sunscreen for face

Beach season has arrived, and so it's time to think about how to protect your skin from the sun. Because we all know that the sun is not very positive effect on the skin as a ultraviolet not only contributes to the appearance of age spots, but also breaks down collagen in the skin, which is responsible for skin elasticity and smoothness. Therefore, the skin should be protected. When you go to the beach, do not forget to bring sunscreen for the face. Do not be amiss to grab and hat, straw hat, for example, which will also help you to hide her face from the scorching summer sun.

Sunscreen for the face contain sunscreen - spf, which forms a barrier to ultraviolet radiation. For example, a face cream with spf prevents the appearance of age spots - freckles, who do not like, perhaps, all the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity.

Before you apply a sunscreen for the face should be tested for sensitivity to an agent, in order to avoid allergic reactions. To do this, apply a small amount of cream on the inside of the hand and seal the plaster, and the next day to remove the plaster and expose the area of ​​skin exposed to the sun for 10-15 minutes. If redness and itching, or a combination of both taken together - you know: this cream does not suit you.

What are sunscreens?

With the onset of summer the shops are starting to dapple the abundance of different tanning and from it. In such a situation it is difficult to determine the right choice. This is especially significant in relation to sunscreen for the face.

At the moment, the cosmetic industry can offer us the following tools for skin care in the summer:

  • Sun cream. This facility should be available to all, as it forms a film on the body, which protects the skin from excessive exposure to the sun, so you can get an even tan without the neat sunburn.
  • Sun Oil. Action oil somewhat weaker than cream. Also helps to protect the skin from excessive solar radiation, providing a tan without burning.
  • Sunblock for the face. Facial skin needs more protection than the skin of the body. It provides such protection and sunscreen for the face, which is not only nourishes and softens the skin, but also tones and with vitamins to provide maximum protection from ultraviolet radiation. There is nothing easier than to protect the skin in the summer, if your arsenal is a cream that should be applied not only on the beach, but also under makeup.
  • Means after sunburn. These funds are used after tanning. They provide hydration of the skin and removal of irritation and redness caused by solar radiation.
  • Spray after sun. It moisturizes and soothes the skin, has a cooling effect.
  • Cream from sunburn. An indispensable tool that should be on everyone's case will be delayed exposure to the sun, which will cause sunburns. This cream promptly remove redness and burning and accelerate the process of recovery of the skin.

So, here are all of the main types of funds required in the summer. But our paper is devoted to sunscreens for the face, which we continue to talk further.

SPF - what it is and what it "eat"?

 Sunscreen Face reviews

The effectiveness of face cream with spf tell figure standing after the abbreviation. The abbreviation SPF means Sun Protection Factor (SPF). The higher the number after the abbreviation - the better means of protection. That is, if you use the face cream with SPF 10 (SPF 10), the stay in the sun you can 10 times longer than without creams. Of course, in fact so much time in the sun can not even with this cream, so the longer you plan to stay in the sun - the higher the number spf.

Effect solar filter performs a sunscreen titanium dioxide powder, which acts as billions of mirrors that reflect the solar radiation. The level of sun protection in the media is from 2 to 50. That is, if you have met face cream with SPF 2, it means that the minimum degree of protection cream - it represents only about 50% ultraviolet radiation. Of course, you can bet that there is a face cream spf 100, and said that the protection of this cream - maximum UV and do not have access to the skin. But it is not. Just some companies write on face creams SPF 100 to attract customers, but in fact actually SPF in such creams is less than 50, which means retention of about 98% ultraviolet radiation.

The most popular means are cream with protection 10-15. Such means are suitable for most people.

In order to choose a sunscreen must know which photo type you belong. There are 6 phototypes, but in this band are found mainly only 4:

  1. Very light skin, eyes green or blue, and her hair - red or light, have freckles. People with such phototype instantly burn in the sun, so it is best used in the early days of face cream spf 45, spf 40 or spf 50, and subsequently - spf 30. Use oil for intensive tanning of phototype people absolutely contraindicated.
  2. People phototype second characteristic of light skin, brown or blue eyes, red and blond hair and freckles. People of this phototype is also quite easy to burn, but still teach the skin tanning can be if used in the early days of cream with spf 30, and then - with spf 15-20.
  3. Information about the photo type characterized by dark eyes, relatively light skin, light brown or brown hair. In our band this photo type is the most common. People of this phototype tan easily, and redness of the skin from the sun they tend not to. But, nevertheless, to protect such skin is also necessary, especially if you go to the southern latitudes. In this case, suitable cream during the first days with spf 15, and the next - with spf 8-10.
  4. Black hair, dark skin, dark eyes - all this shows that the person belongs to the fourth photo type. Freckles in such people do not exist at all, and tan falls quickly and easily. And burns in the sun so people do not have at all. But in this case not interfere somewhat protect the skin. As we reported, the skin is exposed to UV aging, it is called photoaging. That is why even this photo type should use sunscreen with spf 6-8.

When using sunscreen, be aware that they are gradually washed away and erased from the skin and should be applied regularly to the skin. On average, this should be done every 2 hours. But this applies to the skin of the body, but the face cream can be applied much less frequently.

Choose a sunscreen

So, how to protect the skin from the sun, we already know - you need to use a sunscreen for the face of the reviews on the Internet that will help you make the right choice. After all, someone uses a sunscreen for the face of Vichy, while others prefer a sunscreen for the face Loreal. But not the fact that you will accept these funds. Therefore, the choice of face cream should be taken with due care.

Face cream should be protected with a maximum corresponding to your photo type, throughout the rest on the sea or the beach. This will help you avoid unpleasant symptoms such as freckles and dry skin.

The modern market can provide a choice of various types of sunscreens for the face - a variety of emulsions, sprays, waterproofing creams and lotions. The most popular are easy means, for example an emulsion. But at the same time, the funds have one big disadvantage - they are quickly washed away from the skin, and they have to be applied very often.

Long stay on the skin waterproof cream, but their disadvantage is that when applying this cream makes you feel not very comfortable, because it seems that the skin is absolutely not breathing. Furthermore, such lotions is difficult to wash away even soap.

In the first place, of course, vary by level means SPF. But the cream is of great importance, because it depends on him, how long will the tan, how smooth it out, and how it will feel the skin.

When choosing a sunscreen for the face: reviews cosmetologists about the composition of such funds to help you choose the best sunscreen for the face. Thus, in a cream must contain the following ingredients:

  • Vitamins C, F, retinol (vitamin A), biotin (vitamin H), riboflavin (B2), panthenol (vitamin B5) and fillohenon (vitamin K).
  • Trace elements: cobalt, magnesium, manganese, zinc, calcium, sodium and potassium.
  • Coenzyme Q-10.
  • Complexes of polyunsaturated acids and omega-3 or omega-6.
  • Oil. For example, jojoba oil, grape seed, cocoa, coffee, coconut, macadamia nuts, wheat germ, sunflower, peach, Brazil nuts, sesame, olive, almond butter or carrots.
  • Antioxidants - tocopherols.

Of course, immediately grabbing the cream, which has a maximum content of the above is not necessary, since some components may cause you allergy. As we wrote snakes in this article, first test for an allergic reaction. If allergy does not manifest itself - then you can safely purchase the chosen cream.

Popular among women sunscreens

 cream with spf
 When we conducted a study of brands of sunscreens for the face reviews of women using a particular brand, helped to identify that the most popular, and therefore the best sunscreen for the face are cream brands Nivea (Nivea), Garnier (Garnier) and Loreal (L'Oreal ). It is also good demand Uriage sunscreen cream Vichy (Vichy) and Lancaster sunscreen for the face. Let's take a brief look at all the brand of sunscreen.

Sunscreen Face Garnier with the level of protection spf 15 - very easily absorbed, not rolls. Excellent nourishes and moisturizes the skin. In addition, the cream has a light pleasant scent. Excellent protects the skin from the appearance of freckles. Of course, this cream is not the only sunscreen for the face Garnier. Brand offers several creams - both with different degrees of protection and for different skin types. Creams that contain brand moisturizing complex with vitamin E and nutriflavonami cactus natural origin.

The facial sunscreen SPF 30 Vichy contains hyaluronic acid. This cream provides a uniform and long-lasting protection from ultraviolet radiation, has a matte effect and remarkably moisturizes skin. In this brand creams contain thermal water Vichy. Cream is resistant to sand and water. Also, the brand also offers other lotions with different SPF.

Face Creams Uriage (Uriage) is hypoallergenic, contains no parabens oksibenzol and resistant to sweat and water. In addition, in the cream of this mark comprises 10% thermal Uriage water, which has a soothing effect on the skin. The cream provides protection and leaves no unpleasant sensations on the skin of its use.

Sunscreens Face L'Oreal stimulate protection and natural regeneration of the skin. The cream prevents the appearance of freckles and prevents the signs of photoaging of the skin. Cream of the brand is easily absorbed and leaves no greasy.

Sunscreens Lancaster face not stain clothes, perfectly protect the skin from burns, the appearance of age spots, moisturize and nourish the skin. Thanks to this brand creams can get smooth and beautiful tan. The cream leaves the skin greasy and sticky feeling.

Also good is a Nivea sun cream for the face. Thanks to an easy formula with natural antioxidants, this cream makes the skin supple and smooth and provides excellent protection from sunlight because of high system of UVA / UVB. Nivea sun cream for the face can be used by people with a different skin type, including sensitive skin.

So, here we are considered the most popular and widespread in our country, a sunscreen for the face. We hope that our article will answer the question "How to protect your skin from the sun? "Fully and help you determine the cream with some level of protection you need - whether it is a face cream spf 45 or spf 2. And remember that the earlier you start using sunscreen, the later your skin starts to grow old! And you can use a sunscreen with a child, the main thing to choose the photo type, and age-appropriate cream.

Good luck to you relaxation and a great tan!

 Choose a sunscreen for the face

We advise to check: a cream to choose
