You started to gain weight?

Some of the young women in the postpartum period, especially nursing, or after the second birth, because of the change in the balance of hormones, lifestyle and diet are starting to gain weight. Their body weight may increase by 5 kilograms or more.

Not worth much upset: this is a temporary phenomenon. When correcting the diet, through exercise, you will overcome it. No need to rush to extremes, resorting to the most severe dietary restrictions. It is harmful for the child (may disappear milk), and you (the sudden weight loss skin on the abdomen, breasts droop and lose elasticity).

Eat often - 4-5 times a day in small portions. Follow chair - try to defecate daily at the same time, avoid constipation. Good to drink on an empty stomach a glass of water at room temperature.

If you are still strongly recovered and did not complain about your appetite, we suggest to eliminate from the diet or to minimize the consumption of energy-dense foods, like sour cream, mayonnaise, fatty meat, duck and goose meat, canned fish in oil (sprat, sardines), nuts, chocolate, sugar, sweets, biscuits, rice and potato side dishes. Diversify your menu, yogurt, cottage cheese, lean beef is very useful, chicken and rabbit meat, low-fat fish. More and eat more fresh herbs, vegetables and fruits from fat - butter and olive oil (10 g per day), savory drinks and fruit drinks. Instead, use mayonnaise for salads yogurt. As a side dish serve it fresh and boiled vegetables (but not potatoes).

We recommend that you adhere to the following rules:

  1. Regularly (at least 1 time per month) to be weighed.
  2. Give up a bad habit to eat while watching TV or reading.
  3. Stock up on patience and faith.
  4. When the radio dance music - dance to, even if you are busy with something.
  5. Go up to 4-5 th floor on foot, even if the house has an elevator.
  6. Monitor your posture in the mirror.
  7. Make sure that you have always been smooth in a good mood.

Are you ready to follow our advice? In this case, ask the pet go out for some fresh air, strip naked, stand before a mirror and relax. You will immediately see all the flaws of your figure: slouching, protruding shoulder blades, protruding belly, flabby legs, waist, which leaves much to be desired.

Straighten the arms and chest, tighten the stomach, tighten your legs and buttocks, hands squeeze her waist. So you currently like? You see: you know, to practice what muscle groups you should first of all pay attention to. With them and start taking advantage of offers you a set of exercises. And do not forget, please, take care of yourself always, not just when you are standing by himself in the mirror. Let your "mirror" accompanies you everywhere. It is not difficult to constantly monitor themselves. Soon it will become a habit, and you do not allow yourself to stoop, set, anyhow (or delicately say how convenient) legs and bulging belly, even when you stay alone and no one sees you.

Anticipating your exclamation: Where and when I deal with them when I work up with?

We trust you, because we are also working, and conduct household. But we find time for makeup. We will try to find it for the sport, the more that the sport - it's a kind of cosmetics. However, not a face, and body. First, enough to pay for the gym 30 minutes, 2 times a week. It's quite a bit, I assure you. When you feel passion for gymnastics (and you definitely carried away by it) when your lazy muscles will experience the pleasure of stress, you and wonder what you have at your is busy, found time to bring gymnastics to 4 times a week for 30 minutes.

 You started to gain weight? Exercises
 Exercises you can do at any time convenient for you - morning, afternoon, evening, not immediately after a meal. Do not overload yourself plenty of exercise. It is better to reduce their number, but to practice regularly it improves breathing and blood circulation, muscle vigor themselves will tell you when to increase the load and intensity with which perform a particular exercise.

It is better to do exercises outdoors, but if this is not possible, then in the pre-ventilated room.

Begin exercises with simple exercises and gradually move to complex. The same applies to the number of repetitions of each exercise. If you've never engaged in gymnastics or engaged in a short time, in the early days you will feel the tension in the muscles, and sometimes aching. These feelings quickly disappear, replaced by stress and pain will come a sense of satisfaction.

Most women deliver the greatest upset stomach. In this case, you will need to do more intense exercise for the press that strengthen the abdominal muscles. If you are unhappy with your feet or hunched back, focusing on exercises that strengthen the muscles of this part of the body. It will be good if you are in the gym will use a large mirror - it is easier to monitor the correctness of the exercises. Better to do gymnastics in a special gym suit or ordinary swimsuit.

Breathing should be free, even. Do not try to breathe deeply, so it will be difficult to do the exercises,

Starting Exercise regularly, do not expect that in a week you will become slim. This was not possible to reach any woman, even under the supervision of an experienced coach. But after 2 months you will feel like a completely different compared to the time when you just started their studies. You have reduced body weight, waist, hips, improve health, increase vitality, will be a sense of optimism.

Exercises in a standing position

Waist and back. Slowly raise your hands while turning right, just slowly lower them. The same with the turn to the left.

Feet shoulder width apart. Lean forward and to the right, trying to get his fingertips floor, straightened. The same with a slope to the left. Hips and legs should remain motionless.

His chest and shoulders. Feet shoulder width apart. Holding a rolling pin in his right hand, bend forward at the same time taking his hand back with a rolling pin. Put a rolling pin in his left hand and repeat. Take a rolling pin in both hands behind his back, bending forward, try to as high as possible to raise their hands.

Thighs and calves. Leaning forward (feet together), hold hands on the calves, and try to pull the head to the knees.

His chest and arms. Take in each hand on a bottle of lemonade or milk and wide smooth movements rotate them alternately back and forth.

The thighs and buttocks. Uprites right hand on the wall or a door, pull the left leg with his left hand to his stomach, back, keep straight. Grasp your left hand for the toes of the left foot, pull up the foot to the buttocks. Repeat the exercise, changing leg and arm.

Exercise pulling. Tie the ends of the clothesline, legs wide apart step on it. Slipping his hands on the rope, spread them apart until you feel that the rope taut.

Stomach and buttocks. Feet slightly apart, relax. Very tighten stomach and buttocks. Stay in this position for 10 seconds strained, and then relax again. This exercise can be done freely moving around the room to the music suddenly stopping abruptly and straining.

Waist and legs. Place your left hand on the back of a chair. Feet together. At the same time lift the front, side and back his right arm and right leg. The same exercise follow, holding his chair with his right hand and giving forward, toward the back left-hand and leg.

Hands and waist. Feet together, the right hand is lowered, left lying on the back of a chair. Right leg set aside to toe at the same time lift the side and top right hand bend to the left. Repeat, turning to the right side chair.

Abdomen and back. Face the back of the chair, lean on her right hand. Set aside and back to the toes of the right foot, lift up your left hand, gently lean back. Repeat the exercise, leaning back in his chair with his left hand, putting to one side and back left leg and raise your right hand. The same exercise can be done without the aid of a chair. The music, alternately aside the back and then the right, then the left leg and thus holding up the left, then right hand. Watch out for smooth movement.

Exercises in the prone position

The abdomen, knees and calves. Lie down on the mat on his back, hands clasped behind his head, leg pull. Slowly bend your knees, pull them to the stomach. Straighten your legs, hold them a few seconds at a right angle to the body, slowly lower.

My knees and calves. Roll over on your stomach, lie face down on the arms stretched forward. The legs straighten. Slowly bend their knees to the buttocks. Also, slowly straighten. The same exercise can be done with the music alternately right, then the left foot, and then with both feet at once.

Waist and abdomen. Lie on the floor, lean on your elbows, legs outstretched. The music alternates lift the right, then the left leg. This exercise ("scissors") is carried out not only vertically, but also horizontally (moving legs "crosswise"). You can make a circular motion feet clockwise and vice versa. When you are tired, you can relax, lying on his back.

Seated exercise

Abdomen and back. For this exercise, you will again need a rolling pin or a rolled towel tourniquet. Slightly bent forward, slowly pulled up to his chest then right, then left leg, pass under it a rolling pin or a rolled towel tourniquet. The same exercise can be done by pulling both legs and immediately passing them under a rolling pin or a towel.

The thighs and buttocks. Pull the hands in front of him with a rolling pin or a rolled-up towel. The legs and back straight. Alternately, tear off the floor as high as possible is right, then the left thigh. Make sure that your hands and spin while remaining straight.

Stomach. Odakyu from the floor on the edge of a chair, grab hold of the bottom of the seat. The back and legs straight, feet touching the floor. Slowly pull your bent knees to his chest. Keep your back straight all the time. Without lowering the legs on the floor, just as slowly straighten them, trying to keep on weight as high as possible.

Abdomen, waist, legs. Sitting on a chair, squeeze the feet legs standing in front of the stool, lift it off the floor and hold aloft for 10 seconds. Make sure that the muscles of the abdomen and waist were on their toes, keep your back straight. Slowly lower the stool. Repeat, put his leg between his legs. Pull a stool on the floor and hold it aloft for 10 seconds.

Exercises for correct posture

Sit on the edge of a chair so that the back, thigh and lower leg at right angles to each other, hands free to lower the shoulders slightly bent. Tighten both calves, abdomen and back muscles, the shoulders as far as possible back to the blades touched each other, head zaprokinte. Sit for a few seconds in such a tense situation, then relax.

And now stand up from a chair, connect heels, straining knees, buttocks and abdominal muscles. Lift up on toes as high as you can manage it, tighten your entire body, and then slowly relax. Exercise is not difficult, but it should be repeated for a long time, as long as your posture relaxed obtains grace.

Exercises for beautiful gait

Put your hands on the belt, squared his shoulders, slowly move aside the left foot. And stand in that position, without straining 10-15 seconds. Repeat the exercise as long as you feel that it is easy to keep balance. This exercise can be complicated, the charge of the foot of delayed leg to the knee pivot foot and gently taking his arms out and lifting them up. If this exercise will seem easy, you can get up-to-toe support legs to stand in this position for 10-15 seconds. Having mastered this exercise in different ways, begin to perform his music. Music gives rhythm exercises and improves mood.

Finally, walk on tiptoe around the room, straightened his shoulders and lifting his knees high. If you feel that is easy to walk straight, do not slouch and lowering his head, fix the gait, his head resting on a saucer or cup.

Let it be for you to rule that a day without charging a single day without a shower, a day without a walk in the fresh air! And, as they say, good luck!

 You started to gain weight?

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