Beaded Baubles


  • Materials and tools that will be needed in the
  • Techniques of weaving baubles

Weaving baubles for beginners may seem complicated affair, but this illusion disappears immediately after the first weave Baubles.

Baubles familiar to many of us from school days. One who is not directly involved in weaving, probably received them as a gift, or at least seen as wove others. What Fenichka? It's a small bracelet on his hand, made for yourself or for a loved one. It is believed that even the Indians wove each other these wonderful ornaments. The tradition of exchanging homemade ornaments borrowed hippies. The most common weave Baubles teenage girls as a gift to friends and girlfriends. Today Fenichka (especially boys) - it is a symbol of friendship and good relations to man.

As a rule, Fenichka created for a specific person. Its purpose is to express sympathy, good wishes, good luck, and other benefits. However, today, many weave Baubles to order and simply sell ready-made products.

Baubles weave colorful threads (floss, iris, poppy and others), as well as beads, leather lace. Exotic species are the product of modern baubles of thin colored wires and knitted bracelets (crocheting and knitting).

Among all kinds of baubles occupy a special place on the line woven beaded jewelry. They do not change their appearance over time, not erased, not zanashivayutsya, maintaining its original beauty. Working with beads and fishing line is very simple, so weaving baubles for beginners does not turn into something more like a knotted letter of Indian tribes.

There are many techniques of weaving beads. Consider three simple, which will manage it all began.

 beautiful weave of beads
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Materials and tools that will be needed in the

  • 0 monofilament diameter, 2 mm;
  • beading needle (1-2 pcs.);
  • beads №11 (normal) of different colors;
  • saucer or other convenient container according to the number of colors of beads;
  • accessories (fasteners / locks);
  • sharp scissors;
  • Baubles weaving scheme.

The thinner fishing line, so it is more elastic (stretches better) and tensile strength at a fishing line will be less. Bead thread - very thin fishing line, the diameter of which only 0, 12 mm. Novice webmasters can not cope with the twisting and thread to be confused, so it is better not to take. To explore the optimal bead weaving a size 0, 2 mm.

The needle is needed the most subtle (and longest) possible. It is called - bead. Sale in all stores for sewing and crafts.

№11 - the most common size of the beads. The product of it looks neat and very nice. This size allows you to create interesting patterns and designs on a small area of ​​the bracelet, Vmeschaya a lot of beads, and the master is not straining the eyes, which is also very important. Before the start of the normal weaving (Czech, for example) it is necessary to calibrate the beads, that is manually sorted by size, selecting about the same beads.

There is a high quality Japanese-made beads (TOHO, MIYUKI). Its distinctive features are: first, the same size for all the beads in the package, and secondly, they are a fairly large hole, which is very important for beginners. Large diameter holes allows repeatedly pass through the needle and line in the same bead.

As a container, which pour beads, quite suitable conventional saucer or lid. Stringing beads needle directly from them the easiest.

Accessories in beading - this is a separate big topic. Virtually any Fenichka imply any locking mechanism. By creating a new bracelet, look for locks hooks-and-locks toggly. They often give the product a special charm and charm. Sold in shops handmade accessories.

Sharp scissors are needed to end of line was as thin as possible. Since it easier vdet the needle.

No scheme for Baubles better not get to work. Before starting any netting need to create (or find ready-made) design of future products.

 Bead weaving art
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Techniques of weaving baubles

Simple baubles are perfect for beginners.

Direct weaving (hand weaving)

This technique is convenient to weave Baubles with text (for example, your friend's name). The beads are arranged in neat rows both horizontally and vertically. The result is a long strip.

It will take quite a long fishing line, so it makes sense to cut at 1, 5 m from the coil, and when it will end, cut off another 1, 5 m, which must be connected with the work.

  1. Weave start with a set number of the required number of beads №1 (look at the scheme), plus the first bead series №2 (next).
  2. Thread the needle again in the penultimate bead and return it to the second row, locking thread in the ring. Last beads of the new series should lie exactly parallel to the extreme in the previous row. Thus, over the last bead in the front row was fixed beads in the second row.
  3. New bead stringing and hold the needle through the penultimate in a series №1, derive thread strung through the bead (the second from the edge). A third bead stringing and repeat until the end of the series.
  4. Weave need to turn and continue as described principle, referring to the color scheme.
  5. In order to secure the working thread, it is necessary to pass a lot of time to neighboring beads. Attach fasteners. Fenichka ready!

Cross Weave (2 needles)

This is probably one of the easiest types of weaving baubles. It allows you to loose, but uniform patterns. Such Fenichka will not stretch any length or width. For a small baubles need 1, 5 meters of line.

  1. Begin braiding should be from two sides: each end of the thread the fishing line in his igloo.
  2. 3 beads strung together, to give them slip into the center of the fishing line. The bead quadruple thread the needles in two opposite directions, thereby to close the yarn in the ring.
  3. Each needle according to Scheme 1 beads strung on, give slide down. The third bead as threading the needle, both by creating a new ring. We need all the time to pull the fishing line that was tight weave. Likewise finish line.
  4. Last in a series of cross weave a little differently: on the left end of the fishing line to put two beads, and then a third as vdet both ends of the fishing line on the opposite sides, as in all crosses.
  5. In the second row is not podpletaem 3, and two beads by using two of the first row.
  6. We continue to the end.


Simple and effective technique. Allows close Fenichka in the ring and do not use any fasteners. Trudges on 1 needle. It takes about 1 m of line. Woven gold Fenichka blue midway.

  1. Gaining 1 gold, 2 blue, 5 gold and 2 blue beads. Return the needle into the first bead (gold) so as not to get a round shape, and drop-shaped.
  2. Strung 4 gold and 2 blue beads. We go back to the 8th bead (if you count from the beginning of the set, it is gold). The result was a snake. So you need to be repeated until the end.
  3. Snakes can be closed in a ring. For this last piece of weaving, clinging to the top of Baubles. That is stringing 3 gold beads, threaded the needle through the 4th (counting from the start of weaving) bead (gold), stringing another 2 blue and is passed as usual.
  4. 3 gold beads are strung, is passed into the first gold bead and finish Fenichka node that hide in the bead.

Thus, the mechanism of weaving baubles was quite simple.

 Beaded Baubles for beginners: the necessary materials and step by step instructions


Topnews Today we open the topic of choice our favorite dishes for the microwave oven. Not every kitchen appliance approach for its razogreva.Mikrovolnovye furnace ( need special utensils that will meekly to withstand high temperatures.

Porcelain tableware, table glass, and many types of heat-resistant ceramics are considered species of dishes. There is also a thermo plastic, which necessarily must have proof of their thermal stability (it usually is a special stamp). Plates, as listed above, may only be used in a microwave non-hybrid type.

But the more expensive types of dishes are varieties that are made from fire-resistant materials. They are made for cooking in combination microwave oven, as well as in ordinary ovens.

The above dishes, do not expose the sharp temperature changes. If it immediately from the microwave to put on a puddle of water, you can easily lose a utensil. Yet porcelain, ceramic and glass are considered most suitable for cooking in a microwave oven. In addition, they are considered the most hygienic and environmentally friendly types of dishes.


If you use glass dishes, it is best suited cups and plates from his white matte type. It is best to make such utensils in Spain. Usual glassware is suitable only for heating and defrosting.

Very well suited for microwave ceramic products. They must be completely covered with glaze, and have no cracks and chips. Otherwise, it will crack from what heats unevenly.

The ceramic ware is best to cook burgers, burgers, scrambled eggs or chops. When removing do not forget about the special oven gloves.

But in a porcelain dish it is very convenient to warm up as the first course and second. Food for such plates is necessary to lay out in advance to immediately submit them to the table. At the same porcelain cups very well apply warmed beer or milk. Often, they brewed coffee.

There is also the utensils of foam and paper. It is recommended to expose deystviyumikrovoln short time. Samuel is in the microwave unattended while it is better not to leave.

When buying a microwave oven, make sure the presence of high-quality dishes!

 What utensils used for microwave oven
