how to align the skin

  • Alignment facial salon methods
  • To align the skin at home
  • Traditional recipes

Traces of acne, freckles, enlarged pores, blackheads, wrinkles - completely hide them under a thick layer of foundation will not turn. "Obscuring" imperfection corrector, you are confronted with the need to touch up makeup almost every two to three hours. There is no more beautiful a make-up than even skin tone. Brown spots and acne, on the contrary, the most attractive face disfigured.

Alignment facial salon methods

Laser correction of skin condition - a great way to get rid of scars left after dermatological diseases, chickenpox and burns. A tiny beam directed on the skin, "burning" epidermal cells at the site of the scar. Do not worry, the procedure is absolutely painless, nothing but light tingling, you do not feel. Leather, held laser treatment, actively produce collagen and recovered incredibly fast.

Oxygen works by "filling in" the upper layers of the skin cosmetic gas by injection. Purified oxygen pressure causes the accelerated regeneration of damaged tissues and accelerates the resorption of chronic scarring. A pleasant "bonus": such "beauty shots" have antiseptic, helping to hurry away with pimples and blackheads.

The syringe is not oxygen, and vitamin complex, fruit acids or enzymes? This procedure is called biorevitalization. The main purpose of it - the elimination of wrinkles. Restylane Injections or Viscoderm have a prolonged effect: smoothing out wrinkles in the skin, they stimulate increased recovery of fibers and collagen. The epidermis becomes elastic - at the expense of the oval face tightened.

If pimples have given you a temporary "breathing space", surely now you want to deal with post-acne and excessive oiliness of the skin to prevent further inflammation - visit cryomassage procedure. Leveling properties are explained by the intensification of the cold the human body metabolic processes in the tissues of the epidermis in order to protect from frostbite.

Massage liquid nitrogen lasts about 10 minutes. Beautician using tweezers and a cotton pad soaked in liquid nitrogen, processes face 2-3 times in a row as the evaporation of the liquid. When he saw in the mirror swelling and redness, do not panic: an hour of them will be over. Cryotherapy reduces pores, removes traces of inflammation and normalizes sebum. Within 10 days after visiting the beauty parlor before going out be sure to apply sunscreen to the face.

Align the tone of a person can be through microdermabrasion. The result will be evident after a course of 5-7 sessions. In fact, dermabrasion - a complicated version of a mechanical peeling. Master first clears the client's face, then puts on a cream with exfoliating particles. Manual distribution of the composition on the massage lines replace the rotating grinding wheel. To get rid of "black spots" and comedones will suffice 2-3 visits to the beautician, but to remove keloid scars takes at least 10 visits.

 alignment of facial skin

To align the skin at home

Optional obbivat thresholds beauty salons - struggle with uneven complexion can be carried out on their own, without leaving home. Start by selecting the right makeup. Stop using soap as a cleanser - it dries the skin, breaks ph-balance and provoke an allergic rash. Use a cleansing gel or foam, stimulates cell renewal of the epidermis. For example, L'Oreal Pure Zone «30 seconds. The net effect, "as part of that has salicylic acid - the best assistant in the fight against the imperfections of oily skin.

It has antibacterial (dries inflammation), peeling (works as easy peeling), and matting (removes shine with T-zone) properties. Packing is equipped with a special gel brush serving as a removal of dead skin cells. Peppermint extract pleasantly cools and tones the skin. The manufacturer recommends the use of L'Oreal Pure Zone for the purification of the epidermis fat and combined type.

It helps even out skin tone and facial wash Clinique Anti-Blemish Solutions. Gentle, delicate tool can be used even for sensitive skin. Despite the gentle formula, it deeply cleanses and tightens pores, lightens dark spots and returns the natural radiance of your face. Foam is very economical - for one application is sufficient to distribute on the skin means a pea. An extract from the seeds and kelp cola "dissolved" and output of sebaceous plugs pores and constrict them, preventing the emergence of "relapse".

Damaged skin is regenerated much longer than healthy. Therefore, traces of acne sometimes for months "decorate" your face, do not hurry to leave it. "Wake up" the natural process of recovery will badyaga. Badyaga - a greenish-brown sponge colonies living on the bottom of freshwater lakes and rivers. In dry form, it is a gray powder, resembling in appearance the granules scrub, but are not rounded and the prickly like micro-needles.

In addition to the powder, sold in pharmacies cream and gel based on it. Aligning the skin it is achieved by the fact that the thorny particles pierce the outer layer of skin, irritating it and causing a defensive reaction - active production of new cells. However, you can only use badyagu dot, dealing directly on a pimple or shelushashiysya site. Cream or gel thin layer partitioned and to free from dirt and make-up skin for 5-10 minutes. The powder is diluted before use warm water to the consistency of sour cream.

Chemical peels have long ceased to be the prerogative of beauty salons. Most luxury cosmetic brands produce products containing fruit, dairy and AHA-acids for skin renewal at home. By purchasing a treasured jar, do not use the means more than fanaticism - this procedure can be repeated up to 2 times a month.

Incredibly simple and easy-to-use peeling CNC Hyaluron Forte «8 cosmetology procedure." It fully justifies its name - a program of 6 products will make your skin perfect - namely, radiant, smooth and elastic. Cleanser will open the pores and prepare the epidermis for further care. Concentrated lemon, grape and apple acid to smooth wrinkles and lighten post-acne. Tonic eliminate the negative effects of the procedure (such as redness and swelling). Corrector of mimic wrinkles stimulates the production of elastin. Moisturizing cream with UV protection will protect the skin from excessive pigmentation and will be an excellent base for make-up.

I sincerely believe that chemical peels sensitive skin and are absolutely incompatible? This statement is nothing more than a myth. Peeling masks Algologie thanks to its unique composition does not bring you any harm. Minimum percentage of glycolic and salicylic acids gentle on the epidermis, and extracts of calendula and microtrauma biloba heal and prevent the occurrence of allergic reactions.

Dermadoctor released peeling, which will be appreciated by women who love universal tools such as "2 in 1". Multi-Acid Chemical Peel combines the exfoliating properties of lactic and azelaic acids with similar effect skrabyaschih polymer particles. Means for perfect alignment color, prevention and correction of age-related changes first.

 alignment of skin home

Traditional recipes

However, to be spent for the purchase of professional cosmetics is not necessary. You can prepare a composition of the chemical peeling of the "improvised" products. The recipes are based on the action of those same acids - milk and fruit. Align tone will mask:

  • peel of lime, lemon or orange. If you have oily or normal skin, apply to face porridge from fresh peel of one or two of fruit, chopped in a blender. For dry and sensitive types it must first be dried;
  • buttermilk or yogurt. Moisten a cotton ball in the fermented milk product and wipe cleansed face. As the drying process is repeated 5-8 times;
  • camphor alcohol, soda and glycerin. Alcohol and glycerol can be purchased at any pharmacy. Mix 1 tablespoon glycerol with 20 drops camphor alcohol and 1 tsp baking soda. The liquid spread with a cotton swab on the massage lines and leave for 15 minutes, then rinse with cool water and use a nourishing cream.

If regular peels do not contribute to the improvement of your skin - sign up for consultation dermatologist. It is possible that the fault of violation of the natural processes of recovery of the epidermis is the wrong food or bad heredity.

 To align the skin in the salon and at home?

We strongly recommend to read: How to improve the condition of skin

 how to make a thick eyebrows

  • Combing and massage eyebrows
  • Masks for the growth and density of eyebrows
  • Oil compresses care eyebrows
  • Eyebrow and Makeup

Eyebrows are designed to protect our eyes from sweat, dust and debris, strong light. Due to the muscles, which have eyebrows, they can move actively helping us to express emotions, both positive and negative, happiness, surprise, fear, and others. From the shape of eyebrows, regardless of their movement depends expression. Therefore, the form, of course, should be in harmony with the oval and facial features, eye and many other factors.

Eyebrows are hairline, density and color of which depends on the characteristics of the organism. Color eyebrows should also be in harmony with the color of hair, eyes, skin. From the nature of the color of hair and skin are the same, or slightly darker brow hair. However, to date, carried away by painting the hair on your head, you should not forget about the eyebrows. After all, the blonde does not suit thick black eyebrows and brunette - thin and light. Too thick eyebrows will not be difficult to adjust, pull out and give them the desired shape. But if thin eyebrows, a small number of hairs, what do you do then? How to make the eyebrows thick, dark and shiny?

To achieve optimal effect should be given to your brow no less time than we usually pay to hair, or, for example, the skin. You need only 10-15 minutes a day, and a minimum of cash outlay, and at home you can turn eyebrows thin and colorless in the beautiful and lush. The basic principle of the care of eyebrows will stimulate their growth, strengthen hair follicles, giving the hairs elasticity, silkiness and shine. Choosing care products, not necessarily chase costly advertised drugs. It is necessary to trust the experience of our mothers and grandmothers, and to take advantage of popular recipes of masks and compresses, nutritional agents, cooked at home.

Combing and massage eyebrows

Regular, daily brushing and massage to help make their eyebrows thicker, improve blood circulation in the skin, which in turn will be able to efficiently transport nutrients in the bulbs. It promotes the growth of hair, making hair itself is thicker, darker and more elastic. In addition, well-brush massages the skin, exfoliate dead skin cells, it makes the hairs grow. Combing and massages can be supplemented by various means of nourishing recipes that we give below.

Combing is to produce stiff brush, as that may be appropriate and toothbrush or brush from the carcass, which should be well washed. Eyebrows comb against the hair growth first, and then in the direction of growth. Combing hair loss, you can see the individual hairs, but this is only for the better. After all, vigorous combing helps get rid of the weak hairs, after dropping in their place will rise a new, more powerful.

Massage the skin and eyebrows is done daily. It is a point on the brow pressed fingertips. Movement should be addressed from the nose to the temples, through the growth of eyebrows. You can gently pinch the skin and produce vibrating motion. It's a great tool not only to stimulate hair growth, but also to relieve headaches, fatigue and eye strain.

 how to make a thick eyebrows properly

Masks for the growth and density of eyebrows

Using a rich arsenal of natural cosmetics, which gave us nature, it is possible to achieve good growth stimulation eyebrow hairs to give density, strength, elasticity and shine. The best means to do so will be a mask for eyebrow, regular use of which will give the desired result.

  • Mask of tincture of calendula

Alcohol tincture of calendula can be easily purchased at the pharmacy, but you can cook and himself. To do this, 1 tbsp dried crushed marigold flowers pour 10 tablespoons vodka, give infuse in a dark cool place for at least a day, but better - 2-3 days. The finished tincture should drain well. Before applying the right amount of calendula tincture is diluted with boiled water in a ratio of 1: 1, it is moistened cotton ball or a piece of gauze bandage or, applied to the eyebrows and hold for at least an hour. Carry out the procedure should be 2-3 times a week before the appearance of visible results.

  • Mask with rum or brandy

It is necessary to mix 1 tablespoon Roma, or skate with 1 tablespoon castor oil, heat the mixture in a water bath, without boiling. Moisten the mixture in cotton pads or gauze, to impose on the eyebrows, on top lay a towel to dry the mixture is not too fast. Keep the mask on the eyebrows should be about 20-30 minutes, it is better to do it at night, and repeat the procedure - 2-3 times a week.

  • Mask with figs

Buy dried figs can be in any supermarket. Also, you need to buy milk, preferably with a high percentage of fat. Dried figs should be carefully grind in a blender, boiled in milk until smooth mushy mixture cool. Gruel can be applied directly to the area of ​​the eyebrows, and on top of it is better to cover the special paper for packs, which is not subjected to impregnation. Apply a towel and keep the mask for 20-30 minutes. Repeat the procedure should at least 2-3 times a week.

Oil compresses care eyebrows

Vegetable oil - a universal remedy for the entire body. It helps to improve the skin, stimulate hair growth, the hair follicles to provide intense nourishment. For the density and growth of eyebrows well suited various oil compresses, especially with the addition of castor oil and burdock, which were very effective in hair care.

  • Compress olive, castor and linseed oil

Carefully mix an equal amount of these oils. The oils may be different in density, so some of it is difficult to mix the mixture until smooth. For this is a bit to warm up the oil mixture on a steam bath, then the oil will become liquid and mix well. Wet cotton pads in the mixture of oil, apply to the area of ​​the eyebrows. Cover with special paper for compresses or parchment (baking paper) Wrap a bandage and apply a warm bandage. The paper will prevent the absorption of oil bandages and dressings. Compress should keep the eyebrows of at least 20 minutes, then remove excess oil from the eyebrows.

  • Compress almond, peanut butter and peach

Cook the mixture as in the previous recipe. Oils are taken in equal amounts. A mixture of oils for a long time can be stored in a cool dark place. However, before consuming it is slightly heated and agitated. This can be done by lowering the bottle with oil in hot water. Warm oil will act to compress more efficiently. Compress is done as in the previous recipe. Peat warm compress bandage or towel also increases the effect.

  • Compress of jojoba oil

This is the most valuable oil used in skin care and hair care. This unique product is like a little butter, since the solidification of highly thickens and becomes a whitish color. Its structure may also be compared with the structure of beeswax, only much more liquid. The composition of jojoba oil include various amino acids and proteins necessary for hair growth. Oil nourishes the skin and hair bulbs moisture and nutrients. It is so well absorbed by the skin, leaving no surplus that must be washed off. To prepare a compress it is necessary to take a small amount of jojoba oil, heat it in a water bath. You can drop a few drops of essential oils - orange, lavender, rosemary. Compress to do as in the previous recipe.

 how to make your own thick eyebrows

Eyebrow and Makeup

As mentioned above, the correct form gives expression eyebrows all over his face. Blend harmoniously with the rest of the facial features eyebrows can give a unique charm, to draw attention to the eyes, even increase them. Beautiful eyebrows may also divert attention away from its face disadvantages. To give the desired shape brows need to make them correct. In beauty salons can perform this procedure specialist. However, you can manually plucked eyebrows and at home.

Eyebrow is best done after a bath or a hot shower, or is a little pre-steam the face. Then, the pores open, and the hairs are removed much less painful. To begin to comb the eyebrow upwards, so it was clearly visible excess hair. They need to pull out of the line of growth, starting from the nose and moving to the temple. After removing all excess hair, you need to clean the skin with a disinfectant solution or alcoholic tonic.

Cardinal measure to give eyebrows desired colors and shapes will tattoo. However, if you are not prepared for such measures, the eyebrows can be painted with special paint for the eyebrows and eyelashes. Do not use for this hair dye, as it is aggressive for the delicate skin of the eyelids and may cause allergic reactions. Create visually thick eyebrows is also using makeup. Use a special eyebrow pencil with a brush, choose it according to your hair color and apply with short thin lines that mimic the hairs. It is also good to tint hair shades - gray or brown, it will give them the extra width and volume.

 How to make a thick eyebrows - effective means

We strongly recommend to read: How to grow rapidly eyebrows
