face masks for acne


  • Acne on the face - the main enemy of beautiful skin
  • Herbs guard your beauty
  • Foam mask based on egg white
  • Comprehensive treatment - the key to success

Face masks play an important role in cosmetology. Ease of use and quick effective result made them particularly popular among women who are always conscious about their appearance. The process of the use of masks is applied to the pre-cleansed face certain therapeutic compounds that are able to transform the skin in a few minutes.

Hold mask, depending on its type and purpose, be from 10 to 30 minutes. Then rinse with warm water without soap. You can also use a special solution for washing: acidic lemon water, a decoction of calendula, burdock, yarrow. While using any masks, for example, facial masks for acne, you need to relax and soak in the silence.

Acne on the face - the main enemy of beautiful skin

The appearance of acne on the face is justified by various factors. In adolescence - a hormonal surges in the body, as an adult can serve the cause of stomach ulcers, anemia, problems with digestion. And if many of us did not prevent wrinkles on the face, acne and other eruptions bring a lot of problems. It is very difficult to feel confident in the society, not to mention the fact that such "decoration" detrimental to appearance.

Herbs guard your beauty

Get rid of this flaw is not easy, and that the mask will help here as well as possible. There are many recipes therapeutic compounds that can be prepared and used alone, without the help of beauticians.


Leaf juice of this plant is used as a surprise in cosmetics and medicine. All you need - a piece of gauze, which is necessary to cut holes for the eyes, mouth and nose, and herbal decoction. Mask made from the aloe leaf, aged 10-12 days in the refrigerator. Just squeeze the juice from the plant, it damp cheesecloth and apply to the face. You can keep about half an hour. Early treatment with aloe masks are used daily, then every other day, then twice a week. Repeat this procedure until you see a positive result, ideally you need to spend at least 30 procedures.


The infusion of marigold is useful for problem skin, and even if you avoid the problem of acne, its use will positively affect the overall skin condition. To prepare the mask, you will need a tablespoon of calendula flowers (available at pharmacies) and 100 milliliters of boiling water purified.

At present ostuzhennoy and broth, you can add a little flour so as to obtain a liquid slurry. The mixture was put on the face, trying to cover all areas of a thick layer (except eye area), keeps the mask for half an hour.

St. John's Wort

This plant contains a lot of useful elements for the skin and has a healing effect. If the facial skin looks inflamed and there were red spots, that St. John's wort will give the best effect. First you need to prepare the infusion, do it the same way as in the case of Calendula. Then moisten it in cheesecloth, impose it on the face. Beyond what is necessary to put a towel.

During the procedure, try not to talk, your face should be relaxed and calm. The course of treatment is 20-25 procedures, the first 10 are performed every day, then every other day.

Gang bang

Chamomile reduces inflammation well, so it is also recommended for the treatment of acne. For the manufacture of the mask you need to mix chamomile flowers and fennel in equal shares. Then, one spoon of this mixture is poured boiling water (of 400 ml), and to insist on a water bath for 30 minutes. You can use a mask every day, until the result does not satisfy you completely.

 Useful facial masks for acne

Foam mask based on egg white

There are several varieties of such masks. Their advantage is that they are well absorbed, dried spots and the person with the necessary amount of saturated moisture. After the procedure, a person should wash his clean, warm water and rub ice cubes. Then, still damp skin cream is applied.

The mask of lemon and protein

Take the white of one egg and stir it thoroughly in the process of whipping slowly pour in to a teaspoon of lemon juice. Apply the mask on for 10 minutes, the procedure can be repeated 3-4 times a day.

The mask of fennel and protein

Fresh dill wash well, thoroughly grind and mix with protein foam. This mixture was applied to the face, about 15 minutes. The procedure is repeated twice a week, a full course consists of 15 masks.

Comprehensive treatment - the key to success

If you have never had the propensity to rashes on the skin before, and now this trouble is still there, it is imperative to see a specialist. It is through acne body warns us about the problems and imbalances in the organs. The use of cosmetics without the intervention of doctors, able to identify the cause of the disease, will not lead to the desired result.

 Face masks for acne. Restores skin health and beauty

We advise to check: tar soap for acne

 how to do a manicure at home


  • Step one: cleansing nail plates
  • Stage two: giving the correct form of nails
  • Step Three: steaming nail plate and cuticle
  • Step Four: application of therapeutic compositions and color coating

Beautiful fingers like a decent require registration as a manicure to the attention of those around you men was focused on the graceful and feminine hands. Regular nail care is also recommended for hygienic purposes, to protect the plate from the mold, delamination and ingrowth. In order to do a manicure, you can seek the assistance of the master-professional working in the cabin. Or save on his services, if you know how to make yourself a manicure. After all, nothing complicated in the home repeating this procedure not.

Step one: cleansing nail plates

To do manicure at home, you first need to remove nail polish, the remainder of the preliminary procedure. Especially difficult are removed Lucky Glitters rich in sequins - to deal with them once wiping fingernail fail. To remove the dye sparing use of liquid which can be bought in any store of professional cosmetics.

Liquids based on acetone or gasoline cause irreparable harm to the plates, making them fragile and brittle. Even if you do not have a special wash, do not use white spirit, sold in hardware stores. This "cunning folk" can you bring to the office of the surgeon who removes the nails in the case of severe damage.

What if the liquid to remove the varnish over? You can gently clean off the remains of flaked dye using a polishing sawing. Or make an alcohol bath: lower the fingertips for 10 minutes in rubbing alcohol, then quickly erase the nail with a cotton pad. The same bath can be made of pre-warmed burdock or olive oil. If the varnish is not amenable, cook sugar, lemon pasta. Take 2 tablespoons citric acid, 1 tablespoon sugar and 1 tbsp Cold water. Mix, put on the nails and wipe them with a cotton swab. Such a composition, by the way, is well strengthens the nail plate.

Stage two: giving the correct form of nails

Some girls make a serious mistake by adjusting the shape of the nail only after their steam. Wet plate become thin and begin to exfoliate due to the fact that they are treated with manicure tools in a softened condition. Metal nail files - the last century, they are too traumatic. Buy a glass nail file or a tool with a dusting of sand fines. For polishing and polishing using special soft block of thick cardboard.

Moving nail file back and forth is not necessary - so you only damage your nails. Process the plate tool, moving gradually from the edges to the center. Round out the nails or not - a matter of taste. However, you should know that the rounded shape of ingrown nails manicure helps in the skin. The classic version - oval shape it visually lengthens the fingers and makes them more elegant. In addition, apply varnish on an oval plate is much more convenient than a round or square.

When manicure also use scissors and cosmetic tweezers, clippers. Because of them to the nail plate may occur and groove strips, so it is best to postpone them aside. Tweezers can handle only exfoliated skin pieces, called barbs.

 how to do a manicure

Step Three: steaming nail plate and cuticle

  • Baths for hands: effective ways to hydrate the skin

When you do a manicure at home, do not forget the hand bath. It is made to moisturize the skin and prepare the cuticle circumcision or slide. The simplest version of a bath - hot water with the addition of essential oils. For this purpose, well suited tea tree oil, rosemary, ylang-ylang, patchouli and cedar.

You can also use warm herbal infusions, they strengthen the nail plate and have an analgesic effect on inflamed joints. For one bath, prepare a decoction of 500 ml. water and 3 tablespoons chamomile, calendula or yarrow. Dip the brush in his hand for 10 minutes, then pat the skin with a towel.

How to do a manicure, which is no different from the salon? Throw in the water before rasparivaniem moisturizes and softens the bomb. Salt bomb for manicure and pedicure can be purchased at the store or make your own. Moreover, there is nothing complicated about the process of their production there. It will take an ordinary soda, citric acid or vinegar, oil or almond oil extract vitamin A and E, essential oil of eucalyptus or peppermint.

In a plastic bowl, combine ½ cup baking soda, ¼ cup of citric acid, 2 tablespoons almond oil and vitamin mixture, add ether eucalyptus. Bring cold water to the consistency of thick cream. Pour the mixture over the cups and put out to dry in a warm place. Each time before a manicure throw into the water a couple of bombochek if you want to have a strong and healthy nails.

Borrow a trick from the masters, which they used during the spa manicure. Make bath of any oil that is there at your home - sunflower, burdock, olive or sesame. Heat 500 ml. vegetable fat in a pan to 60 ° C. Dip hands in the butter for 10 minutes, followed by a massage, a beneficial effect on the growth and nails, and their appearance. Rub gently and stretch the skin, moving from the wrist to the fingers. Pats on the phalanx, and pinched them. Complete the easy strokes.

  • Removing the skin in the hollow nail

After the steam bath treated nails antiseptic - for example, alcohol or a solution furatsilina. When European manicure cuticle is cut off during spa treatments or push it dissolved. Cut cuticle scissors with rounded ends, which also must be disinfected. Carefully follow the cleanliness of instruments, or introduce contaminants into the nail hole. Do not attach healthy skin - it's very painful.

Dissolve the cuticle of the nail can be using fruit acids. In order not to buy a special tool in the shop, use a cosmetic disc impregnated with lemon juice or apple cider vinegar. Remains of skin just slide to the base of the nail using a sharpened orange sticks.

If you are - beginner in manicure, buy special electric trimmer for trimming cuticles. A small device similar to a forked knife, gently and almost painlessly removes excess skin. Frequency of implementation of such a procedure - once or twice a month, no more.

  • Nutritious mask for the skin of hands

It ends with a moisturizing treatment for hands and nails application of a special mask. Change can be a nourishing cream-based glycerine or silicone. Apply a thick layer of cream on the palm for 20 minutes and wear fabric gloves. Or prepare a mask of products that can be found at any kitchen. To strengthen the nails, use a mask of olive oil and orange juice. Heat over low heat 100 grams. oil, add 1 egg yolk and 2 tablespoons

orange juice. Mix well and apply on your hands for 10 minutes. To cope with the pain in the joints, cook carrot and mint mask. Grate the carrots on a large grater, add 20-30 drops of alcohol tincture of peppermint, mix and apply on your hands. Rinse with warm water after half an hour.

 a manicure at home

Step Four: application of therapeutic compositions and color coating

Once you are done to take care of your hands, you can put on nails therapeutic serum. It is sold in any drugstore in a vial with a clear liquid and a brush. There are a nutritious, whitening serum and serum specific bitter for those who are accustomed to nail biting. The next time you stop to think again podnesete fingers to her lips, nasty, but it is a safe means of taste will remind you that you can not nail biting.

Under the colored lacquer is applied ad hoc basis. Base under the lacquer protects the nail from absorbing color pigment and aligns the nail plate. Top coating is applied on top of nail polish color and significantly extends the life of manicure.

A couple tips for last: if colored lacquer "band" or falls unevenly apply for hedging a couple more layers. To create a holographic effect of the nail plate can be covered with lacquer, pearl-Shimmer. If you do not have time to wait for your nails dry - sprinkle them with a special rapid drying.

 How to do a manicure at home beautifully and correctly?

We recommend that read: Nail Care Home
