prescription cream soup with mushrooms


  • Cream of mushroom
  • Mushroom cream soup with crayfish and cheese DorBlu
  • Mushroom soup with potatoes and cheese balls
  • Cream of turkey breast, mushrooms and walnuts
  • Mushroom soup with cabbage, broccoli and mushrooms

In our time, buy fresh mushrooms - not a problem, even in winter they are easy to find on store shelves. Dishes cooked with mushrooms, have excellent taste, they contain a minimum amount of calories that is important for people who care about the health and slim figure. Cream of mushroom - easy and delicious dish to cook is not be easy, if the house has a blender.
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Cream of mushroom


  • Mushrooms - 400 g;
  • Bulb;
  • Garlic - 2 cloves;
  • Butter - 50 g;
  • Flour - 3 tbsp. L .;
  • Milk - 1 liter;
  • Cream - 250 ml;
  • Refined oil;
  • White bread (for toast).

The recipe of cream soup is simple enough. Take the mushrooms, wash them thoroughly and wipe with a kitchen towel, purchased mushrooms do not need to be cleaned.

For this dish, take only fresh mushrooms, not fresh mushrooms have a reddish color, they give not a beautiful shade soup puree.

Just set aside a few of the small mushrooms, they will go to the decoration. Slice the mushrooms plates, finely chop the onion and garlic.

Put a saucepan on the fire, fry the onion and garlic in a mixture of refined sunflower oil and butter. Next Prescription add mushrooms, saute until such time as they will not let the juice. Take a pan, put it on the fire, melt the butter, add to it the flour, stir quickly, begin to pour a little milk. Then Transfer the fried onions, garlic and mushrooms in sauce, salt and cook on low heat for about 15 minutes Ready soup turn into a puree using a blender with immersion nozzle, pour in the cream. Small mushrooms, cut lengthwise into plates, fry them in butter. Before serving, heat the soup, make sure that it does not boil, otherwise the cream could curdle. Garnish soup fried mushrooms and croutons.

For preparation of white bread toast cut into small squares about 2x2 cm. Crush garlic with the help of spadefoot or grate on a fine grater, mix it with refined vegetable oil. Rub this mixture croutons, put them in the oven, preheated to a temperature of 160 ° C, when will the crust, remove from the oven. Putting croutons in a mushroom cream soup is best just before a meal, or they can be melted, which is extremely undesirable.

 the ingredients for the cream soup
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Mushroom cream soup with crayfish and cheese DorBlu

You will need:

  • Mushrooms - 400 g;
  • Cheese DorBlu - 150 g;
  • Crayfish;
  • Dill;
  • Bulb (1 large);
  • Refined vegetable oil and butter.

Cream of mushroom cooked in this recipe is sure to enhance any holiday table. You first need to boil crawfish, pour in a pan of water, salt it when it starts to boil, put the crayfish and dill (you must associate it with a thread). When cancers are cooked, remove them from the water and clean, be sure to remove the dark vein, which is located along the spine. Broth through a sieve, it is still useful to us.

Wash, wipe with a kitchen towel and cut mushrooms, finely chop the onion. Cheese DorBlu smash into small pieces. Put the pan on the fire, pour a small amount of refined vegetable oil, add to it a small piece of butter. Bring the onion until clear, add the mushrooms, fry them, then put cheese DorBlu when it is melted, pour in the broth in which the cooked crayfish, cook until boiling. Do not just pour the whole broth, otherwise the cream will turn liquid. It is much easier to dissolve the thick soup, rather than thickened liquid consistency.

Following the recipe, to shift to the finished soup crayfish (leave a few pieces for decoration), pour into the blender bowl, whisk together all good. If soup is too thick, then dissolve his broth. Before serving, heat the soup, put in each plate a whole crayfish and dill.

 different recipes of cream of mushroom soup
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Mushroom soup with potatoes and cheese balls

You will need:

  • Mushrooms - 500 g;
  • Potatoes - 4 pcs .;
  • Bulb;
  • Fatty cream - 1 tbsp .;
  • The broth (chicken or vegetable);
  • Gouda Cheese - 200 g;
  • Flour - 30 g;
  • Eggs - 2 pcs .;
  • Milk - 50 ml;
  • Salt;
  • Refined sunflower oil.

Cream of mushroom cooked in this recipe, very popular with the children. Mushrooms wash or just wipe with a kitchen towel, cut into small pieces. Potatoes for this dish is better to take the white varieties, as a rule, it is well fall apart. Potato peel, wash and chop as finely as possible, the same with the onions.

Put the pan on the fire, pour refined sunflower oil, fry the onion first, then the mushrooms (as they will not let the juice). Further prescription pour the broth, toss the potatoes and cook another 20 minutes, at the end of cooking salt. Ready soup turn into a puree using a blender, then add cream to it.

To prepare the cheese balls grate Gouda cheese (can be replaced by any hard cheese). Take the egg, carefully separate the proteins, they add a little salt, whisk until fluffy foam state (before the peak). Connect with grated cheese and flour proteins, resulting from mass shape balls about 3 cm in diameter. Refined sunflower oil for frying, pour in a roasting pan or skillet with high sides, when it warms up enough, fry cheese balls. Go to shift them on a paper towel, it will help get rid of unwanted excess fat.

Egg yolks dilute the milk and whisk together with the help of the corolla in a water bath, add the sauce to the soup before serving, it will make a delicious mushroom cream, and the color becomes more saturated. Cheese balls put into each dish a la carte, or served on a separate plate. Optionally, you can add herbs, perfectly suited traditional dill or parsley.

 delicious soup with mushrooms
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Cream of turkey breast, mushrooms and walnuts

You will need:

  • Turkey breast - 1 pc;
  • Mushrooms - 400 g;
  • Walnuts - 1/2 st .;
  • Garlic - 2 cloves;
  • Onions - 2 pcs .;
  • Carrots - 1 pc .;
  • Creamy and refined vegetable oil;
  • Cream - 1 tbsp.

First you need to prepare a walnut - spare them from the shell carefully to loop, throw bloomed, they are harmful to health and can spoil the taste of the soup puree. Then chop the nuts in the blender or meat grinder. Wash turkey breast and put stew, add to it a carrot cut in half and whole onion. Ready turkey meat and carrots, remove from the pan and cut into pieces, onion emissions broth pour, it is useful to us afterwards.

Mushrooms cut into slices, onion - rings, chop the garlic as finely as possible. Put the pan on the fire, fry in a mixture of butter and refined vegetable oil onion rings, garlic and mushrooms. Then add a little broth in which the cooked breast, season with salt and cook for 15-20 minutes. Then add the boiled turkey meat, pour the broth, turn the soup into a blender puree using. Put in a soup of chopped walnuts, cream, remaining broth (if necessary). Before serving, heat the soup, make sure that it does not boil.

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Mushroom soup with cabbage, broccoli and mushrooms

You will need:

  • Mushrooms - 300 g;
  • Broccoli - a small one;
  • Bulb;
  • Creamy and refined vegetable oil;
  • Milk or low-fat cream - 1.5 l;
  • Hard cheese;
  • Garlic;
  • Baton.

Divide the broccoli into small florets, pour over boiling water over it, if you do not, you lose the green cabbage, which will affect the tone of soup. Wash mushrooms and chop, chop onion. Put the pan on the fire, a mixture of oil and butter, bring the onions until clear, add the mushrooms, pour the milk, salt and simmer over low heat about 15 minutes. Then pour the remaining milk, add the broccoli, cook for another 5 minutes. If the soup is brewed with cream, you have to make sure that it does not boil. Prepare the sauce using a blender.

Serve at the table Cream of broccoli and mushrooms with cheese croutons. For their preparation, take white bread, cut into slices. Any cheese varieties grate. Garlic crush on the frog and mix with cheese, spread slices of loaf. Preheat oven to 160 ° C, dry toast Put on baking sheet and bake until cheese is melted.

 How to cook the soup with mushrooms
