nearsightedness, farsightedness or astigmatism. It is important to pick up points for the child - it also has to do it the doctor - ophthalmologist, but not workers opticians. Often, properly fitted glasses can significantly reduce the degree of strabismus, reducing it to almost zero.

However, such treatment is often not enough. In this case, doctors - ophthalmologists kids spend complex treatment hardware. The treatment program for each child individually selected exclusively, taking into account peculiarities of each child. In some cases, if the doctor considers it necessary, and see the availability for this compelling evidence, he put the child in the ophthalmology department of the hospital for further surgery. The aim of this operation is to correct the eye muscles, thereby achieving substantially complete cure of strabismus.

After using the surgery doctors to restore normal movement of the right eyeball, child within a certain time will receive a comprehensive conservative treatment. With this treatment, the doctors reached an almost complete recovery of visual function in children. Also with the help of certain techniques training doctors to fully restore the ability of the baby to the stereoscopic vision.

And once again I would like to recall that the causes of strabismus in children is very different - so it is very important to establish the truth. Below we describe in general terms the most common of them, but remember that in any case can not try to diagnose yourself - this can lead to unpredictable consequences. The information in this article is given only for the general administration of the parents in the course of the case and can not be used as a guide for self-treatment.

Myopia in children

One of the most common vision disorders in children is nearsightedness. Most often, the disease is directly related to the presence of human life televisions, computers and interactive learning technology. Most often it is during the development of the visual system of the baby it is an excessive load. And, as a result, there are little eyes baby pathological disorders. Which, in turn, lead to the development of myopia.

Too many parents underestimate the real danger of uncontrolled sitting at the computer and watching TV crumbs. To understand this, just need to be clear about what exactly is happening with the vision of the child at the time of watching TV.

When the baby is looking at the monitor or TV screen, the image is projected directly onto the retina of the child. In the natural physiology of all young children often have in stock farsightedness. When farsighted to see the subject (in this case, the image) at a distance, the child is forced to severely strain the eyes. If a child spends too much time watching television, going on a so-called extension glazik and, as a consequence, the development of myopia. Slightly less common congenital myopia in children.

Myopia Treatment should begin as soon as possible. And treatment to achieve a visible success must necessarily be complex. Treating myopia in children in most cases it is conservative and includes the following components:

  • Classes with a child in special simulators, the effect of which is aimed at strengthening the muscles of the visual apparatus. These studies must be carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor - ophthalmologist.
  • Pharmacological drugs that strengthen the baby eyes. Remember that properly selected drug will only worsen the child's vision, so that all drugs must select and appoint a doctor.
  • Wearing glasses. Points are chosen strictly as a doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics of each individual child. In the event that a child myopia is not expressed very clearly - toddler goggles should be worn only in certain cases. If the disease progresses and takes severe, constant wearing of glasses is a must. However, by themselves do not cure the disease points, but only corrected vision, passive playing a supporting role.

In the same case, if the above-described methods of conservative treatment does not bring success and proper child's vision continues to steadily fall, your doctor may decide to carry out surgery. This operation is called scleroplasty and aims to increase the power of the eyeball. However, this operation is, unfortunately, are not a panacea and does not eliminate the need for follow-up medical treatment of children's myopia. As a rule, if the myopia in children, the treatment brings good results.

 sightedness in children

Myths about myopia

Unfortunately, among the parents there are many myths and misconceptions regarding children's myopia, especially on how to treat myopia in children. They often prevent parents adequate time to assess the situation and call for medical help. In some cases, these myths add dark tones and pessimism in view of this problem.

  • Treatment of myopia eye drops

Very often, parents learn that their pipsqueak suffers from myopia, feverish fanaticism and start buying all the possible eye drops, shallow wrongly, that they improve children's vision. In reality this is not so - a drop of only bring temporary relief but not cure the disease.

  • Points for life

Many parents are convinced that once his glasses, the child will have to wear them all my life. However, it is not - no points are treated and do not impair vision, but only correct it. And if the vision is reduced not critical, and the crumb is able to do without glasses, do not make him wear them. Particularly careful with glasses should be the parents of very young children - because, like it or not, the lenses are made of glass. And the kids are very inquisitive and restless - always a risk that the glasses pipsqueak can break glass and get hurt. Therefore, if the myopia in children under one year - two years of any sunglasses can not talk.

  • Blueberries

It is widely believed that the blueberries and preparations containing bilberry extract, can work wonders at times and improves the child's vision.
