Cream for hair removal intimate places


  • A little history
  • "The three leaders"
  • The principle of operation creams

Women aspire to perfection. So they arranged for nature. And since, as we know, there is no limit to perfection, and can not be, this is a nature and we have to engage in relentless battle. That extra "folds" at the waist are formed, the hair or eye color is not suitable for a new dress, lush vegetation grows where it is not necessary ... So we have to look for various means which help correct defects of nature.

And, of course, one of these means is the cream for depilation. Interestingly, the problem of hair removal - Hair Removal - concerned not only our contemporaries. Smooth and delicate skin has always been considered one of the most important ornaments of women. And removes excess vegetation beautiful half of humanity beginning of a very, very long time. And methods used for this variety.

A little history

How to say historians, the first hair removal cream for intimate places was coined by the wife of one of the Egyptian pharaohs - beauty Nefertiti. At least, archaeologists have found some documents indicating that for these purposes it is made a special composition based juices of various plants, honey and wax. However, perhaps the cream for depilation existed before Nefertiti - just earlier testimony before us are not there yet. Now it is unlikely to know for sure ...

In the XVII century, when Louis XIV was invented and created the first pair of tweezers. It was used for removing various splinters and intimate hair removal. However, these manipulations were so painful that they regularly could make only a few. Therefore, while the presence of hair in the intimate places even considered fashionable, but the fashion lasted not long. All the time the women tried to find some way of getting rid of unwanted vegetation. What did not come up - not only cut hair, and even tried to singe! It is clear that nothing good result in such a venture could not.

Finally, came the century XX. It was he who brought the disposal of most of the problems - it was invented for hair removal cream. However, the first for the delicate skin of intimate places to use it was impossible - too aggressive ingredients included in its composition. The first tender and soft cream, hair removal suitable for this delicate area, invented only in the 80s of the last century.

 Cream for hair removal intimate places

"The three leaders"

Today there are so many different means of hair removal - "Wit», «Eveline», «Velvet», «Sally Hansen», «Cliven» - this is only the most famous! How not to get confused and make the right choice? Perhaps the first thing you can do - is to listen to the opinions of those who have already managed to try different means. Not long ago, market research was conducted on the basis of which to determine the "top three." In it were:

  • Cream "Wit" from "Gillette"

"Wit" won first place in popularity - it does not require the application of a thick layer, and the procedure is significantly reduced compared to other means. In addition, most women are inclined to believe that it was "Wit" is best suited for sensitive skin depilation intimate places. "Wit" has an unpleasant pungent smell. The package "Wit" contains one tube of cream for hair removal in the bikini area, one tube of soothing cream and postdepilyatsionnogo special spatula to deposit funds.

  • «Cream Hair Remover»

In second place - «Cream Hair Remover» from the company Surgi. It attracts a relatively low price and convenient way of drawing - the set includes a spatula and even soothing cream.

  • «Sally Hansen»

In third place - «Extra strength crem bikini hair remover» from the company «Sally Hansen». Despite the high cost, the cream for depilation attracts many women that even owners of very sensitive skin, typically do not arise dryness and irritation after application. Included is a very convenient brush applicator. Of course, there are many other means, but, as shown by the survey, these - the most tested.

 vit cream for intimate depilation

The principle of operation creams

How are these cures? Very simple! The composition of any depilatory cream contains special active ingredients that literally dissolve the hair. However cheap means only affect the part of the hair which is located above the skin surface. But in the better - for example, "Wit" or «Extra strength crem bikini hair remover» - these substances penetrate the skin to a depth of approximately one millimeter. That is why the new vegetation appears already significantly altering - the hair is lighter, thinner and softer. This cream is specifically designed for hair removal delicate and sensitive skin of intimate places. As a rule, it does not cause irritation and itching after the application is redness.

Have depilatory cream and other advantages:

  • fast and completely painless procedure;
  • ease of use;
  • opportunity to carry out the procedure as necessary;
  • the relative cheapness;
  • simultaneous care - nutrition and hydration of the skin.

What else you need to know about a cream for hair removal? For the procedure to bring the desired effect and passed without any negative consequences, you must follow some precautions.

  1. Before you buy a cream, be sure that it is designed specifically for intimate places. The packaging has to be a special inscription, such as on a cream "Wit" - "for hair removal in the bikini area." This is very important - properly selected tools can cause severe irritation. Also be aware that many dermatologists do not recommend using the cream for hair removal in delicate zone of deep bikini - too good chance to "burn" the mucosa.
  2. Carefully read the instructions. Each cream - a strictly defined period of exposure. For example, "Wit" can be kept for five minutes, but «Avon» - ten. Never leave the hair removal cream on the skin for longer than recommended by manufacturers.
  3. Be sure to check the effect of the cream on a small area of ​​the skin. Even tools specifically designed for sensitive skin - for example, a cream "Wit" - transferred all different. Simply apply makeup and after the allotted time, rinse with warm water. Wait a few hours and make sure that you did not have an allergic reaction. Only then can you start the procedure itself.
  4. Always thoroughly rinse agent for hair removal with warm water - especially in such delicate places like the bikini area. Then pat the skin dry with a towel and apply a soothing cream.

As you can see, choose the right cream for depilation even such delicate and sensitive areas like bikini's not difficult. This means that you can always remain beautiful and well-groomed, even without visiting expensive salons every day - it would wish. And we have it! In the end, we are worse than Nefertiti?

 Cream for hair removal intimate places - Secrets of Nefertiti

We recommend that read: epilation deep bikini

 remedy for stretch marks


  • Cream mummy
  • Fruit Cream
  • Cream of Avocado
  • Cream with aloe
  • Lotion "Carrot"
  • Enriched with olive oil
  • Lotion from horsetail
  • Grapes against stretch marks
  • Scrub stretch marks
  • Mask of stretch marks

Stretch marks, or scientifically, stretch marks - a very common and annoying problem. And it could be from anyone and at any age. The reasons can be different - from pregnancy and sudden weight gain, to hormonal changes. Despite the fact that stretch marks do not cause any pain and quite dangerous to spoil the life of its owners it is still possible - a "decoration" can spoil the impression of the figure.

Therefore, most women are faced with this problem, the dream to get rid of it and concerned about how do you find an effective means of stretching. Usually particular interest in home remedies to combat stretch marks. This is understandable - because not everyone has the opportunity to visit beauty salons and make costly procedures. Folk remedies for stretch marks are usually easy to manufacture, do not require additional cost and, despite this, it is effective.

Cream mummy

This miraculous substance - mummy - from ancient times known for its unique healing properties. He is described in the 4th century BC, Aristotle. What diseases are not only treated with it - and polio migraine, stomach ulcers and tuberculosis, sprains, epilepsy and many other things. Mummies is a bactericidal, analgesic, detoxicating, anti-inflammatory and stimulates the regenerative processes perfectly and metabolism.

It is because of these properties, it is perfectly struggling with stretch marks on the skin. As a result of this simple cream, which you can make at home, the color becomes less intense stretch marks, their depth decreases, the relief is smoothed and improves skin elasticity.

To prepare the cream, you will need:

  • 4 g of the mummy;
  • boiled water;
  • a tube of anti-cellulite cream or child.

Take cream and squeeze it out of the tube into a suitable container. Dissolve the mummy in a teaspoon of water. Pour the liquid into the cream and stir thoroughly. Transfer to a clean jar and store in the refrigerator. Use this cream is recommended once a day, gently rubbing it in problem areas.

Fruit Cream

You will need:

  • Almond oil;
  • jar of yogurt;
  • lemon peel.

Pour the yogurt in a bowl or deep plate. Take a lemon, wash thoroughly and carefully remove the peel using a trowel. Add the yogurt. Pour one large spoonful of almond oil. Stir. Transfer to a jar with a lid and store in the refrigerator. Use this remedy for stretch marks should be at least 2-3 times a week.

Cream of Avocado

This magical fruit, thanks to its unique properties, found a very wide use in cosmetics. It is used in the production of a variety of masks, creams, peels, shampoos, conditioners and other facilities for the care of skin and hair. He generously gives beauty, freshness, youth and great skin care.

You will need:

  • cosmetic clay;
  • avocados;
  • wheat germ oil;
  • rolled oats.

Cook the oatmeal. To do this, take two large spoon of oatmeal and place them in a coffee grinder. Prepare mashed avocado. You can use a food processor. Mix cooked meal with mashed potatoes and add two large tablespoons of cosmetic clay. Dilute the resulting mixture to a creamy consistency, gradually pouring the oil from wheat germ. Apply the cream on problem areas and leave on for 10-15 minutes and then rinse with warm water. Use this remedy for stretch marks is recommended daily.

 means of stretching

Cream with aloe

Aloe is called "Ambulance on the window sill." This plant is really unique. It helps to cope with many diseases - gastritis, arthritis, tonsillitis, angina, and certain lung diseases. Of course, it is used in cosmetics and, in particular, anti-stretch. Aloe juice softens dead skin cells and helps to remove them, stimulates the regeneration of new cells, normalizes metabolism, relieves irritation and inflammation. Also it is used to treat acne - it not only disinfects, but also prevents the formation of scars.

To prepare the cream, you should:

  • dandelion leaves;
  • aloe leaves;
  • olive oil;
  • oat flour.

Grind in a food processor 100 grams of dandelion leaves and 2-3 leaves of aloe. It is better to pre-cut into pieces. Add 75 grams of olive oil and mix thoroughly. Gradually pour the oatmeal, stirring all the time until you have a creamy composition. Apply the cream on stretch marks and leave for 15-20 minutes. Ready means should store in refrigerator.

Lotion "Carrot"

Carrots perfectly polishes the skin and makes it smooth and silky. This lotion will help both prevent new stretch marks and disguise old. You will need:

  • carrot;
  • water;
  • Almond oil.

Thoroughly wash and peel carrots. Rub it on a small grater. Place in a deep dish and pour the boiled cold water so that it completely covered the carrots. Let sit for 15 minutes. Good press, using a fine sieve or cheesecloth. Add the almond oil. Keep cooked means you need a bank with a tight-fitting lid in the refrigerator. Every day before going to bed, wipe all areas in which there are stretch marks lotion.

Enriched with olive oil

Olive oil, enriched with Vitamin E is perfect for the removal of stretch marks on the abdomen and chest. Vitamin E - a powerful antioxidant, it protects cell membranes and prevents their oxidation. This composition is completely harmless, so it can be used even during pregnancy and lactation. For the preparation you will need only a big spoon of olive oil and 650 mg of vitamin E. If you use an oil solution of vitamin E, the application of a 5% solution need 600 drops 10% - 300 drops 30% - 100 drops.

If you purchased a vitamin capsules, just count the number they need to take to get 650 mg. Take a clean, dry vial and pour the ingredients are there. Shake. Use of such a composition is recommended twice a day - morning and evening, carefully wiping all the problem areas.

Lotion from horsetail

It is widely used to combat stretch marks and lotions with some herbs - such as horsetail. Horsetail contains a large amount of silicon, which promotes regeneration of the skin and, as a result, helps either remove all or substantially smooth skin defects. Horsetail is especially effective in the fight against stretch marks quite fresh.

To prepare this lotion you will need:

  • horsetail;
  • lemon juice;
  • vodka.

Take 50 grams of horsetail and fill it with vodka. It will take one standard bottle of 0, 5 liters. Add four drops of lemon juice. Infuse a lotion should be within one month. A month later, pour into it 500 grams of cold boiled water. All. The lotion is ready for use. Twice a day, wipe the damaged surface of the skin obtaining funds.

Another well-known plant, which is used as a means of stretch marks on the skin, is comfrey. It enhances the process of reparative regeneration of tissues and as a result, significantly reduces stretch marks, making them pale and inconspicuous. Squeeze the juice from the root of comfrey or if you do not have a fresh plant, just prepare a decoction of its leaves.

 Folk remedies for stretch marks

Grapes against stretch marks

Grapes - a great remedy for stretch marks. It moisturizes, restores and nourishes the skin and improves its appearance, restoring its smoothness, elasticity and freshness. To fight stretch marks can be prepared in a special mask. Just take a certain amount of berries and mash them, making puree. Apply the product on the skin and leave for 25-30 minutes. Rinse with warm water. Make a mask should be 2-3 times a week.

Scrub stretch marks

You will need:

  • granulated sugar;
  • salt;
  • Palm oil.

Mix one cup of salt with a glass of sugar and pour half a glass to the palm oil. Stir. Every day, standing in the shower, massage this scrub the skin in problem areas. With regular use, after 3-4 weeks you will notice results.

Mask of stretch marks

You will need:

  • Vitamin A;
  • vitamin E;
  • olive oil;
  • aloe juice.

Take a suitable bowl and pour half a glass of juice to aloe, add five drops of vitamin A, ten drops of vitamin E and half a glass of olive oil. All the mix, transfer to a jar with a lid and store in the refrigerator. Use this material must regularly, twice a day for several months.

As you can see, in order to bring the skin in order, not necessarily become a regular at fashionable and expensive beauty salons. It is possible to use home methods. Folk remedies for stretch marks are quite diverse. But they are united by absolute safety, naturalness and ease of manufacturing. Quite a bit of effort and your skin will look much more fresh, young and beautiful. And you will forget this unpleasant word - stretch.

 The fight against stretch marks - are looking for a cure for stretch marks

We strongly recommend to read: How to remove stretch marks at home
