Diet cystitis


  • What you should not eat and drink in cystitis
  • Approved products cystitis
  • Acute cystitis: that is, during illness
  • How to eat in chronic cystitis

Inflammation of the bladder, ie cystitis - serious and dangerous disease that requires immediate treatment. And it includes not only from droppers, inflammatory drugs and injections, but also a special diet. And this is not surprising, because it is how the lady in this period will be eating, it depends on the speed of recovery. But ignoring the advice of the doctor, the fair sex risk to their health. After all, some of the dishes and products only enhance the symptoms and provoke the development of disease.

What you should not eat and drink in cystitis

In fairness it should be noted that the diet in cystitis is not so strict. You do not have to sit only on the crumbs and water, while dreaming about meat and sweets. Without products that you need to be deleted, you can live very well, not only during treatment, but also after it. But before you take a notebook and pen to write down dangerous for patient health ingredients, consult your doctor.

We remind you that the body of every person - is different. Also listed below food, you may have to exclude the other, which you used to do. Here is a list of those who, according to scientists, can even provoke cystitis.

  • Citrus fruit

On oranges, tangerines, grapefruits, lemons the fair sex have long forgotten. You also can not use juices, fresh juices and other beverages, in which there are citrus fruits. Even after the tea or salad with lime you can become very ill.

  • Caffeine

Coffee, tea, cola and other beverages in which caffeine has better drink. In extreme cases, drink herbal tea. They are also good stimulate, improve mood, reduce inflammation and other symptoms. But first, do not forget to consult a doctor.

  • Saccharine

All it contained saccharin, put on a far shelf, throwing or feed the girlfriends, young person or child. This also applies to vitamins, and food and beverage. By the way, the drug, which is also listed this ingredient, too, do not accept.

  • Alcohol

The fact that alcohol - the cause of all the troubles we all know. And many firsthand. Try at least for a time to give up bad habits. It is forbidden to even a glass of wine or a shot of brandy. And the next time you are thinking of her friends, to gossip about men and women to discuss, drink only filtered or mineral water (not soda).

  • Pepper and spices

From sharp, richly studded with herbs and spices food you will only get worse. Such dishes even in ordinary life are contraindicated. Because pepper, for example, will increase the irritation, inflammation and the infection will spread beyond the bladder. Agree, health - this is not a price that should be given for the momentary pleasure.

  • Vegetables and fruits

The first in the list of banned products are melons, apples, plums, peaches, grapes, bananas, avocados. The same applies to juices made from these fruits and vegetables. By the way, with homemade compotes should also be careful, because they are not safe for women faced with cystitis.

  • Ketchup and mayonnaise

From what is contained in today's ketchup, sauces, mayonnaise, even in healthy persons will have problems. Just think: colorants, stabilizers, emulsifiers, flavorings and other additives that can decode only chemist. And that is not the first time.

But even if you decide to cook these goodies yourself, you will also have them impossible. Vinegar, eggs (taken for mayonnaise), peppers, onions (added to ketchup) cystitis is also not permitted. Of course, the first time will be in difficulty without them, but then you can easily do without the sauces.

  • Milk products

How would you not like cheese, yogurt, sour cream and other dairy products, it will have to say goodbye. As for the fresh milk, then it all depends on your condition and received assays. In the period of acute and chronic cystitis should refrain from it.

  • Sweet

Baking chocolate, candy, sweetened condensed milk - all of the above is prohibited. The same applies to the jam. But this does not mean that you have to suffer due to a lack of glucose. If so want sweet, eat the allowed fruits, both fresh and dried. Also allowed honey, which reduces inflammation.

  • Vinegar

And healthy and sick the fair sex is recommended as little as possible to use vinegar. Perhaps, marinades and salads are delicious with him, but cystitis and not long in coming. By the way, because of it you may have, and the chronic form of the disease.

 proper diet cystitis

Approved products cystitis

Note: cystitis diet - a balanced and nutritious diet consisting of products of particular nutritional value for the human body. You must not use empty food, but the one that contains vitamins, minerals and trace elements beneficial to health. Here is a list of products that will not bring harm to the patient cystitis:

  • Flesh

Chicken, lean pork, beef can be eaten as a boiled or baked in. The main thing - do not use marinades, spices, sauces and other additives. Do you want to fillet was softer? Add a couple of minutes in a slice of kiwi. He will give a spicy dish, and make the meat incredibly tender.

  • Veggies

Everything except tomatoes, asparagus, beans are allowed to eat cystitis patients. But if after a particular dish you deteriorate, stomach aches and other symptoms appear the disease, it is better to eliminate these ingredients.

  • Bread

Ladies who have a bread maker, you can have fresh bread, but in small amounts (2-3 pieces a day). Shop products better not to acquire. In an extreme case, buy rice or wheat bread. Absolutely can not eat rye pastries.

Acute cystitis: that is, during illness

As you know, the food that we constantly eat, one way or another affects the bladder mucosa. During an exacerbation should be wary of food that does not injure the inflamed wall. In this case, cystitis diet should consist of food which lavage stimulates urinary tract. This is necessary in order to initially reduce the number of bacteria, and then all get rid of the infectious agent.

That is why in acute cystitis need to drink a lot - at least 1, 5 liters of fluid per day. If diseased the fair sex there is also fever, it would have to drink at least 2, 5 liters per day. But, of course, you can not drink it. Admitted fruit drinks, juices of authorized products, cranberry and cranberry compote (not too sweet), mineral water (without gas), tea (from herbs pharmacy instead Merchandise Store). In small doses can drink rather weak and the usual black or green tea, only sugar in them should not be.

In addition, you will need to eat fruits and vegetables, which have diuretic properties. This applies to fresh cucumbers, watermelons, squash. First, eat slowly, to ensure the security and safety of the ingredients. Then, when the period of exacerbation pass, you can gently and gradually introduced into the diet of milk and dairy products: low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt, fermented baked milk, fresh cheese.

 Useful diet cystitis

How to eat in chronic cystitis

Chronic cystitis is characterized by inflammation of the walls of a full bladder. This can severely affected areas swell, they appear sores. All this is accompanied by abdominal pain, discomfort during urination, tingling in the genital organs, etc. So the first thing you need to get rid of the symptoms and inflammation of the walls, then - to destroy the infection.

To saturate the body with vitamins depleted disease, it is recommended to use as much vegetable and fruit dishes. Pumpkin, pears, sweet apples, watermelons, fruit drinks, fruit drinks - all of which should be on your desk every day. And do not forget decoctions of herbs.

Note that in chronic gastritis can not eat soup, cooked on the mushroom, meat or fish broth. Best of vegetable cooking liquid food. By the way, the first dish should always be in your diet. Otherwise, in addition to everything else, and you will suffer from constipation.

Thus, if you start to eat properly, then soon you will become much easier. But remember, in order to avoid remission of healthy foods should be consumed in the future. Plus, getting rid of bad habits, you will always look young, smart and beautiful.

 Diet for cystitis: especially good nutrition

 after cesarean stomach ache


  • Incision
  • Problems from the intestine
  • Uterine contractions
  • Adhesive process
  • How to get rid of pain

In our time, the appearance of man on earth - no mystery of nature, and nothing but the medical procedures. A Caesarean section - and at surgery. And, unfortunately, for caesarean section doctors recently resorted more and more frequently. Moreover - many expectant mothers themselves ask doctors about the operation, fearing pain. It seems to be perfect - no pain, no fear.

But if women knew in advance what awaits them in the postoperative period, the ranks of hungry cesarean section would greatly thinned. It is no coincidence - some pains are worth! No matter how good expert did not carry out the operation, damage to the tissues - is inevitable. And the time for them to need a lot of healing - sometimes young moms complain that they have a stomach ache after cesarean section, and after six months.

But sometimes a cesarean section - the only mode of delivery, allows to maintain the health of mother and baby. And there's nowhere to go - as they say, of two evils, you must choose the lesser. But in any case - whether it is your decision, or is forced - be prepared for the delicate recovery period, mainly discomfort during which will be pain.

In order to get rid of the pain, you need to understand its causes - otherwise the struggle will be unsuccessful. Of course, the first thing you should see your doctor - only he can determine the cause of reliably and quickly. But a little knowledge of the woman, of course, can not hurt.


In the first few days after surgery, pain is inevitable. Well still - body tissue greatly traumatized and just can not match. However, in this period of time the reasons that can hurt the stomach a few. Firstly, of course, that the seam itself. The first few hours after the operation will continue anesthesia, and you absolutely will not feel pain.

But then the pain will be strong enough and such intensity is maintained for about five days. At this time, you will surely be stabbing pain medication that will ease your condition. Very often newly minted mom refuse to painkillers because of fears that it will harm the baby - the doctor will prescribe only those drugs that do not fall into breast milk. Therefore, there is no point to bear the pain!

Note: sharp movements, coughing and even laughing will enhance pain at times - this is normal and should not be afraid. Just remember that you just had major surgery, so beware of excessive exercise. In the recovery period your body will need at least two to three months. Although, of course, every day the pain will be weaker and weaker.

After about five days, the pain will be weaker and weaker, but the discomfort may persist for months, intensifying during exercise. And then the scar will periodically be felt a dull pain and tingling - in some women, sometimes for several years.

Carefully watch your state first few weeks after cesarean section - if the pain becomes very acute, the seams begin to fester, or allocate any content rises body temperature, there will be weakness, headache and other symptoms of general malaise, as soon as possible, seek medical advice !

There is a chance that the incision got started pathogenic microflora infection. The delay in this situation can turn into a very serious health problems.

 stomach ache after cesarean

Problems from the intestine

Another problem that is often experienced by women after cesarean section - is flatulence. Because surgery is disrupted normal operation of the gastrointestinal tract, the intestine begins to accumulate a great amount of gas and as a result, there are painful sensations.

And the pain in this situation can be so strong that they simply can not tolerate, and the only way to get rid of - to release gases. If you encounter such trouble, immediately tell your doctor. He will pick up special lowering drugs flatulence and improves peristalsis. Such problems usually last, long - not more than two weeks.

Remember that in addition to drugs just need to watch your diet - because it is necessary to completely eliminate all foods that increase flatulence: beans, soybeans, sodas. However, it is necessary to make all of mums breastfeeding, regardless of whether they have bowel problems - you do not want them to appear at your kid?

Uterine contractions

Yes, genital tract women undergoing cesarean section do not suffer. But the queen is undergoing all the same change. So, after the appearance of a baby born uterus begins to shrink in size. This process is in almost all cases accompanied by pain, because the uterus contracts. And add to that a fresh scar on the uterus ...

The worst pain is in the first few days, when the reduction of the most active. Enhanced by applying it during the baby to the breast - nipple stimulation provokes an active contraction of the uterus. Gradually, this process will subside and come to naught in about two to three weeks. This process is completely natural and inevitable, but if the pain is too strong, tell your doctor.

Especially if the pain is accompanied by a heavy vaginal discharge, especially with an unpleasant odor, rise in body temperature - all of which should be a cause for early treatment to the doctor. Tragically, sometimes after a caesarean section in the uterus may remain pieces of placenta or blood clots.

So, there is a possibility of acute inflammation of the mucous membrane of the uterus. This process is accompanied by a very sharp pain. This is a very serious disease, so self in this case could be a threat not only for your health but also your life. The only way to help a woman become cleaning the uterus.

Do not be scared - this procedure in all cases without exception, performed under general anesthesia. You fall asleep and wake up in his room. Then followed a course of antibacterial drugs, and after about 10 days the young mom is absolutely healthy. But only if the treatment is started timely!

Adhesive process

Any surgery - including caesarean section - involves damage to many tissues and organs. And, unfortunately, during the healing process there may be adhesions. Most often they are formed between intestinal loops, but sometimes appear, and about other internal organs.

Typically, pain due to adhesions occur in about a month and a half after surgery and may persist throughout life. Most often, pain weak pain is drawing aching in nature. However, in rare cases, adhesions washes to be so much, and the pain is so severe that doctors make the decision prompt intervention to restore a normal quality of life of their patients.

 abdominal pain after cesarean

How to get rid of pain

Earlier we spoke briefly about the main reasons that lead to the fact that the woman after cesarean stomach ache. And now analyze in detail, how to get rid of this pain. But let's just agree - all these tips you'll be used only after consulting a doctor, it is very important to make sure that your health is not in danger! You want to have your baby has a healthy mom?

  • Postoperative pain

In the first few days I will have to endure the pain anyway. And the only way to get rid of it, as already mentioned, are analgesics. In no case do not take any medication on their own! Firstly, you do not know what will be the result of the interaction of a drug with the medicines that your doctor orders. And secondly, the medicine can get into breast milk and to provide your baby is not the most beneficial effect.

In addition to analgesics woman necessarily be assigned to a drug that stimulates the normal contraction of the uterus - perhaps the first few days after the operation, after the injection of the pain of effort, but in general, recovery time is significantly reduced the size of the uterus.

For a long time these drugs are generally not used - a maximum of a few days. Furthermore, often the physician decides whether the course of antibacterial drugs - they eliminate the possibility of inflammation and, consequently, various complications.

What you can do during this period? As strange as it may sound, but often to relieve pain in the future have to consciously go at it. Very often women are currently in the postoperative period as a crystal vase - try not to breathe once again.

So - the way it is - it is necessary to limit the sharp movements. But still need to move, and soon enough after surgery - this time on the second day of a woman should begin to turn in bed, then get up and try.

Be prepared for the fact that it will be very difficult - a sharp pain, dizziness, nausea, and sometimes even almost inevitable. But each time you will feel better and better. Of course, the pre-talk to your doctor - if he will permit you like physical activity.

If all goes well and the doctor has given permission, begin to act! Very often nouveau mums very sorry myself and they are still as long as possible. But remember that the later you start to move, the longer and harder you will have a stomach ache.

By the way, the best cure for this pain becomes your baby. If the operation was successful, on the second day of your precious child you bring to the House. And believe me - this cute angel will make you forget about the pain very, very quickly.

First, it is, of course, the joy of your maternal feelings. And secondly, whether you like it or not, but child care falls on your shoulders almost completely. And when pipsqueak again ask to eat, you are unlikely to pay attention to some there is pain in the abdomen, right?

  • Bowel problems

It would seem, bowel problems - a phenomenon familiar to modern man. But for a young mother who underwent cesarean section, this problem can significantly impair a life. Not only will hurt seam, so more and flatulence causes terrible discomfort. Flatulence after any surgical intervention - a common phenomenon, due to the fact that the work of the intestine gets worse.

However, if you take a number of measures to this effect can be if not completely prevent, or at least reduce it to a minimum. Firstly, if a planned caesarean section, had a few days before it is necessary to drop some food: spicy, fatty, smoked, soy, legumes, sweet, starchy foods, carbonated beverages. Second, immediately after surgery, the doctor is likely to prescribe drugs, reducing flatulence.

Thirdly, there will be more than self-massage of the abdomen. He is very simple - stroking the abdomen with gentle circular movements. And finally, remember that the best way to intensify the work of the intestine - this movement. Therefore, do not lie in bed for too long - at least walk around the ward.

By the way, very often women after surgery experienced some problems with the bowel movement. In no case can not be ashamed of - immediately inform your doctor. The doctor will appoint a candle that will help facilitate defecation. Do not worry - a long time do not have to use them. The toilet is difficult to go alone the first time, and then these problems will not be. If you will be delayed, the risk to earn such an unpleasant procedure as an enema.

  • Helping yourself

So, the days in the nursing home behind, you're at home and the recovery process is going well. But the pain in the abdomen, such a villain, does not live in peace? Well, it is natural and should not be upset - very soon all is normalized. In the meantime, instead of complaining about the hard women share, you can take a number of simple measures that reduce the intensity of pain.

If joint pain, think about the shroud - in the first few weeks, he will serve you well. It's very simple - your stomach is not yet completely reduced in size, and thus providing him support you at times to reduce the intensity of pain. And not necessarily to buy postpartum bandage: is fine, and one that has served you faithfully during pregnancy - just fold it in half and fasten tightly.

If the uterus is very sore, try to cook a weak infusion of chamomile. To do this in a teapot put one teaspoon of dry inflorescences pharmacy daisy and fill them half a glass of boiling water, let stand for an hour. And then use as a regular brew. Just a cup of chamomile tea this morning and in the evening at times will reduce discomfort. A kid does not hurt Daisy!

By the way, do not be amiss to draw attention to the bed of a young mom! It might surprise you, but your favorite soft bed - not the best option in the first few months after surgery. The bed in the recovery period should be sufficiently rigid - in this case, the pain will bother you much less. Of course, this does not mean that you need to immediately run to buy a new bed - you can restrict the board, laid under the mattress. Well, or a sofa in the living room, at the worst.

Too many young mothers make the same mistake - too much addicted to painkillers. But this is not worth even if the medication you prescribed by a doctor - yes, it does not hurt the baby, but it can make you dependent. Simply put, the body unlearn their own to cope even with a weak pain. And you need it? You have a whole life ahead!

Therefore, starting from the second or third week after the surgery, the pills must be phased out. Yes, the first time you will not be easy - try to escape from the pain, he turned his attention to anything else. Little did trouble the young mom? Do something, you are likely to quickly forget about the pain, just to pester you.

If the pain is so strong that without the pills do not work and a month later - is worried. In the normal course of postnatal period at this time of acute pain should not be just. If it persists, seek medical advice immediately!

Unfortunately, chances are you have encountered in any postnatal complications. And there a lot of them - it is an acute inflammation of the mucous membrane of the uterus, and the divergence of the joints, and abscess. In any case, look for the cause and prescribe appropriate treatment should be a doctor.

 What if after cesarean stomach ache?
