What better hair extensions


  • African capacity
  • Hot technology
  • Tape capacity
  • How to determine the type of building

It has long been the women began to build up the hair - at first it was just artificial strands and curls, and now the industry has become more genuine and natural. Already there are many different options to build, and sometimes hard to decide which one is the safest, what it would be appropriate in your particular case.

African capacity

Among other things, the kind of building in which the artificial braids - this is the most ancient method of hair ornaments. Just on top of increasing small braids - can be colored and can depict and dreadlocks. Hair used to this artificial, and the main drawback is that in a month will have to change and capacity to carry out the procedure again.

Hot technology

In recent years, widespread Italian technology of hair extensions - hot method. This kind of completely safe and very high quality. We use only natural hair, apply the keratin capsule. All the hair, in the end result looks just luxurious. It is better to ask for a procedure in the beauty salon, where experienced craftsmen, barbers can do everything at the highest level. Extensions of this type occurs in the following manner:

  • Shared by all the hair into thin strands;
  • Applying additional strands are distributed all over the head, and to do so it is necessary to uniformly;
  • Now take the keratin capsules and using them fastened together natural hair extensions strands;
  • Locking extensions strands occurs utjuzhkom - capsule just melts and glues hair.

This type of hair extension guarantees strong bonding, nutrition scalp (by heating the capsule begins to stand keratin) and a fairly stable result. These strands can be worn for up to 4 months without correction.

 What is the best hair extensions

Tape capacity

Belt kind of hair extensions for a long time successfully used hairdressers and stylists. In the course of the following occurs: the hair strands are attached at the roots, and it turns out that something like a "sandwich": increased locks - one - backfilled. It is best to do the procedure with the help of a good master. Actually, to increase hair alone in this way is unlikely to succeed. Advantages of tape capacity:

  • You can make perm;
  • This method of capacity allows to paint the hair and apply various balms and lotions;
  • This type allows the use of straighteners and curling tongs;

Of course, what kind of hair extensions for better or worse to choose only you, but be aware that hot fashion - a straight road to the expensive and luxurious hair that can not be painted, and curling. But the tape capacity can not bother - there is allowed virtually everything. There are certain rules of care for hair extensions:

  • Always wash your hair in the shower standing straight - you can not tilt it down;
  • Combing hair should be wooden massage brush and at least 3 times a day;
  • Before going to bed sure to dry hair;
  • You can use and hairdryer and curlers, but whatever way you choose installation, you know that every day because "torturing" the hair can not be;
  • Do not use tools for hair care products that contain alcohol;
  • Once a month should be used to strengthen and restoring mask for hair.

 What is the best hair extensions

How to determine the type of building

It is necessary to choose a type of building, in which all the hair will look natural. Refer to a specialist, and he will be able to choose the perfect color stackable pryadok - then the differences would not be at all. Sometimes, such a method is selected in which only need to make a preliminary cut.

It is best to consult a professional to master, for example, on the advice and recommendations of friends or relatives. You can not trust your hair style barber novice: it can not only make mistakes in building, but also spoil the existing hair. If you will soon triumph, then think through his hair in advance - go for consultation to the master, "try on" on his long hair (for example, work with a computer to measure a wig or applets).

Capacity - a great way to change dramatically. Try to imagine any hairstyle, look, with which one you look better privlekatelney.Sposob must be chosen very carefully, it is unlikely you want to lose your own hair and look really quite expressive. But professionals can fulfill your every desire and offer the following options:

  • Capacity bang and temporal parts, and possibly a partial build-up around the circumference of the head;
  • Increased hair over the entire length, the procedure does not depend on the initial length of the hair;
  • Capacity rhinestones, feathers and braids - yes, strange and unusual, but very extravagant;
  • Extension hair is 70 cm - longer simply do not.

Incidentally, the hair extensions can be dyed and toned - they are absolutely quiet withstand this procedure. For the process of building it does not matter what your own hair - short, medium or long, dyed or streaked, curly or straight. In general, none of the values ​​it's not a - a professional will be able to make the beauty of any source material. Just do not try to build up the strands at the same time too much - as a result the entire "cargo" will fall on your own hair and, as a result, it will become brittle and thin.

Looks wonderful colorful coloring strands can be done perm - kreativte, fantasize and improvise your health! Take care of yourself, make the most incredible hair and smite surrounding its gorgeous view. Believe me, compliments and admiring glances are to spend 4-5 hours on the hair extensions.

Please note only one thing: any kind of hair extensions has contraindications. They should know in advance so as not to hurt herself:

  • Vascular dystonia;
  • Heart disease (such as strokes and heart attacks);
  • Allergic reactions to different stimuli;
  • Diseases of the skin or rash pustular.

In general, we can say that any type of hair extension is safe and effective - with a few exceptions. It is only to find the master of the highest class and fully trust him - he will make out of your hair luxurious mane! Just carefully read the rules of care for hair extensions and strictly adhere to restrictions.

 What is the best hair extensions? Choose and change for the better!

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 hair mask mayonnaise


  • Mayonnaise: what you should know about this product?
  • The mask for dry and lifeless head of hair
  • Mask, to get rid of dandruff
  • Regenerating and nourishing mask

It is not known who first dared to try to add to the mayonnaise hair mask, but the discoverer did a pretty good gift for all the fair sex. Indeed, despite the fairly large number of cosmetic products, which can be easily purchased at any store, popular recipes beauty still enjoy incredible popularity. The secret of success lies in the fact that the mask can prepare any of the products available in the refrigerator, and no hazardous substances it is not contained.

Mayonnaise: what you should know about this product?

Before you start cooking healing masks, studied the composition of the main ingredient. Unfortunately, nowadays manufacturers add to everything that can be (and sometimes even that is impossible), as long as their product a longer shelf life, was brighter and more delicious. Stabilizers, emulsifiers, coloring agents - all of which can adversely affect your health, cause allergies or poisoning, and for external use can cause a rash. Therefore it is recommended to prepare a mayonnaise hair yourself. To do this you will need:

  • Three egg yolks

The eggs have to be fresh, homemade, and the yolks - bright, uniform and entire, without the express odor. If he breaks quickly or spreads, too dark and has a reddish streaks, it indicates that it more than two weeks. You can also use sawn eggs (8 pieces).

  • Glass oil

It is best to take the olive, because it contains the largest number of vitamins and trace elements. But, unfortunately, it is three times more expensive than a conventional four-refined. Before preparing mayonnaise is recommended to cool the oil, to get a more dense product.

  • Salt and sugar

Add sugar only if you plan to use mayonnaise not only for the mask, but also for salads. With regard to salts, it is not without eggs vzobyutsya to desired consistency. If you wish, you can use iodized, as it does not lose its properties, because during cooking is not even the slightest thermal influence.

  • Lemon juice

Before you begin to squeeze lemon juice, remove it completely full pelt. The fact is that during the transport and storage of such fruits and vegetables treated with a special tool, which does not allow them to rot, and sometimes waxes. Also, you can use citric acid or vinegar (not apple), but then the effectiveness of the mask will be much lower.

  • Mustard

Mustard powder need only a teaspoon, but even this amount of this ingredient have a positive effect on your hair. It stimulates the blood flow, so that the skin cells will be updated more quickly.

Initially, whisk in the mixer or blender until smooth yolks with salt, sugar and mustard and then pour a thin stream oil, while continuing to stir all. At the end, add lemon juice or vinegar. All the mayonnaise is ready. It can be used alone or before use, add the rest of the ingredients.

 Mask for hair mayonnaise

The mask for dry and lifeless head of hair

Perhaps it is - the most simple and quick mask that can be used to restore the girl's hair. Simply put mayonnaise evenly on the strands, carefully rub it into the scalp, then roll up hair with a plastic bag and a towel. Keep the mixture on the head should be at least three hours, so it is better to start the procedure over the weekend. At the end of the set time rinse all with plenty of water, then be sure to wash your hair with shampoo.

Mask, to get rid of dandruff

Why is there a dandruff? The reasons can be many: the skin cells do not have time to update, disturbed metabolism, or you are too dry. In any of these cases will mask the hair of mayonnaise, which is applied to the hair before bedtime. As soon as you wake up, wash your hair with shampoo twice. In order not to dirty pillow, use a special film.

To prepare this mask, you must mix two tablespoons of mayonnaise without slides with chicken egg yolk, then squeeze or rub the back half of a small garlic cloves, add a teaspoon of melted in a water bath or in the microwave honey. If the mask will be too thick, dilute it refined vegetable or olive oil.

If after a hair mask of mayonnaise and garlic will be an unpleasant acrid smell, which is hard to get rid of using regular shampoo, rinse hair decoction of chamomile, nettle and rose. You can also use water with lemon juice or apply conventional stores rinses with flavors that will eliminate the unpleasant odor.

 Mayonnaise Hair

Regenerating and nourishing mask

Beat with a mixer until smooth teaspoon of mayonnaise, honey, aloe juice, then apply the mixture on your hair in the winter for three hours in the summer - on the hour. Longer is not worth keeping, as it may appear strange smell. Note that after a mask is not necessary to put on hair conditioners, conditioners, and other similar cosmetics. Making such procedures should be no more than once a week, otherwise the hair will begin to shine and will quickly become contaminated.

 Hair mask of mayonnaise or how to revive the hair?

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