papilloma Body


  • Why were neoplasms
  • Types of warts and their places of deployment
  • Removing the build-up in the clinic
  • Fighting papillomas traditional methods

Papilloma - a certain formation on the body, like pimples or moles. If there are not very many, the fair sex can not even pay attention to the time this issue. In most cases, buildup does not hurt and does not cause much discomfort, especially if they are arranged in closed areas of the skin.

But do not treat the disease condescending. Sometimes benign growths develop into malignant. And when that happens - now, or 20 years later, it is impossible to predict. So, you find yourself on the body of papillomas, immediately contact a specialist.

Why were neoplasms

HPV - a viral disease that can be transmitted even through a handshake. Suffice it does not wash his hands with soap and water, sit down and get dirty fingers bread. Papilloma often transmitted sexually, from mother to child or by using the carrier of things.

Penetrated through the body tissue, the virus may not become apparent for several years. But as happens to any failure, papilloma immediately begin to cover the girl's body. So, before you start treatment from the benign, you must pass a comprehensive examination. It is much easier to remove the cause, rather than fight the consequences.

What could awaken the virus

  • Diseases of internal organs. In this case, be sure to visit the gynecologist and endocrinologist. Hormonal disorders - this is one of the main causes symptoms of the virus.
  • Diseases of the stomach and intestines.
  • Improperly selected drugs. If you drink antibiotics, vitamins or medications of this side effect immediately inform your doctor. He should prescribe other medications.

Once you find the cause and treat HPV, send an inspection of those with whom you are in contact lately. If someone in your family is also a carrier of the virus, you can get sick again. Do not put off trip to the doctor, even if the body of her son or husband is not papillomavirus. Do not forget that all processes can proceed without external manifestations.

 papilloma Body Treatment

Types of warts and their places of deployment

  • Simple (vulgar)

In adults, these formations often appear on the hands. The build-up is a small, slightly firm pillow. They usually do not cause much of the physical discomfort. However, fingers studded papillomas, do not look very attractive.

Please note, if you find even a 2-3 defect in the skin, immediately head to the dermatologist. The virus can not be shown at first. But if there is a worsening problem spreads throughout the body. And then the fight will be much harder to HPV.

  • Plantar

Often such education on the sole of the feet with calluses confused and begin to deal with them folk methods. As a result, there is a deterioration, itching and pain when walking. Remember once and for all, papilloma different coarse and rough surface.

  • Threadlike

This type of warts is most common in women over 40. Initially, the skin is formed barely noticeable yellowish speck that is in the future begins to stretch. Akrohordy can reach up to 6 millimeters in length. Main place of location - the neck, back, groin, armpits and eyes. Unfortunately, this type of build-up by themselves do not pass.

  • Flat

Light yellow education can appear anywhere, but most often they appear on the hands and face. Neoplasms cause itching, redness, swelling, inflammation of the area of ​​the body where they are. The color of the build-up did not differ from the skin tone.

Removing the build-up in the clinic

Today, there are four ways to remove papillomas on the body. Each has its advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, we recommend pre-acquainted with each method, and consult with a specialist. And in any case refer only to professionals who understand this business.

Freeze: quickly, efficiently, cheaply

Neoplasms are treated with a solution of liquid nitrogen, causing the affected tissues start to collapse. The place where this tool was used, red, then covered with a thin crust. After 2-3 days at this site is only a speck of pink, which eventually passes.

The undoubted advantage of freezing is that after the body does not remain scars or scars. This papilloma disappear from your skin after only a week. And you do not have to walk in bandages, plasters, hiding the problem of under clothing. This procedure is considered painless, so no anesthesia is used. But sometimes, patients still feel a slight burning and tingling.

Salicylic acid

Despite the fact that this method is just as effective as the previous one, the fair sex is very rarely resort to it. The fact that the treatment takes a longer time. But not everyone has the desire or the ability to constantly go to the doctor.

Thus, salicylic acid has a truly magical properties. It not only helps to eliminate the build-up and education on the body, but also prevents inflammation. This is - a pretty good antiseptic, which is used in various skin diseases. But to use the tool can only be prescribed by a doctor.

There are a number of contraindications when it is impossible to remove papillomas this method. If you have increased dryness, peeling or scratching also have to consider another option. Before the procedure, a specialist must test the salicylic acid in a small area of ​​the body. And if you instantly appear irritation, swelling, itching, inflammation, so you - are allergic.


After a dermatologist will examine you and will spend a couple of tests, he will offer you several options for removing papillomas. But in this case, you are risking your health. If a doctor makes a mistake, you have to deal with allergic reactions on the body. Therefore, it is important to get into the hands of a true professional.

Electrocoagulation: remove the current

Today it is - one of the most popular ways to remove growths on the skin. Special device that reproduces DC and AC current, specifically acts on the problem areas. In the first case, the machine is used to combat acne, scars, acne. In the second - to remove benign tumors on the body.

After electrocoagulation sometimes leaves scars, blemishes, etc. footprints. On a full recovery it will take no more than two weeks (minimum 8 days). If necessary (after 3 months), you can repeat the procedure to get rid of some skin defects. Please note, if you wish you can send papilloma the laboratory for analysis. It will explore the build-up to determine whether they were cancerous or not.

Laser: The latest scientific and technological achievements

If earlier the woman suspicious of this unit, but now it is used almost everywhere. In beauty salons use it to compete with the excessive vegetation on the body, they remove wrinkles. Surgical Laser easily copes with papillomas on the skin.

As for the cons, they are not so much. Before the beginning of local anesthesia is that you do not feel a burning sensation, discomfort or pain. Note that in some patients on drugs for anesthesia may be allergic. Besides, if papilloma large, the skin may be traces. In the postoperative period, you have to confine yourself to some fun. You can not go to saunas, swimming pools, sports, sunbathing. The main thing - to provide proper care to avoid relapse.

 unpleasant papilloma Body

Fighting papillomas traditional methods

Even some one-two hundred years ago, there were no lasers or chemical solutions or electric apparatus. Our grandparents fought growths using products that were at hand. In some cases, home-cooked very quickly removed by means of such formation on the skin.

Treatment of celandine

Take a few beams just plucked celandine, chop to a blender and squeeze the juice. Boil the liquid until a thick monotonous mass. Receipt of funds on a daily basis papilloma lubricate every 3 minutes. Do this for as long as the body there will be no new growths.

Be careful with such means - celandine extremely toxic! After the procedure, be sure to wash your hands with soap and water. Do not take the drug for the preparation of the dishes, which you usually use. To avoid allergic reaction, be sure to pre-test liquid on the elbow.

Herbal tinctures

Mix equal parts of dried nettle leaves, plantain, dandelion root and lemon balm. Boil everything with cold water (3 tbsp herbs - 4 cups of liquid), boil for 10 minutes, then leave to infuse. After a couple of hours, strain the broth through a cheesecloth. Drink 2 tablespoons of this wonderful drink 3 times a day. Desirable - for half an hour before eating. The course of treatment - 7 days.

Tincture of walnut

So, first you need to find the nuts, which have not yet fully mature. They usually have soft shells, and inside - slimy liquid. Grind them in a blender or grinder. As a result, it should have 650 ml of processed fruit. Put everything in a jar, fill with purified kerosene. Close the lid and leave to infuse the mixture in a dry, dark and cool place. Be careful that children or pets do not got there before you.

Three weeks later, strain the infusion. Within 14 days lubricate the damaged area with a cotton swab. If the fluid gets on a clean skin, wash immediately with copious amounts of means of warm water. Keep the mixture can be prepared only in a dark bottle.

In any case, before you decide to engage in self-treatment, you should consult with a specialist. Do not use traditional methods, if education increases, hurt or itch. And remember to remove papillomas - not to fully recover from HPV. From the virus is not so easy to get rid of. So do not be surprised if after 2-3 months the whole body once again covered with tumors.

 Papilloma on the body: types and ways to combat them

We recommend that read: Removal of papillomas at home
