eveline cream for depilation


  • Cream to fight the vegetation on the body: types and their advantages
  • Is it necessary funds for depilation?

Nowadays, women who prefer cream for depilation, impose on those products a number of specific requirements which it is obliged to comply. Firstly, it must be of high quality and efficient, and, secondly, to completely secure. This facility should quickly remove all unwanted body hair without harming the skin, leaving no irritation without causing dryness and many such unpleasant consequences. One of these creams is Eveline, which meets all international norms and standards, which is confirmed by certificates.

The activity Evelyn started back in eighty third year in Poland, today its products are in demand all around the world. Maintain its leading position and did not disappear from the market of the cosmetic industry it was possible due to the high quality and reasonable price for all categories of manufactured goods. Despite the fact that the company produces for depilation cream Eveline from high quality raw materials, the cost is affordable for almost every girl in our country.

 depilatory cream Eveline

Cream to fight the vegetation on the body: types and their advantages

Company Evelyn made sure that each of the fair sex was able to choose for themselves the appropriate cream for hair removal, which is not only to cope with its problems, but did not cause much discomfort after use. So you can easily find Eveline for sensitive, dry skin, fast, slow hair growth, as well as for the delicate bikini area and underarms. And so for a long time after the procedure, the vegetation does not bother you, you can purchase a balm for the slowdown.

A series of ultra potent and creams

If you want to deal with hair on their feet as quickly as possible, your best bet is to opt for these products. Included in the material immediately dissolved rods hairs, while they do not cause burns. Before use, carefully read the instructions that should always be followed.

  • Multi means 8 to 1

It refers to a potent Eveline creams for hair removal, so it is suitable for women with normal skin. This tool quickly and easily removes even the hard and dark hairs, which can not handle conventional. It contains extracts of melon and cucumber, which protect the upper layers of the epidermis from the aggressive exposure, make the treated area soft and smooth.

  • Tool with aloe vera

To remove unwanted vegetation from your body, you have to spend just three minutes. This cream nourishes the epidermis, slows down hair growth, so you can resort to depilation much less frequently than before. Please note that such a remedy in any case can not be used on the face, damaged or heavily tanned skin.

  • Tool to extract aloe vera and melon

Fast hair removal cream body applied to the skin for three minutes (maximum ten), is then removed with a spatula and is washed off with plenty of water. The time at which it should leave depends on the texture, color and thickness of the hair. Unfortunately, Eveline with aloe vera extract and melon is not suitable for the person. Observe precautions during the days after treatment, you can not use aggressive products and preparations, which include alcohol. Avoid direct sunlight on your skin, or you will get burned.

  • The tool that removes the hair in three minutes

Despite the fact that the effect of the cream with extracts of aloe vera and peach really fast, its effectiveness is always at the highest level. After application of the series ceases skin is very soft, smooth as a baby, while you do not have to "erase" the rest of the vegetation with the help of a razor, epilator or tweezers.

A series of creams for bio-depilation

If you want to get a perfect result without overpaying for the brand, pay attention to the cream for bio - depilation brand Eveline. The fact that it is credible, confirmed experimentally. The main difference in this series is the special ingredients that make the procedure removal of vegetation on the body is virtually painless.

  • Means for sensitive skin

Eveline company takes special care to all its customers and is trying to make their products fit each of the fair sex, so they released a new technology for a unique series of women whose skin is prone to couperose. With such trouble to help cope chestnut extract, which is part of this magical cream. Now, after the hair removal treatments, capillary net you no longer bother.

  • Ultranezhnoe means 9v1

Why nine in one? Because this cream has nine features that play an important role during the depilation. First, he quickly removes the vegetation on the body, and secondly, is completely safe, in the third, after Eveline hairs start to grow much more slowly than usual. Thus, you will not have to resort to the procedure more than once in a week or two.

The great advantage is also the hydration of the epidermis, as it loses moisture after exposure to corrosive substances. This cream does not happen drying of the skin, as is the case after using conventional means for depilation. Next, which speaks in favor Eveline - is the presence of bio extract that completely prevents irritation, and co-enzymes Q10 + R, which will help to restore the upper layers of the epidermis treated.

Another feature that is worth mentioning - a positive effect on the skin. You'll notice that even after the first depilation areas where the cream was applied, will become smooth and pleasant to the touch. Last plus is that you can apply the cream at any time, at the same time express the result you will be guaranteed.

  • Ultrauvlazhnyayuschee means for bikini and underarms

In the area where the most delicate and sensitive skin should use special cream Eveline for depilation, which is composed of soothing and less aggressive substances. Tahiti oil and shea butter, mango extract - all this will benefit the epidermis, experiencing a small stress during such a procedure.

 good cream for depilation Evelyn

Series ultranezhnyh creams

If your body is hard to tolerate the procedure of hair removal using a conventional cream, use ultranezhny. However, despite the complete safety of Eveline, before applying it is recommended that you test it on a small area of ​​the body.

  • Means for the bikini area

Any girl will need to allocate only five minutes of your time to completely remove the hair in a selected area. Thus, no need to go to the salon, to endure incredible pain, if the vegetation is removed with wax to deal with ingrown hairs, which appear as a result of normal hair removal and shaving. After depilation cream easily removed by conventional warm water. Note, gel or soap used in this case impossible.

  • Tool with aloe vera

If you think that this cream for hair removal less effective or it would have to be used more often, then you are deeply mistaken. Below, apart from the presence of additional components that protect the epidermis, such means are different. You are free to use Eveline to remove vegetation in intimate areas, under the armpits, on the back. But his face still can not be applied.

  • Tool 9v1

As with any such cream Eveline, the tool you exactly like it. What could be better than a smooth skin that no curl. You can walk to the beach in the most explicit attire, without fear that everyone will see black dots germinating rods in the bikini area and underarms. In addition, you can use it for hair removal of hair on the very delicate area of ​​the body - the face. With its help you once and for all forget about the gun above the lip, chin or forehead.

Just be careful to not get the cream in your eyes. If this happens, rinse with cold water, then immediately contact an eye specialist. It is best to entrust the application of the procedure means the other person (girlfriend, sister, mother), so as not to risk your eyesight.

Moistening agent

How often after the procedure you feel uncomfortable, especially when your skin comes into contact with the clothes? And after the first twenty-four hours is not recommended to use a softening cream, as they can cause itching and irritation. To this no more, use a moisturizer for hair removal Evelyn.

  • Tool with d-panthenol

This cream for hair removal can also be applied to the skin, without fear of getting burned. Eveline is a potent tool, so do not keep it longer than it is specified on the package. Do not forget that the instructions written after many clinical trials, which are conducted by experienced specialists only in specialized laboratories.

 good cream for depilation Evelyn

Is it necessary funds for depilation?

The skin of many women is very sensitive to any mechanical stress, so shaving machine, hair removal, hair removal using wax - all this for them is a real torture. The thought that soon will have to repeat the same procedure as the fair sex often throws in a shiver. And in order to make their lives easier, the company has released a number of the above Eveline creams that instantly get rid of the vegetation for a long time. In addition, you can use the balm that cares for the skin, slows down hair growth. Be perfect, without any special effort - simple.

 Eveline Cream for hair removal or off the vegetation on the body

We recommend that read: Cream Veet waxing intimate areas
