how to get rid of anxiety


  • Coping mechanisms as natural regulators alarm
  • Several psychological advice

Many people turn to a psychologist with the question: how to get rid of anxiety, depression and anger forever? It will be incorrect if the psychologist says that such redemption is possible because anxiety is one of the basic senses of humans. It painted a negative emotion that arises in a situation of uncertainty as a reaction to the expectation of something negative. Anxiety is different from fear - as a rule, causes of fear are apparent to man, but the cause of the anxiety often neosoznavaemo. And if you are not clear reason, and get rid of anxiety is very difficult.

Like the rest of the basic feelings (fear, pleasure, displeasure, anger), anxiety has its positive function - it protects a person from the potentially harmful behavior, helps him critical and selective attitude to reality, and promotes socialization. It may be enhanced in an important situation for the man, as well as lack of time and information.

In some cases, anxiety ceases to perform positive functions and starts to harm the individual. Typically, neurotic anxiety is not commensurate with the importance of the situation and is not related to a real threat. The reasons for the transition to the normal neurotic anxiety can be either internal (physiological or psychological) and external. Then the question arises: how to get rid of anxiety and fear?

To answer this question it is necessary to correctly understand the cause of the alarm. Famous psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud defines it as an unpleasant experience, signaling the alleged danger. It is experienced as a feeling of uncertainty and helplessness, accompanied by corresponding bodily reactions such as heart palpitations.

The basic answer to the question how to get rid of anxiety, depression and irritability, Freud believed the fight or flight from it, as well as various methods of psychological defense. These include denial ("to me this does not happen"), rationalization ("it is necessary for a number of reasonable cause"), projection ("just what I think and feel, the other also"), regression (child behavior), and other . Good and uniformly developed security features safeguard the individual from excessive anxiety, but if there is an excess in any direction, it becomes a psychological problem.

 how to get rid of depression, anxiety and irritability

Coping mechanisms as natural regulators alarm

But there are personal education of a higher order, help people deal with anxiety. In psychology they are called coping mechanisms (from the English "litter" - to protect).

Coping and coping - a set of conscious actions (thoughts, feelings, behavior), allowing a person to cope with internal stress and discomfort using methods appropriate to the individual and the situation.

Unlike psychological defenses, coping are aware and more productive methods of dealing with anxiety - they adjust to the alarming situation, do not distort the perception of reality, and their effect is prolonged. How to get rid of fear and anxiety by means of coping? You must be fully aware of the difficulties, to know the different ways of coping with a situation of this type to be able to promptly and apply them in practice. What are the different types of coping mechanisms?

  • Coping aimed at solving the problem

    It may be difficult to focus on resolving the situation, its systematic thinking taking into account other points of view. Also contributes to solving the problem of hard work and good attitude, a positive view of the situation and maintain good spirits. Will be useful leisure - change of activity or exercise.

  • Coping aimed at obtaining social support

    This type psychologists attribute the desire to share their problems with others, to get approval. This fellowship with old friends or the acquisition of new ones. A person who chooses a coping, having the desire to be with someone near and interest in what others are doing. In the case of the occurrence of operational problems he seek professional help in case of problems with the emergence of the personal - looking for spiritual support: read the relevant literature, talking with a spiritual mentor.

  • Unconstructive coping

    Some psychologists believe that the inefficient are concerns about the future, hope for a miracle, the abandonment of action, disease care, "letting off steam", an attempt to take on the failures of others, alcohol, the desire to escape and relax with relaxation, withdrawal and self-blame. However, this is debatable, because for someone to distraction from the problems can be very effective if not removed alarm, then certainly in the accumulation of resources to combat it.

 to get rid of fear and anxiety

Several psychological advice

I would like to remind you that to get rid of anxiety is impossible - it is necessary to man in some situations. However, if it starts to interfere with your life, the psychologists give some specific tips on how to get rid of anxiety:

  1. Choose the one way to relieve anxiety that suits you

    For example, if you worry about the child, can be an effective conversation with a friend, having children. However, someone that is not an option, and more preferred is the interaction with the problem - for example, a conversation with a child or helping him.

  2. The support reduces internal tensions

    Have you noticed that when you do something alone, increased responsibility, and hence the anxiety? It follows that a sense of consistency can reduce stress, as well as approval from the foreign or even praise. Therefore, in situations of anxiety, try to somebody cooperate, ask for help or advice, or simply looking for support from friends.

  3. Direct the energy to a peaceful course

    Often anxiety - is accumulated tension; implement it in a peaceful manner, for example, in the work, hobbies, cleaning or playing sports.

  4. Try different options for complacency

    Some option may be good in one situation and not effective in another. Furthermore, the use of only one way to relieve anxiety narrows your thinking, and the efficiency of this embodiment is reduced.

  5. Increase your self-esteem

    Psychologists have proved that there is a connection between low self-esteem and high anxiety. Insecure a person is constantly worried that he does not work because he is stupid, weak, ugly, etc. ... Improves self-esteem with the help of auto-training ("I - the most charming and attractive") and eliminate problem areas of your personality.

  6. Break big problems into small

    Our perception is arranged so that global problems are perceived as unsolvable and cause more trouble than small. You can try to take a blank sheet of paper and divide it into two columns: one to write down what you are concerned, and in another - the timing and methods of solution.

  7. Try to play the worst case scenario

    This way you will be able to experience it in a safe way, and it is embedded in your experience, that will reduce the uncertainty and anxiety reduction. And stop being afraid of the worst, you will not worry about the rest.

Do not always be afraid of their anxiety. Do not forget that it can be helpful, because sometimes it just motivates you to take action and solve a particular problem. But do not forget that if you allow your brain to constantly scroll "what if ...", coming up with all sorts of worst-case scenarios, then the anxiety and worry will be your constant companion, more than that - your eternal and very serious problem. Persistent fears and anxiety can act on human paralyzing. They are able to take the emotional energy and interfere with your daily life. So start training your brain to always stay calm and look at life from a positive point of view!

 How to get rid of anxiety: psychological advice

We recommend to check out how to get rid of fear

 persecution mania


  • Causes and symptoms
  • Treatment

Persecution - formerly known mental disorder, known in psychiatry the term "delusions of persecution." He, as well as other types of delirium, refers to the basic signs of insanity.

Brad - is thought disorder, which manifests itself in the false ideas, full of exciting the consciousness of the patient and can not be changed from outside, despite the discrepancy between the reality. At the heart of these ideas are false premise - what's called a "curve logic". Brad may be accompanied by the development of a mental illness (such as schizophrenia), or it can be an independent violation.

In the everyday life we ​​often call nonsense arguments of others, that seem strange, illogical or even insane. They are fundamentally different state of true delusions or delusions of persecution. It has its own criteria:

  • It is always a manifestation of the disease;
  • Inventing any facts about reality;
  • Violation of adaptation to live and work in the community;
  • The impossibility of correction by others;

 paranoid symptoms

Causes and symptoms

Psychiatrists have long been studying the disease known as persecution, her symptoms are described in many medical sources. However, its causes are still a mystery to doctors. If you throw all non-scientific theory, it is possible to talk about the combination of external and internal factors. Patients observed a special constitution of the central nervous system, creating susceptibility to various psychiatric disorders. His role is also played by wrong education, family problems, psychological trauma. At one point, is not on this rich soil is imposed for a serious stress disorder, and a person "breaks" in the disease. However, all these thoughts still have one hundred percent and remain confirm the hypothesis.

The main essence of this delusional disorder is the idea that a person trying to capture, find and do harm. The patient seems to be that a certain person or group of people chasing him with a negative or hostile purpose - to rob, maim or kill. Delusions of persecution may be different in form. When a patient tells in detail about what is the prosecution (for example, it may be poisoning or the desire to harm), can accurately call start time, the purpose and used for this purpose funds, the impact of the prosecution and its outcome, then we can talk a high level of systematization of delusions. This indicates that symptoms are present in humans a long time.

Brad does not become systematic in an instant. Its development was preceded by a special condition, which is called "delusional mood." In this state, all surrounding a person acquires a special meaning, there are blank and vague anxiety. The person begins to see a threat in everything, everything seems sinister - like the calm before the storm. He is waiting for that to happen to him something special to happen a radical change in its existence. Anxiety becomes constant, and in this state of delirium first manifests itself. It should be noted that the loss of a subjective delusion brings relief to the patient, because the situation is allowed unknown. However, his family begins hard time.

Unfortunately, delirium develops over time, and under the suspicion of the patient gets more people. For example, first the patient believes that his wife is poison. Gradually, this idea applies to neighbors, which later turn out to be related to intelligence agents, etc ... I am not only the substance but also the nature of thinking. It becomes very thorough - the patient is inclined to describe their ideas very, very detailed. However, he can not distinguish the important from the unimportant, and will be equally long time to talk about the color of the pot in the kitchen and about the appearance of potential "pests."

One thought disorder symptoms are not limited to delusions of persecution - to them and adds more personality disorders. Often, the patient's family members say that their relative if changed. The man becomes suspicious, aggressive, tense and wary. All these symptoms are very vividly manifested in behavior - the patient behaves in a strange way, making what had never done, and answers questions sparingly, as if weighing every word.

For delirium often adjoin the so-called "Overvalued ideas". They differ in that they are based on some real events or facts, but misinterpreted by the man himself. Brad is initially formed from false premises. Overvalued ideas - border phenomenon, they are characterized by how many little ordinary people (for example, when us down a dark street continuously follows a group of people, it may seem that they are persecuted, but in fact it is just a coincidence) and accompanied development of various mental disorders such as depression.

 persecution treatment


Despite a long study of this phenomenon as a persecution, the treatment it is still not perfect, but its effectiveness is poor. There is a widespread view that delirium is a symptom of disorders of the brain. One of the first wrote about it, Ivan Petrovich Pavlov, considering the anatomical and physiological causes of delirium pathological focus excitation frustrating conditioned reflex activity in the brain. Association, associated with it, becoming a dominant role, and the whole life of a person begins to obey the disastrous system of delirium.

In connection with the domination of the biological concept of delusions of persecution, the treatment is mainly performed by pharmacological methods. The psychiatrist prescribed to patients treated pills, which is able to inhibit the development of disease. Insulin therapy, electroconvulsive therapy are usually ineffective when paranoid states.

As has been described above, the persecution does not lend itself to verbal influence from the outside. Accordingly, therapeutic methods are not used in the treatment of delirium. However, it should be noted that a very important question remains the creation of good conditions for the adaptation of these patients in the community, and a psychologist with a social worker can significantly help.

 Persecution: symptoms, course of treatment

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